Who would you resurrect and kill them again personally?
From all the villains in the series who would you resurrect and kill again?
Carver would be my first choice.
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From all the villains in the series who would you resurrect and kill again?
Carver would be my first choice.
St.John's brothers, Joan and Marlon.
Jane, I wish I could've killed her myself
Maybe she's not a villain, but she's a b*tch
Arvo although we didn't get to kill him once...... BUT IF I HAD THE POWER I WOULD'VE KILLED HIM A MILLION TIMES.
I'm honestly not really that type of guy, off the top of my head.
One would expect me to say someone like Jane, but it's less about killing her for it's own sake so much as dealing out some justice.
If I absolutely need/want someone dead, chances are it's specifically to put an end to them.
Probably Norma and Sam's brother. I loved the way Norma's intestines got ripped out. We need more visceral deaths.
I really think her death scene was pretty epic.
I gained immense pleasure seeing that walker bite Brie’s guts out after she pushed Vernon to shoot clementines dad
Brie was doing what she did to protect her people, from someone she thought was from Crawford, she didn’t know Lee from Adam! That is a really vile, disgusting thing to say to take pleasure in seeing someone die that way just because she upset you in getting Vernon to shoot Lee. Jeez! I really really hope you don’t judge people so harshly in real life if they upset you for the slightest thing.
Badger. A guy who has absolutely no conscience for anything bad he has ever done. He is someone who genuinely doesn’t deserve to live
You and me both buddy.
Bullshit, Brie would’ve helped Vernon steal that boat in an instant, I know a bitch when I see one. She didn’t even have any evidence that Lee was from Crawford.
Fucking Badger. Of all the people in the game, he's the one I enjoyed killing the most. Second is Ben.
You said you enjoyed Brie dying because she wanted Vernon to shoot Lee, now you’ve gone on to say it’s because she’d help Vernon steal the boat, yes i am sure she would but its no different than Lee deciding the group should steal from the Stranger. You think about your own group when things get tough and Brie would have probably done the same.
Point here is, you saying you took pleasure in seeing her die the way she did is sick and disturbing and i do hope you aren’t so sensitive to people who upset you in real life.
Carver. Kenny gave him a quick death. He deserved a slow one.
I mean you do you got a point, I want to trust Brea and the second she would’ve probably go along with Vernon’s plan.
I bet he enjoyed his quick death, That’s why I wanted to resurrect him so he could have a painful and slower death.
So when crawford was around they stayed down below in the sewers but when they are all gone and a herd of walkers come across the entire city surface is when they decide to steal a boat?
now we're talking
Just let me Killy Lilly lol. I don't even want to ressurect anyone. My mortal enemy remains alive
. I want her in the damn ground. I'd bring Carver back to life and hug him for the damn chance to put Lilly in the dirt.
If I had to pick someone who was dead, I'd choose Jane. She's a horrible manipulative bitch.
A fellow Brie hater. Finally! A fellow brethren lol. May we stand tall against the swarm of Brie sympathizers and come out clean on the other side. Hoooraaahhhh!
I can get into deep layers of why I hate that humpty dumpty, "They only talk to me because i'm with you" dimple chin having bitch. But it'd exhaust me to type the novel. But Brie is so damn underrated in terms of being such a pessimistic, negative, hateful, awkward and loathe worthy waste of character.
Now first you got the initial instance of her spending a good 20 minutes trying to convince Vernon to Tupac' Lee in the sewer pretending he was from Crawford. Like 1 Crawford guy not wearing any Crawford logos would wander into the sewer UNARMED alone. But that's neither here nor there. After literally trying to convince Vernon to murder an unarmed man. She spends the rest of the time with the group basically treating Lee like shit. Getting cocky. Acting like she runs shit and blaming everyone for what happens. When you discuss with her in the school, she basically wouldn't even talk to you and basically tells Lee to get fucked and that she's busy.
She all around was a true pain in the ass and a spiteful mean character.
Yes wouldn’t you?? Thousands of walkers invade the city and you’d know your hideout underground will be under serious threat more than before, i think the smart thing would be to get the hell out! Vernon saw the herd as they were escaping the bell tower when he asked “you didn’t come into town from the railroad did you?”. He decided there and then to steal the boat
Seems like you only ever got one version of Brie then. If you don’t threaten Vernon or lie to him and the group she is actually nice with you later in Crawford. Personally i think your hate for her is a bit extreme. You're underground with your group and a man walks in suddenly, you know for the past 3 months of living down there that everyone in the city is dead except people from Crawford so naturally you suspect the guy, he appears unarmed but you are not to know that for certain as his gun could be concealed. Brie was doing what anyone would do for their group. It’s laughable when other characters have done similar things but they get a free pass. Hell Brie isn’t even a character i ever discuss as shes not exactly a popular character and not even onscreen that long but i am fair in judgment most of the time and that is why i just feel it is ridiculously harsh the hate for her when it seems you don’t look at things from her side, only the side of her being horrible. Ask yourself why?
God no....why the hell would anyone do that...ok say I had Clem shoot Kenny....he is already dead...I do not think he needs to be reanimated and shot again.
No because Lee and his people at that point were allies who could help each other. Vernon should have worked with kenny to drop off everyone in 2 trips to somewhere else.
