What if Chuck was the Stranger?
Hey guys, so this literally just popped up in my head, but what if Chuck had actually been the Stranger in Episode 5? There's obviously a number of scenes that would change. I think it would have made sense for his character too.
So let's say he lied about being from the train, but once he started talking to Clem on the radio, he saw she needed help and decided to go help her. He gets lost on the streets of Savannah, saving Clementine, of course, and we don't see him until he decides to kidnap Clem at the end, having heard about the terrible things Lee did and now having seen them first hand...
Just an idea. What do you guys think?
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It's funny because Roger Jackson also did the Radio Voice.
That could potentially make for an interesting bout of development across the story.
Mmmh... might've been interesting. Admittedly, the Stranger character felt overall very flat and unjustified. There are scenarios where his motivations don't even make sense. Adding that shock factor there and actually getting to know him a little before the whole debacle might've made him more compelling.
Didn't chuck die in the sewer and we find him with his gun and he took himself? I don't remember exactly. But the stranger didn't look much like him either. I don't see the correlation. Didn't the stranger have Clem already when we were hanging out with Chuck on the train calling in through the walkie talkie and stuff?
Oh, you are asking like what if that happened not saying it did. My bad
Yeah, that would have been twisted af. Would have ruined Chuck as a likeable character tho. Would have made him creepy. But it would have benefited the stranger in a way.
Another cool plot twist would be if the stranger was Lilly since she took off with the RV or got booted to the side of the road.
Chuck was never crazy enough to be that crackpot. From what I remember there was also a scene where the Stranger was talking to Lee on the radio with Chuck being in the background with the group. Some people also speculated that he was Mr St John, lmao.
Yeah, I mean what if Chuck's character was changed so that he was crazy enough to be the Stranger. I don't think it would have to be tweaked that much. And the scene where they talk to him on the radio would either be removed or happen at a different time.
Funny(not really) you say that considering Lilly was planned to return in No Time Left as soon as Telltale knew/suspected Mr. Kirkman was voiding the intended tie-in aspect.
I think it's a great idea! Much better than someone getting upset about groceries especially if you didn't take any.
Well in my mind, Chuck would have been the one getting upset about groceries, but he would have joined the group anyway because he just wanted to make sure they were bad people. If Lee stole the groceries we would have had a similar scene to what played out, but maybe if he didn't steal them, Chuck wouldn't have been so harsh on Lee at the end.
I just think those two characters would benefit greatly from a merger. And of course all these changes would only happen in a perfect world.
That's kind of the idea.
Since you said it...
That's a good thread
Thank you.
Would make no sense because he could have just pushed Lee off the train while they were drinking and that would have been the end of it
Could have, yes. Particularly if he objects to his advice regarding Clementine one time too many.
Still, The Stranger seemed more interested in mutually understanding what Lee's deal is and addressing how his actions reflect on him before actually dealing with him. Having him and Chuck be the same character would add this undertone of him trying to steer Lee in a better direction for Clementine's sake before moving in.
I liked Chuck, but tbh he deserved to die for that corny “for whom the bell tolls” line...
It reminds me of Metallica.
He would've CRUSHED Lee without even having to touch him. All Chuck would have to do is blow his smelly hobo breath in Lee's face and he would've destroyed him.
I mean they all have hobo breath now, but Chuck was a hobo before all of this. I guess he'd have super hobo breath.
It would destroy his character
True, but he was one of the more lackluster characters in Season 1 anyway, since he was pretty underused. I feel that the Stranger also fit this description and both characters would ultimately benefit from being combined.