Away from games, Xbox has been doing fantastic and better than Sony in my opinion. With games however they still have huge mountains to climb. They're on the right track with buying all those studios but that's part of the long game and as such, it'll be a while before we see any success from it. Smart delivery, cross play, game pass, PC/Xbox release is great.
I think MS know they're not going to "beat" Sony with their consoles (too many rooted in sony/nintendo), but they're doing something about it; they're going in another direction. Game pass for PC, console, xcloud and buying multiple studios (big and small) to keep content consistent and it is working.
Oh man, the biggest challenge of owning a Switch is deciding what to buy first. So many things on their store!
After careful consideration of first party VS. third party, sale history on titles, overall purchase price...
I've settled on Lonely Mountains: Downhill and Stories Untold. The latter I already own on PC, but it's fun and I want to support the devs.
Hopefully there's some physical/digital sale on some first party Nintendo's this month. I'm not in the mood to spend 80$ on Mario or Zelda with mid-year games events coming up.
Also, I do not like how Tetris 99 is useless without an online subscription. Or DLC.
Local 1v1 play and CPU matches are only available through DLC. I get they need to make money on this free app, but... No use in installing it if you aren't willing to spend money on it either way.
Yup Xbox is the best! Also they are definitely going to show off Cyberpunk 2077 next month or soon hopefully. Why? Cause Xbox likes to play ball and they didn't last year and year before that.
Hail Xbox
Hail Xbox! The Empire Of Gaming. I can't wait too see what they got this year. Definitely going to show off more gameplay
Got around to watching it after catching up on the last two or three videos.
Never saw some of those ANF concept arts, particularly Mason. Which is weird, considering I viewed a collection of that stuff a little while after the Definitive Edition came out. Gotta "love" how they were straight up gonna have him look like Carver at one point.
That Gabe concept though, woof. Mariana's looks cute, though.
Not surprised about Clint being added.
Like the awkward sign language.
Looks like my random guess of Lonnie shooting Mariana may have been on the mark. I assume either Grace or Tripp/Eleanor would've been the one who could've put her down alternatively.
First time hearing of Gabe being wounded. I also remember the van being on the slide for Episode 2, complete with Grace in the passenger's seat, so it looks like he could've been the one that in whatever version of the story this was.
So it was Prescott who were causing the uprising rather than released prisoners. Interesting. Though speaking of the Slaughterhouse, OW! Poor Max(assuming that animation isn't hilariously broken).
I know rewrites are a thing, but this seemed to be a really big one. Something that shouldn't be happening so late into development. Either way, I still enjoyed ANF for what it's worth.
@DabigRG I will. Gotta play catchup
Got around to watching it after catching up on the last two or three videos.
Never saw some o… moref those ANF concept arts, particularly Mason. Which is weird, considering I viewed a collection of that stuff a little while after the Definitive Edition came out. Gotta "love" how they were straight up gonna have him look like Carver at one point.
That Gabe concept though, woof. Mariana's looks cute, though.
Not surprised about Clint being added.
Like the awkward sign language.
Looks like my random guess of Lonnie shooting Mariana may have been on the mark. I assume either Grace or Tripp/Eleanor would've been the one who could've put her down alternatively.
First time hearing of Gabe being wounded. I also remember the van being on the slide for Episode 2, complete with Grace in the passenger's seat, so it looks like he could've been the one that in whatever version of the story this was.
… [view original content]
Me trying to write out my research project proposal for university, which eventually has to be made into a thesis and an actual product for my final semester, and it's due in a week.
Me trying to write out my research project proposal for university, which eventually has to be made into a thesis and an actual product for my final semester, and it's due in a week.
200 words in and I'm already stumped.
Was going to say be careful as a lot of uni degrees (most really) are just a money spinner for the uni and aren't worth the paper they're written on, but yours is more literature based so it should be fine. Good luck!