If you look at a map, you can see there’s a place right across the river called hutchinson island that wouldve been easy to get to in short time for everyone
I talked Vernon down and didn't do anything wrong to him. I told him about the medicine. Even with all that she snobbed me in the school and said "I'm busy Lee, go get lost" essentially. She was so stand offish. And you know she was in on the plan to steal the boat. that was well orchestrated.
I'll drink [juice] to that.
Though it wasn't exactly wise in context.
Spinning off the Brie talk(my stance is that she was initially on edge and distrustful but determinant warmed up a bit, btw), I will say that one detail I didn't like about 400 Days was Boyd claiming Vernon was after the boat the whole time.
Which really doesn't make sense, from what I remember.
No. Brie only treats Lee shitty based on how he treats Vernon. If you lie or say anything negative at all she will be like that to you so you must have said something for her not to speak to you in Crawford. I have played it enough times to know this dude.
Also i already said that Vernon only decided to steal the boat the moment he saw the herd coming from the railroad so i doubt Brie was in on it but of course she would have been had she known later
Vernon had his own group to worry about, he knew they weren’t going take them, even in two trips, it was never discussed either. Given the amount of supplies they had stored underground they were most likely going to stay there but the plan changed when he saw the herd coming.
I see what you’re saying but i doubt Kenny would have made two trips to save Vernon and his group knowing the herd would have filled the city by the time he came back to get Vernon and his group. Also fuel to consider and there was never a solid plan where they were going to on the boat.
The place on the map you mentioned, care to show me exactly when in the game that was seen? No one mentioned the idea of that island
Yeah i think that didn’t make sense either. Vernon was only out for the boat when he saw the herd coming.
Vernon stealing the boat was a very orchestrated thing. Boyd was part of that group. I think he'd know. I'm not sure why we are trying to dismiss the 400 days. That's in game confirmation.
My Lee didn't get shot, I know that much. If I said something wrong I could give 2 fucks less. I had reasons to be shooken up after being held at gun point and almost murdered for a good 10 minutes. The people were cons, snakes, crooks and evil. Fuck Brie and her whole underground sewer gang of boat robbing pieces of shit.
Had it not been for Vernon and Brie. Kenny would have gotten the Boat. The boat god prophecy would have been fulfilled.
Im going to end this pointless disagreement by saying the same thing i said to a few others, i hope your treatment of characters like Brie doesn’t reflect how you are to people in real life because it really is extreme as far as i am concerned. Vernon’s group weren’t bad, even when they stole the boat which although was really backstabbing, at the end of the day, anyone would have done the same when desperate enough. Even Christa said the same thing about them.
When you are looking through the binocular stand before you meet molly
Vernon was trash, he put Lees group in harms way after stealing the boat ...He got what he deserved.
Yeah, see, THIS is close to the crux of my problem.
One of the things I loved and respect about Season 1 is that it generally encouraged or at least left a bit of room to look a survivor's negative actions and consider/understand their point of view, why they decided to do it, and/or what led them to that point.
In Vernon's case, it can be consolidated of how oppressed & thus desperate his group was, learning said oppressors destroyed themselves from the inside(courtesy of a woman with a "choice" in the matter suddenly snapping and going on a killing spree), the unusually numb pain that came with losing someone who was like a daughter to him(thanks in part to the boat man and another member of his group), and seeing how uninhabitable the environment was becoming. and a realization of those lack of options forcing him to discard his own advice and regretfully steal what seems like the sturdiest way for his group to get to safety.
That line from Boyd in 400 Days just takes that and turns around & says, "Nah, he's just a conniving asshole." As if to remove any sense of nuance or even previous internal philosophy in the name of just slapping on an unambiguous bad guy label in a way that didn't fully mix in context. And I can't stand that mind of writing, which the later seasons tended to incorporate at points.
Well I guess I could double that analysis back to you. I really hope you aren't the type of person in real life to steal a boat leaving a 8 year old child to die in a zombie apoclypse because you were selfish with your resources and cared of noone other than yourself and your friends. I would hope that if you were presented with the option to help or be selfish in a situation of the such you'd be an actual human being and not some "Me first" piece of shit. I mean Vernons group were pieces of filth. Lee and Kenny found the boat. Lee and Kenny had the plan. They are the sole reason like 70 percent of Season 1s cast died. Now i'm not saying the boat plan would have worked. I'm sure all them scum bags died a salty death being raped by pirates but if it did work. Vernon and his gain hindered the success and happiness of Kenny, Ben, Christa, Omid and so many others. And most especially put Clementine, a girl they pretended to care about in danger. Serious, life threathening danger. I know of people no more selfish in the game tbh.
The only justification being used for them is a justification that can be used for any evil piece of shit including Hitler, Carver. They were in a tough situation and they were doing what was best for their people. They had plans and were helping their group. Yeah and to what cost? Hurting countless others? If that's how you win than I rather lose.
Now let's pretend Lee just used the "Survive at all costs" desperation logic. Never cut his arm off, never went looking for Clementine. Hell even when he found her in the tree house, he said. That's way too much baggage and she's going to slow me down. The Lilly logic. The "Lee should have left you behind, he would have lived longer" that's the exact logic the Vernon group used. It's a strategic logic. Maybe a smart one. But it lacks all dignity and morals. I rather die a hero to some than live an betrayer that got everyone killed.