The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • So I've been thinking a lot, I don't think I've got too many friends on here, and truth be told, I'm not really sure why. I mean, I acknowledge I'm stubborn, I am more curious as to how I appear to you guys. I don't think everyone should love me or have my own little entourage singing my praises, but I get the impression I'm not looked at in the best light on here. This is kind out of left field I know, very random, but it's just my curiosity.

    I guess I'll ask the question, share your thoughts on me if you can be bothered to, positive, negative, anything at all. Be brutal if you like, but just be honest is all I ask :smile:

    (Just want to say I am not in a down mood or anything, this isn't coming from feeling down, it's just pure curiosity as I wonder how I am viewed by this Community)

    Have a good day y'all and continue to stay safe

  • Me seeing that Netflix plans to release 6 animated films a year.

    Netflix has been doing incredibly well with their current animation line up so this is some very good news.

  • but I get the impression I'm not looked at in the best light on here.

    So I've been thinking a lot, I don't think I've got too many friends on here, and truth be told, I'm not really sure why. I mean, I acknowle

  • edited October 2020

    Haha yeah, who would have thought it? :joy: Can't help but think it's the case however. What are your thoughts lad?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    but I get the impression I'm not looked at in the best light on here.

  • No dude, you're cool and a nice guy.
    I don't see anything wrong with your being here.

    In other news Hilda Season 2 in December y'all!! YAY! @lupinb0y

    So I've been thinking a lot, I don't think I've got too many friends on here, and truth be told, I'm not really sure why. I mean, I acknowle

  • Well from what I've seen throughout the years you've been a really nice guy. Also you helped me with my research project so that makes you more than okay in my b-


    Haha yeah, who would have thought it? Can't help but think it's the case however. What are your thoughts lad?

  • After all these years.

    AChicken posted: »

    No dude, you're cool and a nice guy. I don't see anything wrong with your being here. In other news Hilda Season 2 in December y'all!! YAY! @lupinb0y

  • edited October 2020

    After all these years.

    checks internet
    wtf how has it been over 2 years since this thing came out? I thought it was only last year!

    Also, hey, premiere date was the 21st of September 2018. The death of Telltale.
    The universe giveth, and the universe taketh away... :cry:

    lupinb0y posted: »

    After all these years.

  • Nah, man. You're cool. You're kind and you are calm.

    So I've been thinking a lot, I don't think I've got too many friends on here, and truth be told, I'm not really sure why. I mean, I acknowle

  • Yes, yes, yes!!!!

    I am extremely excited for this. Finally, a Doctor Who game for the Xbox! I'm honestly shocked it wasn't being made for the next-gen consoles. But, I am honestly extremely happy with that. Now let's just hope this doesn't make someone's wallet just explode into oblivion.

  • Thank you both @AChicken and @lupinb0y for the kind words :smile:

  • edited October 2020

    So I just saw this and... I'm not sure on how I feel about it, obviously it's vague but I think Clementine's arc should have remained closed:

    UPDATE: So I actually found the Panel where Robert made the comment, I don't necessarily think it's another game, I've a feeling it's something completely unexpected like maybe merchandise or adding a Clementine skin to Fall Guys, but a full-fledged game I think is just not going to happen. Anyway enough babbling from me, here's the link:

    (Skip to 27:50)

  • edited October 2020

    I doubt it's a new game or anything like that.

    I wouldn't mind a one off comic ala Negan Lives or a mini series to just show what Clem's been up to in the current events of the comic. Like whether or not she's now part of the Western Alliance or just show how the school has been doing over the years.

    So I just saw this and... I'm not sure on how I feel about it, obviously it's vague but I think Clementine's arc should have remained closed

  • edited October 2020

    So I started watching the Netflix animated series, Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. I caught up with the series yesterday just in time for the third and final season to drop today. Then I watched that. That's a total of 30 episodes, with 10 episodes a season. Just finished the series so I'm just gonna ramble on for a bit.

