I Was Right About The Ending
I said in a previous thread that the reason Telltale didn't do a multi-ending was because no one would stick with it. Everybody would go with the Clem lives ending. Kent Mudle said the same thing I've been saying since ep.4 released.
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Me too, I was right from the start. yay me!

If they will never continue Clem's/AJ's story, I still think it was the wrong choice.
That's literally the only advantage of having a single ending. It's easier to continue.
"It would also be a bad business decision for Skybound to kill her" lol imagine not killing off your main character to not piss off your fanbase and keep her around to keep milking her smh
She's literally not gonna appear in anything else ever again just saying,it's over.
Yeah you people were right and it's honestly sad to see that Kent's team could not even understand how to make multiple endings work,"having multiple endings would be the same" he said,lmao
"What would be the point of multiple endings,everyone would just replay it to get the ending where Clem is alive" well no you see,if the devs were actually talented and not fucking morons they could've done it.
Make it an accumulation of choices from all the episodes make it so that everything you've taught to AJ actually fucking matters because you know that was the whole point of the game,make it so that you have to replay all the episodes to get a different ending.
It wasn't really complicated as other games have done this but i guess it was too much to ask for Kent's team rippo.
"didn't do multiple endings because no one would stick with it"
How the FUCK do you know that?
Or if Bruner hadn't bankrupted the company - maybe said moron developers would've had the funds to do multiple endings. Money doesn't fall from the sky. How are you supposed to make a game without money?
Its kinda sad thats why they did it this way, like Clem's story will never be touched upon again, so they can go all out on different endings without consequence.
If the direction was more strong, they easily could have made multiple endings that would all have their own satisfactions to them for the player to work towards achieving the one they felt was best.
And even then if they just did a basic Bad, Good, Great ending, make the whole game should be what decides what ending you get, so it isnt as simple as "I went back 15 minutes and changed my ending" so the player would need to replay the whole game to earn that "great" ending.
Its like they forgot about Season 2 endings about how people were very invested in the ending they got and were proud to get Clem to that ending.
Its almost like multiple endings can be more than just "complete bad ending" or "complete perfect ending" and they could make it so each ending you gain something, but lose something else, making it so the player needs to choose which one they would rather have but still lose something in the process, making it so there isnt just one obviously better ending.
Yeah idk why Mudle is acting strange again, multiple endings is not the same. They could've easily just had the Hard Calls choice mattering in if he chops off her leg or not. And if he does, Clem survives, but AJ dies getting her out. If he shoots/leaves her, then AJ survives but Clem dies. If AJ lives there's a time-skip that shows the group all grown up and remembering Clem and some cool shit like Clem re-unting with her fallen friends, and if Clem survives she can choose to stay or leave the school (that's a bit stretching, so not too sure about that idea) as well as a time-skip of how things have changed. Make Episode 4 vastly different from the Episode 3 final choice, and make the Ep3 final choice an accumulation of what you taught AJ throughout the game, and you can approve or disapprove of his decision.
Flippin' heck, it's not that hard to be at least S2 level. But of course this game falls short.
2 endings would've been enough to satisfy everyone about shaping AJ and choices mattering, always a disappointment with you writers isn't it, it started with s2 till now, I hope this is the end of this series because I'm done getting disappointed in something I wanted it to be awesome and memorable.
Sounds like the only people upset with the ending are people who wanted Clementine to die.

Did somebody say BANKrupt?
Spitting truth.
I don't think the devs have enough budget to handle that kinda roast...
I could go on a 10 minute rant about this, but I'll keep it short.
Having unintended consequences in character driven stories doesn't work. It makes the player feel cheated and they don't care about the character that was lost or relationship that was changed (ex. Nobody cared long-term if Louis/Violet/Tenn died because it was an unintended consequence of an earlier choice)
The reason that unintended consequence works in games like Until Dawn and Heavy Rain is because those games are plot driven stories, meaning that the characters and their development circle around the plot, not the other way around.
Having multiple endings based completely on unintended consequences would leave the player feeling completely cheated and would be a total disaster.
I wrote an 8 page paper on this, I know my shit?
Multiple endings CAN work (S2) but it has to be from choices that the player completely understands what the repercussions.
Well that and the fact that the main goal of Until Dawn is to keep people alive.
There are ways that they could've done just that. They could've had Clem's leg be cut off right after getting bitten, and then once back at the school be given a decision of whether or not Clem should keep living or be put out of her misery (Aka Life is Strange Alternate Timeline with Chloe). They could've also given us a choice between either AJ Climbing up the rocks first and getting the ending we got, or Clem going first thus sparing her leg but AJ gets bitten and dies.
She appears in (The Walking Dead : Roads to survival) as (special edition) characters
“What are you talking about bruh!!??”
And now I’m sort of satisfied I really do believe deep in my heart that they should’ve had her as a determinant character.
Literally who cares about this shitty mobile game.
I was talking about having her appear in another "telltale-like" story-based game with choices and shit,because i still see some people in denial thinking Skybound is gonna make TWD S5 (lol) it's just not gonna happen.
My reaction when you called it a stupid mobile game 0:26
I think he's right you know! That's a good one.
oOF I've had it with your LiS Choice it's not a good idea for Pete's sake