The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • He did tell people to screenshot it so he may be serious

    That’s exactly why he said it. It’s the oldest trick in the book and just another way of saying “I know I don’t have proof but I wouldn’t be this confident if it wasn’t real, so screencap my bullshit and you’ll see that it is too!”

    If it’s an April Fools joke, he would’ve been better off picking Dante or Travis Touchdown since there’s actually a demand for them and they’re feasible, reasonable choices. I have an easier time believing Goku would be in before an obscure, unconventional looking, western game character based off an even lesser known DC comic series.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Marcus Sellars track record is so garbage it isnt funny- but it is super weird he would say this assuming it isnt April Fools. He did tell p

  • cuz I now have a lot of free time of doing absolutely nothing I decided to finish something I tried making a few months ago now. Sloppy but its more so of concept idea, hopefully you guys will like it. If anyone can guess what it is before tomorrow you can make a request for like... anything or something idk

  • My cousin graduates collage in May and well she’s going to graduate in her living room, I wonder if the staff going to mail the diploma first and do a virtual Skype and do the graduation ceremony in that way and my aunt will just hand her the diploma .

    That’s my brief summarizing of the scenario .

  • edited April 2020

    The teaser trailer for Peninsula, the Train to Busan sequel is out!

    I loved the first movie, made me feel like absolute shit, so I'm excited for the sequel. It looks like a pretty big departure from the first movie in terms of genre, kinda like Alien to Aliens, though if I remember right the first movies trailer didn't let viewers on about the emotional aspect so this could be the same thing. Whole thing kinda gives me Mad Max vibes, especially with the cars at the end.

  • edited April 2020

    I loved the first film it got jumping in my seat the ending was mixed emotional for me happy and sad ending st the same time.

    When she was sing the song her dad sang too her but at least the South Korean troops came over and rescued them.

    But by judging this trailer looked like some Mad Max,Gladiotor and fight Club elements to it.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The teaser trailer for Peninsula, the Train to Busan sequel is out! I loved the first movie, made me feel like absolute shit, so I'm

  • Something about The Wolf Among us.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    cuz I now have a lot of free time of doing absolutely nothing I decided to finish something I tried making a few months ago now. Sloppy but

  • Great news: got my copy of Resident Evil 3
    Bad news: I'm not gonna be able to record myself playing the game any soon because I have so many assignments to complete next week. I'll try my best to record at least one video and upload it on my channel, while the rest will have to wait.

  • Not sure if this applies to other platforms, but on Steam, Pinball FX has a Care Package of 9 free pinball tables from Marvel, Star Wars, and Alien. (You guys may recognize these guys as the same people who made the Telltale Walking Dead table, which is not included in this package).

  • I was today years old when I found out these forums were still open. I didn't think they survived the bankruptcy. Kind of stunned my account even works after six years.

  • So apparently, there's been this online battle between TLOU fans and Xenoblade fans because these two games shared the same release date. Both sides were going after each other, and now there's a lot of Xenoblade fans acting smug and arrogant because "they won" as TLOU was delayed again due to COVID-19.

    You know, it wasn't too long ago when DOOM Eternal and Animal Crossing shared the same release date as well, and not only did the fans of those games get along, the Doom Slayer/Isabelle meme that resulted from it is honestly one of the most wholesome and funny memes I have ever seen. Despite being 2 separate genres and having 2 different fanbases, it didn't bother anyone. The message here is, be more like DOOM/Animal Crossing fans.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Honestly, most of us are surprised the forums are still up.

    ted12 posted: »

    I was today years old when I found out these forums were still open. I didn't think they survived the bankruptcy. Kind of stunned my account even works after six years.

  • edited April 2020

    Damn. That's disappointing.

    The whole 'March 20th' event is seriously one of my favourite memes. Would have loved to see those things happen with other gaming communities, but I guess that's just a rare occurrence. :(
    ...At least they aren't releasing on the same day now, so neither side has to get toxic anymore.

    So apparently, there's been this online battle between TLOU fans and Xenoblade fans because these two games shared the same release date. Bo

  • edited April 2020

    So Telltale's twitter just changed up a bit advertising the Spring Sale on Epic. Honestly kinda surprised seeing how inactive they've been.

    (also man I hope they get a community manager and a graphic designer/ someone who knows their Adobe Products kinda soonish. I wish they were a bit more active on twitter. But seeing how they arnt really doing much in terms of advertising new games it really isnt an issue. But dang that crop job on Batman and Bigby though... lookin kinda rough.)

