Character thoughts & opinions - Have they changed?
Way back when we first played Season 4 episode 1, I started a discussion about "Favourite NEW S4 character so far" since then we've had character development, loss and new characters! So I'm curious, have your thoughts and opinions changed on anyone?
**For the record this is for S4 Characters.
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For me...
Louis is my boy I've love him from the beginning. He reminds me of a young Omid and Clem needs someone like that.![<3 <3](
Tenn Gotta love Tenn. He is honestly so sweet and mature and so forgiving! I love him and AJs friendship!
Rosie - Rosie is my dog now. Rosie is best girl. (Pleasedon'tkillher!!!)
Ruby - Ruby, Ruby, Ruby... I've actually really grown to like Ruby! I wasn't sure what to make of her at first, I mean AJ bit her so we didn't get of to the best start.... but she got a bit of growth in episode 2 and we kinda bonded more over burying the nurse. Then in episode 3, with Violet, Aasim and Omar kidnapped and Willy still grieving Mitch, Ruby seemed to get her fair share of the spotlight. If I'm honest, I kinda didn't expect her to last this long but I'm glad she has and hope she survives.
Aasim In episode 1 I expected Aasim to get the most development of the more minor characters of the group and that he would become this marmite character that would divide peoples opinions. Some would love him and some would hate him and I was on the fence. He didn't really get this development though but I was really pleased to see him in episode 3 which I didn't expect.
James - I was really pleased to see James again as I had heard we wouldn't see him again. It might not be the most exciting part of the episode but I liked learning a bit more about him even if I didn't agree with him completely.
Mitch & Willy - My thoughts have stayed pretty neutral on both. I just never really formed a connection with them. Mitch was a bit annoying in episode 2 but it gave some backstory before he died and he died a hero so... Willy was a little annoying in episode 3 but I also get he was closest to Mitch and was just grieving. I really wanted the option to tell AJ Willy was just grieving.
Omar - I never really cared much for Omar - It's hard to care about a character that got barely any screen time! I was actually half-expecting him to be dead when we got to Delta, having already been injured and I honestly doubt he's suddenly going to get a whole load of development in the final episode so...
Annnnnd now for my (probably) unpopular opinions.
Lily - I will start by saying I absolutely hated Lily for shooting Carley in season 1, and did not hesistate to leave her on the side of the road. For a long time I didn't care if we ever saw her again but then as time went on, I slowly came round to the idea of seeing what had happened to her and in my honest opinion... I think it makes sense for her to have become a villian. All the stuff she went through with Kenny, then her unstability after loosing her dad, the abandonment of the group and having to do what she can to survive. A good villian makes you hate them with a passion and in episode 3 (well... end of 2 really as she seemed conflicted prior to that) all my hatred came flooding back and I didn't believe a word she said but I was still conflicted when it came to let AJ shoot her or not. (Initially I respected James wishes and said no, but instantly regretted it so replayed.)
Minnie - I like Minnie (please don't shoot me!) Minnie has been through an awful lot, she's been brainwashed, clearly has stockholmn syndrome but seems to really care about Tenn and keeps giving these little looks that lead me to believe somewhere in there, deep down, her former self is. It's going to take alot to bring it out and I'm pretty sure she's lost the support of the Ericson kids after learning the truth, but I think this is where Tenn will be key! I certainly didn't expect her to be the one responsible for killing her TWIN SISTER but god only knows what Delta has put her through. I would certainly not be surprised if there is more to it than we've been told and that one had to kill the other or Delta would kill them both. Delta love to use the threat of hurting loved ones afterall. That being said, I don't trust her and will be keeping her at arms length but I'd like some sort of redemption for her... even if it means sacrificing herself to save Tenn.
I was hoping someone like you might do another one of these yesterday. I even briefly considered bumping it before realizing that I can't rename it if possible.![:smile: :smile:](
Stay tuned.
Violet: I still love her and her ship with Clem however it did piss me off with the way she was at the end of the episode. However, after a while I totally got it and especially after this post by Kent. Hoping that there is a chance she will forgive us.
Louis: This episode made me love him so much more to the point where I lean more towards him than Violet (which I feel guilty about because they're both great characters). What he did to his parents was fucked up but as someone who wants to be an actor and, at first, had my parents shut it down, I completely understand his mindset, but not justifying it. Still best boi tho.
