My mistake, I wasn't aware that you were in such a position where you were determining whether or not their profession is a professional one. Well done! The pay must be pretty nice
Last I checked, IGN is a major media review site, with several professional reviewers with qualifications and experience in journalism working at the company, just because two of their reviewers actually enjoyed a game(s) that's almost 4 years old and has a completely exaggerated negative reputation because the internet is great at exaggerating and making big temper tantrums, while another that wasn't afraid to go bold and tell a Story that is controversial, that doesn't make them non-professionals, a less nonsensical conclusion to come to is that they, being the reviewers, have had their desires as to what they want in a game satisfied by the games they reviewed.
Why should they have to bend to the faceless child mob that is the majority of Communities that throw the toys out of the pram when a reviewer actually likes a game that is disliked by said Community? You go to a reviewer for their opinion on a game, to determine whether or not to buy it, I just think it's absolutely silly, and a waste of time, to watch the review when you already have your own opinion on it, and to then slander and insult them because they like it.
Can't please everyone, the reviewer can only please themselves by performing a review to the best of their ability, their biggest fear is the "fandom", the group of people that call themselves fans, but really spend their time sending death threats, sexist comments, the whole shebang to the reviewer who simply did their duty.
I have no opinion on The Last of Us Part II, except that, which is often the case, parts that people don't like are exaggerated upon, treated as a grave sin, regarded as lazy, unprofessional, suddenly everyone becomes a condescending critic that feels they have the power to chat complete and utter horseshit to the people behind the game with a feeling of justification behind their silly attacks. Anyway I'll watch The Last of Us Part II on YouTube, as I don't have a PS4, then I'll have an opinion on it.
As for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (even uttering the name opens the gates to an angry mob, just wait and see ) I enjoyed it, thoroughly, it isn't my favourite Season, but I still have a blast while playing it. The game itself isn't actually as bad as people make out, but, in comparison to the other Seasons in the Main Series, it would be last for me, doesn't mean I view it as bad, but I enjoyed the others more.
I'm certain there'll be a particular few reading this statement readying the pitchforks and getting ready to say I have "no taste in games", or I'm a "fanboy", or some other laughable content to put into their angry comments, to which I say... bring it
Well, I guess you're right.
But it's not surprising when IGN likes something and gives it a higher score and most of the fandom are not s… moreurprised either or they get pissed off.
I have a question for you, do you like both TLOU 2 and ANF or don't like neither?
... How does someone liking something you don't make them unprofessional?
A reviewers job is to present their opinion and then provide a recommendation based on that. Should the reviewer have written a negative review despite liking the final product just to appease a faceless mob?
My mistake, I wasn't aware that you were in such a position where you were determining whether or not their profession is a professional one… more. Well done! The pay must be pretty nice
Last I checked, IGN is a major media review site, with several professional reviewers with qualifications and experience in journalism working at the company, just because two of their reviewers actually enjoyed a game(s) that's almost 4 years old and has a completely exaggerated negative reputation because the internet is great at exaggerating and making big temper tantrums, while another that wasn't afraid to go bold and tell a Story that is controversial, that doesn't make them non-professionals, a less nonsensical conclusion to come to is that they, being the reviewers, have had their desires as to what they want in a game satisfied by the games they reviewed.
Why should they have to bend to the faceless child mob that is the majority of Communities that… [view original content]
They should have noted that the game has flaws which would definitely divide the playerbase but they did not. Critics don't mean anything anymore if they care more about graphics and gameplay than the story, especially the story-driven ones. They are all paid slimeballs.
... How does someone liking something you don't make them unprofessional?
A reviewers job is to present their opinion and then provide a … morerecommendation based on that. Should the reviewer have written a negative review despite liking the final product just to appease a faceless mob?
I haven't noticed any coin shortage, unless you're looking for something unusual like half dollars. A lot of people are trying to reduce their spending of cash money in general, though.
They should have noted that the game has flaws which would definitely divide the playerbase but they did not.
Because they probably didn't regard what you consider to be a flaw as an actual flaw that would result in such a cantankerous reaction from the fanbase.