    All I can say is that it's really fuckin' good. It's a wonderfully fun show with really charming characters and an incredibly stylish art style and soundtrack. The music in general is just really phenomenal with a big focus on hip hop. The art style and music give me big Spider-Verse vibes. It's also pretty well animated, particularly the action and chase scenes. This show also has one of my favourite title card transitions that I've seen in any series.

    The series takes place on a post-apocalyptic Earth 200 years after some sort of mutagenic event transformed all animals into mutants, with varying levels of intelligence. The world of Kipo is very weird and goofy, giving it a very Adventure Time sort of feel to it, where there are different locations ruled by different mutants species, each of whom are well... weird and goofy. Each with their own wacky culture and subset of rules.

    The characters, as I've said, are charming in their own way with Kipo, voiced by Karen Fukuhara (who also voiced Glimmer in She-Ra), probably being my favourite of the bunch. The titular character is lovable, kind hearted and incredibly endearing. I found it hard not to like her. She is the absolute heart of the series. They also do a very good job with the relationships of certain characters, particularly the same sex couple who are pretty darn adorable. Everyone gets a good amount of depth to their character and to my surprise even the villains, who grow to be more sympathetic as their stories progress.

    In terms of criticism, I'd say that some of the animation in season 3 is weaker compared to the previous seasons. The background character animation in general also gets pretty jank at times though this one's a little more nitpicky. One of the big emotional moments in the series gets undercut by humour too quickly. Also one of the big villains isn't nearly as compelling as another.

    Overall, I really loved this show and am sad to see it go, even if I only just started it. If you like the animations like I do then I absolutely recommend it. It's fun, goofy, charming and once again, incredibly endearing. I had a lot of fun with it.

  • Thank you very much for your kind words :smile:

    Nah, man. You're cool. You're kind and you are calm.

  • Same I think a game is out of the question, Skybound's not a development house so unless they were to hire a Team to develop it, I couldn't see it happening, then there's the Series' low sales, I don't think they were good enough to warrant another Season when The Final Season was meant to be a complete bomb in sales.

    For a Comic, I think the biggest obstacle for it is continuity, how the Series ended was determined by player choices, like Tenn, Violet and Louis all being determinant and being big parts of Clementine and AJ's lives going forward, having either appear would make the other character surviving as non-canon.

    I haven't the foggiest idea on what it could be, I have been thinking of merchandise but that's the only possible thing I can think of that involves Clementine while not continuing her Story. I guess we'll have to wait and see, I'm all for Skybound doing what Skybound wants, but personally I think treading down this path once more when it concluded perfectly isn't necessary

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I doubt it's a new game or anything like that. I wouldn't mind a one off comic ala Negan Lives or a mini series to just show what Clem's

  • edited October 2020

    Ooh, the fact that it doesn't seem to be a VR title and involves my favourite David Tennant really piques my interest!

    The devs Maze Theory recently made and released some interesting VR experiences from Doctor Who, one called the Edge of Time and the other more recent one called... The Time Lord Victory I think.
    Haven't played them (as I literally don't have a VR device), but I've heard they were some good forays into the realm of video games (albeit simple "games"), ones the Doctor has had a really hard time with.
    The fact that this seems to not be restricted to a VR-only gimmick experience is cool, doubly so that in involves Tennant. (I watched DW a few years ago, stopped after Matt Smith's arc ended, so I have no attachment or experience with the new ones. Been meaning to get back to it though.)

    And on that note of Doctor Who, if someone wants a scary episode to watch this Halloween season, look for S4 E10 - Midnight. Boy, that one popped into my head just now for how unsettling it was. Great bottle episode, too.

    Yes, yes, yes!!!! I am extremely excited for this. Finally, a Doctor Who game for the Xbox! I'm honestly shocked it wasn't being made for

  • edited October 2020


    Holy crap yes. Finally, for some reason, out of nowhere, I can re-download Tales From the Borderlands!
    I've mentioned it before on here, but for some reason, for the longest time, I've been unable to re-download Episode 1. I noticed it earlier this year, where my TFTB icon in my purchase history had changed from the Red/Blue shift Atlas logo to "the title card with an IGN award", basically. No download option, but I could see the add-on episodes. Still, it just sat there, teasing me.

