Carl vs Clementine?
Who will win in a death battle? Clementine season 4 vs Carl tv show season 8 I know this question have been asked manny times before but not with season 4 clem that I am aware of.
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S4 Clem
Carl from the tv show fucking sucks,Clem would kick his ass.
Now Carl from the comics vs Clem S4..that's another story.
Against TV show Carl, Clementine no doubt.
Comic Carl, now that would be a closer battle, but after seeing Clem in S4, I'd give her the edge against him.
Carl from the tv show is a sponge compared to his comic form. Clementine shows much more promise in hand to hand combat than carl does. She’s been able to fight Abel on 3 occassions and win all of them. Not to mention all the walkers she’s taken out on her own without an adult present.
With carl, he has brutality and anger on his side. When sophia was attacked after the timeskip at the hilltop, carl ran away to get a weapon instead of staying and fighting. When he came back he beat them to point of near death with a shovel. The boy has killed his fair share of saviors and whisperers, so I’d say if you give him a gun or blunt object, he could absolutely hulk his way to killing clem.
From the games’ perspective, clem is insanely resourceful in the heat of the moment, so if she were locked in a room with him, carl will totally lose another eye or simply his life.
I vote clementine. She comes across as more intelligent and combat savvy than carl.
S4 Clementine, hands down. Years of survival on her own. Proficient hand-to-hand combat, melee weapons such as a knife, bow and arrow, and of course various firearms (handgun, rifle, shotgun). Adapt at medical care and triage. Smart and able to look at a situation and think her way out. She's a complete package for a walking dead survivor.
Coral on the other hand has never been on his own, has only used firearms, poor ability to handle walkers in hand-to-hand situations, and has made many questionable decisions. Granted the missing eye is kinda badass, but he's at a disadvantage with a lack of depth perception and limited field of view.
I think that Carl from Comics would manage to beat her. He is not as smart as she, but if he would get an advantage for even two seconds then he would easily finish her. Carl from TV Series? Please...
Not a fan of AMC so many flaws woth that show.
Clementine with out a doubt.
Carl from the tv show could throw judith at her
I love Carl from the Comics...I even loved him in the show...but he really loves to fuck things up...I think Clem would out smart him.
Carl from the TV show is a soyboy beta male, who died for the sake of forced political propaganda and never reached his full potential. Comic Carl would give Clementine a good fight but after the battle of Ericson's against the Delta she takes it solidly
I don't follow the TV show. I'm not familiar with what a TV is because I live in the 21st century. Same with the comic books. I never heard of a book until I came on here. New to me. But I do tell you season 4 Clem will stomp him out.
TV show Carl is a bad comparison to Clementine. Imo, you’re better off facing her with comic Carl considering they share the same universe and share similar stories. As to who wins: Clementine easily beats Tv Carl. TV Carl never was in a fist fight so we don’t know how he’d fair.
Comic Carl, however, will give her a challenge. I haven’t seen Carl’s hand to hand yet, and Clem’s only real fight was with Abel but don’t forget she had AJ to help her. Carl had a fight with two other teens his age but he ran to get a weapon to beat them and nearly kills them. Honestly, I’m giving comic Carl this fight by a small margin.
Haven't read the comic just know bits and pieces, that's why i chose Carl from the Tv show.
In the fight with Abel AJ semes more of a distraction to Clem then a help. Only reason Abel got upper and on her was when she was distracted by AJ. Also Clem was already free when AJ stabbed Abel in the foot.
It pretty much comes down to how the fight goes. If it was in a open space like an empty room, I’d give it to Clem. If it was in the woods or the room where she fought Abel, I’d give it to Carl because once he finds a blunt object he’ll go to town on her (as seen with the two teens he fucked up) and I think he’s better with weapons then she is (besides the bow).
Clementine of course. She has most of the time been alone she survived so many things. I think she can beat Carl
Carl and Clementine fall for one another. All abord the USS Carlitine ship.
Clementine would beat TV Carl hands down.
It would be a much closer fight against comic Carl. I would say that Clementine is smarter and more resourceful but Carl would be stronger. Clem's resourcefulness would give her a slight edge but if she messed up Carl could potentially get her in a situation she couldn't get herself out of.
I'd say Clementine is definitely a better survivor than both TV and comic Carl. While Carl is certainly capable he has almost always had friends and family to support and back him up. He really hasn't had to endure being in his own for very long periods of time. Clementine on the other hand, has plenty of experience when it comes to that.
I’m sorry...
Oh... it might be a bad time for a Connor gif just saying
Clementine, hands down. TV Carl is, to put it literally, a pussy.
It comes down to this:

vs. this:
Plus, she beats Abel two other times in hand-to-hand combat.
If we are talking in terms of comic Carl, I would still have to give it to Clem, though it'd be a much closer fight (considering TFS Clem is older than Carl).
