I have to commend the man for his entertaining approach to social media, continues to have fun and make a laugh of the backlash he received, and the offense it has caused to those who read it and made colossal assumptions in the replies.
I'm sure plenty here will take issue with it but the way I see it is, if you have a problem, it's your problem, not Neil's, the success of the game and the voting shows there's a strong crowd that enjoyed the game.
Just want to make it clear, I've heard the team was crunching quite a lot during the game's development, I'm not defending or ignoring that, if Neil's responsible for that then I take issue with that and lose quite a bit of respect for his management style, my post was more so applauding how he can go onto his social media, knowing there's a mob waiting and just have a laugh and not let that crowd get to him but have his comment to get to them
I'm actually a bit intrigued by this. I mean let's be real its probs fake (but honestly at this point I think I'm just so burned out from the Telltale leaks watch this actually be real and no one believes it lol)
But the reason I am actually kinda curious about it is the lighting. In my experience making the SFM gameplay concepts, I could never get the lighting and shading to look anything like the actual game's. But this post def got lighting correct. Also the Wolf models have issues with their heavy blackout lines where they don't look like how they should compared to the source material (and it is a lot more complicated than just editing the texture.) Now for better 3D engines it probably can be done, but I am fairly certain a lot of the Wolf models you can transfer into them suffer similar issues to the SFM models (like the black outlines not working correctly.)
If it faked, it is most likely a screengrab from a scene that happens in game and then edited. So I guess if someone wanted to go and scrub through Season 1 and see if they find the scene where this happens it can be confirmed fake. Or just wait like 3 more days lol
(also also, the original reveal did use the season 1 models even though 90% of the trailer was new assets, so there is that I guess?)
Season 2 official:
Season 1:
SFM trying to replicate lighting:
Yes I just made a long ass post about a 100% fake leak. Damnit, gamers.
I'm saying it's fake since the shadows look like they're added over the image rather than actually being in the game. The shadow of the blinds sit flatly over Bigby and don't wrap around the model like dynamic shadows should. They also remain the same size despite the distance between Bigby and the wall.
I'm actually a bit intrigued by this. I mean let's be real its probs fake (but honestly at this point I think I'm just so burned out from th… moree Telltale leaks watch this actually be real and no one believes it lol)
But the reason I am actually kinda curious about it is the lighting. In my experience making the SFM gameplay concepts, I could never get the lighting and shading to look anything like the actual game's. But this post def got lighting correct. Also the Wolf models have issues with their heavy blackout lines where they don't look like how they should compared to the source material (and it is a lot more complicated than just editing the texture.) Now for better 3D engines it probably can be done, but I am fairly certain a lot of the Wolf models you can transfer into them suffer similar issues to the SFM models (like the black outlines not working correctly.)
If it faked, it is most likely a screengrab from a scene that happens i… [view original content]
I don't mean the literal blind shadows, but how the light and color of the light reflects off Bigby's skin.
(That is a good point about the blind shadows though. Although Wolf's lighting is stylistically very flat thus depth becomes harder to percept and have a crappy photo lol. So leakers 101)
I'm saying it's fake since the shadows look like they're added over the image rather than actually being in the game. The shadow of the blin… moreds sit flatly over Bigby and don't wrap around the model like dynamic shadows should. They also remain the same size despite the distance between Bigby and the wall.
Some people and politicians have tried, but not only would it cause problems in regards to the federal district courts located in these states, but you'd be dealing with a huge Constitutional issue as well. Some solutions have been proposed to my understanding, but have not gotten very far. Thankfully no actual crimes have been committed in this zone, outside of a poaching incident where the perpetrator was able to walk, but fixing it is easier said than done.
And that's okay, we can go when you're feeling better, I'm in no rush.
To be honest the Brie Larson thing was done with on December 5th, posts after that was just having a laugh at YouTube personalities that wou… moreld take a problem with the Brie announcement, Menofthe214 brought that up. There wasn't really much of an argument over it either, I didn't get the full picture, captainivy provided, and lupinb0y, AChicken gave further details, after that it was pretty much dead and buried.
I don't think our conversation itself was overblown, we had a good laugh at it so I think that's what counts, we have to have a laugh at some of the "outrage" that could come from this announcement.
Hey, did you know that there's a section of the US where you can technically commit murder and not be tried for it. If you were to kill someone in a 50 square mile section of Yellowstone National Park located in Idaho, due to it being uninhabited section of the state, you would not be able to have a jury of your own peers, a violat… [view original content]
Not to jump in too far into politics, but The Constitution itself has been changed over 25 times since it was first written up, it could be altered, sure it could be messy, but I think minimalising/eliminating any way of using this loophole to commit a crime inside that radius should be too priority. No crimes may have been committed, but in the case of a crime occurring, it enables the ability to legally prosecute the criminal.
