The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited April 2020

    Yupppp not good at all. Also some of the ppl said that their worst fears were realized. One said "I can't believe it was this predictable". And blame the creator of this game for it.

    AChicken posted: »

    o no (then it seems like someone is trying to force Naughty Dog's hand. Revenge for poor working conditions, crunch, and causing an even

  • I feel bad for any fans for The Last of Us. The developers have delayed the game, over and over again. And it's already causing some people to lose interest and even cancel their preorders, and that is the last thing they need.

    We've got to remember, NaughtyDog already has a tainted reputation with all of these Sexual harassment allegations. So, that alone doesn't leave a good taste in anyone's mouth. And, the leak doesn't make this better.

    People are saying an upset beta-tester was pissed over some payment disputes. Which seems likely.

    But, NaughtyDog has only deleted the original channel. Which, isn't really a good idea. The Last of Us 2 has been anticipated for years, and people have saved the leaks and are distributing it on Twitter, Youtube, Discord, and Instagram.

    NaughtyDog is really in a rough spot right now. They can either do two things. One, they delay the game. Again. Which will result in a loss of interest from the fans. Or, two. They release a game about a pandemic, during a pandemic. Which, is weird. And would probably cause some backlash. But they've got to bite the bullet. They've been saying the game is basically complete. So, why don't they just release it now? It may cause some problems, but not as many problems that are as bad as this!

    MASSIVE The Last of Us 2 spoilers are now online. If you care about being spoiled for this game, be really careful out there!

  • Or, two. They release a game about a pandemic, during a pandemic. Which, is weird. And would probably cause some backlash.

    I doubt there'd be much backlash at all, least of any for news sites or people's moms to get mad at/call for a ban.

    The more immediate issue for ND/Sony is the lack of any open factories to print the millions of physical discs to those who have ordered them.
    But right now? Getting physical buyers to wait a bit longer and avoid spoilers (a few weeks-months) is nothing compared to digital and physical buyers both in extreme danger of being spoiled, even before the game is released!!

    I feel bad for any fans for The Last of Us. The developers have delayed the game, over and over again. And it's already causing some people

  • I haven’t followed the development of this game at all or any of the controversies surrounding it (besides hearing a bit about crunch)? A lot of people out there are saying Naughty Dog has been sitting on a finished product all this time. And judging from the leaks it definitely seems like this.

    Things surrounding the development of this game seem really weird.

  • What’s this about sexual harassment allegations???

    I feel bad for any fans for The Last of Us. The developers have delayed the game, over and over again. And it's already causing some people

  • What’s this about sexual harassment allegations???

  • edited April 2020

    Yup and that started the backlash before shit hit the fan from this Dev. I kinda knew this bubble was going to blow up at some point.

    I mean the crunching time and working conditions,sexual harassments and now not much payment. Yup this was going to build up time to time including delaying the game.

    Also I don't think releasing it now,is going to solve their problems when you hearing the ppl (the ones who kinda of knew what was going to be on this game cause of hints and rumors) including That Angry Gamer (idk much about him or his website)but he is very much was expecting what was going to happen. It does suxk for the fans. But,damn all at that time and work now wasted. It wouldn't matter if they did release it now or later. The damage is really bad

    Yeah, I was shocked too. Here's an article about it.

  • One said "I can't believe it was this predictable".

    If it happens to pull a move from the 2 movies that I hate so much, Naughty Dog will probably lose all my respect for their career.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Yupppp not good at all. Also some of the ppl said that their worst fears were realized. One said "I can't believe it was this predictable". And blame the creator of this game for it.

  • Super devastated about the TLOU2 leaks. I've been lucky enough to avoid them thus far but it's unfortunate that I have to walk on eggshells on social media now. I've been excited about this game for years and I even have the collectors edition pre-ordered. I wasn't fond of the idea of a digital only release at first but now I believe it might be necessary. Either Naughty Dog releases the game as soon as possible, minimizing the amount of fans spoiled by leaks, or do nothing and have the game spoiled for more and more people everyday.

  • If it happens to pull a move from the 2 movies that I hate so much

    I feel whatever those 2 movies you hate so much (probably could be one my hated movies ever) I feel like that is something that you have to wait and see. I feel like this year from what last year brought us. (Boy that year was bad cause Bethesda was going down hard including others as well) Naughty Dog won't be same anymore from all the years of hearing messed up stories and reporting.