He makes some very interesting and great points about how the cut content in Telltale’s work compared to other studios. However, it also reinforces what we already knew and what many of us, myself included, have extensively covered and discussed as the major problem at a Telltale: executive meddling and incompetence. I know we’ve given people like Brad Kane a lot of flack for his role in ANF, but even if it was Sean and Jake leading things, this still would have been a colossal disaster because of what was going on behind the scenes. Now, I have a lot of sympathy for Brad and the other writers, they were given a shit hand and did the best with what they could do with it. I’m not saying they’re completely faultless, but when you look at some of these original ideas, and how outright amazing they look and sound, you feel bad that they were constantly stifled along the way because it wasn’t “authentic.” Which still confuses me as to how a love triangle storyline and a cliched annoying brat trying to grow up character trope is more authentic than what was originally supposed to happen, which sounds much darker, character driven, and intriguing.
Ahhhh, I am so goddamn happy right now!
I'm on this Green Day discord server, and they have this cover project. Where you send in a recording of you doing vocals or instruments, and I recorded some audio of me doing vocals for a song. And I sent it in, I can't wait to see if I got the part or not!
Ahhhh, I am so goddamn happy right now!
I'm on this Green Day discord server, and they have this cover project. Where you send in a recor… moreding of you doing vocals or instruments, and I recorded some audio of me doing vocals for a song. And I sent it in, I can't wait to see if I got the part or not!
Due to current chaotic events surrounding racial injustice in the USA, Sony has decided to postpone their PS5 event. No news on a rescheduled date for now.
I just learned that George Floyd was murdered by a police officer who never wanted to listen to him when he put his knee on his neck, thus suffocating him to death. Sometimes I don't think protests are good solutions but what's happening recently in America is well deserved. If those retarded cops want forgiveness, all they have to do is execute the officer who murdered him. Assholes like him do not deserve forgiveness after what he just did, he needs to die.
It's official now. 2020 is the worst year of the century so far, with second being 2001.
Due to current chaotic events surrounding racial injustice in the USA, Sony has decided to postpone their PS5 event. No news on a rescheduled date for now.
I just learned that George Floyd was murdered by a police officer who never wanted to listen to him when he put his knee on his neck, thus s… moreuffocating him to death. Sometimes I don't think protests are good solutions but what's happening recently in America is well deserved. If those retarded cops want forgiveness, all they have to do is execute the officer who murdered him. Assholes like him do not deserve forgiveness after what he just did, he needs to die.
It's official now. 2020 is the worst year of the century so far, with second being 2001.
I just learned that George Floyd was murdered by a police officer who never wanted to listen to him when he put his knee on his neck, thus s… moreuffocating him to death. Sometimes I don't think protests are good solutions but what's happening recently in America is well deserved. If those retarded cops want forgiveness, all they have to do is execute the officer who murdered him. Assholes like him do not deserve forgiveness after what he just did, he needs to die.
It's official now. 2020 is the worst year of the century so far, with second being 2001.
Anyone remember the Badass Accountant from Episode 4 of Tales from the Borderlands? I don't know if this was answered before but was his model based off a Telltale employee or something because his model is super unique and isn't like any of the other Hyperion employee models.
I heard word of this film a few months ago, and it's nice that Netflix is now picking it up for global distribution.
I knew about the cute "turning into a cat" thing, but I didn't know this film would take a right turn into a philosophical debate about the benefits of the human experience.
I'm pretty interested in this now, since it'll be so easily accessible.
It's also directed by Junichi Sato (original Sailor Moon director) and animated by the gorgeous Studio Colorido (Penguin Highway, Pokémon: Twilight Wings)
I just learned that George Floyd was murdered by a police officer who never wanted to listen to him when he put his knee on his neck, thus s… moreuffocating him to death. Sometimes I don't think protests are good solutions but what's happening recently in America is well deserved. If those retarded cops want forgiveness, all they have to do is execute the officer who murdered him. Assholes like him do not deserve forgiveness after what he just did, he needs to die.
It's official now. 2020 is the worst year of the century so far, with second being 2001.
Ahhhh, I am so goddamn happy right now!