I thank you for waiting, but I suspect this sickness is one of those that come about just when you make plans, so I think it's better if we skip the Idaho trip, I'll just go touring through Google Earth instead
Some people and politicians have tried, but not only would it cause problems in regards to the federal district courts located in these stat… morees, but you'd be dealing with a huge Constitutional issue as well. Some solutions have been proposed to my understanding, but have not gotten very far. Thankfully no actual crimes have been committed in this zone, outside of a poaching incident where the perpetrator was able to walk, but fixing it is easier said than done.
And that's okay, we can go when you're feeling better, I'm in no rush.
Yes it's changed, but not only is that incredibly hard (it requires 2/3rds approval of both the House and the Senate, and then 3/4ths of the states), but you're talking about changing one of the original and one of the most important amendments to the Bill of Rights. And not just possibly changing it, but even removing or exempting the fundamental right of trial of ones own peers for a very small area, a move that would have giant ramifications for criminal cases across the entire country. The far better solution would just be to revise the district courts in this scenario, not crack down on people's rights. You're heading into very troubling waters if you're looking to change the Constitution like this. The problem is not the Amendment, it's not even the Constitution, it's just how the courts were proportioned. Even the guy who originally discovered the loophole argued that Wyoming (who's district court oversees all of Yellowstone) should allow the District Court of Idaho to oversee this small area, thus nullifying the loophole. Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi has also tried to convince Congress to allow Idaho to oversee this section instead of the District Court of Wyoming, but to no avail.
Not to jump in too far into politics, but The Constitution itself has been changed over 25 times since it was first written up, it could be … morealtered, sure it could be messy, but I think minimalising/eliminating any way of using this loophole to commit a crime inside that radius should be too priority. No crimes may have been committed, but in the case of a crime occurring, it enables the ability to legally prosecute the criminal.
I thank you for waiting, but I suspect this sickness is one of those that come about just when you make plans, so I think it's better if we skip the Idaho trip, I'll just go touring through Google Earth instead
Just remembered that the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Game Re-release is supposed to come out sometime soon. "Holiday 2020".
It could be that the release date is announced (or better yet, set for) this Thursday's Game Awards. That's the biggest place so far that Ubisoft can announce this game's return and get the most eyes-to-sales, and I'm getting hyped just thinking about it. fingers crossed
Reviews for Cyberpunk are out. Not particularly surprised that it's good, but what I am surprised about is that the game is apparently incredibly buggy to the point of gamebreaking, even with the day zero patch that some, but apparently not all (?), of reviewers received.
Yeah no surprise there,this happened to TW3 at launch too hopefully they'll do what they can to fix the worst bugs,the first patch will probably be a big one (around 40gb or something probably),wouldn't blame anyone for waiting a bit longer to play the game to get the best experience,but i still think it should be fine.
Reviews for Cyberpunk are out. Not particularly surprised that it's good, but what I am surprised about is that the game is apparently incre… moredibly buggy to the point of gamebreaking, even with the day zero patch that some, but apparently not all (?), of reviewers received.
Yeah no surprise there,this happened to TW3 at launch too hopefully they'll do what they can to fix the worst bugs,the first patch will prob… moreably be a big one (around 40gb or something probably),wouldn't blame anyone for waiting a bit longer to play the game to get the best experience,but i still think it should be fine.
hey guys i don't really do self promotion too much but i just released a video i've been working on for about 6ish months now about the resident evil 3make. put a lot of love into it as well as wrestling with a broken editing software on a half baked computer so any support and/or constructive criticism you can offer is super appreciated
hope you guys enjoy it and come away from it with a new perspective or at least a bit more informed or entertained than you were before. thank you.
edit: how do i make this show up as a video link lmaooo
hey guys i don't really do self promotion too much but i just released a video i've been working on for about 6ish months now about the resi… moredent evil 3make. put a lot of love into it as well as wrestling with a broken editing software on a half baked computer so any support and/or constructive criticism you can offer is super appreciated
hope you guys enjoy it and come away from it with a new perspective or at least a bit more informed or entertained than you were before. thank you.
edit: how do i make this show up as a video link lmaooo
how do i make this show up as a video link lmaooo
Maybe put the www before youtube? It should embed, but thats the only thing that looks like it's missing right now.
My parents have a timeshare and have a week for it that will expire in March that they aren't planning on using, so they are going to give it to me. Got a couple of places in mind, either looking at Orlando or Las Vegas sometime between late February to mid March. Can't make up my mind as to which one, all I know is that a week vacation after this holiday season is going to be desperately needed.
Ah so Idaho is no longer on the cards then? I think that sickness I was going to have may not arrive at all, so good news for me!
Forgot to respond to your comment from yesterday, I didn't mean remove or disregard the rights that you listed, I was just saying alter that legislation or specific part of the Constitution or whatever to the point that it directly deals with the matter without compromising the benefits it currently provides under that section. Think of it like writing a sentence, but scribbling out and replacing a couple of words, while retaining the core of the comment, it's still there, but new and improved and doesn't harm the overall sentence
And fair enough with the district being the ones to handle it, I'm not educated on the why, but that should be sorted to ensure the people in that region remain safe and not have any criminals walk free because of a loophole, that in my uneducated opinion can be easily amended if Congress made note of the loophole, thought of the potential risk and sorted it there and then. By no means am I a legal expert, I just think things like this shouldn't require jumping through hoops just for a chance to change something like that loophole, it's needlessly complicated
I'm flip flopping between topics, but I wanted to end my comment wishing you a good holiday, whereever you decide to go
My parents have a timeshare and have a week for it that will expire in March that they aren't planning on using, so they are going to give i… moret to me. Got a couple of places in mind, either looking at Orlando or Las Vegas sometime between late February to mid March. Can't make up my mind as to which one, all I know is that a week vacation after this holiday season is going to be desperately needed.
