Despite the dark subject matter the movie deals with, the movie is so unbelievably warmhearted and legitimately funny, but it never lets you forget about the situation the characters are put in throughout the movie. No matter how happy go lucky certain characters are or can get, there's this constant feeling of menace everywhere. There's also quite a lot of dark humour that'll make you chuckle or even just laugh at before thinking, "Damn, that was pretty fucked up."
Everyone did a great job in their roles, with the standouts definitely being Roman Griffin Davis as Jojo and Thomasin McKenzie as Elsa. Scarlett Johansson and Sam Rockwell also do a fantastic job as Rosie and Klenzendorf respectively. Also Archie Yates as Yorkie, Jojo's best friend was freakin adorable and of course, Taiki Waititi as Hitler was hilarious.
The movie also isn't afraid of getting tragic and sad, to the point that if I wasn't watching it in the cramped seat of an airplane I probably would have cried honestly.
Again, I really loved this movie. It's highly entertaining, funny, warmhearted and sad. I highly recommend it.
Just saw the Sonic movie after so much blast processing. It was the good-ish end of okay; I laughed a decent number of times and enjoyed a decent amount of it.
I'll admit that this movie, along with Ben Schwartz, found a good balance of having an annoying character that doesn't really annoy the audience. I don't annoy easy mind, but I haven't had the best feeling about him since I lost track of Ducktales. Up until maybe the ending, it does a good job of selling you on this iteration of Sonic. Don't understand his coffee time, though--that was pretty bull. Padding out this paragraph, wish there was a little more about Longclaw; there was a perfect missed opportunity for a brief emotional moment in the hotel. Probably could've also used at least a little more of a taste for "those who were after Sonic's power."
On the main human characters, I found something resembling interesting distinctions--when they were alone earlier in the movie, they did a good job being entertaining enough despite some slightly obvious exposition at one point; when they had to interact with Sonic, particularly during the more emotional beats later in the movie, that's when things got kinda awkward and vaguely halfassey. In fact, I'd say many of them with particular notice on the sister-in-law kinda got bad after she fainted. Still, I thought Thomas "Donut Lord" Wachinski was fairly cool for the first half of the movie. (Somecallhim...Tim?)
With the minor human characters...they served their purpose pretty well. Tom's partner was kinda braindead, but just enough to get the point across and seem almost passably funny. The old guy(kinda feel bad for not remembering his name) was used decently enough, though I honestly had difficulty understanding his one-liner near the end. The government leader(which one was Gary Chalk, btw?) almost had a subtle Leslie Nielsen vibe about him, so he was humorous for a chunk of what little time he had. I mentioned Tom's sister-in-law earlier in regards to the acting and that's because I actually found her funny before the delivery started to suffer: the last scene with her for example had the ingredients of being know why. Everyone else was perfect for what they did. Also, Mr. Stone was a decent throwaway comic foil--he doesn't get much at all, but his reactions were a factor in a few of the bigger laughs.
And last but usually not least, there's Dr. Robotnik(and Mr. Stone). To save some time, I'm gonna say he was a mix of many of these points. He was responsible for a number of the laughs, but there were almost as many times when I was kinda eh--usually before a laugh though. Also like Sonic, this movie did a skochi interesting take on him that had some logic to it, but unfortunately, one might argue it makes him feel inconsistent. He was seldom menacing though, I will say that.
On easter egg stuff, Sonic in the climax take a few poses or shots that I'm sure are from some games, with Unleashed being the one I recognized. As mentioned by what I listened to from the Pizza Party Podcast, I had no idea that special kid happy dance was from Fortnight. And as for THAT scene, I noticed that Robotnik seemed to channel the game voice pretty well at points. I also had mild flashbacks to Birds of Prey due to how the movie started then picked back up, oddly enough.
So there's that. Never expected to be blown away anyway, but I'm glad the movie [almost] shockingly opened at #1, is still raking in the rings, got Sonic a win, and most importantly of all, is ensuring the combined efforts of
the development hell,
company pass offs,
media outcry accompanied backlash,
overworked animators,
shut down studio,
and TVTropey sentiments of "And you thought it would fail" were not in vain.
