That might actually sound good while driving around in GTA.
Nah but for real though, it just looks like your standard "gettin steamy" party rap song. Except in Spanish and--did they seriously just threlvic pump?
Reading his TVTropes page is kind of a No Shit as well.
That might actually sound good while driving around in GTA.
Nah but for real though, it just looks like your standard "gettin stea… moremy" party rap song. Except in Spanish and--did they seriously just threlvic pump?
Reading his TVTropes page is kind of a No Shit as well.
as long as the endin is sad enough,like u kno,all the music n shit,people cryin dyin,all that shit! talkin bout like therapy worthy ptsd type shit,kill whatever u need to kill,telltale
thats what the games fo anyway
I got you
Sí, sabes que ya llevo un rato mirándote
Tengo que bailar contigo hoy (DY)
Vi que tu mirada ya estaba llamándome
Muéstrame el camino que yo voy (Oh)
Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal
Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan
Solo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso (Oh yeah)
Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal
Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más
Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (sube, sube, sube)
(Sube, sube)
Honestly, I already accepted that Clementine is going to die. Like I love Clementine but her death is inevitable whether its offscreen or not.
There have been times where she really should have died so the fact that she keeps avoiding death is bs in a way.
Plus Telltale can kill her off without their company suffering too bad because they still have amazing games besides the Walking Dead like Batman (I never played it but I heard a lot of praise about it), Wolf Among Us (Really Amazing Game. Heck I think its better than TWD Season 2 and 3 combined), and many other projects that will bring their company up like that new Stranger Things game (A lot of people are going to buy it since well..the Netflix show is very popular). So their company won't be suffering too much.
If the fans get angry and send death threats to Telltale just because they killed off Clementine then some fans they are.
Plus you have to admit, the Walking Dead series while still going strong has fell off since Season 2. It just didn't have that same core feeling like Season 1.
Season 2, the choices you made didn't matter cause in the end, its the same result. Like you couldn't feel guilty about your choices unlike Season 1 where while choices didn't matter, the impact still felt heavy. The story in Season 2 was also extremely weak and a little inconsistent.
Then Season 3, the story was once again weak. The characters were so unlikable and again choices don't matter because the end result is the same.
Both seasons felt lackluster to me and didn't have a big of an impact than S1 (Hopefully Season 4 changes that)
But back to Clementine. I do think that Clem is going to die (pretty much all the kids at the school are going to die but its going to be before Clem) and when she does...yeah I'll be sad but I get over it cause again I pretty much accepted the inevitable.
Same. I don't feel as attached to her like Season 1. I mean Season 2 she was cool but just something was off. Season 3, my least favorite version of Clem personally. Its understandable on how she turned that way but TT overexaggerated her character to the point where she was unrecognizable.
I hope Season 4 will get her character back on track and so far they are. I still love Clem but its just not as big like her Season 1 version
I never thought I'd be at the point where I wouldn't care whether Clementine lived or died but unfortunately here we are. Yes I suppose peop… morele change but that doesn't mean for the better. She's now practically unrecognizable from the girl that stole our hearts in Season 1 and made us invested in the franchise to begin with. I hope The Final Season will make me care about Clem again. I want Telltale to give Clementine an outstanding finale even if I don't have any attachment to her current characterization.
Honestly, I already accepted that Clementine is going to die. Like I love Clementine but her death is inevitable whether its offscreen or no… moret.
There have been times where she really should have died so the fact that she keeps avoiding death is bs in a way.
Plus Telltale can kill her off without their company suffering too bad because they still have amazing games besides the Walking Dead like Batman (I never played it but I heard a lot of praise about it), Wolf Among Us (Really Amazing Game. Heck I think its better than TWD Season 2 and 3 combined), and many other projects that will bring their company up like that new Stranger Things game (A lot of people are going to buy it since well..the Netflix show is very popular). So their company won't be suffering too much.
If the fans get angry and send death threats to Telltale just because they killed off Clementine then some fans they are.
Plus you have to admit, the Walking Dead ser… [view original content]
Honestly I kind of hope they just pull a huge curveball on us and they kill off AJ instead not that AJ should die but I'm not ready for my sweet pea to die not first episode not the final episode I rather just get this girl happy ending girls gone through enough it's time to break our hearts with a happy ending giving the fans hope that people can survive not everyone is doomed to death it'd be a different ending and it break Our Hearts 2 as well because no matter what happens you know you're never seeing her again and on top of it for all we know she could have her romantic interest be with her shoot they could do a fast forward into the future which would be amazing but I just really hope there's at least two Happy Endings since there has to be different endings and I really just need Clementine to like live ???
