And hell, that Tell Me Why game will probably get nominated as well. Haven't seen a single second of it, but I can think of two reasons why. One, it was made by Life is Strange developers Dontnod, and critics just can't help but heap endless praise on them. And two, well, let's just say that it's something it and TLOU II share character-wise.
Being fair, Tell Me Why is honestly probably the best Dontnod's ever had to offer, lmao.
The DLC's of Borderlands 1 is really where the series and a lot of its trademark associations start coming on display. The main game went th… morerough a huge revamp late in its production, going from a serious sci-fi shooter to more lighthearted, comedy based. The art style also changed, one of the first trailers for Borderlands showed a very realistic art style, but they changed it to cel-shading with about 75% of the game complete. As a result, the first game is, for lack of a better term, dry in terms of humor and tone, the comedy and wackiness were very late additions that were built upon later. The first DLC is a minor, but still noticeable improvement, the second is just Moxxi's Underdome fighting ring, but the third and fourth DLC's are really fun and way better than the base game.
I haven't really played that many new games from this year, but I'm torn between DOOM Eternal and Ghost of Tsushima. Ghost's narrative and visuals are absolut… [view original content]
Hate to break it to you, but that means absolutely nothing to me.
This studio has not given me any reason for me to think it can make a competently written story and characters. As I've said in the past, if others like it, that's terrific, glad you found something to enjoy that resonates with you. But as for me, who has sat and played LiS1, BtS, Captain Spirit, and LiS2, this series is overrated at its best, and abysmal at its worst.
And hell, that Tell Me Why game will probably get nominated as well. Haven't seen a single second of it, but I can think of two reasons why.… more One, it was made by Life is Strange developers Dontnod, and critics just can't help but heap endless praise on them. And two, well, let's just say that it's something it and TLOU II share character-wise.
Being fair, Tell Me Why is honestly probably the best Dontnod's ever had to offer, lmao.
Tell Me Why will probably be nominated for Games for Impact and it may win depending on what else gets nominated which I think would be fair, but I realistically dont think it will be nominated for something like GOTY or really anything else (except possibly performance but I think everyone knows Ashley Johnson is winning by default lol). I overall like the LIS games and like LIS2 quite a lot to be honest, but Tell Me Why was pretty disappointing imo. The overall story is honestly really weak and not very interesting and is really just lacking in pretty much everything compared to the last few narrative based Dontnod games. And somehow it felt super super safe and by the books which was disappointing (plus choices feeling like 0 impact). The 2 main characters I feel are the strongest aspects of the game and Tyler was very well represented but sadly the story that surrounds them is really weak. And because of all that when the game ends it feels like it has absolutely nothing to say, which to me is a pretty important thing for narrative based games. Give some sort of meaning to it, otherwise the credits roll and you never find yourself thinking about it on your own again.
The DLC's of Borderlands 1 is really where the series and a lot of its trademark associations start coming on display. The main game went th… morerough a huge revamp late in its production, going from a serious sci-fi shooter to more lighthearted, comedy based. The art style also changed, one of the first trailers for Borderlands showed a very realistic art style, but they changed it to cel-shading with about 75% of the game complete. As a result, the first game is, for lack of a better term, dry in terms of humor and tone, the comedy and wackiness were very late additions that were built upon later. The first DLC is a minor, but still noticeable improvement, the second is just Moxxi's Underdome fighting ring, but the third and fourth DLC's are really fun and way better than the base game.
I haven't really played that many new games from this year, but I'm torn between DOOM Eternal and Ghost of Tsushima. Ghost's narrative and visuals are absolut… [view original content]
It will. This is always a popularity contest, and TLOU II is the head cheerleader at school. I'll be more surprised if it doesn't win. Despi… morete fan reaction to it (some of it just being internet trolls, but most of the backlash coming from a genuine dislike of the game), critics loved it, and critics and journalists ultimately make these choices. It's a no brainer, TLOU II was getting its GOTY award before it was even released.
personally dark souls 2 is my favorite of the trilogy. yeah 1 is objectively better designed and 3 is objectively better in the visuals, combat and music department, but 2 was the first souls game i ever finished, is the first game i ever owned on my ps3 and is a game that was really important to me in a super dark time in my life. also all the "flaws" and "bad" stuff in it are stuff i either find goofy and hilarious, or stuff i will defend to the grave.
also it's so much fun going into an online forum and claiming ds2 is the best souls game. on 4chan, reddit and steam people get SOOO mad
Well, it's actually my least favorite of the entire trilogy but I still like it as much as the other games. It does have a lot of flaws but at the same time, it does a lot of new things which I appreciate.
glad we're all still talking about tlou2. i will not be sharing my thoughts for legal reasons but i imagine if i did share them i would get nothing but civil responses agreeing with me, all of which i would not read for my own sanity
Judging by the website, it seems their goal is to remaster all 3 games. I quickly looked over the FAQ, and I gathered its made by the king Dan Connors, the damn fine man Randy Tudor, as well as other Telltale alumni Jon Sgro, Jake Rodkin, Eric Parsons, Brett Rogstad, Tim Ingram, Emily Morganti, Shaun Finney, and Doug Tabacco. As well as Jared on the five new tracks.
