The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • so i was watching ancient aliens and thought of something. so like the earth is like 1million years old right and humans have only been around like 5thousand years and only really started doing big stuff in like the past 50 years. like before that they didn't even have electricity but like a year later they landed on the moon so i was thinking ok since earth is obv capable of creating life what if a million years ago there was another dominant species like humans and they were the aliens but they all left earth before humans were born and that's why we can't find any dinosaurs anymore except alligators. it makes so much sense just look at all those carvings of astronauts that ancient people drew. i don't think a meteor could kill all the dinosaurs including flying ones and land ones and even the underwater ones like that mega shark guy. more likely dinosaurs were smart and built spaceships then left earth together and what we find now are their ancestor's bones and that's why when people are visited by aliens they don't quite look human because they're ancient dinosaurs who evolved.

  • I saw the movie LOGAN twice. First time I was falling asleep, and slept through it a little, so I went to go see it a second time. I almost slept through it the second time, but forced myself to stay up :D It was a great movie imo.

  • This will be so awesome if it's real.

  • edited October 2018

    so i was watching ancient aliens

    so like the earth is like 1million years old right

    humans have only been around like 5thousand years

    only really started doing big stuff in like the past 50 years.

    like before that they didn't even have electricity but like a year later they landed on the moon

    there was another dominant species like humans and they were the aliens but they all left earth before humans were born and that's why we can't find any dinosaurs anymore except alligators.

    i don't think a meteor could kill all the dinosaurs including flying ones and land ones and even the underwater ones like that mega shark guy.

    more likely dinosaurs were smart and built spaceships then left earth together and what we find now are their ancestor's bones and that's why when people are visited by aliens they don't quite look human because they're ancient dinosaurs who evolved.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    so i was watching ancient aliens and thought of something. so like the earth is like 1million years old right and humans have only been arou

  • It’s all love?

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    so i was watching ancient aliens and thought of something. so like the earth is like 1million years old right and humans have only been arou

  • edited October 2018

    Welp I finished Stranger Things Season 2. Episode 8 hurt my heart so much :'(

  • I used to play a lot of Harry Potter games as a kid but not a fan anymore.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    This will be so awesome if it's real.

  • edited October 2018

    Why is this so relatable ? that wasn’t even rhetorical, why is this boy, no, this man, my spirit brother all of a sudden?
    “She was pretty hot”
    “She was my cousin”
    A true war hero ??

  • I cannot beat the last Valkire boss in God of War!!! She is kicking my ass and doesn't give me time to catch a break.

  • edited October 2018

    It might be time to un-sticky the "What's next from Telltale" thread.

  • Wow. Soooooooooo it's a wrap?

    AChicken posted: »

    It might be time to un-sticky the "What's next from Telltale" thread.

  • For minecraft apparently.
    In all seriousness, this means nothing. Those employees weren’t working on TFS anyway, and Kirkman came out just a few moments ago live and stated that he hopes to see Clementine’s story completed. Soooooo, objectively and technically speaking, today was good news ?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Wow. Soooooooooo it's a wrap?

  • edited October 2018

    Welp I ended up making the forum I talked about a bit ago. Just need to change its default look and logo and I'll be done. I think :grimace:

    Also probably for some people to help "beta test" it.

  • I volunteer as tribute

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Welp I ended up making the forum I talked about a bit ago. Just need to change its default look and logo and I'll be done. I think Also probably for some people to help "beta test" it.

  • Sure! I'll PM you the link as soon as I make a few changes.

    If anyone else is interested just ask I'll like a handful of people (preferably regular forum members) to help test stuff out (mods included).

    AChicken posted: »

    I volunteer as tribute

  • I don't mind being a mod on this forum of yours o:)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Welp I ended up making the forum I talked about a bit ago. Just need to change its default look and logo and I'll be done. I think Also probably for some people to help "beta test" it.