I'm on this Green Day discord server, and they have this cover project. Where you send in a recor… moreding of you doing vocals or instruments, and I recorded some audio of me doing vocals for a song. And I sent it in, I can't wait to see if I got the part or not!
If anyone's interested, currently has a charity bundle in support of BLM featuring over 700 indie games for $5 with all proceeds heading towards the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Community Bail Fund.
That's a pretty insane amount of games for five wing wangs. There are even a few well known ones like Night in the Woods, Oxenfree, One Shot and A Short Hike.
and immediately after you almost get a forced sex change and raped. But it's not as bad as seeing the dongs and the piles of entrails
You're all talking about the PS5, but we all know Xbox will be amazing, because Microsoft is the superior company. Hail Xbox.
It's power and all but do they have any worthy exclusives?
Away from games, Xbox has been doing fantastic and better than Sony in my opinion. With games however they still have huge mountains to climb. They're on the right track with buying all those studios but that's part of the long game and as such, it'll be a while before we see any success from it. Smart delivery, cross play, game pass, PC/Xbox release is great.
I think MS know they're not going to "beat" Sony with their consoles (too many rooted in sony/nintendo), but they're doing something about it; they're going in another direction. Game pass for PC, console, xcloud and buying multiple studios (big and small) to keep content consistent and it is working.
Oh man, the biggest challenge of owning a Switch is deciding what to buy first. So many things on their store!
After careful consideration of first party VS. third party, sale history on titles, overall purchase price...
I've settled on Lonely Mountains: Downhill and Stories Untold. The latter I already own on PC, but it's fun and I want to support the devs.
Hopefully there's some physical/digital sale on some first party Nintendo's this month. I'm not in the mood to spend 80$ on Mario or Zelda with mid-year games events coming up.
Also, I do not like how Tetris 99 is useless without an online subscription. Or DLC.
Local 1v1 play and CPU matches are only available through DLC. I get they need to make money on this free app, but... No use in installing it if you aren't willing to spend money on it either way.
Yup Xbox is the best! Also they are definitely going to show off Cyberpunk 2077 next month or soon hopefully. Why? Cause Xbox likes to play ball and they didn't last year and year before that.
Hail Xbox! The Empire Of Gaming. I can't wait too see what they got this year. Definitely going to show off more gameplay
Forgive me fellas.
For I have cringed.
you... cringed??
Got around to watching it after catching up on the last two or three videos.
Never saw some of those ANF concept arts, particularly Mason. Which is weird, considering I viewed a collection of that stuff a little while after the Definitive Edition came out. Gotta "love" how they were straight up gonna have him look like Carver at one point.
That Gabe concept though, woof. Mariana's looks cute, though.
Not surprised about Clint being added.
Like the awkward sign language.
Looks like my random guess of Lonnie shooting Mariana may have been on the mark. I assume either Grace or Tripp/Eleanor would've been the one who could've put her down alternatively.
First time hearing of Gabe being wounded. I also remember the van being on the slide for Episode 2, complete with Grace in the passenger's seat, so it looks like he could've been the one that in whatever version of the story this was.
So it was Prescott who were causing the uprising rather than released prisoners. Interesting. Though speaking of the Slaughterhouse, OW! Poor Max(assuming that animation isn't hilariously broken).
In more wholesome news these days, for the past month a man named Gary Whitta has developed a talk show recorded and created entirely within Animal Crossing. [Verge Article]
One of his latest episodes features stars Danny Trejo and Elijah Wood -- as their AC Avatar selves, of course. This is surreal-ly cool
I know rewrites are a thing, but this seemed to be a really big one. Something that shouldn't be happening so late into development. Either way, I still enjoyed ANF for what it's worth.
Me trying to write out my research project proposal for university, which eventually has to be made into a thesis and an actual product for my final semester, and it's due in a week.
200 words in and I'm already stumped.
What are you studying?
I'm doing a Masters in Media. So a lot of stuff to do with film, documentary, journalism and whatnot.
Ah, cool.