    But now... It's back! My icon is normal! I can download it! And all the add-ons too! Rejoice!!

  • edited October 2020

    To really blow your mind, all five seasons of the She-Ra reboot were released in between the two year hiatus.

    AChicken posted: »

    After all these years. checks internet wtf how has it been over 2 years since this thing came out? I thought it was only last year!

  • edited October 2020

    Dreamworks really does work like a dream, it seems!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    To really blow your mind, all five seasons of the She-Ra reboot were released in between the two year hiatus.

  • edited October 2020

    I read the Dragon Prince: Through the Moon graphic novel. I enjoyed it! It was fun seeing the characters again.

    I'm surprised at how significant the events of the book actually are, I was expecting something more inconsequential that might be referenced in the future. It'll be interesting to see how Season 4 will handle recapping the book and continuing with the story.

  • edited October 2020

    So watched The Boys and just made a discovery

    Just makes a live action TFTBL using the same cast, duh. Hell, Karl Urban even looks like Vasquez (Although... if a live action Vasquez ever happened it would have to be the boy Patty Warbucks.)

  • Glad you liked it, I thought it was a fun and enjoyable read as well. That ending, still don't know how they plan to address it in the show. Unfortunately, don't think we'll know for a while since S4 is still in pre-production, probably won't be out for another year or so.

    If I had to give a short description of it, it would be this: 99% Rayllum fluff with 1% of angst that will utterly destroy and break the hardcore shippers...of which I am one (yeah I'll own up to it, they're cute together). I am now dead on the inside, well, more dead than usual.

    The creators are on record saying you don't have to read this graphic novel before watching S4. I don't understand how considering Rayla's decision at the end will have huge implications for her, the story, and her relationship with Callum. Makes me feel that when it does eventually get addressed and the two reunite, it's going to be underplayed because they can't ruin it for people who didn't read it, which sucks because I'm actually looking forward to the emotional payoff their reunion would have. Callum's going to obviously feel hurt because of her decision, Rayla still feels she has to do this on her own in order to protect those she loves and that what happens to her is inconsequential. But with this in mind, it feels like they won't be able to go all out because not everyone read it.

    On the upside, this is what I'm hoping for in the coming season: Callum and Ethari team up to find Rayla. So much story and character potential just from this team up. We could learn more about Rayla's childhood and her interactions with both sets of parents, causing us and Callum to better understand why she is the way she is. Callum and Ethari bonding and Ethari coming to respect Callum. Callum learning more about Runaan through Ethari other than him being the person who killed Harrow. Ethari dealing with the grief of his decision to ghost Rayla. A possible reunion between all 3 of them that deals with the emotional consequences of all of their actions.

    Also, fun fact: During a Reddit AMA after the release, the creators confirmed that the morning Rayla left was also the morning of Callum's birthday. Way to rub salt in an already open wound Rayla.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I read the Dragon Prince: Through the Moon graphic novel. I enjoyed it! It was fun seeing the characters again. I'm surprised at how sign

  • edited October 2020

    I remember when I was younger and I used to love the winter. I liked the cold weather, the sight of snow falling from the sky and landing on my front yard, completely untouched as it shines in the sun the next day. The possibility of school being cancelled or having a delayed opening, and overall doing nothing but staying inside all day.

    Now I'm 23 and get mad when it even drops below 50 degrees F. And unfortunately where I am in New Jersey, winters suck. My golf year is coming to an end soon, no chances work gets cancelled like school does, and now, the cold irritates me like it never did when I was younger. Meanwhile, my parents down in South Carolina are still hanging out on the beach in 80 degree weather. I really need to get down South again, better than cold and expensive New Jersey.

  • edited October 2020

    Unfortunately, don't think we'll know for a while since S4 is still in pre-production, probably won't be out for another year or so.

    I'd be surprised if the wait was only a year, especially since work on the next few seasons only recently started.

    Makes me feel that when it does eventually get addressed and the two reunite, it's going to be underplayed because they can't ruin it for people who didn't read it

    Yeah I could see them simplifying the events of TTM to simply "We never found his body. I needed to leave to find and kill him," without referencing the the purgatory dimension.

