My prediction for the flashbacks and possibly the last act of the game
We’re going to play as Tenn. You heard it here first folks. He’s the most neutral character in the current group and also objective. It makes sense that if someone were to tell the story it would be him. And also many of the choices are between him and aj so theres that. And also again it would be difficult to play as someone you romanced because they would have to create two different scenarios.
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Only time will tell
You wrote in the title, my prediction for the flashbacks and possibly the last act, but you only talked about the last act and not about the flashbacks

But nevermind, I would be pretty mad if in the ending we would play as someone else.. and I don't really think it makes much sense for the narrative to be honest. I assure you, that we will not play as anyone else in the last act as it's the end for CLEM'S story
Or we're going to play as Clem, as mindblowing as that may sound.
This season won't end well for Clementine, I thought she could get away and manage to survive in the end, but after yesterday's AMA I'm pretty sure she will die.
well if there is a flashback of the school without clem as said in the ama we gotta play as someone...
Not necessarily. It can just be someone telling a story.
Ehh, i don’t think we’re gonna play as Tenn for the last bits of the game, but this idea of yours isn’t bad at all?
My prediction for the last act?
Clem has helped defeat the Delta (or whoever the big bad is), but has been mortally wounded.
As she says her last words to the survivors, she suddenly wakes up in her old treehouse, where AJ pulls off his mask and reveals he’s actually her creepy older brother.
Clem then climbs down and finds herself in the Big Whoop amusement park, where her parents tell her off for running off.
so turns out the player has the big gay?