What Did You Think Of Delta Before Episode 2?
Before episode 2,I seriously thought that the Delta group was a bunch of Booty Bandits because they kidnapped Minnie and Minnerva. Why else would you want two girls?
Also, I thought they were kidnapping them because for the better good, similar to the Stranger situation in season 1.
What did you guys think that the Delta group were doing to kids before episode 2?
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I thought they kidnapped them for sex as well, considering it was two girls who were taken. I'm glad that isn't the case but being enlisted as soldiers isn't much better.
Yeah, the general "Missing White Twins Syndrome" sent off a lot of alarm bells.
I also hoped Abel was at "best" just some random scout/stool pigeon who would tell them shit from time to time.
I thought they were raped; then killed. It's good they didn't go down that road because I think it's a bit dark for a video game.
Aren't they Tenn's sister? They are most likely black.
No, they're white. You can see their pictures in the picture album in Episode 1.
Sorry this took so long.

Just because you look white doesn't mean that they can't be black. look at Clem in season 1.
I assume the pic on the left are the twins. Middle is Tenn with his sisters. Pic on the right is twins and blonde girl is Violet.
It's a weave .
More appropriate.
Most of them are creepy, that's for sure.
Why would you kill them? Keep them chained up but alive as literal sex slaves. Sex every day instead of sex once then having to go find more.
Thought TT wanted to go dark af and have a rapist community but I'm glad I was wrong.
I know right. Booty is more important than water.
Oh my goodness...
Tenns sisters are twin gingers.
It's not like water is hard to come by. It's a zombie apocalypse, not Mad Max world. You'd have had a much better argument with food rather than water, but even then, only if survival is absolutely at stake. That said, my comment was assuming supplies are not so low that you literally cannot afford to feed prisoners and they'd starve to death before you're able to spare food (and water) for them.
Maybe. We've seen concept art of one of them and she was definitely a ginger white girl but a lot can change between a concept art and the final product. It's right there in the name, it's a concept, not a final design.
Everyone kept thinking that they were rapists while I kept trying to tell them that they weren’t ?
Y nobody listen? ?
Probably because of stereotypes and both the source material & an alarmingly large number of fans over the years demanding precedent.
They’ll probably scrap it up later...(Most likely).
And if that’s the case, I like the designs anyway to look pretty cool.
To be honest I thought exactly that and I don't rule it out still just yet. Their is something extremely fishy going on here and not much of the war stuff makes sense. I think their is a lot to be uncovered here. I'm not sure what other reason they'd take the youngest girls first (especially since Violet said Minnie didn't like to fight at all) and not Marlon instead if they needed soldiers for a war. Not like the kids had any say against armed bandits anyway. I think their is more to the school and the bandits than is lead on. I think Marlon has deeper layers. He seemed to of died off to quick leaving much on the table. Lilly is a shady piece of shit. I put nothing past her since she doesn't value human life or children in any way.
But for the time being, we can expect to get the info out of Abel either before or after we abuse him lol.
Uh, considering there's also multiple sheets concept art for Lily--two of which showcasing how they nailed down the design we ended up with--, I think it's safe to say that the version of Minerva we'll see in the apparently pretty much finalizing game proper will be fairly close.
Also, it's kinda hard to just ignore the pictures of them on the scrapbook once you've noticed them.
No. It's not safe to assume because one character more or less stuck to concept that others will have as well. She may have, I'm not saying she didn't, all I'm saying is it's entirely possible the concept art is not accurate to the final product.
There were a couple biblical references in episode 1 so I thought that they were hinting at them being some sort of cult.
Even though what I said also applies to James and the Ericson Quartet?
But I get yer point.