I was just about to finish RE7 main story for the 4th time this month. Now this is what I call perfect time. However, I'm not sure if I wanna play the demo because I want to have a full experience. Even though I played the original on PC.
It wasn't stated in the game. (or at least I don't think so, I haven't played the game kek) But in the "Story so far" video of TftB Gearbox did before BL3 release they showed
Jack forcibly putting the override port into Rhys' head, which, as you know, happens only if you reject Hyperion.
You want to know what your big mistake was, Black? It's that stolen body! Every muscle! Every cell! His body was built from a lifetime of intense battles! But you took it! It's all second hand! You feel the power in those saiyan cells, but you don't truly understand it because you didn't build it; and you'll never learn to think like that clown!
You want to know what your big mistake was, Black? It's that stolen body! Every muscle! Every cell! His body was built from a lifetime of in… moretense battles! But you took it! It's all second hand! You feel the power in those saiyan cells, but you don't truly understand it because you didn't build it; and you'll never learn to think like that clown!
Hamilton was very very good. The set design was amazing, and a lot similar to the Broadway stage design -- which we usually don't get up here. (They even installed the rotating floor in center stage).
The performances had a lot of nice tweaks and twists in a few lines -- that way they don't sound like the original recordings.
Aaron Burr's voice was gorgeous. Loved that man. (Gah I don't have my programme with me right now, I don't know his name!)
If there's one complaint I have, it's that the actor of Alexander Hamilton (Joseph Morales)' voice was often drowned out by the orchestra music! Granted, I was in the 7th row, so the orchestra probably carried more than the actors on stage, but it was only really him that I had a problem hearing. IMO, someone still needed to turn up the volume on Morales' mic.
Also, WOW. Huge props to these actors and the orchestra for doing this almost every night for the next 3 months. Then they're heading West to tour in other Canadian cities.
They're basically doing a 2.5 hours straight of Rap+R&B+Ballads that whole time. Amazing.
I recommend Season 1 and The Final Season. Don't bother with S2 & ANF, in my honest opinion, they're hot garbage and a waste of time, they do nothing or affect anything in TFS if you skip both of them LITERALLY NOTHING CHANGES.
I recommend Season 1 and The Final Season. Don't bother with S2 & ANF, in my honest opinion, they're hot garbage and a waste of time, they do nothing or affect anything in TFS if you skip both of them LITERALLY NOTHING CHANGES.
I'm trying to suffer through watch Gearbox's PAX East panel to see the new BL3 DLC info, but it's just so terrible. Randy, just stop with the horrible magic tricks, it's painful.
I'm trying to suffer through watch Gearbox's PAX East panel to see the new BL3 DLC info, but it's just so terrible. Randy, just stop with the horrible magic tricks, it's painful.
I recommend Season 1 and The Final Season. Don't bother with S2 & ANF, in my honest opinion, they're hot garbage and a waste of time, they do nothing or affect anything in TFS if you skip both of them LITERALLY NOTHING CHANGES.
Seems like the best likelihood. DLC 2 already has Gaige coming back, we had Timothy in the last one, and Krieg is going to be featured in DLC 4. I think a Western style DLC could fit really well for Fiona, especially with her hidden pistol.
Seems like the best likelihood. DLC 2 already has Gaige coming back, we had Timothy in the last one, and Krieg is going to be featured in DLC 4. I think a Western style DLC could fit really well for Fiona, especially with her hidden pistol.
Time for everyone to spam shirtless Bigby gifs and make Blind regret his decision
images that precede unfortunate events
Dead 😆
Watched Jojo Rabbit. I really loved this movie.
Despite the dark subject matter the movie deals with, the movie is so unbelievably warmhearted and legitimately funny, but it never lets you forget about the situation the characters are put in throughout the movie. No matter how happy go lucky certain characters are or can get, there's this constant feeling of menace everywhere. There's also quite a lot of dark humour that'll make you chuckle or even just laugh at before thinking, "Damn, that was pretty fucked up."
Everyone did a great job in their roles, with the standouts definitely being Roman Griffin Davis as Jojo and Thomasin McKenzie as Elsa. Scarlett Johansson and Sam Rockwell also do a fantastic job as Rosie and Klenzendorf respectively. Also Archie Yates as Yorkie, Jojo's best friend was freakin adorable and of course, Taiki Waititi as Hitler was hilarious.