James: I! LOVE! JAMES! He is also best boi. His line "you don't fucking scare me" was so fucking cool and when he died in my first game through I replayed the whole thing and shot Lilly just so he could say alive.
Lilly: I was disappointed. I was expecting a motive for why she was brainwashing kids, she only told us a backstory about Larry cutting off the power and it just feels like she's being evil for the sake of being evil. I was hoping, for those who tried to be nice to her, that she could have a redemption arc, but she went full on evil. Maybe in episode 4 if she's alive she'll change but I doubt it ?
Minnie: This gif just sums it up
My opinion on anyone else hasn't really changed so I'm not gonna list every character.
My thoughts are still the same,still love her character,i liked her backstory more than Louis,and i romanced her and all that.
Mitch and Willy
I liked how they gave Mitch more development in episode 2,i think he was a pretty good character and his death was alright i guess,same for Willy he gets more screentime in episode 3 and it's great,never forget "CHRONIC MASTURBATION"
Aasim and Omar
Lol those poor two characters,i never really gave a shit about Aasim even in episode 1,and Omar just got barely any screentime yeah i have no idea why these two are still alive tbh,they should've just killed them.
She's cool !
Rosie is my dog now.
James,literally my favorite character from episode 3,i loved everything about him,his backstory with the whisperers,and how he just risks his life for the entire school asking for nothing in returns,i also loved how he's totally not intimidated by Lilly,like bitch you're talking to a guy who used to be with the whisperers one of the most fucked up groups ever,get outta here.
I thought her character was fine in EP2,i liked how conflicted she was about Clem at the end and uh yeah the game just forgot about that and she became a Disney Villain.
I love her design,but i don't really care about her yeah she's been brainwashed but eeeeeh,whatever.
hey guys
Here are some overall, on the spot character rankings with accolades/criticisms. I will try to edit and/or adjust this to be more detailed later.
1. Alvin Rebecca Carver Junior: Successful hook for genuinely being interested in TFS, for better or worse. Just great.
2. Louis: Loved him since his reveal. A fun breath of fresh air. Especially after so many glorified "badass" assholes. Was easily running much of the show for the first half of TFS. Took a considerable hit this penultimate episode, though. Poor guy.
3. Willy: Hilariously bizarre. Led to fun theory for possible storyline initially. One of the most wasted characters in Episode 2. Gets some important spotlight in episode 3, though.
4. Ruby: Interactions with AJ are adorable. Thought she'd be somewhat conflicted hero antagonist after episode 1, though. Gets to really shine as a supporting character in Episode 3.
5. Aasim: Appreciate the distinction of being pragmatic without being overly hardassed or especially mur. Felt like he'd be a bigger character at first before getting seriously demoted.
6. Tennessee: Youngest delinquent(?) and AJ's Bf. Expected to be mute woobie but instead got pretty idealistic if quiet artist. Refreshing in humble way. Supposedly a main character, but the story has been really stingy with him.
7. Abel: Fun secondary villain and Archenemy of AJ.
8. Dorian: Enforcer with cool design. Also, apparently from the streets.
9. Lilith the Recruiter: Kinda worked thanks to Narm Charm, occasional bits of genuine brilliance, and too good performance. Seriously muddled to the point of being compromised in Broken Toys. Probably should've stayed gone.
10. Violet: Gaunt. Went from absolutely dreading(if even that) to slightly liking to not knowing what to think.
11. James: Ex-Whispererer. Seen too much war. Was a part of too much death. Empathizes with the walkers. Jane except good; so, Luke then. Also, was gay because of course.
12. Rosie: Headmaster's Bitch. Really misses Marlon. Poor old girl.
13. Brody: Marlon's Second In Command, possible flame, and secret keeper. Obvious Mauve Shirt. One of the most wasted characters of the entire season. Really reminiscent of Bonnie, to the point where it couldn't have been unintentional or at least went unnoticed.
14. Omar: The most neglected supporting. Kinda sad, since he has distinct moniker and design. Reminds me a bit of good ol Alvin.