People who already own the game on steam or GoG gets a 50% discount on the remastered.
I just forgot that the other day (November 7th) was my 6 year anniversary on the forums. It's been a roller coaster; really excited about the Sam and Max remaster, and I'm glad we're a chill community. Here's to you guys:
Damn- was coming here just to post this myself!
It looks awesome, and I hope the other games will also be given the treatment.
(also S… moream and Max: Redux anyone? lol)
Also also, crazy to think out of the Telltale shutdown Sam and Max and The Wolf Among Us are somehow the series that get to truly live on years later.
Wow, it sure seems like it. They're there, but you can't click on them...
Now this is an interesting revival.
Also, on Steam, this remaster isn't listed as a remaster. It's just titled Sam and Max Save the World. So, probably because the old games are delisted and this one is gonna be the full package with snazzy new visuals, it seems like they're trying to promote it as the 'definitive way' to play Sam and Max. Pretty coool.
As far as I'm aware selling them on the Steam marketplace is the only way to make any kind of money from them. You'll get a few cents each from them (or more depending on the card, make sure to check the current asking price) and the money will be added to your Steam Wallet.
If you have hundreds then you'll probably be able to make a decent amount from them, like a few dollars.
I wonder if that will be related to the ME remastered legendary edition. I mean i looks more like (even through so far) that the remastered version of that game doesn't look like the first ME game will be updated like most remastered games. I mean i am trying to find out more. But, so far no such luck. I mean the only thing (in my view) is that I was hopefully see updated things in this remastered legendary edition of ME. Like Tali's face when you romanced her. Or possibly extra dialogue with your romance or even a new hub(even though they never was going to happen yet,i thought it would've been interesting)
Maybe new deleted scenes or side missions or even deleted dialogue. I mean i don't know if we will get that. I think EA knows that they screwed ME franchise with that horrible ME Andromeda Game. Making a new one? I don't think it will fix the fans or love towards what we had with Mass Effect.
Ok, but what games do they have? Halo Infinite had the best chance to be the best launch title but the studio kind of screwed it up and I wish they didn't.
I wonder if that will be related to the ME remastered legendary edition. I mean i looks more like (even through so far) that the remastered … moreversion of that game doesn't look like the first ME game will be updated like most remastered games. I mean i am trying to find out more. But, so far no such luck. I mean the only thing (in my view) is that I was hopefully see updated things in this remastered legendary edition of ME. Like Tali's face when you romanced her. Or possibly extra dialogue with your romance or even a new hub(even though they never was going to happen yet,i thought it would've been interesting)
Maybe new deleted scenes or side missions or even deleted dialogue. I mean i don't know if we will get that. I think EA knows that they screwed ME franchise with that horrible ME Andromeda Game. Making a new one? I don't think it will fix the fans or love towards what we had with Mass Effect.
No You didn't say anything about Mass Effect. You something about consoles like PS5 and Xbox Series X or S and i say. I wonder if that will be related the same way into getting a next-gen console. Like I wonder if ppl will buy those consoles if they wanted the Mass Effect Remastered game next year. That's what I meant.
No You didn't say anything about Mass Effect. You something about consoles like PS5 and Xbox Series X or S and i say. I wonder if that will … morebe related the same way into getting a next-gen console. Like I wonder if ppl will buy those consoles if they wanted the Mass Effect Remastered game next year. That's what I meant.
Honestly don't really care about exclusives (there's about one[?] PS exclusive that I am interested in), I like my complete (except for Kinect, lol) backwards compatibility much more. Microsoft for ever!
Ok, but what games do they have? Halo Infinite had the best chance to be the best launch title but the studio kind of screwed it up and I wish they didn't.
I like my complete (except for Kinect, lol) backwards compatibility much more. Microsoft for ever!
Not mention Game Pass too on Xbox one. It is soooo damn good. I love every thing about it. Also i guess EA play is now free if you purchase the Game Pass Ultimate (which I did of course).
Honestly don't really care about exclusives (there's about one[?] PS exclusive that I am interested in), I like my complete (except for Kinect, lol) backwards compatibility much more. Microsoft for ever!