Honestly I kind of hope they just pull a huge curveball on us and they kill off AJ instead not that AJ should die but I'm not ready for my s… moreweet pea to die not first episode not the final episode I rather just get this girl happy ending girls gone through enough it's time to break our hearts with a happy ending giving the fans hope that people can survive not everyone is doomed to death it'd be a different ending and it break Our Hearts 2 as well because no matter what happens you know you're never seeing her again and on top of it for all we know she could have her romantic interest be with her shoot they could do a fast forward into the future which would be amazing but I just really hope there's at least two Happy Endings since there has to be different endings and I really just need Clementine to like live ???
Well, you can be in denial but the first and second episode has already come out. When we first meet the character Louis he sings the song "Oh my darling Clementine" (Which is a real song.) Looking past the happy go lucky beat of the song and just read the lyrics it's truly a gruesome song. Being that a miners daughter (clementine) goes by the water to feed ducks, but meets her demise by drowning in the water. Could be possibly symbolic of what could occur to her or it is an over-analyzation. Still, when this does end they can't just end on a cliffhanger because telltale shut down there would be no way for them to continue it unless another company adopts it. So the most logical thing currently is that Clementine would face the same fate as Lee in the first season.
Oh, these threads again. It makes no sense for her to die even if you use the AJ sacrifice angle. Plus Clementine is the core of the tellta… morele the walking dead franchise and it'd be disastrous for telltale to kill her off considering a good portion of fans are distrusting and hesitant of telltale future series and the walking dead.
Don't you think it starting to get boring, when all of the characters you like just dies at the end. What is the point of buying those games, when you already know the fate of those characters. So the game ends and they kill off Clem, boy that's a stupid way to end it.
It most likely wouldn't have worked even if they didn't shut down. I don't think AJ without Clementine could carry an entire franchise or season by himself.
Exactly! Even in the show there is a primary group that does survive for a large majority of the show that you become invested in.
Clementine is the only character the overwhelmingly majority of people are invested in and care about. With Clementine gone, the franchise is just a hollow shell of nothingness. The closets to a Clementine is a AJ, but he's more of a polarized character than a beloved character.
Don't you think it starting to get boring, when all of the characters you like just dies at the end. What is the point of buying those games… more, when you already know the fate of those characters. So the game ends and they kill off Clem, boy that's a stupid way to end it.
I don't really think they gonna kill Clem.
First of all it would be to obvious. Especially the title screen never said what is going to happen. Those of Ep1 and Ep2 just showed where we will be but not what happens in those episodes.
The second reason is, that it would be to simular to the death of Lee. He took care of Clem and died. If Clem dies watching over AJ, it would take off the weight of the death from Lee. It would make it like "Yeah well it happens". His sacrifice would be for nothing and would make it less important.
What I do think is, that in Ep4, Clem will become the leader of a group. She never really were in charge and was always either on her own or were lead by others. Maybe she has to lay down her "girlyness" and has to become a leader which would be shown by that hat laying on the ground.
Well.. at least I hope that.. if they let Clem die, it wouldn't be the end she and we deserve after 6 years.
What the heck is that?
everytime someone make a thread of clem dying you are required by law to post the lyrics of the song "Despacito"
Correction: What is that song?
get ready to cringe

That might actually sound good while driving around in GTA.
Nah but for real though, it just looks like your standard "gettin steamy" party rap song. Except in Spanish and--did they seriously just threlvic pump?
Reading his TVTropes page is kind of a No Shit as well.
it has like 4 billion views on yt and its become a international meme i dont even know why
Yeah, it's honestly a little boring to listen to despite the music itself not being bad.
That's most likely entirely because it's an shameless Intercourse With You song with a Justin Bieber remix.
but Despacito is trash and its not about fruits dying
shush dont bring logic here
actually thats what im gonna do:

Same, I got no problem with it.
as long as the endin is sad enough,like u kno,all the music n shit,people cryin dyin,all that shit! talkin bout like therapy worthy ptsd type shit,kill whatever u need to kill,telltale
thats what the games fo anyway
I got you
Sí, sabes que ya llevo un rato mirándote
Tengo que bailar contigo hoy (DY)
Vi que tu mirada ya estaba llamándome
Muéstrame el camino que yo voy (Oh)
Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal
Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan
Solo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso (Oh yeah)
Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal
Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más
Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (sube, sube, sube)
(Sube, sube)
Honestly, I already accepted that Clementine is going to die. Like I love Clementine but her death is inevitable whether its offscreen or not.
There have been times where she really should have died so the fact that she keeps avoiding death is bs in a way.