15. Clementeen: Yep. Sure is protagonist. Niceassthough.
16. Michael: Gatling Mook. Looks like he could be Omar's dad. Checks out state names.
17. Gina: Dorian's replacement? Also super tall, vigilant, and apparently forgetful.
18. Sullene: Raider. Yonatan's loved one? Oddly underutilized.
19. Yonatan: One of best raiders. He existed.
20. Armando: Mook. He dead or out.
21. Gad: Mook. Looks like Badger.
22. Mitch: Tallest delinquent. Likes to make bombs, carve knives, and disrespect the fallen for turning. Went from being just there to being dull & functional. Sorta reminds me of severly watered down Larry and what Tripp tried to be at times.
23. Minnie: Tenn's other twin sister. Committed narrative suicide. Pretty awful character, if even that. Half of Broken Toys' nosedive.
lmfao poor fucking dude,just put him out of his misery already.
I like Louis even more than I did before. 10/10 character, the best in the history of the whole series.
Violet was a bitch in the first episode. Then she was quite better in the second episode, but in the third episode she showed exactly who she is and that she will betray the people she love whenever she likes.
I disliked Minerva before Episode 3 because she was Violet's girlfriend (obviously something had to be wrong with her) and looks like I was right.
James turned out to be a complete idiot. Morgan Jones of TWD Game, but he is even more fucked up than Morgan was in TV Series.
Looking through that old thread, I still kinda miss old man dan.
James, I didn't have any thoughts in Episode 2, but Episode 3 definitely displayed what a mental nutcase he is. Not only mental, but just unintelligent. The pseudo-spiritual belief that "walkers are people" is just mindnumbing to me and if it wasn't clear the devs wrote this to showcase his mental health I would have assumed it was completely bad writing from TT.
He's also annoying with his need to critique my parenting. Shut the fuck up James.
Unfortunately he survived my ending. I heard theories that he might turn on you if you let AJ kill Lily, but that actually sounds like an amazing plot twist and I'd have no problem killing this fucker.
My only complaint is about Violet's character's absolute change. In Episode 3, she wasn't acting like Violet, not like the girl we saw in two earlier episodes and devs totally went for cliché as they made Violet's character edgy, while she had interesting sides in previous episodes. While I think Violet got her reasons to act like that, I don't also think that she'd treat Clementine like that no matter what.
Feels like devs don't even treat romance routes equally and made Louis' route look like a "better choice" by ruining Violet's character. Now people are saying "Choosing Violet's wrong! save Louis, romance Louis! Violet's a traitor!" And I'm really really disappointed because of this. It's like.. you are even punished by the game if you saved Violet as Louis' tongue gets cut. What the hell. If you saved Louis no one gets hurt, but you only see Violet's complaints about Clementine -while, again if we look at first two episodes she wasn't kind of character who'd flip sh** on Clementine for that reason.
I don't really know how can they recover this situation with the latest episode, but all I want from the devs is: If you're gonna make two romance routes, please treat them equally. Don't ruin the other's character development just to make other look better.
This is NOT season 1 Lilly. This is Lilly written by Kenny's die-hard fan.
And Lee. Again? Flashback, flashback, flashback. Like, they know how nostalgia works. Nostalgia for something best, they'll never bring back. Reminds me of new Star Wars; Lee became ghost of Yoda. Next time he'll cause lightnings. I don't like the look of younger Clem; her neck''s too long. And her face's goofy.
Pretty much.
Boy, writers didn't screw anything. You just got to see who Violet really is. From the beginning you could see that she pretty much didn't give a shit about anyone from that school except for Clem. If not Clem, she wouldn't hesitate to betray all of them if Minerva showed up.
I think what should've been better is that instead of having Violet betray you if you didn't save her,she lose an eye,i mean fuck they kept talking about it for like 2 episodes i was expecting something like that to happen at some point lol.
But yeah i do agree that was pretty disappointing they did such a great job for 2 episodes and kinda fucked up in episode 3,i hope they can make up for that in episode 4 but i'm not sure.
Louis is pretty much her best friend and she cares a lot about Tenn ...
That explains why she is so keen on making both of them slaves. Oh wait, it doesn't...
I started off not giving a single shit about Willy but he really grew on me. He had funny lines and seemed like an actual person in Episode 3 and I just loved his bomb obsession.
I never thought I'd actually care about Abel, but I didn't torture him nearly as much as I thought and I did end up mercy killing him after he begged me not to let him turn. Even though he was a bastard, he proved to be a respectable bastard.
Lily's such a twisted villain. I love it.
The writers equalled out Louis’s and Violet’s routes. In episode 2, people were like “I hate Louis! Violet is so much better!” But for episode 3 people are now saying “I hate Violet! Louis is so much better.”