Was going to say be careful as a lot of uni degrees (most really) are just a money spinner for the uni and aren't worth the paper they're written on, but yours is more literature based so it should be fine. Good luck!
Why has my comment from 2 days ago still pending approval? More importantly, why does it need approval? All it was was a reply to the Grayson video.
Hm? Let me see look at why that's the case.
He makes some very interesting and great points about how the cut content in Telltale’s work compared to other studios. However, it also reinforces what we already knew and what many of us, myself included, have extensively covered and discussed as the major problem at a Telltale: executive meddling and incompetence. I know we’ve given people like Brad Kane a lot of flack for his role in ANF, but even if it was Sean and Jake leading things, this still would have been a colossal disaster because of what was going on behind the scenes. Now, I have a lot of sympathy for Brad and the other writers, they were given a shit hand and did the best with what they could do with it. I’m not saying they’re completely faultless, but when you look at some of these original ideas, and how outright amazing they look and sound, you feel bad that they were constantly stifled along the way because it wasn’t “authentic.” Which still confuses me as to how a love triangle storyline and a cliched annoying brat trying to grow up character trope is more authentic than what was originally supposed to happen, which sounds much darker, character driven, and intriguing.
Ahhhh, I am so goddamn happy right now!

I'm on this Green Day discord server, and they have this cover project. Where you send in a recording of you doing vocals or instruments, and I recorded some audio of me doing vocals for a song. And I sent it in, I can't wait to see if I got the part or not!
Good luck!
Due to current chaotic events surrounding racial injustice in the USA, Sony has decided to postpone their PS5 event. No news on a rescheduled date for now.
Thanks man.
I just learned that George Floyd was murdered by a police officer who never wanted to listen to him when he put his knee on his neck, thus suffocating him to death. Sometimes I don't think protests are good solutions but what's happening recently in America is well deserved. If those retarded cops want forgiveness, all they have to do is execute the officer who murdered him. Assholes like him do not deserve forgiveness after what he just did, he needs to die.
It's official now. 2020 is the worst year of the century so far, with second being 2001.
I saw countless riots and peaceful protests this is by far the most dangerous decade of all time let alone the World War 1
Second I have problem with cops my age an younger blind with testosterone and arrogance.
My dad retired from the police force five years ago and he's gotta be disgusted how cops in my generation are not or above not being put in line.
Please Not The Flash Games anything but my childhood nostalgia 😭💔
Reminder to not talk about politics, I'll leave it up, but consider this a last warning right now.
2020 is the most chaotic year I've been alive by far. And it's not even halfway over yet.
Anyone remember the Badass Accountant from Episode 4 of Tales from the Borderlands? I don't know if this was answered before but was his model based off a Telltale employee or something because his model is super unique and isn't like any of the other Hyperion employee models.
Will see what the future has in store for us in other words In the other half of 2020 but I don't like how the results as of now.
I was extremely sociable last year and now I'm not talking to anyone not just Covid but I fear for humanity is going to get worse.
I heard word of this film a few months ago, and it's nice that Netflix is now picking it up for global distribution.
I knew about the cute "turning into a cat" thing, but I didn't know this film would take a right turn into a philosophical debate about the benefits of the human experience.
I'm pretty interested in this now, since it'll be so easily accessible.
It's also directed by Junichi Sato (original Sailor Moon director) and animated by the gorgeous Studio Colorido (Penguin Highway, Pokémon: Twilight Wings)
Hey, you, I was born in 2001 😤
I have completed all of my assignments for the semester.
I will hopefully find out if I got the part soon, until then I can't wait!
I've still got a long month ahead of me...
2008 was horrible.
2020 I hate you so mich (New )Ebola Outbreak.

I didn't get the part for the cover, but there's always next time.
i will feel pain for eternity now, god save me.
If anyone's interested, currently has a charity bundle in support of BLM featuring over 700 indie games for $5 with all proceeds heading towards the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Community Bail Fund.
That's a pretty insane amount of games for five wing wangs. There are even a few well known ones like Night in the Woods, Oxenfree, One Shot and A Short Hike.