    AronDracula posted: »

    One said "I can't believe it was this predictable". If it happens to pull a move from the 2 movies that I hate so much, Naughty Dog will probably lose all my respect for their career.

  • edited April 2020

    Not gonna lie if the person who leaked the Last of Us 2 stuff is actually a dev/former dev, that's kinda messed up.

    Naughty Dog absolutely needs to pull the reigns on how they treat their employees but at the same time, the person who was angry enough to leak all this for revenge kind of just screwed over their own (former?) co-workers who suffered alongside them.

    And if they manage to find out who exactly leaked the dev build, then that person is never finding a job in the gaming industry again.

  • edited April 2020

    So, we're at Last of Us DEFCON 2.
    Get your Spoiler Filters installed, people, because next month just turned into Minefield May.
    2020 just keeps getting worse, doesn't it?

    Google Chrome


    Unfortunately for me, my browser of choice on my desktop is Microsoft Edge, and I can't for the life of me find an extension for Edge that blocks spoilers. So, I guess I'll switch to one of the others for now...

    I recommend you use the following keywords (note: these are not spoilers, but it's assumed that when it comes to TLOU, someone important might die, especially in this "questionable and divisive" entry)

    The Last of Us
    The Last of Us Part II
    Last of Us
    Naughty Dog
    Mystery Woman

    If you ever use Youtube, it's recommended that you go through your watch history and delete any and all things related to TLOU, so the algorithm doesn't recommend anything potentially spoilery.
    Twitter is becoming an ocean of spoilers, so abandon those Naughty Dog and Sony ships quick.
    If you're using Reddit, I reccomend you turn off the ability for others to private message you, or at the very least turn off their new "Threaded Comment Replies" and "New Top Level Comments" notification features.

  • Sounds very cool!

    I'd only seen the Teaser for this series, and it just looked like a bunch of gobbledy-gook, crude sex nonsense. Then I heard reviews that the show was a glorified podcast, with nothing really appealing for it.
    Okay, then. Seems there's more to what I saw than originally thought! I'll check it out.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I just finished The Midnight Gospel, an adult animated series on Netflix by Pendleton Ward (the creator of Adventure Time) and comedian Dani

  • There's are a couple small sex jokes that I remember. There's also some gross out humour and violent scenes but they go by pretty quick. I'd say a lot of the humour comes from the conversations, like when they break character or share their experiences, and the visuals like the wacky stuff happening around them.

    If you watch a couple episodes and still aren't feeling it I recommend you at the very least watch the final episode of the season and make sure you read the episode description beforehand so you have some context on the guest.

    AChicken posted: »

    Sounds very cool! I'd only seen the Teaser for this series, and it just looked like a bunch of gobbledy-gook, crude sex nonsense. Then I

  • Have to agree, this show was really something else. I loved every second. If I have to choose favourites its 1 and 5 but above all the finale. I didn't know certain things about the guest in the finale, but I knew the most important thing.

    The show is nothing short of spectatular, and the finale is amazing in every aspect. A real roller coaster.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    There's are a couple small sex jokes that I remember. There's also some gross out humour and violent scenes but they go by pretty quick. I'd

  • edited April 2020

    Best episode for me was easily the finale for spoilery reasons and also for having the best visuals of the entire series in my opinion, followed by episode 5 which I think had the best narrative (aside from the finale), and then episode 4 which had my favourite guest. All the other episodes are great as well but these are the ones that really stand out to me.


    Did you tear up? I was getting pretty damn emotional but when Duncan asks his mom on how you're supposed to deal with the grief of losing someone and she just says "You cry." I fuckin' bawled man. Damn near that entire interview is heartbreaking. You can really tell that Pendleton Ward, Duncan Trussell and the rest of the Midnight Gospel crew put their heart and soul into making what is essentially a tribute to Duncan's mom.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Have to agree, this show was really something else. I loved every second. If I have to choose favourites its 1 and 5 but above all the final

  • Man, do you have any idea how much I regret making this comment?

    AronDracula posted: »

    Being stuck in my house during this virus is already getting old for me. And you know what? Fuck it, I'mma do a decision that I was never a

  • Did you know that Wendy's has their own Twitch account, and they've been playing Animal Crossing while showing you deals on their food?

