Violet vs Louis
I just have a feeling that we have too choose who’s Gonna live and who’s Gonna die between Violet and Louis. Who will you save?
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I just have a feeling that we have too choose who’s Gonna live and who’s Gonna die between Violet and Louis. Who will you save?
Who agrees that these forums have become a shitshow of shipping wars that spread to discussions that don't even ask for them? Maybe people enjoy these discussions.
To answer OP: I'd flip a coin.
Vi. I not only like her more but she protected aj and defended clem. She trusts clem. She took on the role as leader and stepped up because no one else did. She was the first person to understand that marlon was the one who was truly at fault for what happened and it didn't take her some time to realize that. She was one of 3 people who voted for clem and aj to stay. She made mitch go with clem for protection. She boarded up the back exit and decided to check on the defenses instead of fooling around. After checking on the defenses she asks clem if she has time to hangout. Vi knows how to look after and take care of a kid. And she gets things done and takes things seriously. She thought louis telling aj to give up the gun was unnecessary and it was. Vi cares about clem and her feelings for clem are genuine.
I’m with you. Vi is the best
Even though I like Vi more, I'm saving Louis in my first playrun.
that makes sense
Hm. Probably Louis.
Quite an easy choice. I'm going to save Louis. He knows how to handle himself, people around him are happy (which is a big and very underrated thing) and he is basically a father figure for AJ. And Clementine will not find a better guy to take care of AJ. Also she will not find a better guy for herself like c'mon, they are simply perfect for each other. So Louis all the way.
Violet? I mean I really disliked her character in Episode 1. In Episode 2 she was way more likeable even when she got a lot less character development than Louis. I don't want her to die, but if I have to choose then she has to go. Sorry babe, there are priorities.
I still do have a strong feeling that they both are going to die. Clem aswell. But if they live and Clem dies then I definitely want Louis to take care of AJ. He is the only person that could take care of AJ with making my mind "I don't have to worry about mah little shitbird".
I would say Louis
That's how it always worked on those kind of forums. Have you ever played Mass Effect? Were you on their forums? Oh man, the amount of ship wars was even bigger than it is here since there were more than 2 options.
Yep. It's pretty much almost every game where you, as the player, have a potential list of love interests. Ship wars happen all the time with games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Persona 3, 4, & 5, and most likely many others.
For me it would be one of the easiest choice in the whole series after Kenny/Jane fight.
I'd pick Violet in a heartbeat, I can't stand Louis.
When Clementine, Louis and AJ hear that "Vi is the best".
id save louis
but i like violet as well 
As much as I love Violet, I have to go with Louis.
I'd save Violet in a heartbeat.
Sorry, Louis.
I think that it will not be a decision to save one of them; but to pick which one comes along with you in the end. I am even pondering the thought that the character you choose to be partners with, or 'best' friends with; will ultimately be the one who saves either Clem, AJ, or the person they are not (Violet or Louis). Then you will have to choose to keep that grudge or let him/her stay with you.
dude, you`re getting more annoying with every post. Nobody wants you to respond to their opinions. He thinks Vi is the best and maybe he is right or he is not, but you DO NOT HAVE to reply to every post that says something nice about Violet, it makes you look JEALOUS,DESPERATE and leaning towards the hateful side too much. Just chill and let people have their opinions without getting judged at every turn
Jeeesuuus man chiiil. It was posted for fun to tease that guy or guyette a bit. Ya don't have to be so mad about it like for real ;D
Violet 100%. I hope we get to actually shoot Louis ourselves. That would be real nice.
To me it's reminiscent of those people on youtube who goes to a violetine tribute video and replies to a nice comment about vi or violetine by saying something bad about the ship or vi while praising louis and saying why clouis is better. It's obnoxious, annoying, makes no sense, and it brings negative vibes. It's like someone going to comment on a boxing video and said wrestling is better or boxing sucks or replies to a comment by someone who said something positive or good about boxing and saying boxing is lame. It honestly doesn't make any sense to me. Instead of going to the videos about what they like and about who they like and commenting on those videos they decide to do the opposite and rain on other people's parade. It's not a good look or image for that person.
i am not only talking about this one, i saw a lot of your comments and i`m sure not all were jokes
everyones ship is valid. everyone has diff opinions and perspectives on things.
Oh man. Which one exactly? Look at Louine/Violetine threads. We tease each other pretty often if you ask me. And we're not doing problems because it is for FUN and it is COOL. We respect each other, we don't insult each other. There are of course some people with big sticks in their asses that are jumping on them, but overall it's okay. Look at like 2nd or 3rd page of Louine thread in which there is an undeleted photo of "Violetine ship bashing Louine ship". No one was mad at it and you basically attacked me because I posted one funny gif. Reallly, chiiiiiiiiillll. It wouldn't hurt!
