Something Lilly said about Clementine minor spoilers

During the climax off TFS episode 3 Lilly implied she knows Clementine before the outbreak but the first meeting took place during the early days of the outbreak in the drug store in season 1


  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited January 2019


  • I caught onto that as well but I assume she just worded it wrong seeing as they met like 2 days in

  • edited January 2019

    Well she says “before this all started” now that could simply mean she meant at the beginning of the apocalypse like only a couple of days in before the crisis really hit home or again the incompetent writers didn’t do their research and it is another bad writing inclusion.

    They should have written her to say “i knew Clementine when she was 8 years old”, that would have been better

  • Damn. Writers really can't do math.
    Like, how do you mess that up when that's the whole reason this incarnation of the character was included in this?

  • Potato potato. The writing was insufficient. What more can I say?

  • Well, it WAS kinda before it all a few days at most.

  • I wouldnt say this is a huge problem unlike other timeline problems. She met her on like day 2, it still would feel somewhat like "before" the outbreak happened.

  • That's not what Lily said.

  • Lilly is trying to brainwash AJ into thinking she is someone he can trust. Anyone who thinks this is bad writing is a moron.

  • What's the actual line?

  • Curious about this as well.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What's the actual line?

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