I wouldn't say so. Louis was a lot more justified and the only really thing he has done was to vote to kick Clem & AJ out. That can't really be compared to Violet which you try to save and she attacks you in the cell in order to make you and your friends a bunch of slaves.
From what I see. Violet gets a huge amount of hate now everywhere. People didn't hate Louis that much when Episode 2 came out. He got some shit, sure, but generally there was a huge group that understood his actions. Can't say the same about Violet. Most of the people are really disappointed by what she has done. Well - I can't say that I don't like it![;) ;)](
Yeah, just a tad surprised I didn't see anything like that.
But it was probably because AJ sorta comes upon the right train of thought himself. Still, could've been nice, especially after the anger talk near the beginning of the previous.
One would think that, under better circumstances.
Bumping this since people seem to be coming out to talk about it again.
So it's all over! Any opinions changed?![:) :)](
No. xo
There's so many that one would have to check across the many pages for anything then they disagree with now.
? time to make a list because the final season is done, yeah!?
Clementine: obviously. We’ve been with her since season 1, and her character is probably better than ever. Putting aside her blatant murders at the ranch, she was as good hearted as they come in this episode. She stood up to help save an entire school who couldn’t save themselves, and all at the cost of her leg. A true champ till the end, I can only hope that the archives aren’t fully complete just yet.
Louis: I loved this guy since his reveal. He’s basically black teen Javier, and he makes for the perfect substitute and my heart still aches over my sweet pudding Lord not making a return ? his dialogue is arguably the best in the whole game, the romance is just amazing (for telltale) and the games that you can play with him are the true highlights of the season.
Violet: I love Violet just as much as I love Louis, though nothing can beat Lou Lou. She’s adorable, she’s a badass, she’s an asshole, she’s redeemed for said assholery, plus her romance is the cutest one (though the most awkward for some reason, let’s not forget that silent af slow dance)
AJ: I know I said I hated him at the start of the season, he took Marlon from me and I was fully ready to spend the entire season redeeming him, and I was prepared to see him take on Lilly’s army, giving his own life to right his wrong, but no, AJ had to be all like “da faq outta here with that shit” and killed him in me. Plus he was a sociopath. But episode 4 (minus the first quarter) made me understand him more. He saved Louis, though at a cost, he saved CLEMENTINE and he calls crutches wood arm legs, so he just about made the cut into my “loved” list.
Rosie: She’s a good girl.
Marlon: I did like Marlon. I didn’t think he was a bad guy, and it was probably a good thing he gave Minnie away, the bitch, if she could choose a gang of kidnappers over her own sister, then she had it coming, it also shows that she had that kind of mentality in her the whole time. It doesn’t just happen over night. But yeah, he did it for the good of the other kids, because if he didn’t Lilly would have taken the whole lot there and then and killed the rest. Still pisses me off that he’s listed as “antagonist” on the wiki.
James: we wears dead ppl, he’s pure, he has a badass backstory, and he’s an ex-whisper. Cool dude.
Willy: Chronic masturbation...that is all. Srsly tho, this guy is a barrel of laughs. You must always refer to him by a weird nickname.
Aasim: I’ve liked him from the start. The best guy when it comes to piss taking scenes, I only wish he’d have more screen time here’s hoping that his story will continue. Just because Clementine’s story is donezo doesn’t mean anybody else’s is ?
Ruby: hated her at first, but she grew on me. Realised she wasn’t as tough as she seemed.
Tenn:loved the little guy at first, but episode 4 changed my mind. He tried to trust his psycho sister.... rlly... he got Mitch killed, I’ll let that slide, but he made the same mistake twice and it was so much worse this time because he knew that somebody was actually in danger, being either Louis or Violet, and depending on choices he can get them killed. I still like him because of episode 1 and 3, but episode 4 kinda just pulled him down to borderline “meh” for me.
Brody: I liked Brody, I nearly loved her, but she was killed off way too soon, and considering I was dead set on going down the Louis path, I didn’t get to spend time with her personally other than in my alt playthrough.
Mitch: never rlly cared for him tbf. Came off as a bit of a douch in the hub area of episode 1, was a dickhead throughout the majority of episode 2, grew on me towards the end...then died. He’s a troubled guy but not bad enough to be put into the “disliked” category.
