Jacksepticeye: ""The Last of Us" told a better TWD story than TWD did itself" Agree or Disagee?
He mentioned this during his livestream earlier today after playing the final episode. He liked the episode a lot but was still pretty disappointed at the choices, and thought that the series could benefit from a bigger budget and a different approach than just choice making.
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If he's talking about the series as a whole, I'd say yes. But I was more absorbed by Season One's story than The Last of Us.
I guess yeah. Now I'm imagining Rockstar's Red Dead 2 graphics for a TWD S9 Game. Just imagining Rick holding his gun in first person. Anyways, as for the title, you can't really compare them because they're completely different things. What I'm saying is if you put TLoU's story into a Telltale game it wouldn't work. Telltale stories are based around Telltale games. It'd be stale, because at the end of the day, that game is still a shooter. And the same goes for TWD S1's story in TLoU. I guess you could do it but it would just be a glorified TFS (because there's an over the shoulder camera in that game) although it does work a bit better. And I prefer S1's story a lot more than TLoU, but I know many will disagree.
Id agree. The formula just stopped working after a while, they needed to do something different. Just in general the actual story kept down as well. For example I would say walking dead season 1 has a much better story than last of us imo, but the rest of the seasons no.
At the same time though its strange, even though they use the same formula, just the choices given arnt nearly as complex or hard to do. Too many choices in Final Season didnt really make me pause and think of what I should do.
Considering it was apparently in development longer...yeah.
Full disclosure, I haven't played TLOU but I know it's story beats, themes and gameplay.
I think one of the main differences is how each series approaches survival and sustainability on a large scale.
The Last Of Us seems like a continued destructive decline without hope. The only people that can make it are the chaotic self-interested psychopaths like Joel and that is why its world is doomed. Buuut this kinda runs into the problem of how something can self-destruct for 20 years straight and have anything left. Like people have been murdering eachother in mass numbers for 20 years straight and there's still enough people left for Joel to single handedly kill like 200 over the course of the game? The Last Of Us? More like The Plenty Of Us... Left. BA-DUM TSS! At least something like Fallout doesn't have populations as a main theme so you can ignore the logistics of it.
Compare this to The Walking Dead, where there's always a rise and fall of conflict and violence followed by rebuilding. Things like the Prison Battle, All Out War and Whisper War are incredibly destructive but are all followed by terms of relative peace. These conflicts do ultimately seem to be heading towards unsustainability since there's little repopulating going on there's a finite and declining pool of survivors. But season 4 is different. The Ericson kid's being ability to defend themselves, mostly survive and doing so better than the last generation is a symbol of hope.
I think with nothing but falling The Last Of Us just isn't the same, even disregarding and gameplay elements.

One of the best moments in the comics is specifically built around this;
Do you mean just the TWD game or TWD in general? (comics + show and game)
Yeah I never really understood the hype for TLOU. It was a pretty mediocre experience other than its score and voice acting imo.
He was talking about the game
Well, this statement doesn't really hold up. NaughtyDog has a way higher budget than Telltale. If both companies were given the same budget they'd both turn out excellent games. Hell, Telltale turned out a great S1 with probably less than a qtr. of Last of Us' budget
Gonna go ahead and say he seemed to be talking about TFS specifically.
I don’t agree.
This. Besides, in terms of emotional rollercoaster, TWD Season 1 > TLOU any day
It’s completely unfair to compare a 60$ AAA high budget game to Telltale’s TWD. The fact that it’s even an argument shows how amazing S1 was honestly.
True. Sure LOU had the Sarah scene. But we got the Ben/Larry/Doug/Carley/Lee scenes. LOU puts a lot of attention on action. S1 puts a lot of attention on tension and atmosphere
Eh I dont think so. He was explaining what caused the burnout of TWDG series as a whole.
To me it sounded like he was saying TLOU told TWDG S1 story better and that was part of what caused the burnout.
I don't watch his channel, so....
I've never played LOU so I wouldn't know. I've always wanted to though
He wants the best for twd, he wants it to have a last of us like playstyle and story of twd nothing wrong in asking that, but I don't agree with him saying tlou is better story wise than s1 of twd, nothing beats that season emotionally.
Hard to compare a series to one game unless he’s referring to one particular game. I love TLOU and Season 1 of TWD the best
Last of Us is far, far, far superior to the TWD game series as a whole. I agree season 1 of TWD could hold up to Last of Us but the direction of the series really fell apart after that. It turned into the same 'ole same 'ole every single game. Clementine has an adventure where she meets a lot of people and they all die other than her.