The movie also isn't afraid of getting tragic and sad, to the point that if I wasn't watching it in the cramped seat of an airplane I probably would have cried honestly.
Again, I really loved this movie. It's highly entertaining, funny, warmhearted and sad. I highly recommend it.
Just saw the Sonic movie after so much blast processing. It was the good-ish end of okay; I laughed a decent number of times and enjoyed a decent amount of it.
I'll admit that this movie, along with Ben Schwartz, found a good balance of having an annoying character that doesn't really annoy the audience. I don't annoy easy mind, but I haven't had the best feeling about him since I lost track of Ducktales. Up until maybe the ending, it does a good job of selling you on this iteration of Sonic. Don't understand his coffee time, though--that was pretty bull. Padding out this paragraph, wish there was a little more about Longclaw; there was a perfect missed opportunity for a brief emotional moment in the hotel. Probably could've also used at least a little more of a taste for "those who were after Sonic's power."
On the main human characters, I found something resembling interesting distinctions--when they were alone earlier in the movie, they did a good job being entertaining enough despite some slightly obvious exposition at one point; when they had to interact with Sonic, particularly during the more emotional beats later in the movie, that's when things got kinda awkward and vaguely halfassey. In fact, I'd say many of them with particular notice on the sister-in-law kinda got bad after she fainted. Still, I thought Thomas "Donut Lord" Wachinski was fairly cool for the first half of the movie. (Somecallhim...Tim?)
With the minor human characters...they served their purpose pretty well. Tom's partner was kinda braindead, but just enough to get the point across and seem almost passably funny. The old guy(kinda feel bad for not remembering his name) was used decently enough, though I honestly had difficulty understanding his one-liner near the end. The government leader(which one was Gary Chalk, btw?) almost had a subtle Leslie Nielsen vibe about him, so he was humorous for a chunk of what little time he had. I mentioned Tom's sister-in-law earlier in regards to the acting and that's because I actually found her funny before the delivery started to suffer: the last scene with her for example had the ingredients of being know why. Everyone else was perfect for what they did. Also, Mr. Stone was a decent throwaway comic foil--he doesn't get much at all, but his reactions were a factor in a few of the bigger laughs.
And last but usually not least, there's Dr. Robotnik(and Mr. Stone). To save some time, I'm gonna say he was a mix of many of these points. He was responsible for a number of the laughs, but there were almost as many times when I was kinda eh--usually before a laugh though. Also like Sonic, this movie did a skochi interesting take on him that had some logic to it, but unfortunately, one might argue it makes him feel inconsistent. He was seldom menacing though, I will say that.
On easter egg stuff, Sonic in the climax take a few poses or shots that I'm sure are from some games, with Unleashed being the one I recognized. As mentioned by what I listened to from the Pizza Party Podcast, I had no idea that special kid happy dance was from Fortnight. And as for THAT scene, I noticed that Robotnik seemed to channel the game voice pretty well at points. I also had mild flashbacks to Birds of Prey due to how the movie started then picked back up, oddly enough.
So there's that. Never expected to be blown away anyway, but I'm glad the movie [almost] shockingly opened at #1, is still raking in the rings, got Sonic a win, and most importantly of all, is ensuring the combined efforts of
and TVTropey sentiments of "And you thought it would fail" were not in vain.
Received my package from Amazonand got me my phone case , I’m extremly satisfied can’t wait to shop there again in the near future 😁👍
So, I've decided to play TWD...
Anything I need to know before I start?
Bring some tissues
Daily reminder that
rejecting Hyperion is canon, so Dumpy is canonically dead.
RE fans... I guess that's @AronDracula and @ClemyClooAndBabyboo
RE3make Demo Incoming...
I was just about to finish RE7 main story for the 4th time this month. Now this is what I call perfect time. However, I'm not sure if I wanna play the demo because I want to have a full experience. Even though I played the original on PC.
