Let's talk about anything Batman related! (questions, jokes, thoughts, etc.)

Decided to go ahead and make one of these in case we need it. Talk about anything Batman related, be it this Telltale series, the cartoons, the movies, hell, even some other stuff.

EDIT: Actually, there was already a general thread for Batman stuff, so if the Mods wanna combine this into it, that's up to them. Otherwise, here's something up to date


  • Since I keep missing it, what is the name of that metal guy who worked for Penguin?

  • That's Blockbuster. To be fair, I don't know if they even mentioned his name.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Since I keep missing it, what is the name of that metal guy who worked for Penguin?

  • No, they don't as far as I remember.

    Pipas posted: »

    That's Blockbuster. To be fair, I don't know if they even mentioned his name.

  • Would be nice to bring this part of the forum back alive even though I doubt it.

    What do you people think will be the next Batman game? There are rumors about a new Arkham game...
    Injustice 3 perhaps? Something completely new and different?

    Now that Telltale is gone I suppose the unrealistic dream is that Naughty dog would do a Batman game, their storytelling is class and gameplay is very fun as well.


    I wonder if people will remember Telltale in: let's say 10 years from now... I know I will :'(

  • Would be nicer to get TWAU flowin again, even if from poured 40s, but what do I know?

    What do you people think will be the next Batman game?

    Kinda hard to imagine one after Arkham and as it goes, Telltale did such a good job.

    There are rumors about a new Arkham game...

    I thought they were done with that and were planning something with Superman?

    19Street95 posted: »

    Would be nice to bring this part of the forum back alive even though I doubt it. What do you people think will be the next Batman game? T

  • Yeah, there's a bunch of more stuff that I would have liked to see from Telltale... TWAU season 2 is one of them, Stranger things is another...

    Yeah, well it's unconfirmed rumors so far... might learn something more at E3

    DabigRG posted: »

    Would be nicer to get TWAU flowin again, even if from poured 40s, but what do I know? What do you people think will be the next Batman

  • Does anyone have that picture of Derpy Bruce Wayne?

  • Gonna say here that I have played Episode 1 two nights ago and have been writing in the little bit of time I've been in the house & on the labtop. It should be up by the end of the night and I planned to play Episode 2 very soon.

  • Was in the beginnings of writing a review for season 2 episode 2 when the drafts refused to save. Will see if I can do that along with the episode 3 one today now that I have another chance.

  • I need to get back to this game at some point. I was almost finished with my episode 3 review last I checked, but then stuff happened.
    I will say that I'm happy to see people have been discussing things lately, even if it's stuff I can't really comment in without[ more] spoilers.

  • Had to replay episode 3 of TEW because I guess it didn't save last time. Anyway, I had a transcript of my choices to guide me through and it was decent practice for actually finishing the game and doing other Telltale games.
    I realize why it was so easy for me to fall behind and just not play for an overly extended amount of time--the episodes are surprisingly long and kinda feel that way, which means you have to be on a run and hop on continuing before laxness kicks in.

  • I noticed a few threads called "Does anyone like X." I'm sure that's a good takeaway.

  • Just found the energy to finish the game over the last two or three days. May do another playthrough in the future with no strings attached, but now I'm free.

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