Just Let It Be
I understand people's frustration and reasoning for why some of the stuff that happens in the Final Episode doesn't make sense, but with that said, I think it would be best for us to just not overthink it too much because it's just gonna make your heads hurt. The less you think about it the more you'll enjoy the episode. Again, I understand that a lot of people on here have issues with the episode, but it really doesn't matter at this point. The Final Season is over, so just let it be.
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Oh, a lot of the stuff does make sense. Even Clementine’s “death scene” but people being people, they refuse to see logic and reason ?
People here said it TFS was too predictable. I think people are made caused the unexpected happened. ?
This is the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread

Like how Minerva was singing and shooting Clementine behind a herd of walkers especially if she wasn’t covered that much in walker guts doesn’t add up??
I still enjoyed it 100% but it had some elements that where like what!!??
How anyone could say this is 'unexpected' is beyond me since Clementine being bit has been overly emphasised to the point where the game literally stops to have a 5 minute discussion about it in EP3. The rest of the episode was either the same rehashed telltale formula or just aimless.
There's nothing to get angry or upset about in my opinion since there isn't much there to invoke such feelings.
Overthink? The Final Season? Heh!
Because a fish might've learned to walk on dry land?
Yeah, I was gettin ready to say, ain't that a song?
I'm more so just underwhelmed and apathetic towards the finale.
I do think it's quite disappointing that we've gotten to the point in the series where the less we think of the story and events that it becomes more enjoyable.
This should have been an exceptionally fantastic ending that rivaled that of any other installment of the series and further demonstrated what made Telltale's walking dead series the gaming masterpiece it was. Instead we have a aimless episode that was rushed and unfocused devoid any of the emotional finality the prior episodes invoked.
That's me during the climax of Suffer Children.
That is me during the entire season, lool.
wah! -this fandom
I still agree.
I still think Clem surviving made no sense at all but you're right it doesn't matter anymore this last episode was underwhelming,this was the last telltale game ever and Skybound saved it they had the chance to go out with a bang but instead they gave us a mediocre and forgettable season.
Honestly i'm just relieved,we got those 2 episodes and it's finally over,after Batman S2 i thought our good old Telltale was finally back,then S4 came out it started off so well only to go downhill in the second half.
Telltale clearly didn't "get it" anymore,and Wolf S2 was going to be a dumpster fire,so yeah you're right just let it be,let it fade away as no one will remember this mediocre and forgettable game.
I can understand you're disappointed, but saying no one will remember this game is just not true. From what I've seen, the majority of people liked the episode and the season overall. Many still think (myself included) that this is the best season after the first one and taking into account this was the finale... no. Some people will certainly not forget about this season.
people should just stop complaining about it. they should just be skybound stepped in and finished it. I'm happy with how they ended it
I'd rather be content that Telltale would be finally putting this dying series down so they move on to making other games in the future, thank you.
Ex Telltale
She was bitten twice,badly. The only reason they did feed on her was that Clem shot her and open upp a new wound.
I didn't misspeak.
You damn straight people won’t forget!?

I am more of a ‘Saints Row’ fan.
People were all like "She's gonna die. There's no way Violet and Louis both survive - one will die in Ep.4. Omar is gonna die." A lot of people said these things were going to happen but none of it did.
Even if we had endings like:
Clem dies - AJ lives
Clem lives - AJ dies
Clem dies - AJ dies
Clem lives - AJ lives
People would complain about the execution of each ending were they in the game. We all know those people that would.
Yes and No since looking back at what the ending was its hard to say if it was truly worth the amount of trouble Skybound went to in order to complete it. On the other hand it does give i suppose a degree of 'finality' which i say in the most looses term possible.
I would also like to point out that not everyone is just 'complaining' as myself have listed several reasons as to my disappointment of the series which are valid points I have repeatedly stated.
I'm surprised Telltale didn't pull a Conrad on Omar being honest, but the whole Clementine dying was a cheap cop out since she should be dead had it not been for the pretzel twisted logic of her injury. Even if people got those predictions wrong it wouldn't/shouldn't have any bearing on a player's perception of the finale if it is a truly good episode to them.
I've been wrong dozens of times throughout Telltale's franchises yet I've still managed to enjoy the episodes a good deal despite my wrongful predictions of episodes. If the product is ultimately good then what you predicted correctly/incorrectly shouldn't matter as the product turned out great either way.
I disagree with that assertion as people loved the plethora of unique and vast endings that S2 had which built up a considerable amount of hype for S3. Here you had the most mundane and uneventfully singular ending with no real finality to it or even feeling like an actual end to what has been a 6-7 year critically acclaimed series.
After what Telltale did with S1 and to a less extent S2 people rightfully had their expectations high and creativity limitless as to what Telltale would do to finally end this journey we've been on for over 6+ years which is a hefty task to accomplish, but its a standard that the fans are not at fault for having. This ending was quite underwhelming for what is suppose to be the final chapter of Clementine's near lifelong journey that has come to an end.
People would/could love having 4-10 plus endings if they were well written and planned out well that concluded in a manner that made them all feel uniquely distinctive and complete in their finality. Sure, you can argue there would be some who'd never be happy, but the vast majority would love for that to happen and its even more frustrating because we know for a fact Telltale is capable of such work as shown in their other properties.
I feel the same, and I really dont like the "just dont think about it" approach. Its a bit silly that if you "think about" the story in the story base game it lessens the experience because you see so many flaws, but if you just turned off and just floated through it without thinking about the story at all it would be "good."
I'd rather have a story that feels rewarding to watch and experience because its tightly done so when you do think about the story everything clicks in place, instead of once you think about the story its filled with holes and parts where you can easily see how it could have been improved.
Overall I feel the same. I dont hate the Finale nor do I hate final season, it just felt underwhelming in the end and I cant help but feel they could have done more.
But I feel like everyone would want the best ending if there were multiples. I doubt anyone would go, "Huh, I got the bad ending. Well, time to stop playing." Nah, people would work for the best ending. If there were multi endings that would be cool, but who would stick with the ending where Clem dies?
Eh, considering no one even cared about what was going on at Telltale until they died and then after it was announced Final season would finish it was barely talked about, its not going to be largely remembered. Everyone remembers something, but when people think of Telltale's Walking Dead people are only going to think about Seasons 1 and 2.
I'm sure some would as in their interpretation would be the best finale to conclude Telltale's walking dead series. I would have loved for Clementine to have had a ending similar to that of Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2.
Like Season 1.
I'm sorry but when I reach the time when I'm in the mood of replaying The Walking Dead, I will only play Season 1 and 2. Clementine leaving Wellington with Kenny was MUCH better than the finale of the franchise itself. Everything after that just went downhill, tbh.
I will replay The Final Season only for Platinum but I will never touch A New Frontier ever in my life because there is absolutely nothing good about it. Nuff said.
I mean there where some flaws like...(I STILL DIDNT GET ANY BACKSTORY OF TENN'S SCAR’S) that’s the only down side I can think of.
Oh, there's others, some like that.
I felt like they Where Focusing on more action than just logical explanations two characters background story.