Critics don't mean anything anymore if they care more about graphics and gameplay than the story, especially the story-driven ones.
But the first three minutes of the IGN review is the guy literally explaining about why he liked the story so much and why he found it to be compelling experience? He spends more time talking about the story than he does with the gameplay and graphics.
They are all paid slimeballs.
Unless they conform with your own beliefs and opinions right?
They should have noted that the game has flaws which would definitely divide the playerbase but they did not. Critics don't mean anything an… moreymore if they care more about graphics and gameplay than the story, especially the story-driven ones. They are all paid slimeballs.
Yes, critics do get paid money, I'd be concerned if critics working for major media platforms were not being paid for their work, but you think they are paid off to give a game good reviews? Surely something like that would be immediately revealed by an insider, why is it that hasn't actually happened, with one exception I can think of being the Xbox One and Larry Hryb calling to houses of YouTube influencers to promote the console, unless the claim is just pure nonsense? If such a thing was actually true, it would be an earthquake-like event in the industry if discovered.
There's nothing wrong with giving praise to graphics and gameplay, reviewing those are part of the review process no? There are players that do prioritise graphics and gameplay over Story and vice versa, there's nothing wrong with that, they aren't any less a player than you and I. People dig games for their own reasons, there is an incentive for everyone, for me, I like a good Story and something fun, if I see something that's one or the other, or even both, I'll go for it. With a game like The Last of Us, the centre of attention is its narrative, and I'm sure IGN and other outlets spoke about the Story, some liked, some disliked, why is it that those who liked it are less professional to you? I'm sure their college qualifications and experience for other outlets tell a different Story than the narrative you believe in.
They should have noted that the game has flaws which would definitely divide the playerbase but they did not. Critics don't mean anything an… moreymore if they care more about graphics and gameplay than the story, especially the story-driven ones. They are all paid slimeballs.
Not looking for at all last night Walmart and dollar tree have a coin shortage and Wells Fargo is not even sure at this point lucky for you guys where ever your at your not having this problem.
I haven't noticed any coin shortage, unless you're looking for something unusual like half dollars. A lot of people are trying to reduce their spending of cash money in general, though.
I just found out that Nintendo has an official promo Twitter account for Animal Crossing -- previously "run" by Tom Nook and recently "taken over" by Isabelle. I find it soo freakin' adorable!
I just found out that Nintendo has an official promo Twitter account for Animal Crossing -- previously "run" by Tom Nook and recently "taken… more over" by Isabelle. I find it soo freakin' adorable!
do you remember that one game over screen in ratatoulie on the ps2 where he gets put into a jar because that one makes me laugh very hard due to the whole rainbow dash jar thing
I used to play a Ratatouille game on PS2. That game used to terrify me as a kid due to the game over screens and patrols like the dogs. I can also never forget those annoying ass fishes on waterbags in the final chapter. I hated those
do you remember that one game over screen in ratatoulie on the ps2 where he gets put into a jar because that one makes me laugh very hard due to the whole rainbow dash jar thing
Not looking for at all last night Walmart and dollar tree have a coin shortage and Wells Fargo is not even sure at this point lucky for you guys where ever your at your not having this problem.
To say so the least.
It looks like there has been a U.S. coin shortage starting a couple of weeks ago.
I guess I just happen to live in a coin rich area.
My absolute favorite episode of Avatar, bar none, AChickn can vouch for me on that. Everything about this episode is perfection, and you know what, you’re entirely right. If Neil and ND wanted to go in the direction they did, then something like this should have been the way to go.
Definitely an amazing episode centering on Katara's grief.
I can't believe you're already near the end of Season 3!
Hot damn, man! Tell us your thoughts on the finale when you see it! It's truly the most action-packed and most ambitious thing in the series.
I got caught up on the latest Dragon Ball Super arc in the manga.
I honestly, was shocked to see the new artist return to the roots of Dragon Ball. I really enjoy the introduction of the new villain, Moro, he has a very refreshing character design. And he reminds me of a bit of Freeza and his character traits. I was also kind of surprised to see the amount of blood and violence, it's a thing that was a staple in DBZ. But, in DBS they censored it. Overall, a very good story!
