How Omar could die.

edited October 2018 in The Walking Dead

i just had this random idea: What if Omar dies by Poisoning himself?
Let s say he ends up not being fit for being a soldier so the delta group makes him a cook just like he was at the school. What i think could happen in that scenario is that he could get his hands on poison and add it into his food, Now how would that kill him? Easy, the rest of the group would have him eat the food to make sure its safe, and so he does killing himself to kill as many people from the delta as possible. ((Then again i might just be overthinking this and he ll just die a meaningless death like Nick s Fence death in season 2.))


  • That'd be a tad irrational for him to do. Way too much risk in it because they might just not eat it and maybe he'd just die there and people wouldn't want to induldge in the death chili lol. But that's some dark shit. Kamikaze is one thing that hasn't been touched on in this world surprisingly.

    I think Omar will die some dumb death like a walker bite. I hope he gets more plot though.

  • Dafuq did i just read.

  • To add, Omar is a cook (i thought of the same thing, neat!) and he comes up with an elaborate plan to poison a ton of Delta soldiers in the Delta cafeteria for a part of Clem's group to make their way in. It would be easier with less security after all. But then Lily or someone realises or has suspicions so she asks Omar to eat the poisioned meal that he made. Omar doesn't eat it but manages to stall enough time before he gets headshotted for the Delta soldiers to get poisoned to die. Lily runs out into the cafeteria and sees all the soldiers choking and dying. And she turns her face to see Clem's group rolling in. She calls for help and the next scene begins. I'd like that actually, but I'm sure Telltale have something better planned.

  • It’s possible.

  • Why would he poison himself when he can poison everybody else?
    I’d love the irony of Omar getting eaten by cannibals but that’s too far out there.

  • edited October 2018

    Poisoning with food is way to risky, what Omar needs is to poison the Delta soldiers with tea or coffee. He pours the drinks in front of them, and if one of them gets suspicious, he will have no problem drinking it, where all of their drinks has poison and his doesn't, even though it's poured from the same source.

  • edited October 2018

    So basically like the Forrester mother from GoT?

  • I forgot he was alive at one point.

  • He'll probably kill himself considering he doesn't get to the Cloud District very often

  • edited October 2018

    About what I've posted earlier, some may be wondering, how can Omar pour coffee or tea, in front of the Delta soldiers, from the same source, while his isn't poisoned and others are. Here is the answer, it's called The Assassin's Teapot.

  • I'm trying to wrap my head around this to figure out how the hell this would sensibly good down without much hitch.

  • I’d love the irony of Omar getting eaten by cannibals but that’s too far out ther

    What have we become that this seems like such a weird thing to say?

    @Chibikid I forgot he was alive at one point.

    I felt like the game did too until the results in the credits.

    Louis's fat, perfectionist chef friend.

    Why would he poison himself when he can poison everybody else? I’d love the irony of Omar getting eaten by cannibals but that’s too far out there.

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