Who do you thinks gonna die in the explosion?
After placing the bomb in the boiler room , who do you think is going to die in the explosion from both factions my prediction Fiona is that who ever you didn’t save will probaly die since Louis is weak and needs help to get up I belive he'll be killed in the explosion same as for violet if you saved Louis...now if you spared Lily I belive Sullene would die in the explosion and if you kill lily she’ll survive the explosion same horse for Dorian if you didn’t save Louis she’ll make it out Aasim ,Omar ,Tenn....well I belive Assisim or Omar would probably died in the later part of the episode And Tenn might die in the explosion making Minerva wanting to have revenge on Clementine
And asking Lilly to burn down the whole school and let her kill Clementine personally And we have to try and tell her that but we pointed the gun at her brother which might work depending if you told her that Tenn forgives her which would turn the tables
What do you guys think
What do you think people died in the explosion ?
Let me know in the comments bellow
Knowing telltale, probably no one
Well if that’s the case then I call that lazy writing, just like season 2 with the Russians in the ending of episode 4 and beginning episode5.
Probably just some redshirts Delta members.
I'm honestly not sure aside from how I'd be a tad surprised if Violet and Minnie got out unscathed.
Armando and maybe Micheal are probably dead, though.
If I were you, I’d expect everyone to survive apart from one delta member who was not even in any of the episode prior to the 4th one ?
All the Delta nobodies will be dead thats for sure lmao, only Lilly if alive and Minnie will survive.
I doubt any of the school kids will die from the explosion unless its a nobody like Omar.
That’s expecting .
James/Lilly, depending on who you didn't get killed, because in the world of Telltale both characters of a determinant death choice die anyway.
That’s unavoidable possibility.
Everyone. Did you see the blood after Clem hit her head on the wall? Her brain is mush.
Just any remaining delta members who was on there. If you had Lilly killed one of the raiders comes along and says that she couldn't find the others on the boat before she realises AJ's shot her.
So it's safe to assume that Louis Omar and Aasim got out and Violet managed so get Minnie out.
Bingo! I smell a repeat of the gunfight with the Ruskies in Season 2 at the end of episode 4...no one of consequence will die at the beginning of the episode.
Except Natasha.
Anyone closest to the boiler deck. If there’s a hull breach, anyone down there will drown or will be forced to swim through the breach and into walker infested waters
A character of importance has never been directly killed off in the beginning of an episode.
If Lily/James/ survive, them and Violet/Louis and their chance of dying is more likely to occur atleast halfway in.
Imagine the one u chose between vi and lo to save dies in the explosion that'd be epic.
Omid says hi
Was Omid ever really important though?
Also, that was originally supposed to be a flashback.
That's at the beginning of an entirely different season where it wasn't even 100 percent confirmed Omid and Christa found Clem at the end of S1.
I'm talking concurrently from episode to episode in a single season.
Usually there's a waiting period before a major character is killed off.
I’m getting Carley/Doug vibes here.
I think ONLY Delta members will die in explosion. Here’s why:
Not long ago I noticed an interesting detail.
IF you let AJ kill Lilly, Sullene (one of the raiders) will show up on the deck. She will say something like „Lilly, we couldn’t find the others...”
Which means that Clem’s friends WEREN’T on the boat WHEN IT EXPLODED.
Unless someone came back for Clem and AJ. We will find out soon.
If Lily dies Sulline survives, if Lily surives Sulline dies.
That sounds kinda...
What exactly ?
Oops, forgot to get the URL.
Sorry about that.
Some irrelevant character.