"The Obliged" Episode Discussion
After not just one, but TWO, good episodes of the Walking Dead, we are back, so many mysteries to be answered, Rick's second to last episode.
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What number Daryl-Rick fight is this?
Next week is it, the last of Rick Grimes. Eventually losing Clementine, even if it has been delayed, is bad enough, but now we have to add Rick on top of it. I’m just not ready for this.
Yeah and Louis. Fuck...
Losing Rick Grimes will hurt more than losing Clem, no question for me...
This episode was alright i guess.
Man i'm not ready,next episode is gonna be inshane !
Another pretty good episode....
Gah, it took this long to be good. And we lose Rick next week.
Oh the feels.
Wait why is Rick leaving and will TWD continue?
honestly you could just search that on the internet buddy
Yeah but im lazy, boiiiiiii!!!
hehe yeaah, boiiiii!
"Brother, brother take my hand"
"Be safe"
I'm gonna cry like little shit when Daryl sees what happened and what is partly his fault.
Which is totally understandable. Even though I do not want Rick to go, I will always understand Lincoln wanting to leave and will appreciate that out of him.
On the bright side, at least comic Rick's still alive and kicking. So even though we're losing Rick, we still have Rick.
ma boi rick dying like ben
I really liked this episode, thought Rick died at the end for a second. Wish they wouldn’t have been like “AnDrEw LiNcOlN iS lEaViNg, So RiCk Is DyInG”. They really should have kept his departure a secret, because it would have been much more surprising if it was.
I'm looking forward to the next episode. I've always been a sucker for episodes like that; character is dying/in a perilous situation, hallucinating past events and coming to terms with past demons and all that. We had it with the episode in Season 5 with Tyreese, the series finale of House was also something similar (who remembers that good old show, huh?)
Even if Rick's ultimate fate is underwhelming, I've got no doubt it's gonna be a pretty pleasant episode visually and artistically (especially with that scene from the promo, which is a total homage to one of the alternate issue 100 covers)
Is it just me, or does where falling off his horse in this episode seem very reminiscent of the very first episode? I feel like it was referencing this, but in that episode, Rick managed to get away. Who's to say he can't do it again? Most likely being saved by somebody mysterious this time and being taken away somewhere else.
Although this situation seems perilous... I don't buy his death.
I would say that I share a lot stronger bond with TV Series' Rick as I enjoy TV Series far more than Comic.
Definitely agree. I really enjoyed that Tyreese episode too.
And that scene my gosh, I saw it and immediately it beamed up into my mind. I am so glad they are using such a striking image and making it make sense. Hopefully the episode turns out alright.
It was very reminiscent of the very first episode. Even the last shot of the episode is like that of the tank, except that no one is helping Rick.
These helicopter people might take him, I dunno. We'll see.
I can't picture this show without Rick.....I don't know maybe it's time to stop.
i wonder who was like
"so like rick falls off his horse and dies from it" and then the writing team went "dude fuck yeah reminds me of this other walking dead thing where someone gets launched through a car window lets do it lmao"
He'll probably not die from that. He will probably get rid of the horde through the bridge. He might get killed by Maggie, though.
Ben's one was way better and more tense. With Rick's, it was so dull to me, despite the extremely loud, earsplitting 'tense' music.
oh-ho-ho, you don't want that.
Firstly, the way this happens is just so dumb (horse gets revenge) so there would be a terribly large fan outcry. Think Carl but worse because main character.
Secondly, the fact that the lead character of a show is leaving speaks volumes. Large fan outcry right there.
Then you've got the actual explanation, which would be incredibly hectic for not just Lincoln but everybody involved. We've known about this for a while, and coverage has covered almost all aspects. Other actors, other writers, etc.
Essentially, the reception's postive would be overshadowed by the negative. It's a clever move to talk about this before, a lot less backlash.
And even then, we don't know how he goes out. So there's still an element of speculation and surprise, you know, to see his final scene and stuff.
The horse is getting revenge for its brother that died in Season 1. Also, when you see the promo, you can see that Rick's impaled area is in the same place where he got shot in Episode 1. (?)
I thought Episode 5 would be harrowingly unpleasant and depressing, but it seems more hype. More artistic. More pleasant to the eye.
They're okay, but TV series was much better till seventh season.
Ive pretty much stopped watching after season 8, only really knew about how this episode ended because a friend told me about it. Wont be surprised if he doesnt die at all and the helicopter just sees hes hurt and they whisk him away.
WARNING!!! Seems someone has put the next episode out there on the net...people are trying to spoil it for everyone...watch yourselves...btw...Snape killed Dumbledore.
that's true! and earlier in the ep daryl even tells rick that he wouldn't be alive without glenn. now he's in a similar situation and glenn isn't there to save him.
but i still don't think that'll be how he dies..