Omar: I liked him, I did, but he got virtually no screen time whatsoever. I can only recall two instances where he can talk to Clementine directly, and that’s in the hub and when he is shot, unless you want to also count the brief word he was on the boat, in which case 3. So much more could have been done with him and I hope we see more of him in the future in hopes of moving him higher on my list.
Lilly:I liked her in season 1, I disliked her as soon as she shot Carley. Then when she returned, I was expected some sort of redemption/repentance arc, but I was wrong. She only fucked things up even more, did some terrible things, begged for her life, then kills James if you don’t shoot her, only to fuck off and expects to part ways just as easy as that..AJ was better if killing her, and it was the only instance where I would directly allow it.
Minerva: do I even need to express how much I hate this girl? I came to rescue her, only to be told that she murdered her own sister and locked me and everyone else in cages. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, she nearly slits clem’ throat, returns later on all chopped up, badly injures Clem, gets Tenn/Louis/Violet killed and enjoys watching it happen and yeah...she deserved the painful death she got. Only wish she didn’t seem to enjoy it so much.
And I think that’s everyone. That took foreeevverrr. But yeah, I did enjoy the majority of the cast, and I only wish that this season gave us the opportunity to actually end with everyone still alive, or every single person, including Clementine dead. But I won’t complain about it too much, it is what it is.
Yeah people, Louis is still the best character in the history of this series.
Nah-uh, Mary-Jane. xo
What's the difference between okay and meh ?
Okay is when a character is decently written or utilized enough to be sorta liked or notable, but isn't that appealing or memorable.
Meh is, well, indifference. When it's a character that either just exists or simply doesn't register personally.
I classify them as the same meaning, but not according to @DabigRG.
Generally speaking, I do consider them more or less the same as well, but there's sometimes enough characters and/or factors involved that it can help to separate the positive average from the negative.
And since those two are often used interchangebly based on someone's mood...
Ah, okay.
You can't do anything about that mate.
Watch me!![>:) >:)](
Clem and Louis are still my faves. Louis still reminds me of a young Omid and the chemistry between him and Clem is adorable. I am so glad they both lived and are together in my playthrough!
I also really grew to love AJ. I didn't like him much in his baby form because I didn't know how he would survive. Somehow he did and honestly he's a little boy born into an apocoyplse. All he's ever know is survival. He's not going to be perfect. He might not always make the right choice but he does mean well! (and let's just remind ourselves. Clem asked him to kill her. He CHOSE to amputate her leg instead and she LIVED!)
Ruby: Ruby didn't make the best first impression but in her defense she had just been bitten by AJ! By the end of episode 1, I'd warmed to her but it was really episode 2 when we spent a bit more time with her that I really began to like her and I find it cute, that even though she doesn't seem intrested in Aasim at first, by the enf of episode 4, it looks like they've got together. Cute!
Aasim: Episode 1 and I really thought Aasim would be the one to get the most character development (aside from the main characters obviously.) and I fully expected to think he was overrated. Unforunetly, he never really gets that character development and I wish he had!
Tenn: I loved Tenn. I don't blame him for wanting to trust his sister. IT'S HIS SISTER. He thought she was dead then he finds out she's alive. Ofcourse he's going to want to try and save her! The only reason he slips from love to like, is because he has to die to save Louis(/Violet) and we never did get that backstory on his scars!
James: ** I still like James and I kinda expected if he lived he would resent you for letting AJ kill Lily even if it seems totally out of character for him but because of how resentful he becomes, I kinda feel it's better if he dies. At least that way he dies with his beliefs still in tact.
**Brody: I liked Brody it's just a shame she died so soon. Also if you choose the Louis path you never really get to bond with her which considering she's dead by the end of the episode, is a real shame!
Marlon: **Marlon seemed like a good guy but he made a mistake and hid in from the group. Only Brody knew the truth and she'd agreed to keep his secret. When Clem encountered Abel, Brody wanted to tell the truth but Marlon got angry and accidently killed her. He then locked Clem in the basement with Brody (knowing she would turn) and tried to blame Clem for killing her! He may have thought he was doing what was right but there comes a point where he should have owned up and not passed the blame!
**Willy: Honestly he's kinda creepy but I don't hate him.
Mitch: Didn't really do enough to make me care for him. He didn't like Clem and he made it quite clear he wasn't prepared to give her a chance. However, he went out a hero so I don't hate him.
