The Walking Dead Kenny discussion .
Now since we all know that Kenny as the determinant Charater we might get to see him , I mean in my orgianal season 2 play threw I went to Wellington...can you imagine if Lilly right now saw Kenny I mean without a doubt their going to be at eachother s thorat s on who is best to guiding Clementine even ho she’s all grown up...I mean she can’t take care of AJ by herself you know.
But back too Kenny being alive still is possible I’m just speechless to say what else I can say about Kenny.
What do you guys think I’m all ears.
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If Kenny was alive (I assume he's most likely dead) and Lily saw him, it would be Kenny vs Jane all over again.
True, that’s the obvious outcome.
She pretty much took care of AJ by herself
The only case where kenny might still be alive is if you stayed at wellington, but in TFS story builder in the first episode, you don’t get theability to select that option.
Which is why I’m disappotied about, it’s like that ending was for nothing.
You still get it if you import a save file with that ending
All the endings were for nothing.
The Wellington ending was a noble sacrifice on Kenny's part and a fitting end to his arc. At the time, nobody made that decision thinking, "Oh maybe Kenny can do his own thing for a while and we will miraculously run into him again!". Kenny couldn't save his own kid but he was able to sacrifice his own safety so that Clem and AJ could have a chance at a normal life. Bringing him back would take away so much of the meaning and emotional resonance behind the entire ending.
Things are different to how they were in season 1. Lilly has a whole army behind her now. She would either be trying to recruit him or kill him. Hope they bring Kenny back as soon as possible.
Isn’t that like saying that your parents leave you somewhere for your own good, but you end up leaving that place, yet you don’t want to see your parents again because you feel like it builds character?? Ik I look at characters like actual people, cos it’s a video game for entertainment, not an English essay that I need to decipher, buuut whatever floats your boat
I guess
Kenny is dead...leave him behind.
It only works if it’s a local save