I'm legitimately depressed
It has not been officially confirmed but it's not looking too great for episodes 3 and 4 of TFS. All I want is closure for Clem and AJ and it's possible we will likely never get it.
I feel angry that we were allowed to buy the season pass with a release schedule only for it to be possibly cancelled. I feel betrayed that the higher ups let the entire TWD team go and that TWAU s2 will definitely not happen. But mostly I feel depressed... very, very depressed. I'm depressed that Clem/AJ might not get closure. I'm depressed that we will never get sequels to GoT, Batman, and TWAU. I'm just so fucking depressed.
I'm trying to find a bright side here. Pete Hawley didn't confirm that TFS was cancelled and he did say they would finish up their obligations and have announcements for their ongoing projects. If TFS episodes 3 and 4 never come out, I could easily see one of the writers telling us the ending that we were supposed to get. And at least we will still get episode 2.... it could be worse if this all happened right after the premiere and that one episode was all we got. Right?
I'm depressed. This series has been a huge part of my life for the past several years and I'm legitimately grieving at the news. I am hoping and praying that we somehow get episodes 3 and 4 at least. What is everyone's thoughts?
Regardless, it has been quite a wild ride with this community. I'm not sure what will happen to the forums but I hope to see many of you at r/TheWalkingDeadGame.
Warmest regards to each and every one of you,
Same here, this really sucks.
I havent been on this board in a year or so but I havent stopped playing their games and this series has been a great way for me to bond with my mother as I played and she made the decisions. she just finished episode 4 of ANF and I am legitimitely bummed out and kind've tearing up thinking about when the cancellation becomes official and I have to tell her that it will never finish.
I’m mixed emotion about this, Angry,Depressed , in-denial , twitchy and all the negative attributes.
My head is screaming in agony .
It's like a nightmare.
I wish I'd wake up and everything would be fine
I'm actually depressed about this man. I've been playing Telltale games for 6 years, grown attached to these characters and this is how it ends
Im feeling pretty down too. I really wanted Wolf S2 and now I know it will never happen. Knowing Walking Dead will likely end without a conclusion in anyway makes me feel sick, and knowing these forums will die doesnt make things better. What a lousy day.
I just went into full eating disorder after being good for 1.5 years because of this news. I literally just ate toast bread with ketchup and mayonnaise
The final season of walking dead is cancelled???
It hasn't been confirmed by Telltale, but it is quite likely.
Yup, episode 2 will still release but 3 and 4 will probably never see the light of day.
I've been dealing with depression ever since I was 16-17 years old back in 2013. Telltale Games has been one of the few saving graces I had and helped me found the love I had for creating. Even up to just a few minutes ago, this year had been especially cruel to me and today I just felt so overwhelmed with everything and kinda broke down in tears. Can't sleep, can't talk, quite literally can't do shit for myself right now.
I don't doubt that I'll find my way, but Telltale had been a big part of my guidance for plenty of years now. It's gonna be tough without them, but I do hope things work out for the workers affected. A select few are demonizing them right now, but no one wanted this.
Bad news, we'll experience the end of Clem's story.
Slightly good news, you can make up your own fanfic and headcanon in whatever you want, give her the ending you think she should have gotten.
I'm just completely dumbfounded more than anything. Like yesterday I didn't even consider the notion that anything was even wrong at Telltale. Now I come on to find out that LITERALLY EVERYTHING is over!
This is so sad
Alexa play walking dead season 1 episode 5 ending
I miss you
mee toooo
If you want to feel even more depressed, listen to "Alive Inside" which is the most depressing song from Season 1.
...telltale was different and offered so much story...and now..
These news were the first thing I saw this morning. It feels like a punch in the fucking gut, man.
“I...I don’t feel so good”
Beat me to it
There’s other good ones I’m sure will also be fitting (:
I am beyond devastated.
That is very fucked up. It's so sad to think about it, are they shutting down forever or just for sometime thou?
If telltale shuts down forever, there will be no games with good story anymore. And we will never a good ending if episode 3 and 4 are cancelled.
Telltale at its core is done forever, but their developers may be picked up by another company which may continue to make Telltale games.
That's more fucked up than i thought. This is like a nightmare come true.
Yep, I'm still hoping to wake up.
Episode 3 is likely at least 50% done because we know they've been working on it for a while. That would leave 1.5 episodes for the skeleton crew to finish up and they already have the story and graphical assets. Nothing has been confirmed, only speculation from third party outlets and ex employees who are out of the loop. I can't see them simply cancelling without finishing the story.
Really hoping that whole minecraft thing turns out to be just a rumor and they are indeed working on TFS, but I doubt it.
I was in a good mood,finished the blood and wine witcher 3 dlc and just heard the news
this is fucked up
What minecraft thing ?
Telltale has a deal with Netflix to do something with Minecraft story mode. A lot of people are speculating that the skeleton crew is only for Minecraft and won't be working on TFS, which I somewhat doubt.
Minecraft Story Mode doesn't have that big fanbase as TWD, and it doesn't make such money. A crew/company/corporation, etc... needs money to continue, I doubt that they will be working only on minecraft too.
They have a legally binding contract with Netflix so whether it was a good decision or not they're going to fulfill their obligation.
Hopefully they will fulfill their obligation to the consumers who paid for access to 4 whole episodes. Everyone is freaking out but I still have hope that they'll finish up the final 2 episodes with the skeleton crew.
cant wait to see the quality this skeleton crew can produce

Fuck Minecraft telltale promise that they will be done with TWD
You're goddamn right.
@VengefulKenny Solidarism with your brother, that at least we have the last ep
Well I personally intend to sue for return in investment if the decription of promised content of my purchase is not completed! Cause I will not stand for being robbed and mislead in any sale. By law they must complete all that was described in the written description of the season pass or by federal law are obligated to refund us and if they try to dodge that responsibility I will be bringing my lawers to get refunds cause I don't stand for being cheated for any reason!
You will probably end up spending more on legal fees than you will get from the actual refund.
I've been following TWD since 2012, i didn't think something non real life related could make feel dismal but i am honestly still incredibly heavy hearted since the cancellation. It also didn't help that episode 2 was everything i wanted out of it and then some.