    Callum and Ethari team up to find Rayla. So much story and character potential just from this team up. We could learn more about Rayla's childhood and her interactions with both sets of parents, causing us and Callum to better understand why she is the way she is. Callum and Ethari bonding and Ethari coming to respect Callum. Callum learning more about Runaan through Ethari other than him being the person who killed Harrow. Ethari dealing with the grief of his decision to ghost Rayla.

    That'd actually be pretty interesting dynamic and I could see a good amount of emotional development from their interactions as well as a lot more elf puns. Unfortunately I don't think that will be the case as I believe they also confirmed that Season 4 will have a bit of a time jump from TTM.

    During a Reddit AMA after the release, the creators confirmed that the morning Rayla left was also the morning of Callum's birthday. Way to rub salt in an already open wound Rayla.

    Why they gotta be like that. I just want these two kids to be happy,

    Glad you liked it, I thought it was a fun and enjoyable read as well. That ending, still don't know how they plan to address it in the show.

  • I'd be surprised if the wait was only a year, especially since work on the next few seasons only recently started.

    Maybe give or take a few extra months, but I doubt it will be that far over a year. For one, it can’t go too long or it’s popularity will dwindle from being off for so long. At some point, Netflix will have to get it out. Secondly, much like with Avatar, Ehasz and crew have a general roadmap and structure they’re following, they pretty much had the story of the series planned from the start. They’ve talked about this roadmap in the past (show being 7 seasons, told in 3 parts, the first three seasons are part 1, the next two are part 2, and the final two are part 3), so it seems like they know where they want the story to go. Right now, it’s getting into the actually details of the writing and executing that plan. And I know some people think Covid will delay or postpone it further, but I don’t see the pandemic having too much of an impact for animation, since most of that work can be done either remotely, virtually, or with maintaining social distancing. And it’s already been almost a year since Season 3 came out, so if it doesn’t come out until 2022, you’re talking somewhere between 2.5-3 years potentially between seasons that are only 9 episodes long.

    Unfortunately I don't think that will be the case as I believe they also confirmed that Season 4 will have a bit of a time jump from TTM.

    They did confirm that, but the actual length has not yet been given. They’ve mentioned something about the group getting new outfits, so it will probably be a few to several months at the least. But even with that, I’d be hard pressed to think that Callum wouldn’t try to go after her and find her at some point. But regardless of what happens, I do think we’ll see an Ethari and Callum team up at some point, it would be a wasted opportunity not to do that. And besides, since there’s definitely going to be hostility between Callum and Runaan, along with Lain and Tiadrin, once he gets out of the coin, it’d be good to have an ally in Ethari.

    I just want these two kids to be happy,

    Before they can be happy, THEY MUST SUFFER. Hahahahaha...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! (sobs uncontrollably)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Unfortunately, don't think we'll know for a while since S4 is still in pre-production, probably won't be out for another year or so.

  • one called the Edge of Time and the other more recent one called... The Time Lord Victory I think.

    I think Time Lord Victorious is a mixed-media story. They have comics, audio dramas, games, and small novels.

    It's funny you mentioned Matt Smith's run as the 11th doctor because I just got the 11th doctor comic. lol

    AChicken posted: »

    Ooh, the fact that it doesn't seem to be a VR title and involves my favourite David Tennant really piques my interest! The devs Maze Theo

  • edited October 2020

    Jason Schreier has been posting constant updates on the whole CD PROJEKT RED and CyberPunk 2077 fiasco, and has just shared a Reddit comment from a developer stating that the conversation between management and developers, which the latter apparently preferred a six day working week over yet another delay is something that just didn't happen.

    The Reddit account is unverified, so whether or not the person is actually affiliated with CD PROJEKT RED is up in the air, but they have given a lot of information that I doubt even the most troublesome of trolls to put in that much effort for the sake of misinformation.

    Here's the link to the Reddit comment if anyone fancies a read over it:

  • This whole “working 40-50 hour weeks while going to school full time” shit is a sham.

