Lilly Redemption Even Possible?
If you're nice to her she's nice to you. Redemption maybe? Buying you're mean she hurts you and was going to shoot you point-blank if Violet/Louis didnt save you. And she tells the raiders to shoot you no matter what you do. P.s why is she talking in a scratchy mellow tone like Daryl. It's kind of annoying.
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I literally have a save file dedicated to being as nice to her as I can. Maybe it will pay off?
She'll always be redeemable. She just lost her way. We have to set her on the right path.
Then can I kill her
No! Bad TripleKillionaire, bad!
** beats with rolled up news paper **
Cmon dude she loves a guy who shot a six year old with a double barrel. Unless she kills him I’m taking her out.
What makes you think she loves him?? It’s strictly business between them
Nope there’s something there
Yes. Yes, there is a possibility. She's still a scared little girl acting like a tough bitch just like Carley put it.
Maybe she'll finally take a page from Clem's book this time around.
Still waiting for the right moment to off her.
Wow, almost sounds like me regarding her.
Maybe, but I have a gut feeling she might get her thorat slit like Negan than she gets eaten by a pack of walkers.
Maybe we will have to see
Not in my story line it isn't. Killing Carly was Strike 1, Stealing the RV and leaving Clem and Lee in the cold woods to die was Strikes 2 and 3. And now she has the nerve, the fucking audacity after sending children to die in her war like the nazi she is to tell Clem that Lee shoulda left her behind and he'd be ashamed at how he thought her. If I didn't want to curb stomp her before, I sure do now. The useless, wretched, power tripping bitch. She kidnaps children for slavery, killed someone over a lost argument, and stole an RV from people with children trying to survive a zombie apocolypse. I hope they give Clem the chance to beat her ass. She's tough hiding behind a gun.
The first instance I have at slitting that fucking bitches windpipe i'm carving a C in her asaphagus for Carly, and a L in her heart for Lee. Then i'll give her a proper burial just so I have a place to take a shit. I hate her guts. I hope she dies nice and slow and TT or whatever dev takes over let's the player stew in it for a bit. I'm glad I crack her father's skull with the salt lamp and i'd do it again. She is rotten and far beyond redemption at this point.
If Negan can be redeemed I think Lily can.
I find it almost impossible at this point. She's way too selfish and just like @ZombieKenny pointed out, I can't just forgive what she's done so easily. But I'm excited about the possibilities with her character. I do think she's more evil than good but she has layers. Some good is there.
But still not enough for me to spare her. If I have the chance, I'll kill her. She's too dangerous to be left alive. The only problem is that I told AJ he murdered Marlon and that will surely bite me in the butt afterwords.
It was over the moment A.J got shot, There will be no peace.
Nah, she's worse than Negan & The Governor put together.
What's wrong with villains just being straight up villains?
She killed Mitch and shot Violet/Louis. Where do you see redemption?
She may have gotten a little carried away, but it's the apocalypse. Who doesn't? Anyway, I've decided to turn the other cheek, and look past her minor misdeeds. There's still a chance for me to save her from herself.
This was Lily's facial expression after killing Mitch. Doesn't she look like she wholeheartedly regrets what she's done? What truly evil person puts on an expression like that after killing someone? Carver didn't. Neither did Badger.This woman's not a bad person, she's probably just in a really tight spot. If she was truly evil, she wouldn't have put him out of his misery right then and there. There's more to Lily than meets the eye.

For Lilly? Yes. For Abel? No.
I'll never forgive Lilly for killing Carley but seeing how she couldn't kill Clementine after seeing her again and during the raid. There has to be a chance. I couldn't save John Doe from becoming the Joker, but I will find a way to save Lilly.
She's still got humanity in her, it's very apparent if you select "we were family once". Our choices are largely going to determine whether or not she redeems herself.
That being said I'm trying my hardest to redeem her, but if before I'm able to there's an opportunity to kill her, I'm taking it. She's far too unpredictable and dangerous to keep alive.
Doubtful. She’s a raider now.
Sure, she might’ve recognized Clementine and attempted to re-establish a connection with her based on a mutual acquaintance they had years ago, but it was mostly done out of self-interest and a desire to poach AJ so he can onstensibly become a child soldier for their group.
Which I’m fine with, btw. She’s meant to be a villain, so maybe, I dunno, keep her that way?
i think they did her dirty with the direction they took her character in. it certainly seems like they want us to believe she regrets some of her actions in this ep, but bc of inconsistent writing it came off as a bit hard to believe in my playthrough. if you don’t tell louis and violet to run or pick the other option lilly shoots you without blinking in the forest scene, which kind of cheapened the moment when she hesitated to kill clem for me. i still believe she can be redeemed though, i want her to
I dont believe she is too far gone yet. The problem is she doesnt have anything to live for anymore, if we could show her that she is not alone, we might be able to pull her from the brink. Even if it only for one last act of redemption
Lilly got to go and if episode 3 and 4 come out I'm killing her the first opportunity I get
She only cared about killing Mitch because she can't use him in her army. Also, I don't see remorse, I see fear. And isn't that facial expression after she points the gun to Clem's head?
Well, maybe.
There has to be some massive brainwashing going on at the Delta if they manage to turn captives into soldiers.
Who's to say Lilly isn't another brainwashed victim of whoever runs that place?
Bro, there were like 10 other kids, he was expendable.
Well yeah, it makes sense. Lily didn't know who the girl was, so she was hostile until she saw Clementine's face.
My clem was neutral..not mean..she was a mixed bag to my clem and didnt shoot her. However, my clem is playing the game. When the situation is reversed.. Lilly will die.. double tap to ensure death...
Not redeemable to my clementine
Lilly needs all of the kids, Abel even admits as much when they attacked Clem in the woods. But I think she was scared when Mitch rushed her, because she didn't expect one of the kids to do that. I don't think she feels anything for any of the kids, except Clementine. That's why she seems accepting when Clem offers to sacrifice herself and join her.
I do think she's definitely going to have a redemption arc in the next episode. Infact, I think we're going to have a choice between joining Lilly (staying alive), and staying with the kids (Dying). I think this is going to be the final choice.
But there's no way I'm joining her. Telltale will have to make her a saint in the next episode for that to happen. There's nothing worse than brainwashing kids into fighting a war for you. I would rather die than to see that happen to Clem and the others.
She made that face after stabbing him in the head. And you really think her boss is gonna care if one kid died? She even said to "kill whoever you have to". I don't think someone who desperately needed all of them would give such an order.
Yes, she said that after she killed Mitch. That's why she was so mad. She didn't want to kill them all. But she was scared after Mitch rushed her so she decided to kill the ones fighting back.
No no no no no, all wrong. I respect your opinion though.
Her redemption went out the window this episode which showed she can't be redeemed. Even if you weren't nice to her, doesn't justify her actions towards you.
There could be a grain of truth to what you said, but she killed Mitch because he was going to come back as a walker in the midst of her kidnapping plot.
i'm honestly glad she killed mitch. he was a troublemaker. but i still gotta kill lily first chance i get. kidnapping children to use as soldiers is psychotic.