AMA with Skybound CEO will take place at r/TheWalkingDeadGame on Wednesday October 17 at 2pm PST
After corresponding with Skybound Games for the past week, myself and the other mods were able to reach a date and time for an AMA with their CEO Ian Howe: Wednesday October 17 at 2 pm PST
The AMA will take place at r/TheWalkingDeadGame/. Have your questions ready for Mr. Howe and we will see you then!
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Awesome. If I were to ask a question here, could someone ask it on my behalf?
Looking forward to it! Now I shall use the remaining time I have to come up with decent questions that will not waste Ian's time in the AMA.... Thank you for setting this up VengefulKenny
Just curious but who's idea was it to set it up? Was it Ian's or mods? Sorry for being nosey
Sure, what's the question?
People, just don't ask him tons of lame questions like age of characters or his ship preference. We need something solid.
I'm thinking we will remove questions like this so that Ian can focus on answering more important questions, not to mention the fact that certain users have already been messaging Skybound with questions like this.
It was my pleasure, Dylan! To answer your question, Ian reached out to us about doing an AMA and then I coordinated the date and time with a different Skybound Games representative.
Is this a thing where we ask the questions in advance and he'll pick the ones he wants to answer like TellTale did here, or do we need to be "present" at the time of the AMA to ask the questions?
It is currently planned to be a live AMA so you will either need to post your question while the it is active or have someone else post your question if you can't make it.
I don't know yet, but I'll let you know if I come up with one. I was just curious if I could ask it here if I were to think of one.
That's a shame. I much prefer the way TellTale did it with users able to ask questions leading up to the AMA then the people doing it could pick questions to answer. Perhaps it can be both? Users can leave questions that Ian can look through and answer but people can also ask them live if their question hadn't already been asked?
We can potentially suggest something like that but as far as I know they're planning to do it live.
I can't think of one too yet, but literally anything is good but asking about ages of characters, because apparently that's what is bothering the fans the most judging by screenshots from conversations with PR guy...
As unfortunate as it is, those types of questions will be all over the AMA. I too am a fan of little snippets of information as every little bit of trivia helps, but they don't really change anything or determine the character of Clementine, Louis, Violet or AJ nor is it overly crucial info that is required. If they do answer those questions then cool but I would very much prefer they delve into some questions regarding the characters (this may fall into the unnecessary category but I would like to hear why those kids are at The Boarding School and what issues they had that led to them being there) and questions regarding the Story. Anyways apologies for drawing out this comment...
Thank you for the response
I think I recall a past comment from you saying that Ian wanted to do an AMA but I just wanted to be 100% sure I wasn't misinforming myself. That is a very cool move from him. I got good vibes from Ian. Thanks again for responding and for setting up this AMA!
Yes he is a very nice guy and has even been browsing the subreddit and answering questions in the meantime. And you're welcome! Glad you are as excited as I am.
Will Telltale support Ray Tracing?
When your life flashes before your eyes, how much of Telltale's The Walking Dead, do you want to not have Ray Tracing?
Could somebody please ask when they will fix the stats for ep 2? Thanks.
Can they save my boy bigby from his death too plz I'm still dying for my boy ??????
1-I'd like to ask "How many developers ( % ) came back from the original Telltale:TWD team?"
2-"Do Skybound have plans for OTHER interactive series in the world of TWD? Or TFS will be the last?"
Man, Bigby from A Wolf Among US can get some confused with Samsung's virtual assistant Bixby. lol
I fully expect all of you to drop a lil "ps please save Wolf S2 if you can" as its probably our last chance to have Wolf 2 saved (seeing as Skybound is probably the only people who would try and pick it up if they saw there was a demand)
Do it for Bigby, he is sad and alone. He was there for us, and we need to be there for him.
1 like = 1 prayer
@VengefulKenny any idea if we will get any sort of news before hand (such as release date for ep3)?
I know that they're working very hard to determine when the next episodes will release and they will likely tell us when it is decided. I do know they are making good progress though.
Poogs do you think Vertigo might give Skybound the pass? Like auren't they competitors and to have Skybound profit from the game, it's just kinda wierd. Maybe Vertigo could fund the project and all money from buying Wolf 2 would go to them.
It's going to be hard to think of good questions.
I hope people wont ask him some useless questions like "are you pro Louis or pro Violet" or "what's your favourite character" and stuff like that.
There are more important things to ask, like if there's an ETA for the last 2 episodes, or if they already talked with TTG developers who were working on the game, or also if they plan to make more seasons with different characters and things like that.
Is there an ETA for the episode 3&4?Or at least how long will it be late, for weeks or for months?
Is the script gonna change?I heard the script is already done before the making of tfs, so will you change it while you take over to complete it?
How many original devs are hired?Are you still use the Telltale Tool to do it?
Did you plan to save other title of ttg?
And THANK YOU for saving it!!!!!!
sorry my english is kinda bad, I'm not sure if I made my question clear, and sorry if my words wasn't polite, I didn't mean to be rude, really
What i know is they are not chaning the script
oh then one is solved
thank you!
Glad i could help. I don’t even want the script to change i want to see the story it is supposed to be
Vertigo would probs get the better end of the stick if they decided to make a deal. Skybound would need to buy rights so right there Vertigo gets some money, followed by people becoming interested in Fables means more comic sales going directly to Vertigo.
wed at 2pm im totally gonna miss it. someone ask him that question about the thing for me plz
I read in a tweet from the creator of Fables that he may do a comic book series using the season 2 script...better than nothing I guess.
Can someone ask if we are going to have to pay for content at any point during the development of Eps 3 and 4?
They already said that if you have the season pass you'll still get the last 2 episodes for free.
I don't have a Reddit account but I'm gonna ask one question and I want one of you Reddit users to do it for me. Let me know who volunteers.
Ok, thanks.
Please go ahead and share it. I will try to ask it for you but if not then someone else should pick it up and ask for you
I have a few questions in mind although I want to hear your thoughts on them as I want to ask questions that are interesting and beneficial to everyone. I have already written these questions down just in case the phrasing confuses anyone.
Does Skybound have a target month for when Episode 3 and Episode 4 will be released? Like I know that Skybound wants to release the Episodes as soon as possible but judging by how things are going from your point of view do you have a prediction for when the Episodes could be released? I don't mean to put you on the spot by asking this so feel free to ignore it if it is something you cannot answer at this time
What does Clementine and the rest of the characters in Telltale Games' adaption of The Walking mean to Skybound?
How does it feel to take on the Conclusion to a Game Series that is loved and adored by millions across the globe?
That is all I plan to ask. Let me know what you guys think
I'm really curious though as to how Skybound is going to make any sort of money off of this. I mean, they're going to be the ones paying the employees, and most likely publishing the new episodes, and they're not even going to charge those who already own the game? That means any money they make would come from people who haven't bought the game already and decided to purchase it once it appears back up on stores. As much as I want to believe they are just doing this out of the goodness of their heart, this is a business, they're not going to do stuff like this if there isn't some sort of gain for them, especially when they're going to be spending a good chunk of money on former Telltale staff to finish the game.