    Me, turning up to my organic chemistry lab after working wearing scrubs with anal glands stuff and cat blood on them after working a 10.5 hour shift at the vet hospital:

  • Oof. The guy also heavily implies that the they aren't even following the 48 hour employment law.

    The Reddit account is unverified, so whether or not the person is actually affiliated with CD PROJEKT RED is up in the air

    Jason Schreier confirmed that the user is a former CD Projekt employee.

    Jason Schreier has been posting constant updates on the whole CD PROJEKT RED and CyberPunk 2077 fiasco, and has just shared a Reddit comment

  • I'm expecting an early 2022 release date because of how recent production actually began and because they work on multiple seasons at once based on the release schedule of the previous seasons and how Netflix usually does their animated shows. I'm not expecting any long gaps between seasons. It'll probably be similar to the previous three seasons in terms of gaps.

    They’ve mentioned something about the group getting new outfits

    Nice. I was never really a big fan of Callum's outfit so hopefully his new one looks better.

    But regardless of what happens, I do think we’ll see an Ethari and Callum team up at some point, it would be a wasted opportunity not to do that.

    Yup. Gotta get that sweet sweet character development.

    there’s definitely going to be hostility between Callum and Runaan, along with Lain and Tiadrin, once he gets out of the coin, it’d be good to have an ally in Ethari

    Didn't even think of that. I wonder how long it'll take for the gang to find Viren's coin collection.

    I'd be surprised if the wait was only a year, especially since work on the next few seasons only recently started. Maybe give or tak

  • Didn't even think of that. I wonder how long it'll take for the gang to find Viren's coin collection.

    I’m thinking around Season 5, and they’ll get them out either towards the end or in early Season 6. There’s going to be a lot for them to catch up on and depack when they do, so I don’t see it being towards the very end of the show.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I'm expecting an early 2022 release date because of how recent production actually began and because they work on multiple seasons at once b

  • Damn fair play, how much you pay for student loans?

    This whole “working 40-50 hour weeks while going to school full time” shit is a sham. Me, turning up to my organic chemistry lab after wo

  • edited October 2020

    Premiering tomorrow (October 16) at Noon EDT, is this near-2-hour critique of Batman: The Telltale Series featuring interviews with Anthony Ingruber (John Doe/Joker) and Laura Post (Harley Quinn)

    Saw this pop up on the subreddit. Sounds pretty interesting.

  • I did something stupid, and it made my spine make some weird crack noise and now it hurts... Why the fuck am I so dumb. It's not like a broken hurt, but it's pretty bad.

  • Since a part of this forum has experienced Avatar fever in the past few months, I just want to point out that the narrator in the opening cutscenes of Ghost Of Tsushima's free co-op content is Greg Baldwin -- none other than Uncle Iroh himself.

    Also, wow, I can't believe this is free. Essentially a new expansion/mode with an opening cutscene, voice-over, and new-looking environments, added Post-launch for free. Great job Sucker Punch! Can't wait to try it... Whenever I get the game itself.

  • Aw dang. Hope you feel better soon.

    I fell down some stairs a few days ago. Was about to walk down a flight, I stepped too far forward and slipped, sliding on my back down about 5 steps before I stopped myself.
    I don't think I've broken anything, since my back feels mostly better now, but yeouch that hurt. Also caught my hand on a step, and it ripped a chunk of skin off the back of my hand. It's healing though.

    I did something stupid, and it made my spine make some weird crack noise and now it hurts... Why the fuck am I so dumb. It's not like a broken hurt, but it's pretty bad.

  • edited October 2020

    I've got less than 24 hours to edit together a podcast and finish up a 6000 word essay. I'm now shifting into-

    Wish me luck

  • You should have gotten the turbo

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I've got less than 24 hours to edit together a podcast and finish up a 6000 word essay. I'm now shifting into- Wish me luck

  • edited October 2020

    Well, Uncle Iroh for a third of the series (RIP Mako), but still, pretty cool.

    AChicken posted: »

    Since a part of this forum has experienced Avatar fever in the past few months, I just want to point out that the narrator in the opening cu

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