  • Give it a year... they’ll get a PR guy

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So Telltale's twitter just changed up a bit advertising the Spring Sale on Epic. Honestly kinda surprised seeing how inactive they've been.

  • They really need to work on their PR. Write up a blog post, do a new interview, do SOMETHING to show people that they’re still alive.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So Telltale's twitter just changed up a bit advertising the Spring Sale on Epic. Honestly kinda surprised seeing how inactive they've been.

  • Man I had to fix that header. If somehow Telltale sees this feel free to use it

    I think they are probably ok PR wise so far as they dont really much to talk about, but it would be nice for them to have a bit of a presence on twitter.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Give it a year... they’ll get a PR guy

  • As of right now they are probably ok with PR. Doesnt really make sense to do something like an interview or a blog post when they dont have anything to actually say/do right now. When they do though, I hope they keep a good momentum going.

    booper posted: »

    They really need to work on their PR. Write up a blog post, do a new interview, do SOMETHING to show people that they’re still alive.

  • edited April 2020

    I swear Tom Nook is ripping me off. I have to gather and build all the furniture for other peoples houses for free while I had to work myself to the bone to get my own stuff. God damn.

    Also I am now 198,000 Bells in debt.

  • Guy who made the Redux trailer looks like a master compared to these guys.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So Telltale's twitter just changed up a bit advertising the Spring Sale on Epic. Honestly kinda surprised seeing how inactive they've been.

  • Damn, that sucks. I would talk to Isabelle if I were you, I think she knows a guy who specializes in people being ripped off (or ripped in half, one or the other).

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I swear Tom Nook is ripping me off. I have to gather and build all the furniture for other peoples houses for free while I had to work myself to the bone to get my own stuff. God damn. Also I am now 198,000 Bells in debt.

  • Yeah, that... doesn't look good. I wish they were more active too. Like I know it's not a big thing, but they didn't even advertise the shadows edition, only posted a trailer. At least write a tweet or something, jeez.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So Telltale's twitter just changed up a bit advertising the Spring Sale on Epic. Honestly kinda surprised seeing how inactive they've been.

  • Imagine us not realizing this was a bot.

  • Seriously, I can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong with their header. Please clarify.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So Telltale's twitter just changed up a bit advertising the Spring Sale on Epic. Honestly kinda surprised seeing how inactive they've been.

  • The bigby is stretched and a lower res than the background, Batman is not stretched by a way lower res. They’re both off center.

    Also, zoom into the bottom left of picture, bigbys body gets cut off before the bottom of the picture, he’s floating

    AChicken posted: »

    Seriously, I can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong with their header. Please clarify.

  • I will not stand for the Tom Nook libel. He lets you pay for a house with his own made up currency with no real value. Tom Nook is a good guy damnit!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I swear Tom Nook is ripping me off. I have to gather and build all the furniture for other peoples houses for free while I had to work myself to the bone to get my own stuff. God damn. Also I am now 198,000 Bells in debt.

  • uh oh peter

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Guy who made the Redux trailer looks like a master compared to these guys.

  • edited April 2020

    Goes on Twitter

    Sees Venom trending

    Why 2020

  • Could be worse, at least we don’t live in the MCU timeline where Thanos (and good writing) are real instead of Venom (and bad writing).

    AChicken posted: »

    Goes on Twitter Sees Venom trending Why 2020

  • Is that a group of bugs/bacteria? Magma??? I can't tell and can't think of anything.

    If it was bacteria/bugs, I would spray that shit with toxins the same day I found it,

    AChicken posted: »

    Goes on Twitter Sees Venom trending Why 2020

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    It's bootlace worms.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Is that a group of bugs/bacteria? Magma??? I can't tell and can't think of anything. If it was bacteria/bugs, I would spray that shit with toxins the same day I found it,

  • It's fine Poogs, we all know that you made it. : )

    Poogers555 posted: »

    uh oh peter

  • Okay, then they gotta go.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It's bootlace worms.

  • I guess this fills the gap for E3 this year

  • oh no

    now everyone knows !