Omar: Who? Honestly I find it hard to care for him because of how little screen time he got. Aside from cooking for everyone, it felt like he had no purpose. I felt like he was going to die from his leg injury and honestly, I feel like if he had, no one would have really been that bothered.
Now for my unpopular opinion.... I still don't hate Minerva.
Yes she did some truly awful unforgivable things but in episode 3 it really felt like there was still a glimmer of hope. Brief moments were it looked like we were talking sense into her. Unforunetly it doesn't pan out this way. She's too far gone. Manipulated and Brainwashed by the Delta. I am disappointed there was no way of redeeming her. I was convinced she would sacrifice herself to SAVE Tenn and maybe after Tenn would open up about his scars but instead she claimed his life! (Or Louis/Violets) It's pretty sad she couldn't find her way back. If Marlon hadn't lied to the group about what happened, the rescue mission could have happened much sooner and it wouldn't have been too late to save her or Sophie!
I'm kinda wondering if I'm able to do any degree of updating. My contextual favorites list and the finales generally briskness indicates likely not, but who knows.
Louis :: Of all of the characters in TFS, he had the most noticeable character growth, particularly if you choose him each time. From inventing Walker Pinata when he ought to be hunting rabbits, avoiding responsibility and confrontation whenever he could - to becoming a partner Clementine could count. There's hints of it in the beginning as he shares his food, looks after AJ, and over comes his own personal loss of his best friend. His regret is shown through his actions and words.
Marlon:: As short lived as he is, he's probably one of the most realized characters in the series. He's complex, and to date likely the best TellTale has come to creating one of Kirkman's style of villains in the series - a true reflection of humanity pushed one moment too far and the rash, horrible acts we're capable of in those moments.
Aasim:: It's hard for me to express my disappointment with Aasim. He had an essence of an important character as the series began - capable, but not invulnerable as Clementine does save him. He presents himself as typically level headed, and it just seems unfortunate that he's not given more time to develop or wasn't selected as the Leader after Marlon. It's nothing against Violet in that position, but he seemed a more practical choice.
Mitch:: I liked him more than Ruby. It was clear why he'd be in a school like Ericson's, and while he wasn't the most pleasant to interact with, he had a very realistic attitude. I feel like he ought to have more of a presence in the defense portion of Ericson's, and his pyrotechnics were a touch underwhelming.
AJ:: I wanted to like him. I honestly did. He's an adorable kid, but his attitude just didn't grow on me. I wasn't expecting Clementine 2.0, but his aggressive tendencies, selfish behavior, and creepy ' I'm gonna make a knife, sit on a nightstand over you while you're sleeping ' style was off-putting. By the end of the series, it just seemed like he was handed a hero trophy because it was always the plan for him to save Clementine. He had the most potential of the season, and never really seemed to grow. I know the whole 'no' at the end was supposed to be some kind of twist, but it felt like he rejected Clementine at almost every turn throughout the season.
Clementine:: It was a rough role she was placed in this season, but I never felt like she actually acted like a mother to AJ. She was much more like a big sister, and I know that a lot of people won't feel that way. She never felt very parental toward AJ. There were many times that I thought ' we need to talk to this kid, or we need to address this now ' that just never happened.
Violet:: Stayed pretty consistent with her character, but didn't really expand that much. She still had growth, which was very appreciated, but it was a disservice to her how she was handled on the boat/confronted with Minnie. I felt like she needed to take the lead there in trying to talk some sense into Minnie, or lay into her for her choices. At the end of the day, I got a weak apology for it all..... and that didn't feel very much like Violet. I might not have liked her, but she deserved better.
Tennessee:: He really needed a more central plot during act 3 and 4. Out of all the characters, he really stands out as a dropped plot line.
Minnie/Lilly:: Lacking is the best way to describe it. Something more was needed here, and I feel like it's been hashed to death so I won't go into it.
James:: Death probably fit him best in the end. Too much time was spent on 'walking with the walkers' or 'avoid killing the walkers' over developing already existing characters. His sections weren't necessarily unneeded, but too lengthy.
Nothing really changed regarding Ruby, Rosie, Willy, or Omar. They were all just kinda there. Liked the idea of a dog, and she was utilized during some nice set pieces. The ending of the series seemed very akin to Rick's dream sequence of all his dead friends and grown children around a big banquet table.