Rhysha is also canon so...
rip Dumpy your sacrifice will always be remembered
Damn I didnt know it was 100% cannon, do you know where in BL3 its said or is it just widely assumed?
pour one out for the homie tho
images that precede unfortunate events
It wasn't stated in the game. (or at least I don't think so, I haven't played the game kek) But in the "Story so far" video of TftB Gearbox did before BL3 release they showed
Jack forcibly putting the override port into Rhys' head, which, as you know, happens only if you reject Hyperion.
i've been screaming since this morning
Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
me tomorrow when the new Borderlands DLC reveals Fiona and she isnt voiced by Laura Bailey
You want to know what your big mistake was, Black? It's that stolen body! Every muscle! Every cell! His body was built from a lifetime of intense battles! But you took it! It's all second hand! You feel the power in those saiyan cells, but you don't truly understand it because you didn't build it; and you'll never learn to think like that clown!
Donald Duck is the strongest mage in any Square Enix game
It ain't the original Broadway cast, but hopefully it's just as good as the original soundtrack.
"How can there be such a huge power gap between us!"

Have fun, my man!
Hamilton was very very good. The set design was amazing, and a lot similar to the Broadway stage design -- which we usually don't get up here. (They even installed the rotating floor in center stage).
The performances had a lot of nice tweaks and twists in a few lines -- that way they don't sound like the original recordings.
Aaron Burr's voice was gorgeous. Loved that man. (Gah I don't have my programme with me right now, I don't know his name!)
If there's one complaint I have, it's that the actor of Alexander Hamilton (Joseph Morales)' voice was often drowned out by the orchestra music! Granted, I was in the 7th row, so the orchestra probably carried more than the actors on stage, but it was only really him that I had a problem hearing. IMO, someone still needed to turn up the volume on Morales' mic.
Also, WOW. Huge props to these actors and the orchestra for doing this almost every night for the next 3 months. Then they're heading West to tour in other Canadian cities.
They're basically doing a 2.5 hours straight of Rap+R&B+Ballads that whole time. Amazing.
Hmm yes, looks like it's worth the money. Very nice. But it doesn't compare to the Batman: Shadows Edition one.
My dude replying to posts from five years ago
I've been using a XP pen for awhile, I would reccomend it!
Leaked TWAU s2 box-art, don't tell a single soul you got this from me.

I recommend Season 1 and The Final Season. Don't bother with S2 & ANF, in my honest opinion, they're hot garbage and a waste of time, they do nothing or affect anything in TFS if you skip both of them LITERALLY NOTHING CHANGES.
Actually, he has to play Season 2 because that's where AJ is first introduced.
I'm trying to suffer through watch Gearbox's PAX East panel to see the new BL3 DLC info, but it's just so terrible. Randy, just stop with the horrible magic tricks, it's painful.
I actually really wanted to know the stats on Rhys stache but they didnt know lmao
I hope he tweets it when they figure it out because now Im actually really curious.
Well... I was planning on just playing and watching TFS because my pc isn't super strong.
Seems like Fiona's best chance of getting into BL3 is going to be DLC 3
Tbh, the recap from TFS actually does give good enough info of where AJ comes from and how Clem started to take care of him.
Seems like the best likelihood. DLC 2 already has Gaige coming back, we had Timothy in the last one, and Krieg is going to be featured in DLC 4. I think a Western style DLC could fit really well for Fiona, especially with her hidden pistol.
I was thinking that too, the western theme realistically would probably be thematically appropriate.
however inb4 they make Fiona and Clay a couple to give me more pain
ᶦ ᵃᶜᵗᵘᵃˡˡʸ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᶜˡᵃʸ ᵃˡᵒᵗ, ᵖʳᵒᵇᵃᵇˡʸ ᵒⁿᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵐʸ ᶠᵃᵛ ⁿᵉʷ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳˢ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉʸ ʷᶦˡˡ ᵖʳᵒᵇᵃᵇˡʸ ᵈᵒ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳʰʸᶦᵒⁿᵃ ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐ ʷᶦˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᵏᶦˡˡᵉᵈ ᶠᵒʳᵉᵛᵉʳ ᶦⁿ ᵃ ᵗʳᵃᵍᶦᶜ ᵗᶦᵐᵉˡᶦⁿᵉ