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    It's fine Poogs, we all know that you made it. : )

  • So RE3 came out today and I sat down and played the full thing. It was very good. Not as great as the RE2 remake but overall a very good game and an easily solid 8/10. I do agree it does feel a bit light on content and I wish they had a greater focus on just RE3 remake because lets be honest, Resistance will be dead in a week and no one will play it anymore. So I do wish there was just more as it does feel like it is missing content. Also Nemesis isnt really in this game freely. He is basically just scripted which is pretty disappointing. He is super cool and scary but the "Mr. X" like segments of him free roaming is over pretty much as fast as it starts. Towards the end the story also does feel like it just keeps skipping time to get to the conclusion which also was a bit disappointing. Felt a bit rushed at the end.

    That said, the game is on the shorter side of things but that isnt a bad thing. First off all- I am super confused with all the reviewers saying the game is only 4 hours. Its closer to 6 and a half for an average player. For some reason the in-game timer is really weird and doesn't count time many times even outside of cut scenes. Even at the end screen it gives your real time so I have no idea why so many reviewers didnt see that and why so many reviewers just went "yup game was 4 hours." Do they not have their own internal clock or something? I dont know, a bit annoyed with how so many reviewers said this went it isnt accurate.

    End of the day its def worth playing. Like I already said, I do wish there was some more content. It is about an hour and a half shorter than an average RE game so it would have been nice to get a bit more in there, but it isnt so short I was disappointed with the length. Also gotta say, really hope they bring Carlos back. Felt like a real character this time and I would like him to return. (RE8 is rumored to be announced later this year so maybe he somehow returns. Rumors is Ethan and Chris will so they may be "full" of a returning cast sadly.)

  • edited April 2020

    End of the day its def worth playing. Like I already said, I do wish there was some more content. It is about an hour and a half shorter than an average RE game so it would have been nice to get a bit more in there

    They may have only remade what was there of RE3 to have something attached to the Resistance Multiplayer mode. I wouldn't consider myself an RE fan, as I've only played RE7, but from what I've heard: RE2 was a great Remake that brought back basically the whole original game in HD with some added tweaks to issues. Hearing reviews and critics from this game, it's like they lost motivation halfway through remaking RE3 and only shipped out half of it. Lots of events from the original game are apparently missing? Seems kinda weird to me, and makes me think that it was not their priority this time. I'm sure I heard REsistance was going to be stand-alone at one point, then the RE3 announcement came out, where they offered REsistance as a bonus.

    Certainly looks good, and I hope to pick either that up or RE2 at some point. I tried the RE2 demo a few weeks ago, and ooh man it's spooky. Zombies I can handle, but terrifying muscle-y tongued monsters are just yeeeesh levels of creepy, luckily there's just a small glimpse of them in the demo.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So RE3 came out today and I sat down and played the full thing. It was very good. Not as great as the RE2 remake but overall a very good gam

  • There was a lot of reports RE3 started development around the same time as the RE2 Remake. Its probably more likely they didnt announce RE3 Remake until December because if they announced it at say E3 RE2 wouldnt even be 6 months old yet and announcing another game in the franchise so close can potentially hurt sales. So Resistance was announced by its self to spread word of it as its a different game than an average RE game. (also even then word was getting out Resistance was actually a bonus mode for RE3 pretty much the day after it was announced)

    RE3 isnt really "missing" that much of the original game, probably missing the same amount of content RE2 remake is missing. But the thing is they probably remade it too similar to the original. RE3 back in the day was a lot shorter than RE2 so remaking it the same way they did RE2 makes the originals lack of content a bit more noticeable.

    I do recommend RE2 remake if you haven't played it. Honestly it loses the fear factor a lot faster than RE7 and I think thats mostly due to the perspective. Third Person really aint that scary. Honestly I didnt think RE3 remake was scary at all. Tense moments for sure but I was never actually "scared."

    AChicken posted: »

    End of the day its def worth playing. Like I already said, I do wish there was some more content. It is about an hour and a half shorter tha

  • Well, one good thing to come out of TLOU II’s delay is that I’ve got more time to try out The Witcher 3. Got it for about $13, I’ve heard good things about it, hopefully it lives up to the hype. Now I know absolutely nothing about The Witcher, I never read the books, this is the first Witcher game I’ll be playing, and I haven’t watched the Netflix series.

  • edited April 2020

    Well, one good thing to come out of TLOU II’s delay is that I’ve got more time to try out The Witcher 3. Got it for about $13, I’ve heard go

  • edited April 2020

    Lee confirmed for Top 10 Saddest Anime Deaths.

    Cheddarhead posted: »

    I think the person running Skybound's YouTube channel is going stir-crazy in quarantine lol Edit: sorry didn't mean to quote

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