Oh, and I read Toyble's Dragon Ball AF fanfic! I honestly read a lot of manga this weekend. lol
So I finally got around to playing Blacksad: Under the Skin and I have to say I would really recommended it if you are a fan of Telltale and have been craving a Telltale-like game and are looking for something to settle that itch. Now I don't think it is as good as a game like The Wolf Among Us (which I'll compare it to a lot here simply because it is the most similar) but if you like Wolf I doubt you will dislike Blacksad.
Story wise it isnt that incredible. It is overall a pretty run of the mill detective story but the characters and dialogue is what really drives it. Now even though there are great characters, dont go in expecting for complex relationships and character growth. It is there but no where close to what it is like in a Telltale game as this game focuses much more on actual detective work and investigations than complex character arcs and relationships. The deduction system is great in this game as well as Blacksad's notebook. I would really love to see features like this implemented in Wolf 2. Hell deduction mode is so stylish when you enter it I'd pretty much want it copy and pasted for Wolf 2.
I also really like the art direction. It is super neat to look at. But some cons of this game is simply the fact that its really buggy. I wouldnt say any of the bugs I encountered ruined the game for me, but some of them were getting annoying. One issue was I had to keep launching the game twice as it would always freeze on the first launch. Then more minor bugs like the camera not focusing which lead to cutscenes being blurry, as if the camera man literally forgot to adjust the focus as if it was a really amateur film. Another bug being the screen was stuck black and needed a restart. So that was a bit annoying. Exploration as a whole is fun, but theres 2 issues one minor and one major. The minor issue is these hubs are really big and Blacksad is really slow, not sure why they didnt implement some sort of way to move faster. Second which I would say is a major issue is simply interacting with the world does not feel fluid with the controls. Its hard to explain, but it just feels clunky with a lot of moving Blacksad to specific locations to interact which can often lead to passing by things you know are there and having to constantly correct your movement, just makes me wish I could mouse click on things like a Telltale game.
Lastly the music. I have to say the music kinda disappointed me. Not that its bad, because it isnt. But pretty much the entire sound track is kinda generic jazz which would be fine, but my disappointment is mostly because the main theme of this game that is the first thing you hear is so grandiose and amazing it really set me up thinking the game was going to have this incredible score, but sadly this song is the only real stand out for me. I would honestly like to see Wolf 2 experiment with mixing its score with this kind of style (which they did kinda do for one song in 105.)
But overall I would say give it a go if you like Telltale games. I'd probably give it a rating of 7.5/10. I would give it a more solid 8/10 but the glitches do bog it down unfortunately. I also do find it unfortunate how swept under the rug this game feels. It isnt perfect but I feel it deserves a lot more attention. (Also there are a lot of cool things in this game that I feel (like I've already been saying) would fit in Wolf 2 super well. If Wolf 2 ends up like a mix of Blacksad and Wolf 1 that would be a super solid game right there.)
So I finally got around to playing Blacksad: Under the Skin and I have to say I would really recommended it if you are a fan of Telltale and… more have been craving a Telltale-like game and are looking for something to settle that itch. Now I don't think it is as good as a game like The Wolf Among Us (which I'll compare it to a lot here simply because it is the most similar) but if you like Wolf I doubt you will dislike Blacksad.
Story wise it isnt that incredible. It is overall a pretty run of the mill detective story but the characters and dialogue is what really drives it. Now even though there are great characters, dont go in expecting for complex relationships and character growth. It is there but no where close to what it is like in a Telltale game as this game focuses much more on actual detective work and investigations than complex character arcs and relationships. The deduction system is great in this game as well as Blacksad's noteboo… [view original content]
Blacksad was awesome but holy hell was it glitchy i played it when it came out and i don't know how it is now but i hope it's better
and the music was kind of a let down yeah but i remember seeing gameplay of the game before it came out and there were no music at all in some scenes so they probably added that last but everything else was great it's definitely a 8/10 for me too.
