The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I also do find it unfortunate how swept under the rug this game feels.

    Blacksad: Under the Rug.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So I finally got around to playing Blacksad: Under the Skin and I have to say I would really recommended it if you are a fan of Telltale and

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2020

    Saturday classes are an abomination.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Me when I see that one of my classes in the new semester is on a Saturday and is 6 hours long.

  • Good morning folks , how's everyone doing?

  • Deleted scene from a SpongeBob SquarePants episode.

  • Yeah, when I was a child I would get frustrated at my parents for holding my hand in public and watching over me, now I’m thankful they did. So many kids go missing and get assaulted every day. You really don’t know how common it is until you look at the numbers. The stuff with the Competitive Gaming community recently has been insane.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Hot damn, I swear every day there's been over a dozen people being outed as being some sort of pedophile or sexual predator in the gaming community. I mean it's good that all these people are getting outed but I did not expect this many people.

  • Mafia: Definitive Edition got delayed to September 25th, 15 seconds of gameplay was released. It looks pretty good. Awesome that it's only £35.

  • They're killing me with these 10 seconds teasers. :D But yeah, it looks great.

    Tbh I expected a bigger delay, considering their reluctance to show any gameplay until now. Hopefully that extra month will be enough and there'll be minimum bugs.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Mafia: Definitive Edition got delayed to September 25th, 15 seconds of gameplay was released. It looks pretty good. Awesome that it's only £35.

  • Yo, humblebundle is having a bundle with Batman, TWAU and TWD in it right now. (plus Oxenfree and Heaven's Vault) So if you need to complete your collection or have a friend who hasn't played them yet, now's the best time to get them.

    Check it out

    (having Batman S2 in the lowest tier and Batman S1 in the highest tier is a bit of a head-scratching decision though)

  • edited July 2020

    The stuff with the Competitive Gaming community recently has been insane.

    It's also a pretty good example of why you really shouldn't be putting people on a pedestal, regardless of how "nice" they may seem. The revelation that one of the YouTubers (Cryaotic) I used to watch was pulling some vile shit was pretty surprising.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Yeah, when I was a child I would get frustrated at my parents for holding my hand in public and watching over me, now I’m thankful they did.

  • edited July 2020

    Lol it's essentially the "Telltale Summer Bundle + 2 extra games"

    It's weird that B Season 1 is higher tiered than the second, but it's cool that they included the Shadows Mode DLC with them. I found the first season's to be pretty Neato for 5$.

    I just started Season 2 Shadows Mode, so I'm excited to see the crazy colour contrast with all the Villains. (So far, after completing the Prologue, only Riddler has some colour bits to his model. Not even Mori, Waller or Avesta have some interesting stylization).

    Pipas posted: »

    Yo, humblebundle is having a bundle with Batman, TWAU and TWD in it right now. (plus Oxenfree and Heaven's Vault) So if you need to complete

  • Just an assumption on my part, but with Batman: The Enemy Within being better received than the first Season, people are going to go for it, but, in order to get as much enjoyment as possible from it in being up to date with what led to The Enemy Within, people may feel that spending a bit more to pick up the first Season, which would, in turn, give them a full comprehension of the narrative being told.

    Pipas posted: »

    Yo, humblebundle is having a bundle with Batman, TWAU and TWD in it right now. (plus Oxenfree and Heaven's Vault) So if you need to complete

  • I don't know if anyone else has been noticing it too, but I haven't been having that weird log-out bug recently.
    I guess it's been fixed.

  • Good find! I didn't notice but yeah, you're right.

    AChicken posted: »

    I don't know if anyone else has been noticing it too, but I haven't been having that weird log-out bug recently. I guess it's been fixed.

  • Yeah, I noticed that too. Glad that it's fixed.

    AChicken posted: »

    I don't know if anyone else has been noticing it too, but I haven't been having that weird log-out bug recently. I guess it's been fixed.

  • No spoilers but I really love what they did with season 2 episode 5 in shadows mode. Keep going on your playthrough!

    AChicken posted: »

    Lol it's essentially the "Telltale Summer Bundle + 2 extra games" It's weird that B Season 1 is higher tiered than the second, but it's c

  • been thinkin about how The Wolf Among Us ended 6 years ago today

  • edited July 2020

    Cool to hear. I assume that is for both the Vigilante and Villain Ep5?

    I'll be using two files to go through most of the major decisions of the season, since Season 2 had a lot of great choice/scene variety and I'm interested in seeing all the possible Shadows touches.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    No spoilers but I really love what they did with season 2 episode 5 in shadows mode. Keep going on your playthrough!

  • Yeah I replayed Shadows Mode today out of boredom, I did this pathway that hasn’t been documented on YouTube and it turned out cool.

    I trusted John in the clubhouse to make him Vigilante, but then when I went to the bridge (as Bruce) I told the Agency to move in guns drawn on John and Harley.

    It ended up turning my Vigilante John into Villain and gave a few minutes of altered dialogue and animations.

    (I actually did this by accident, I was trying to do my first vigilante playthrough but chose this out of curiosity since I heard that the John choice wasn’t a point counter-branch. Turns out it was and I can’t use rewind. Going to have to look online for a save file now.

    AChicken posted: »

    Cool to hear. I assume that is for both the Vigilante and Villain Ep5? I'll be using two files to go through most of the major decisions

  • Batman season 2 is by far the least-direct sequel Telltale has ever made, even when compared to MCSM s2 and ANF.