  • What is this forum about?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Welp I ended up making the forum I talked about a bit ago. Just need to change its default look and logo and I'll be done. I think Also probably for some people to help "beta test" it.

  • It's meant to be a backup forum in case this place implodes so that we all still have a place to "hangout" if there's enough interest.

    What is this forum about?

  • edited October 2018

    Ah okay. If it's okay with you, can I be a part of it. I'm not sure how much longer this place is going to be up with so few people left, and I still want a relatively organized place to discuss Telltale and other gaming content. No offense to the Discord group, but it's kind of hard to keep track of things in there.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It's meant to be a backup forum in case this place implodes so that we all still have a place to "hangout" if there's enough interest.

  • It's not meant to be inclusive or anything so of course you can join! I'll end probably end up making a thread about it once I've fixed some stuff. But right now I just need a handful of people to help test out stuff (make posts, moderator stuff, make suggestions, etc).

    I'll PM you a link if you want to help. Just be warned that it's pretty barebones now (it's set to its default theme, no actual logo, etc) and some of the functions take some getting used to.

    Ah okay. If it's okay with you, can I be a part of it. I'm not sure how much longer this place is going to be up with so few people left, an

  • judging by Telltale’s current state, this forum is not going to survive much longer

  • Huehue, we'll see. But for now if you want you can help test out some stuff on the site. If you're interested I'll PM you the link once I've messed around with some stuff.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I don't mind being a mod on this forum of yours

  • PM me whenever you're ready.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Huehue, we'll see. But for now if you want you can help test out some stuff on the site. If you're interested I'll PM you the link once I've messed around with some stuff.

  • edited October 2018


    What's up guys, does anyone want to share something to take our minds off of everything?

  • I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.

  • Yes, Assassins creed odyssey is fucking amazing, its helping me take my mind of telltale

  • I've been watching my boyfriend play through TWDG for the first time, so I'm pretty happy considering. Pretty much my plan to stop thinking about it is to play all the Telltale games that I haven't yet and pretend they aren't shutting down lol.

  • I need to stay clear of those damned valkyria Chronicles games ._. Friggin waste of money...

  • I was thinking of picking up Odyssey but I'm probably going to wait until after midterms. Would you recommend it?

    MrGraffio posted: »

    Yes, Assassins creed odyssey is fucking amazing, its helping me take my mind of telltale

  • I can recommend it if you played Origins first, since it has the same formula but in Odyssey you kinda are thrown into the world and it took me some hours to learn the controls again. There are NAVAL BATTLES!!!!! And the protagonist Alexios is a babe (no shit hes really called Alexios, like Alexa or something)

    Megaodg33 posted: »

    I was thinking of picking up Odyssey but I'm probably going to wait until after midterms. Would you recommend it?

  • I would also love to be a mod, because that isn’t a recipe for anarchy in the slightest. Not at all

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Welp I ended up making the forum I talked about a bit ago. Just need to change its default look and logo and I'll be done. I think Also probably for some people to help "beta test" it.

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited October 2018

    The slightest inconvenience is enough to make me commit die

    So...... What's up guys, does anyone want to share something to take our minds off of everything?

  • ...

  • ...

  • What do you mean by "beta test"?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Welp I ended up making the forum I talked about a bit ago. Just need to change its default look and logo and I'll be done. I think Also probably for some people to help "beta test" it.

  • You are sick fam.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Aaaaaaaaaand I don’t think you understand the joke

  • Yeah, I've had this really bad cold for the past 4 days. I got medicine but I don't wanna take it, it tastes nasty.

    you are sensitive.

    You are sick fam.

  • Just make sure everything is working properly.

    Posting comments, making threads, moderator junk, etc.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    What do you mean by "beta test"?

  • edited October 2018

    I see. Well, if you need people then I'll try my best to help you :smile: (if you still need people)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Just make sure everything is working properly. Posting comments, making threads, moderator junk, etc.

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