So I finally got around to playing Blacksad: Under the Skin and I have to say I would really recommended it if you are a fan of Telltale and… more have been craving a Telltale-like game and are looking for something to settle that itch. Now I don't think it is as good as a game like The Wolf Among Us (which I'll compare it to a lot here simply because it is the most similar) but if you like Wolf I doubt you will dislike Blacksad.
Story wise it isnt that incredible. It is overall a pretty run of the mill detective story but the characters and dialogue is what really drives it. Now even though there are great characters, dont go in expecting for complex relationships and character growth. It is there but no where close to what it is like in a Telltale game as this game focuses much more on actual detective work and investigations than complex character arcs and relationships. The deduction system is great in this game as well as Blacksad's noteboo… [view original content]
Hot damn, I swear every day there's been over a dozen people being outed as being some sort of pedophile or sexual predator in the gaming community.
I mean it's good that all these people are getting outed but I did not expect this many people.
Blacksad was awesome but holy hell was it glitchy i played it when it came out and i don't know how it is now but i hope it's better
and t… morehe music was kind of a let down yeah but i remember seeing gameplay of the game before it came out and there were no music at all in some scenes so they probably added that last but everything else was great it's definitely a 8/10 for me too.
Oof. The number of Covid cases here in Melbourne just hit a record of 191 confirmed cases in just the last 24 hours and the city has been put back into tighter restrictions. Not to mention that the state in general has been getting over a hundred new confirmed cases every day for the past week.
Hopefully people here don't go back to panic buying again.
My mistake, I wasn't aware that you were in such a position where you were determining whether or not their profession is a professional one. Well done! The pay must be pretty nice
Last I checked, IGN is a major media review site, with several professional reviewers with qualifications and experience in journalism working at the company, just because two of their reviewers actually enjoyed a game(s) that's almost 4 years old and has a completely exaggerated negative reputation because the internet is great at exaggerating and making big temper tantrums, while another that wasn't afraid to go bold and tell a Story that is controversial, that doesn't make them non-professionals, a less nonsensical conclusion to come to is that they, being the reviewers, have had their desires as to what they want in a game satisfied by the games they reviewed.
Why should they have to bend to the faceless child mob that is the majority of Communities that throw the toys out of the pram when a reviewer actually likes a game that is disliked by said Community? You go to a reviewer for their opinion on a game, to determine whether or not to buy it, I just think it's absolutely silly, and a waste of time, to watch the review when you already have your own opinion on it, and to then slander and insult them because they like it.
Can't please everyone, the reviewer can only please themselves by performing a review to the best of their ability, their biggest fear is the "fandom", the group of people that call themselves fans, but really spend their time sending death threats, sexist comments, the whole shebang to the reviewer who simply did their duty.
I have no opinion on The Last of Us Part II, except that, which is often the case, parts that people don't like are exaggerated upon, treated as a grave sin, regarded as lazy, unprofessional, suddenly everyone becomes a condescending critic that feels they have the power to chat complete and utter horseshit to the people behind the game with a feeling of justification behind their silly attacks. Anyway I'll watch The Last of Us Part II on YouTube, as I don't have a PS4, then I'll have an opinion on it.
As for The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (even uttering the name opens the gates to an angry mob, just wait and see
) I enjoyed it, thoroughly, it isn't my favourite Season, but I still have a blast while playing it. The game itself isn't actually as bad as people make out, but, in comparison to the other Seasons in the Main Series, it would be last for me, doesn't mean I view it as bad, but I enjoyed the others more.
I'm certain there'll be a particular few reading this statement readying the pitchforks and getting ready to say I have "no taste in games", or I'm a "fanboy", or some other laughable content to put into their angry comments, to which I say... bring it
... How does someone liking something you don't make them unprofessional?
A reviewers job is to present their opinion and then provide a recommendation based on that. Should the reviewer have written a negative review despite liking the final product just to appease a faceless mob?
To all those in the community who live in the United States who here is affected by th shortage of coins?