    You literally can play season 2 knowing nothing about season 1 and have just as good of an experienced aside. Only like 5 minutes of dialogue even refers to season one

    Just an assumption on my part, but with Batman: The Enemy Within being better received than the first Season, people are going to go for it,

  • New trailer and release date for Dark Pictures: Little Hope is out! Yep, looks like a straight up supernatural horror game this time. I really don't see how they could scientifically explain away all the crazy shit that's happening in this one without jumping the shark.

  • This post reminded me of those "Wario is Dying" memes:

    Poogers555 posted: »

    been thinkin about how The Wolf Among Us ended 6 years ago today

  • Of course, but what I was getting at is by putting the better received sequel at a cheaper cost, and the first Season at a higher cost, to grasp the full sequence of events within Telltale's Series, purchasing the first Season allows that. The Enemy Within may not focus on the events of the first game, but the events of The Enemy Within are because of the events of the first game

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Batman season 2 is by far the least-direct sequel Telltale has ever made, even when compared to MCSM s2 and ANF. You literally can play s

  • edited July 2020

    The official Box Art for PS5 titles has been revealed. Looks weird but I'll probably get used to it over time.
    Sticking to the console colour scheme for sure.


  • What is that about?

    This post reminded me of those "Wario is Dying" memes:

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I just really hate the searingly bright white they've been using for PS5 stuff so far.

    AChicken posted: »

    The official Box Art for PS5 titles has been revealed. Looks weird but I'll probably get used to it over time. Sticking to the console colour scheme for sure. SOURCE

  • I really like that actually, guess I'm in the minority.

    AChicken posted: »

    The official Box Art for PS5 titles has been revealed. Looks weird but I'll probably get used to it over time. Sticking to the console colour scheme for sure. SOURCE

  • I don't mind it.

    AChicken posted: »

    The official Box Art for PS5 titles has been revealed. Looks weird but I'll probably get used to it over time. Sticking to the console colour scheme for sure. SOURCE

  • Resident Evil 3 is almost sold out in Target only one copy left.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I don't mind it.

  • i had a dream last night where i went to buy video games and there was a game called “wario is dying” on the shelves and the box art of the game was just a really small wario standing in front of a nice ocean background.

    -some person on the Internet

    DabigRG posted: »

    What is that about?

  • It would probably look a bit better if the box itself was white too.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I just really hate the searingly bright white they've been using for PS5 stuff so far.

  • Ok....

    I don't think I ever heard of this Target place. Why bring up RE3 remake though?

    Resident Evil 3 is almost sold out in Target only one copy left.

  • I was at target checking out what video games were on stock Resident Evil 3 is 99% sold out in Target with that being said RE3 is getting a lot of money.

    As for The Last of Us part 2 still on stock haven't seen much sales lately where I'm at.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Ok.... I don't think I ever heard of this Target place. Why bring up RE3 remake though?

  • I was wondering if they were gonna give him his venom strike powers.

    Now I'm wondering if he'll be able to go invisible. I could see this being a thing for like stealth sequences.

    AChicken posted: »

    The official Box Art for PS5 titles has been revealed. Looks weird but I'll probably get used to it over time. Sticking to the console colour scheme for sure. SOURCE

  • Now I'm wondering if he'll be able to go invisible.

    I'm pretty sure there was a brief clip of him doing that in the trailer. Some short translucent Spider-Man doing a takedown on some goon near the end.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I was wondering if they were gonna give him his venom strike powers. Now I'm wondering if he'll be able to go invisible. I could see this being a thing for like stealth sequences.

  • No idea how I missed that. I guess my brain just assumed it was a weird alt costume or something.

    AChicken posted: »

    Now I'm wondering if he'll be able to go invisible. I'm pretty sure there was a brief clip of him doing that in the trailer. Some short translucent Spider-Man doing a takedown on some goon near the end.

  • Tbh, when I first saw the trailer I mistook that moment to be a Spidey vs. Spidey fight, getting my hopes up for a multiplayer thing.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    No idea how I missed that. I guess my brain just assumed it was a weird alt costume or something.

  • Holy mother of pearl, Melbourne just reached a record of 288 Covid cases in the past 24 hours.

  • edited July 2020

    I went to the grocery store to see that they're selling Mountain Dew flavoured Dorito's. I bought a pack. It smells like cleaning fluid, looks like it's moldy and tastes like limes. It honestly doesn't taste that bad, but my God is it unappetising to look at.

    Am I a real g4m3r b0i yet?


    Nevermind, the more I eat it the more vile it tastes. Would recommend solely for the experience of feeling like a gamer.

  • edited July 2020


    Sam from the Last of Us 1 -- Nadji Jeter also plays Miles Morales in the Spider-Man PS4 game and upcoming MM spinoff!! Just found this out now, I can't believe I didn't know this earlier or bothered to check the cast list.
    Huge congrats to the guy for being in that massive Spidey game and now getting a video game protagonist gig.

  • edited July 2020

    Yep, I also acknowledged this fact a few years ago. What's funny is that Sam gets bitten by a clicker thus ending his normal life. Nadji's charaters both happened to be bitten by something that gives them the same abilities as their biters.

    AChicken posted: »

    HOLY MOLY Sam from the Last of Us 1 -- Nadji Jeter also plays Miles Morales in the Spider-Man PS4 game and upcoming MM spinoff!! Just fou

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