I am outraged no more Nate from 400 Days
He was such a cool and interesting character, I am so saddened I won't get to see him again, how about you guys?
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He was such a cool and interesting character, I am so saddened I won't get to see him again, how about you guys?
He was one of my favorite characters along with Eddie from 400 days. I would've liked for him to return, but there's very little possibility of him returning at this point.
Maybe he's at the Delta? Probably not, but who knows?
They should have used them as time went on. If you saved them, whoops ____ got out of Wellington. Maybe they could be part of Lilly's militia? Carver survivors got picked up and assimilated. Poor Shel though would be at risk of beimg a child soldier.
TFW you want Nate to appear in Clem's story because he was an entertaining character but then you remember what Nate was actually like
Nate was creepy af. I can totally see him kidnapping random children, so I guess he'd fit right in.
Hm, Eddie and Vince were my favorite characters from 400 days. Kinda sad that we'll probably never know what happened to them.
I've never really understood everyone's fascination with Nate. I am so glad that Lilly is the returning character and not him.
Nate was always sort of my Frank from Batman, in a way. Part of me wanted him to come back just to constantly troll the people who flip out at even the most minor slighting against Clementine, plus his archetype was pretty unique compared to the entire TWD cast of characters of being a flat out hedonist. He was kind of a joke possible returning character but with actual potential if done right. Abel sort of fulfills some of the traits I hoped Nate would have, and I wouldn't have minded if a completely new character was basically Nate anyways.
But The Final Season turned out alright, and that's all that matters.
Eddie never found the Sticky );
I'm not sure what the point of creating Abel was when they could have just re used Nate.
And that's sorta the road she seemed faux-ready for.
(Clem and AJ are kidnapped and separated by raiders)
Clem What did you do with AJ?!
Nate: Oh him? Just gave the boy a tour of the kitchen. Dinner was extra delicious tonight.
Clem O_O
Nate: Nah, I'm just fucking with you. Supper was pretty good though. Speaking of which I think I still got some kid's toenail stuck in my teeth.
Clementine: (;¬_¬)
Nate: ( ●`▽´● ) You're gonna be fun, I can tell already.
Agreed. Most interesting char in that dlc.
Oh well.
While initially I would be ecstatic if he ever returned, you'd have to consider that he'll feel pretty off from his 400 Days appearance for a number of reasons.
The first one could probably be the excuse reason/the actual IC one. That is simply, that he changed with time, I'd guess in this situation he would have mellowed out a ton as its quite impossible for the guy to end up more crazy and still be alive eight years In. If he went anymore crazy he'd be Morgan Clear form levels of crazy, which would wipe away a lot of the aspects that made him so interesting in the first place.
The second reason, which honestly is a lot more impactful, is that the original writing team who cooked up Nate way back when had left Telltale ages ago. I mean, it's possible that they would be rehired by Skybound but i get the vibe that they've tried to distance themselves from this game series as much as possible. That and while Nate certainly has a fan base, I don't think it's big enough to convince Sean Vannaman and co to return back to the series, sadly.
I mean, if they did return and went back to writing Nate again, then all aboard the hype train for sure. But as it stands, if he was handled by a more recent writing team I'd think he would be serviceable, but certainly not as interesting as he was in his debut appearance. Thankfully they're playing it safe in this regard (or just plain don't care at all) and aren't reusing any unknown characters from 400 Days.
You probably don’t like Nate just because of his villainous ways yet people realise that despite this that makes him an entertaining one nontheless.
Nate: so how’s bout it Clementine? Should we just kill all these folks and take all their stuff?”