They should have noted that the game has flaws which would definitely divide the playerbase but they did not. Critics don't mean anything anymore if they care more about graphics and gameplay than the story, especially the story-driven ones. They are all paid slimeballs.
I haven't noticed any coin shortage, unless you're looking for something unusual like half dollars. A lot of people are trying to reduce their spending of cash money in general, though.
Because they probably didn't regard what you consider to be a flaw as an actual flaw that would result in such a cantankerous reaction from the fanbase.
But the first three minutes of the IGN review is the guy literally explaining about why he liked the story so much and why he found it to be compelling experience? He spends more time talking about the story than he does with the gameplay and graphics.
Unless they conform with your own beliefs and opinions right?
Yes, critics do get paid money, I'd be concerned if critics working for major media platforms were not being paid for their work, but you think they are paid off to give a game good reviews? Surely something like that would be immediately revealed by an insider, why is it that hasn't actually happened, with one exception I can think of being the Xbox One and Larry Hryb calling to houses of YouTube influencers to promote the console, unless the claim is just pure nonsense? If such a thing was actually true, it would be an earthquake-like event in the industry if discovered.
There's nothing wrong with giving praise to graphics and gameplay, reviewing those are part of the review process no? There are players that do prioritise graphics and gameplay over Story and vice versa, there's nothing wrong with that, they aren't any less a player than you and I. People dig games for their own reasons, there is an incentive for everyone, for me, I like a good Story and something fun, if I see something that's one or the other, or even both, I'll go for it. With a game like The Last of Us, the centre of attention is its narrative, and I'm sure IGN and other outlets spoke about the Story, some liked, some disliked, why is it that those who liked it are less professional to you? I'm sure their college qualifications and experience for other outlets tell a different Story than the narrative you believe in.
Not looking for at all last night Walmart and dollar tree have a coin shortage and Wells Fargo is not even sure at this point lucky for you guys where ever your at your not having this problem.
To say so the least.
Happy 4th of July 🇺🇸
Right here
Went to GameStop the other day and learned this was a thing. The lady running the place mentioned that the bank would only give two rolls of Quarters
Looking forward to this. Hopefully it runs well!
Also that FOV slider. TotalBiscuit would have been proud.
I just found out that Nintendo has an official promo Twitter account for Animal Crossing -- previously "run" by Tom Nook and recently "taken over" by Isabelle. I find it soo freakin' adorable!
I would get it, but that game would fry my current cpu. Definitely will get it after an upgrade.
And the first thing tweeted wasn't a DOOM/Isabelle post? I am disappointed.
do you remember that one game over screen in ratatoulie on the ps2 where he gets put into a jar because that one makes me laugh very hard due to the whole rainbow dash jar thing
It looks like there has been a U.S. coin shortage starting a couple of weeks ago.
I guess I just happen to live in a coin rich area.
Holy shit dude
A more accurate representation of diving into a mound of coins
Now this is a revenge story done right. The Last of Us 2 should take notes from this great writing.

My absolute favorite episode of Avatar, bar none, AChickn can vouch for me on that. Everything about this episode is perfection, and you know what, you’re entirely right. If Neil and ND wanted to go in the direction they did, then something like this should have been the way to go.
Man that sucks I haven't been to a Chuck-E-Cheese since I was in the 3-4th grade
Definitely an amazing episode centering on Katara's grief.
I can't believe you're already near the end of Season 3!
Hot damn, man! Tell us your thoughts on the finale when you see it! It's truly the most action-packed and most ambitious thing in the series.
Wraps things up pretty perfectly.
Danny Trejo is actually a really wholesome person who loves Animal Crossing and I am so on board for this.
I got caught up on the latest Dragon Ball Super arc in the manga.
I honestly, was shocked to see the new artist return to the roots of Dragon Ball. I really enjoy the introduction of the new villain, Moro, he has a very refreshing character design. And he reminds me of a bit of Freeza and his character traits. I was also kind of surprised to see the amount of blood and violence, it's a thing that was a staple in DBZ. But, in DBS they censored it. Overall, a very good story!