We haven't seen Carl go hand-to-hand against a grown man, but we've gotten a glimpse at his rage, specifically when two kids attacked Sophia. He beat the ever living shit out of them; he almost killed them, albeit he got a weapon and blind-sided them.
I would say that Carl is physically stronger than Clem, but Clem adapts to her situations better, and if he had the upper hand, she would find a way out of it. Sure, it would be a close fight, but I believe Clem would come out victorious as she's had more experience with the type of combat we're talking about (and she's been alone for about 6 years).
Just putting this out there:

Well I'd say Clementine probably is the toughest character in TWD universe at this point or a close one.
At age of 8/9 Clementine:
-survived by herself for days in her treehouse, with walker Sandra inside her house before Lee showed up, then she saved Lee's life giving him a hammer to kill Sandra.
-saw Shawn Greene being eaten alive by walkers.
-ate (or almost) human flesh and saw Mark without legs crawling and asking for help.
-witnessed Kenny smashing Larry's head with a salt licker.
-stepped inside that bloody room full torture devices and horrible stuff in St.John farm.
-(determinant) saw Lee killing both of the brothers St.John with a pitchfork and the other one being electrocuted.
-witnessed Lilly killing Doug or Carley in cold blood.
-saw his friend Duck slowly dying and Katjaa not coming back anymore from the woods.
-was betrayed by his friend Ben, he preferred saving his skin than helping her, then Chuck saved her, dying in the process later.
-witnessed a rotting dog being unburied by Lee.
-saw Lee burying Fivel with his dog, after he starved to death.
-(determinant) saw Bree being eaten alive if she join Lee and his group in Crawford.
-(determinant) saved Lee's life (or what it was left) and shot the stranger in the head.
-saw her parents turned into walkers after she covered his body with walker guts and blood.
-(determinant) killed his best friend and guardian Lee before he turned or left him, leaving him to turn into a walker.
-saw Omid dying because she left his gun unattended.
At age of 11 Clementine:
-saw her guardian and friend Christa being attacked by 3 raiders and probably being killed by them, and she fought back a raider who was chasing her, pushing him to a walker that killed him.
-bit by a dog.
-stitched her own arm after she sneaked inside the cabin house, collecting all the medical stuff she needed, killing a walker in the process.
-(determinant) witnessed Pete being bit and then dying, attracting some walkers towards him, letting her to run away.
-saw Nick shooting Matthew in the neck, then falling off of the bridge.
-(determinant) saw Nick being eaten alive because Walter didnt want to help Nick if you decide to hide the truth about what happened to Matthew.
-saw Carver and his group murdering Walter and (determinant) Alvin, and then she was kidnapped by them with her group.
-(determinant) witnessed Kenny smashing Carver head with a crowbar.
-saw Carlos being shot and eaten alive by the walkers when she was running away from Howe, then Sarita being bitten and (determinant) she finished her, hitting Sarita's head with her hatchet.
-(determinant) killed a walker Nick out of mercy.
-witnessed Sarah being eaten alive by a herd of walkers, in that house or in the observation deck.
-(determinant) killed a walker Rebecca, saving AJ life.
-(determinant) saw Luke drowning after he saved her life, then she almost freeze to death.
-shot by Arvo
-witnessed Kenny and Jane fighting to death, or kill them both and walk away with AJ.
At age of 13
-basically raised a kid by herself during the apocalypse.
-shot Eli in the head (accidentally) to show him that his bullets were fake.
-fought an entire group of ANF men with Javier (determinant), surviving after the gunfight after she saw Mariana being killed.
-saw Prescott being overrun by ANF men and walkers.
-saw her friend Kenny being eaten alive, Jane hanging herself or Edith being headshotted by ANF men.
-had to leave her protegee AJ to David and Lingard.
-(determinant) saw his friend Gabriel dying.
At age of 16:
-killed walker Brody with no weapons, in the dark and locked inside the basement.
-(determinant) pushed Abel to a group of walkers.
-(determinant) disarmed Marlon and kicked his ass.
-defended a wounded AJ in the woods with a simple knife, killing a lot of walkers before being helped by James.
-Abel getting destroyed by Clementine.
-organized the defense of the school and defeated (with some casualties and kidnappings) Lilly's group.
-killed dozens of walkers with Marlon's bow.
Surely I skipped some parts, but I don't know if there are many characters with so many feats, I mean for sure Clementine is tough as hell, probably the toughest character in TWD world...
Maybe not like Rick or Michonne, but for her age she is impressive.
def clem. comic carl can be ruthless but he's still weak. and clem spent more time alone and on the road and taking care of a baby herself. carl always had someone taking care of him and moved from community to community.
Ye cant really talk about comic Carl, but for what I've seen from the show, Clementine probably would wipe the floor with Carl without any troubles.