Thanks about that we all dosen’t have to like the same person. So he can like whatever he wants but i like Violet very much
i was talking about your own posts, you probably know what i mean if you think about it for a sec. @Scythenger experienced it first hand.
So let me understand it. I'm the bad guy cause I tease people about Violet from time to time, but that guy isn't bad even though he shits on Louis every single time gets a chance. Besides don't compare this to that topic. We were discussing or arguing (pick the phrase you like more) and that's it. There was a little shitstorm, yeah.. unfortunatelly. I wouldn't say that I acted 100% right and neither did he to be honest so both of us already stopped talking there since we weren't getting into anything.
And trust me. There was too much bullshit on this forum for today so don't get started with another because of a stupid gif ;DDD
They aren't homophobic and idk why anyone would think that. There are actual homophobic comments out there though.
Idk how I didn't act 100% you replied to a comment I made about vi. After that it was basically me telling you I'm not interested in talking about what you wanted to talk about but you kept going on about it. And it's not every single chance. I wasn't even talking about louis and you still felt the need to go after me. And unlike you with the violetine thread I didn't go on the clouis thread and talk about vi or say anything about louis.
You went to the thread in which we were discussing, you wrote a pretty controversial opinion and then you were acting like "I'm right, you're wrong, bye" so obviously it got on my last nerve so I wanted you to at least explain it and you kept refusing it which was quite not cool if you ask me.
I went there once or twice, wrote something, teased you a bit and that's all. I even remember that we talked here and I wrote something like "what would those threads be if we didnt tease each other a bit from time to time" with you responding like "lol, true" or something like that so don't act suddenly as I terrorized your little community there.
Hey OP, let's change the name of the thread to MaikelRRR vs Community. Fits a lot better with the content we have here hahaahha ;DDD
It is offensive. It's easy to spot a homophobe by what they say. The homophobic comments are also offensive. Especially when they're on violetine tribute videos.
Was it a thread solely about louis? And what controversial opinion? Also key word being opinion. And in your opinion I was acting that way but I don't think I was.
And idc if it was not cool to you. I don't have to explain anything to you. I can refuse not to explain anything to you also.
I can't believe you even said that. I said lol true because I was hoping it would get you to leave because I thought you were being a nuisance. But I didn't want to say that. And the community is not against you.
Yeah really. And it is unnecessary on both sides of the spectrum.
We weren't even arguing about Louis (at first), but about AJ and Violet's bond. Yeah opinion is a key word and you indeed have a right to have one. Now tell me - after you wrote your opinion there (the one about Violet and AJ to which you unnecessarly put Louis' behavior which caused us to unnecessarly continue it) what did I do? I said I don't agree with it, but at the same time I respect it because you backed it up with something.
Therefore, if you would write it from the very beginning then we wouldn't have all this mess there. Not saying you of course were obligated to, but don't you think it simply would be easier? I'm repeating myself - it was not your fault, but it simply would make it easier.
I never really had any problem like this. Usually people write their opinios and they dont have any problems with explaining them. You on the other hand - even due to you having a right - you refused to explain it. Which as I said wasnt cool. Not only to me.
Yeah. That was a joke man. As same joke as the gif I posted before. We didn't really have to put this whole mess here because of a joke. Not even offensive joke.
I have 2 save files so I can cheat and save both.
But y'all better not turn Violet and Louis into Kenny vs Jane shit which was on this very sub forum ?
Jane was pretty negative character if you ask me and not many people were really liking her. In this case we have pretty much ~50% Louis / ~50% Violet case which makes it more difficult.
buddy, what i`ve been trying to say, if you did not really get it or i did not explain it correctly, is that most of the times, when people give their opinion on something, they do not want a reply on it, because you will not change it or affect it in any way, so what i meant is chill on the responses . When you see someone give an opinion you do not like, just ignore it, cuz there is no reason why it should affect you by not responding to it
For me it's not about changing other people's opinion. It's about understanding other's people opinion.
All you had to do was respect my right not to explain anything to you. If you would've done that it wouldn't have been a problem. I did say I had a problem with phrasing things. If you wanted to have a discussion replying to what I said by saying it's bs isn't a good way to go about having one. It seemed like you wanted to have an argument though and I was not interested in having one of those.
and maybe they do not want to explain. Hope you learned something from this unfortunate incident. There is no need to respond to someone else`s opinion, if they do not provoke or ask you to