Oh, and I read Toyble's Dragon Ball AF fanfic! I honestly read a lot of manga this weekend. lol
Hot damn, I swear every day there's been over a dozen people being outed as being some sort of pedophile or sexual predator in the gaming community.
I mean it's good that all these people are getting outed but I did not expect this many people.
RIP Ennio Morricone.
So I finally got around to playing Blacksad: Under the Skin and I have to say I would really recommended it if you are a fan of Telltale and have been craving a Telltale-like game and are looking for something to settle that itch. Now I don't think it is as good as a game like The Wolf Among Us (which I'll compare it to a lot here simply because it is the most similar) but if you like Wolf I doubt you will dislike Blacksad.
Story wise it isnt that incredible. It is overall a pretty run of the mill detective story but the characters and dialogue is what really drives it. Now even though there are great characters, dont go in expecting for complex relationships and character growth. It is there but no where close to what it is like in a Telltale game as this game focuses much more on actual detective work and investigations than complex character arcs and relationships. The deduction system is great in this game as well as Blacksad's notebook. I would really love to see features like this implemented in Wolf 2. Hell deduction mode is so stylish when you enter it I'd pretty much want it copy and pasted for Wolf 2.
I also really like the art direction. It is super neat to look at. But some cons of this game is simply the fact that its really buggy. I wouldnt say any of the bugs I encountered ruined the game for me, but some of them were getting annoying. One issue was I had to keep launching the game twice as it would always freeze on the first launch. Then more minor bugs like the camera not focusing which lead to cutscenes being blurry, as if the camera man literally forgot to adjust the focus as if it was a really amateur film. Another bug being the screen was stuck black and needed a restart. So that was a bit annoying. Exploration as a whole is fun, but theres 2 issues one minor and one major. The minor issue is these hubs are really big and Blacksad is really slow, not sure why they didnt implement some sort of way to move faster. Second which I would say is a major issue is simply interacting with the world does not feel fluid with the controls. Its hard to explain, but it just feels clunky with a lot of moving Blacksad to specific locations to interact which can often lead to passing by things you know are there and having to constantly correct your movement, just makes me wish I could mouse click on things like a Telltale game.
Lastly the music. I have to say the music kinda disappointed me. Not that its bad, because it isnt. But pretty much the entire sound track is kinda generic jazz which would be fine, but my disappointment is mostly because the main theme of this game that is the first thing you hear is so grandiose and amazing it really set me up thinking the game was going to have this incredible score, but sadly this song is the only real stand out for me. I would honestly like to see Wolf 2 experiment with mixing its score with this kind of style (which they did kinda do for one song in 105.)
But overall I would say give it a go if you like Telltale games. I'd probably give it a rating of 7.5/10. I would give it a more solid 8/10 but the glitches do bog it down unfortunately. I also do find it unfortunate how swept under the rug this game feels. It isnt perfect but I feel it deserves a lot more attention. (Also there are a lot of cool things in this game that I feel (like I've already been saying) would fit in Wolf 2 super well. If Wolf 2 ends up like a mix of Blacksad and Wolf 1 that would be a super solid game right there.)
Yeah I remember seeing the trailer and I never heard about it again until now.
Blacksad was awesome but holy hell was it glitchy i played it when it came out and i don't know how it is now but i hope it's better
and the music was kind of a let down yeah but i remember seeing gameplay of the game before it came out and there were no music at all in some scenes so they probably added that last but everything else was great it's definitely a 8/10 for me too.
People are getting braver about speaking up than they used to be.
Me when I see that one of my classes in the new semester is on a Saturday and is 6 hours long.
I agree with my friend.
Well, well, well. Look who is back. Didn't you say it was better to sleep, mate?
Btw hey Aron, been a while
Woop! Infinity Train Season 3 confirmed for HBO Max!
Poster for the new season below.
Oof. The number of Covid cases here in Melbourne just hit a record of 191 confirmed cases in just the last 24 hours and the city has been put back into tighter restrictions. Not to mention that the state in general has been getting over a hundred new confirmed cases every day for the past week.
Hopefully people here don't go back to panic buying again.