They also really dragged Clementine's character into the ground as well to the point that you start asking yourself why is Clem even in this game (ANF)? Ellie's story on the other hand (at least so far) seems to have a lot more of a natural progression. Last of Us part II picks up five years later with Joel and Ellie living at Tommy's place and the next adventure will pick up from there.
Them allowing TWD to go off onto so many different branches was a good idea in theory but it hurt the series beyond repair when they started trying to make multiple sequels for it. That type of gameplay is better suited to one off games than for a series that will be an ongoing storyline. You couldn't really carry very many characters over from one game to another because a lot of characters ended up being determinant and their personalities could change a bit based on different choices you made. TWD game should have been a series where you followed a group (just like you do in the show and the comic) instead of following a single character but because they made so many things determinant they couldn't really do that.
That's a really unfair comparision considering TLOU has had one installment and TWDG has now had 4.
...also, you complained that TWDG only follows one character but...so does TLOU? Ellie is literally the only returning character we've seen so far in the 2nd game. Even in the first game, every character other than Joel and Ellie really didnt matter, they just kinda existed to push Joel's and Ellies story forward.
I'm gonna go ahead and say that I never played the Last of Us nor had interest to, with Brainscratchcomms being my source of reference for what I know.
In the event the alleged specific sentiment is true(which given the connotation and context, I don't think), I'm just of the no-shit mindset that is they are two different games, of different tones, with different themes by the end of the first game.
Of course, he obviously could always be using the TV series as his definition, in which case...sure, kinda.
Actually Joel, Tommy, and Maria's stories will be followed to go along with Ellie's in the next Last of Us game. The gameplay trailer makes it clear that Joel is still around at least at a certain point in the game and they are located at the camp that Tommy and Maria started.
Those characters may play minor roles in this next game but they will still definitely be referenced and we will find out what happens to them.
Oh god, they're gonna season 3 Clem him aren't they?
The gameplay is highly overrated and a downgrade from the demo which made the gameplay look revolutionary. Unfortunately it was just a sham
Bring on the oil, ha!
Never believe pre-release gameplay trailers, no matter who the developer is or how shining their reputation is.
Gameplay trailers are 80% BS (actually probably more, but I'm being generous here). You'll rarely see legit gameplay that hasn't been planned out in advance, or scripted/choreographed to some degree, especially in regards to AAA titles. Developers have gotten much better over the years at hiding it.
I feel like Jack’s review at the end of his video was actually decent. He didn’t go off saying “the writers are fooken shit and lazy for producing the same gameplay style 4 games in a row, and for virtually all of their other games” he gives criticism like criticism is supposed to be given, being “the game’s good, but if you mix it up a bit it could be better”. That is how you given criticism in a way that doesn’t make u look like a huge tool.
Actually sad and pathetic how they put more effort into fake gameplay and trailers than the actual game.
Agreed. Unlike PewDiePie who just shits on the game at every turn and gripes about the most pointless things ever. I likes Pewds but in all honesty I’m glad he hasn’t played Take Us Back and I hope he never does, he obviously hates playing the game so he just shouldn’t play it.
The most reasonable logic there ever was right there
You tell 'em, Dan.
This is very sad, considering that he loved Season 1. His playthrough brought me into Telltale in the first place.
Same Bruh.
His Season 2 let’s play is also really good, he used to really like this series. Michone and Game of Thrones was when he started hating on Telltale.
Well considering a lot of those channels play games these days more for the views than their own entertainment value it makes sense that they would still occasionally play games that they dislike.
Honestly that's why I don't watch any larger YouTubers do playthroughs (although I would definitely make an exception for Johnny and Aoife from Eurogamer. I can tell they'd be major Kenny supporters).
They always try and have a standalone entertainment for audience so they suck drama out of stuff often for the sake of jokey-jokes. I don't want to see comedy, I WANT TO SEE PEOPLE BREAK DOWN AND CRY. WATCH THEM SUFFFER LIKE I DID GODDAMNIT.
Honestly Jack is so cringey and makes such terrible decisions that I'm not surprised he would say something so half-baked. Watching his playthroughs just make me angry.
i cant really say much about it since i havent played last of us, but i feel like he was getting a bit burnt out of telltale after ANF, he did still get invested in the games but had a few sour comments about choices (even having a small rant in batman s2 ep5 where he complained about choices never mattering when it came to the vigilante and villain endings.)
Well yeah thats cause he had literally no idea what he was talking about in Batman. He thought the episode was going to be the exact same, save for a few lines of dialogue. He didnt know that only 2 scenes would be the same no matter what