Yep, my sis has started the show and 12 hours after starting it, she's already halfway through season 1. So, as I expected, she'll probably be done with this in 3 days.
Ah well, she's really enjoying it. She's been giggling all morning watching it.
Loves the childish humour (Momo being accused of Earthbending), the running jokes like Cabbage Man, likes Aang's personality (and how he isn't a "blank slate", and is really simping for Zuko.
She says she doesn't see Katara and Aang being a believable relationship, even though she knows they end up together in the end, but we'll see if it wins her over... Hehehe.
Anyways, I'm all glad that she's glad to be watching it. Ugh. Yes. Finally.
So my sister might finally watch Avatar: The Last Airbender! Unfortunately the way she got interested in it is... Definitely not the ideal way.
Ladies and Gentlefriends, we got her.
Yep, my sis has started the show and 12 hours after starting it, she's already halfway through seas… moreon 1. So, as I expected, she'll probably be done with this in 3 days.
Ah well, she's really enjoying it. She's been giggling all morning watching it.
Loves the childish humour (Momo being accused of Earthbending), the running jokes like Cabbage Man, likes Aang's personality (and how he isn't a "blank slate", and is really simping for Zuko.
She says she doesn't see Katara and Aang being a believable relationship, even though she knows they end up together in the end, but we'll see if it wins her over... Hehehe.
Anyways, I'm all glad that she's glad to be watching it. Ugh. Yes. Finally.
Goddamn it Walmart. I had the PS5 in my cart, I'm clicking proceed to checkout, and after you take 5 minutes to load, you tell me it's out of stock. Then why did you tease me with it in my fucking cart?!
Goddamn it Walmart. I had the PS5 in my cart, I'm clicking proceed to checkout, and after you take 5 minutes to load, you tell me it's out of stock. Then why did you tease me with it in my fucking cart?!
Being fair, Tell Me Why is honestly probably the best Dontnod's ever had to offer, lmao.
Hate to break it to you, but that means absolutely nothing to me.
This studio has not given me any reason for me to think it can make a competently written story and characters. As I've said in the past, if others like it, that's terrific, glad you found something to enjoy that resonates with you. But as for me, who has sat and played LiS1, BtS, Captain Spirit, and LiS2, this series is overrated at its best, and abysmal at its worst.
Tell Me Why will probably be nominated for Games for Impact and it may win depending on what else gets nominated which I think would be fair, but I realistically dont think it will be nominated for something like GOTY or really anything else (except possibly performance but I think everyone knows Ashley Johnson is winning by default lol). I overall like the LIS games and like LIS2 quite a lot to be honest, but Tell Me Why was pretty disappointing imo. The overall story is honestly really weak and not very interesting and is really just lacking in pretty much everything compared to the last few narrative based Dontnod games. And somehow it felt super super safe and by the books which was disappointing (plus choices feeling like 0 impact). The 2 main characters I feel are the strongest aspects of the game and Tyler was very well represented but sadly the story that surrounds them is really weak. And because of all that when the game ends it feels like it has absolutely nothing to say, which to me is a pretty important thing for narrative based games. Give some sort of meaning to it, otherwise the credits roll and you never find yourself thinking about it on your own again.
You know what? That would be the best way to end 2020 because the year has been the shittiest from start to finish.
Me if a certain game wins Game of the Year.
Even better.
Single of the Year: Bugsnax. Ohhh whoa yeah that's right
Bless them for getting Kero Kero Bonito to do a song for the game.
PlayStation 5 Launch - New Ways to Explore - Play Has No Limits

Posting this for those who haven't seen it,good stuff.
Mayonnaise is the worst condiment. Unless it's the Japanese kind or an aioli, then it's top tier sauce.
You are really speaking the truth, bro.
personally dark souls 2 is my favorite of the trilogy. yeah 1 is objectively better designed and 3 is objectively better in the visuals, combat and music department, but 2 was the first souls game i ever finished, is the first game i ever owned on my ps3 and is a game that was really important to me in a super dark time in my life. also all the "flaws" and "bad" stuff in it are stuff i either find goofy and hilarious, or stuff i will defend to the grave.
also it's so much fun going into an online forum and claiming ds2 is the best souls game. on 4chan, reddit and steam people get SOOO mad
glad we're all still talking about tlou2. i will not be sharing my thoughts for legal reasons but i imagine if i did share them i would get nothing but civil responses agreeing with me, all of which i would not read for my own sanity
That's great.