Plus Telltale can kill her off without their company suffering too bad because they still have amazing games besides the Walking Dead like Batman (I never played it but I heard a lot of praise about it), Wolf Among Us (Really Amazing Game. Heck I think its better than TWD Season 2 and 3 combined), and many other projects that will bring their company up like that new Stranger Things game (A lot of people are going to buy it since well..the Netflix show is very popular). So their company won't be suffering too much.
If the fans get angry and send death threats to Telltale just because they killed off Clementine then some fans they are.
Plus you have to admit, the Walking Dead series while still going strong has fell off since Season 2. It just didn't have that same core feeling like Season 1.
Season 2, the choices you made didn't matter cause in the end, its the same result. Like you couldn't feel guilty about your choices unlike Season 1 where while choices didn't matter, the impact still felt heavy. The story in Season 2 was also extremely weak and a little inconsistent.
Then Season 3, the story was once again weak. The characters were so unlikable and again choices don't matter because the end result is the same.
Both seasons felt lackluster to me and didn't have a big of an impact than S1 (Hopefully Season 4 changes that)
But back to Clementine. I do think that Clem is going to die (pretty much all the kids at the school are going to die but its going to be before Clem) and when she does...yeah I'll be sad but I get over it cause again I pretty much accepted the inevitable.
Same. I don't feel as attached to her like Season 1. I mean Season 2 she was cool but just something was off. Season 3, my least favorite version of Clem personally. Its understandable on how she turned that way but TT overexaggerated her character to the point where she was unrecognizable.
I hope Season 4 will get her character back on track and so far they are. I still love Clem but its just not as big like her Season 1 version
Clem don't do dying.
Honestly I kind of hope they just pull a huge curveball on us and they kill off AJ instead not that AJ should die but I'm not ready for my sweet pea to die not first episode not the final episode I rather just get this girl happy ending girls gone through enough it's time to break our hearts with a happy ending giving the fans hope that people can survive not everyone is doomed to death it'd be a different ending and it break Our Hearts 2 as well because no matter what happens you know you're never seeing her again and on top of it for all we know she could have her romantic interest be with her shoot they could do a fast forward into the future which would be amazing but I just really hope there's at least two Happy Endings since there has to be different endings and I really just need Clementine to like live ???
I was about to “Despacito” this thread but I have already done it
Ofcourse she'll survive, can't make The Final Season Part 2 if they kill her off now can they
They can always make AJ the protagonist for another season, however after his polarizing reception that may not be wise.
Well, you can be in denial but the first and second episode has already come out. When we first meet the character Louis he sings the song "Oh my darling Clementine" (Which is a real song.) Looking past the happy go lucky beat of the song and just read the lyrics it's truly a gruesome song. Being that a miners daughter (clementine) goes by the water to feed ducks, but meets her demise by drowning in the water. Could be possibly symbolic of what could occur to her or it is an over-analyzation. Still, when this does end they can't just end on a cliffhanger because telltale shut down there would be no way for them to continue it unless another company adopts it. So the most logical thing currently is that Clementine would face the same fate as Lee in the first season.
"They can always make AJ the protagonist for another season, however after his polarizing reception that may not be wise."
Telltale shuts down
Don't you think it starting to get boring, when all of the characters you like just dies at the end. What is the point of buying those games, when you already know the fate of those characters. So the game ends and they kill off Clem, boy that's a stupid way to end it.
It most likely wouldn't have worked even if they didn't shut down. I don't think AJ without Clementine could carry an entire franchise or season by himself.
Exactly! Even in the show there is a primary group that does survive for a large majority of the show that you become invested in.
Clementine is the only character the overwhelmingly majority of people are invested in and care about. With Clementine gone, the franchise is just a hollow shell of nothingness. The closets to a Clementine is a AJ, but he's more of a polarized character than a beloved character.
Clementine dying is unfortunately guaranteed at this point. The title screen with her hat laying on the ground. So sad.
I don't really think they gonna kill Clem.
First of all it would be to obvious. Especially the title screen never said what is going to happen. Those of Ep1 and Ep2 just showed where we will be but not what happens in those episodes.
The second reason is, that it would be to simular to the death of Lee. He took care of Clem and died. If Clem dies watching over AJ, it would take off the weight of the death from Lee. It would make it like "Yeah well it happens". His sacrifice would be for nothing and would make it less important.
What I do think is, that in Ep4, Clem will become the leader of a group. She never really were in charge and was always either on her own or were lead by others. Maybe she has to lay down her "girlyness" and has to become a leader which would be shown by that hat laying on the ground.
Well.. at least I hope that.. if they let Clem die, it wouldn't be the end she and we deserve after 6 years.