SGB Play: The Walking Dead: Season 2
Let me tell you a story:
Nearly half a decade ago, I had gotten into the habit of watching a let's play channel called The Super Gaming Bros.. One late morning in the library of the technical college I was in at the time, I had most of my work and classes done already and was basically stuck in the library until my ride at the time came to pick me up after five. Because I was in such a relatively loyal tuning to the channel at the time, they were one of the my obvious choices for something to pass the time with. Unfortunately, the then current let's play I was watching at the time(Arkham City?) was seemingly on hiatus or at least the between upload period that day and so I had nothing to watch.
So, in typical lost-indecisiveness, I scrolled up and down their playlists looking for something else to watch in the meantime. But alas, I still couldn't decided, as what I saw was either stuff I'd seen plenty of time by that point or simply didn't feel like watching for whatever reason. But I still needed something to watch among them. One particular game amongst the ones visible, that I sorta recognized but had no natural interest in, was a game called The Walking Dead--a zombie game, obviously. Deliberating over this for at least a good ten minutes, I finally sheepishly started to settle on just given a try just to pass a bit of time. Somewhat agreeing with the channel leader that the first episode was a decent enough start, I would eventually come back to it a fair while later to watch Episode 2. And the rest is self-contained history.
The reason I bring this up, aside from obviously being part of my first proper experience with the [game] series, is because the trio have finally gotten around to doing Season 2 as part of their Halloween-Fest for 2018. Thus, I thought it was only right that I share a link to said let's play here. Happy Halloween!
For me, nothing is more boring and annoying than watching someone else playing a videogame, especially with a commentary, covering the music and the dialogues with their bothering voices.
Usually I just watch 10 min of a gameplay if I still don't know if a game worths a buy or not and nothing more.
Jesus Christ it took these guys four years to start playing Season 2?
They keep their plate relatively full and as they mention early on, they got a copyright strike on one of the episodes, which somewhat further discouraged them from doing so.
Elliott is playing it, right? I wonder what are the chances that will lead to some amusing glitches. Maybe Clementine will suddenly lose her head and then the game crashes.
Hopefully, we'll get Indifferent!Sarah and then some if we're lucky.
With Elliot being the glitch magnet that he is you can almost always expect something to go wrong haha
Almost wish he was playing the collection version for that reason.
I'm really looking forward to when they get to the later episodes.
I honestly thought he was at first.
Hopefully, they can focus on the story a little more.
I assumed so too when I saw the thumbnail for part 1, but as soon as it showed the original title screen and it running ~60fps it became clear that it was the original PS4 port.

A shame, maybe Elliot would've caused the game to spawn low polygon versions of everyone, to go along with low poly Alvin!
(Clementine looks so sad at finding out that Carver's torture consisted of turning Al into a ~N64 model)
It seems so far Elliot's the one who's kinda paying the most attention to what's going on, hopefully that can change a bit as the story progresses.
Ah, it's a port. That's why it initially looked a little updated.
Cheese n'Rice, what happened to him?!
Yeah, just a slightly more cleaned up version of the original overall, which I honestly prefer over the collection which can be inconsistent with whether it's an upgrade or a downgrade visually.
Turns out that Carver had magical powers all along, but he only used them in the collection. He placed a curse on Alvin and put him in a perpetual state of constantly having his body distorted and deformed before returning to normal. And if you think what he did to poor Alvin's face is bad enough, you haven't even seen his fingers.

Mhmm. Also hoping they'll continue sneaking in some edits here and there throughout the lp.
Oh my goodness...
That Lee echo caught me offguard.