There's more information here:
Judging by the website, it seems their goal is to remaster all 3 games. I quickly looked over the FAQ, and I gathered its made by the king Dan Connors, the damn fine man Randy Tudor, as well as other Telltale alumni Jon Sgro, Jake Rodkin, Eric Parsons, Brett Rogstad, Tim Ingram, Emily Morganti, Shaun Finney, and Doug Tabacco. As well as Jared on the five new tracks.
People who already own the game on steam or GoG gets a 50% discount on the remastered.
I just forgot that the other day (November 7th) was my 6 year anniversary on the forums. It's been a roller coaster; really excited about the Sam and Max remaster, and I'm glad we're a chill community. Here's to you guys:
Damn- was coming here just to post this myself!
It looks awesome, and I hope the other games will also be given the treatment.
(also Sam and Max: Redux anyone? lol)
Also also, crazy to think out of the Telltale shutdown Sam and Max and The Wolf Among Us are somehow the series that get to truly live on years later.
Going by the Skunkape website, it does seem like they want to do the other two games in the trilogy.
Wow, it sure seems like it. They're there, but you can't click on them...
Now this is an interesting revival.
Also, on Steam, this remaster isn't listed as a remaster. It's just titled Sam and Max Save the World. So, probably because the old games are delisted and this one is gonna be the full package with snazzy new visuals, it seems like they're trying to promote it as the 'definitive way' to play Sam and Max. Pretty coool.
need a recommendation:
What's the best way to convert steam trading cards into paypal/venmo/steam wallet/whatever?
I have hundreds to get rid of.
As far as I'm aware selling them on the Steam marketplace is the only way to make any kind of money from them. You'll get a few cents each from them (or more depending on the card, make sure to check the current asking price) and the money will be added to your Steam Wallet.
If you have hundreds then you'll probably be able to make a decent amount from them, like a few dollars.
just remembered I'm too broke to get a ps5
First time? I am the one who is trying so hard to resist buying this console at launch and avoid spoilers for Miles Morales and Demon's Souls.

I wonder if that will be related to the ME remastered legendary edition. I mean i looks more like (even through so far) that the remastered version of that game doesn't look like the first ME game will be updated like most remastered games. I mean i am trying to find out more. But, so far no such luck. I mean the only thing (in my view) is that I was hopefully see updated things in this remastered legendary edition of ME. Like Tali's face when you romanced her. Or possibly extra dialogue with your romance or even a new hub(even though they never was going to happen yet,i thought it would've been interesting)
Maybe new deleted scenes or side missions or even deleted dialogue. I mean i don't know if we will get that. I think EA knows that they screwed ME franchise with that horrible ME Andromeda Game. Making a new one? I don't think it will fix the fans or love towards what we had with Mass Effect.
Good, there's still time to buy a Xbox Series X.
Ok, but what games do they have? Halo Infinite had the best chance to be the best launch title but the studio kind of screwed it up and I wish they didn't.
I didn't say anything about Mass Effect. Maybe you replied to the wrong comment?
Stay safe, everybody. My family just got so close to being stuck in a flood with our car. We're all okay, and we're all home now... Fucking rain.
No You didn't say anything about Mass Effect. You something about consoles like PS5 and Xbox Series X or S and i say. I wonder if that will be related the same way into getting a next-gen console. Like I wonder if ppl will buy those consoles if they wanted the Mass Effect Remastered game next year. That's what I meant.
Ok, my bad.
Honestly don't really care about exclusives (there's about one[?] PS exclusive that I am interested in), I like my complete (except for Kinect, lol) backwards compatibility much more. Microsoft for ever!
Ur broke? Well in my country it's having a financial crises to the point the ps5 will cost 4000$ lmao
Not mention Game Pass too on Xbox one. It is soooo damn good. I love every thing about it. Also i guess EA play is now free if you purchase the Game Pass Ultimate (which I did of course).
Ladies and Gentlefriends, we got her.
Yep, my sis has started the show and 12 hours after starting it, she's already halfway through season 1. So, as I expected, she'll probably be done with this in 3 days.
Ah well, she's really enjoying it. She's been giggling all morning watching it.
Loves the childish humour (Momo being accused of Earthbending), the running jokes like Cabbage Man, likes Aang's personality (and how he isn't a "blank slate", and is really simping for Zuko.
She says she doesn't see Katara and Aang being a believable relationship, even though she knows they end up together in the end, but we'll see if it wins her over... Hehehe.
Anyways, I'm all glad that she's glad to be watching it. Ugh. Yes. Finally.
As long as she doesn't start shipping Zutara, I'm okay with it.
Goddamn it Walmart. I had the PS5 in my cart, I'm clicking proceed to checkout, and after you take 5 minutes to load, you tell me it's out of stock. Then why did you tease me with it in my fucking cart?!
It's a divine sign - buy an XBOX.