  • It's going to be a Hell of a lot harder for Naughty Dog now because TLOU II's going the fuck overboard

  • My dude you just replied to yourself.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Man, do you have any idea how much I regret making this comment?

  • You don't say.

    My dude you just replied to yourself.

  • edited April 2020

    So, I was walking near the local lake and I found something pretty cool on the side of the road. A Bluetooth speaker, a Beats brand. And it still worked! Other than a scuff on on the back it was in great working condition with half battery. I tried looking for a phone number or name to try and find it's owner, but found nothing written.

    Well, I feel bad for the person who lost it but it was nice to blast some tunes on my way back home without cars overpowering the music.

    Edit: Okay, now I feel really bad. This speaker goes for $180 online (brand new). And it's hard to keep it because I live in an android and windows family and our virgin eyes have never seen a lightning cable before. It's probably better to wait till the ports are clean before sticking anything in it anyways.

  • Attention all EPIC Telltale Forum Philosophers.

    I have clearly the most important question to all of man that is 100% the most important thing in all the world right now so you should totally answer it because you are an EPIC philosopher.

    Thank you for your time. We can all group up next week for the "Think Tank" meetings at 9 pm EST on Tuesdays if you'd like.

  • I drew old Ben Kenobi.

    It's based on a figure by Kotobukiya.

  • edited April 2020

    Techland's original project they were going to make before Dying Light was a game called Hellraid. I haven't looked into why, but as we all know today, that project got shelved and they made Dying Light instead.

    But now, this summer, they're re-integrating those concepts into a new paid DLC expansion called Dying Light: Hellraid. Interesting.

    Dying Light’s new DLC Hellraid will be your ticket to Hell and back

    No, it’s not a metaphor. You will be literally hacking through demonic hordes of Hell.

  • Gotta love Techland for their undying support for the game the past 5 years.

    AChicken posted: »

    Techland's original project they were going to make before Dying Light was a game called Hellraid. I haven't looked into why, but as we all

  • My short film, Smoke, just recently won an Award of Excellence in the Global Shorts International Film Competition which means it ranked in the top 25-30 films considered for Best Short Film. Pretty hyped about that.

  • Congratulations!

    ralo229 posted: »

    My short film, Smoke, just recently won an Award of Excellence in the Global Shorts International Film Competition which means it ranked in

  • edited April 2020


    Also I really like that synopsis.

    ralo229 posted: »

    My short film, Smoke, just recently won an Award of Excellence in the Global Shorts International Film Competition which means it ranked in

  • Good job!

    Go update that resume

    ralo229 posted: »

    My short film, Smoke, just recently won an Award of Excellence in the Global Shorts International Film Competition which means it ranked in

  • @DabigRG @lupinb0y

    Thank you guys!


    Thanks and I for sure will.

  • Congratulations

    ralo229 posted: »

    My short film, Smoke, just recently won an Award of Excellence in the Global Shorts International Film Competition which means it ranked in

  • Thank you!


  • edited May 2020

    Posted on reddit, some game design teacher is teaching her students a unit on Dialogue choices.
    The game they're using? Batman: The Telltale Series.

    Rdit Link here

    My short film, Smoke, just recently won an Award of Excellence in the Global Shorts International Film Competition

    International competition?! Congrats, man! That's super awesome!

  • Congratulations

    ralo229 posted: »

    My short film, Smoke, just recently won an Award of Excellence in the Global Shorts International Film Competition which means it ranked in

  • @AChicken @strwar3

    Thank you!

    strwar3 posted: »


  • Congratz! That's worth a Celebration.

    ralo229 posted: »

    My short film, Smoke, just recently won an Award of Excellence in the Global Shorts International Film Competition which means it ranked in

  • edited May 2020

    Geoff Keighley just announced Summer Game Festival, a 4-month online festival for new game announcements, in-game events, playable demos, and more. To fill the void of E3. (as he's working with former creative director of E3 -- iam8bit)

    Developers/Publishers Phase 1

  • Thank you!

    Congratz! That's worth a Celebration.

  • Wow! Seriously impressive!

    ralo229 posted: »

    My short film, Smoke, just recently won an Award of Excellence in the Global Shorts International Film Competition which means it ranked in

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