Oh it’s still an option, only a 10 hour drive from Vegas. My offer still stands for that. And thank you. Wherever it is, golf will be played, relaxation will be had, and alcohol will be drunk.
Ah so Idaho is no longer on the cards then? I think that sickness I was going to have may not arrive at all, so good news for me!
Forgot… more to respond to your comment from yesterday, I didn't mean remove or disregard the rights that you listed, I was just saying alter that legislation or specific part of the Constitution or whatever to the point that it directly deals with the matter without compromising the benefits it currently provides under that section. Think of it like writing a sentence, but scribbling out and replacing a couple of words, while retaining the core of the comment, it's still there, but new and improved and doesn't harm the overall sentence
And fair enough with the district being the ones to handle it, I'm not educated on the why, but that should be sorted to ensure the people in that region remain safe and not have any criminals walk free because of a loophole, that in my uneducated opinion can be easily amended if C… [view original content]
hey guys i don't really do self promotion too much but i just released a video i've been working on for about 6ish months now about the resi… moredent evil 3make. put a lot of love into it as well as wrestling with a broken editing software on a half baked computer so any support and/or constructive criticism you can offer is super appreciated
hope you guys enjoy it and come away from it with a new perspective or at least a bit more informed or entertained than you were before. thank you.
edit: how do i make this show up as a video link lmaooo
For context, she suffers from epilepsy and while playing Cyberpunk for the review on Game Informer (they gave the game a 9 by the by), one of the games mechanics called the Braindance, gave her a grand mal seizure, which can be life threatening. The Braindance sequences mimics the flashing pattern of a real life device used by neurologists to induce epilepsy in people for diagnostic purposes. She also experienced multiple moments in which she felt additional seizures would be triggered but thankfully only experienced the one.
She then wrote a PSA for Game Informer warning those with epilepsy on ways they can get around these scenes, such as looking away from the screen, turning down the brightness or playing around with the colourblind settings as there isn't an option in the game to disable these sequences. The game currently doesn't offer a seizure warning for these sequences and it's more than likely that CD Projekt were just unaware of these sequences being a possible issue for whatever reason.
Of course due to certain gamers being as tribalistic as they are, they determined she was being mean to CD Projekt and decided to spam her with with the above stated content.
Yea I've been informed it's blocked in a few countries. I'm working on throwing together a mirror version on another site so everyone across the pond can watch it as well. Sorry about that! Went a lil too in on the music choices
I think gamers should be rounded up and water boarded with baja blast until they give up their tribalistic, bigoted ways and start being tolerant of other people and cultures
For context, she suffers from epilepsy and while playing Cyberpunk for the review on Game Informer (they gave the game a 9 by the by), one o… moref the games mechanics called the Braindance, gave her a grand mal seizure, which can be life threatening. The Braindance sequences mimics the flashing pattern of a real life device used by neurologists to induce epilepsy in people for diagnostic purposes. She also experienced multiple moments in which she felt additional seizures would be triggered but thankfully only experienced the one.
She then wrote a PSA for Game Informer warning those with epilepsy on ways they can get around these scenes, such as looking away from the screen, turning down the brightness or playing around with the colourblind settings as there isn't an option in the game to disable these sequences. The game currently doesn't offer a seizure warning for these sequences and it's more than likely that CD Projekt were just unaware of… [view original content]
I think gamers should be rounded up and water boarded with baja blast until they give up their tribalistic, bigoted ways and start being tolerant of other people and cultures
That's just terrible, and gamers who do this should be aware that charges could be brought against them. Really.
As an aside, anyone who makes video or animations that have significant flashing content should add a warning about it. You'll see that on movie descriptions sometimes. If it was everywhere, people would see it for the safety warning that it is and not as a criticism.
For context, she suffers from epilepsy and while playing Cyberpunk for the review on Game Informer (they gave the game a 9 by the by), one o… moref the games mechanics called the Braindance, gave her a grand mal seizure, which can be life threatening. The Braindance sequences mimics the flashing pattern of a real life device used by neurologists to induce epilepsy in people for diagnostic purposes. She also experienced multiple moments in which she felt additional seizures would be triggered but thankfully only experienced the one.
She then wrote a PSA for Game Informer warning those with epilepsy on ways they can get around these scenes, such as looking away from the screen, turning down the brightness or playing around with the colourblind settings as there isn't an option in the game to disable these sequences. The game currently doesn't offer a seizure warning for these sequences and it's more than likely that CD Projekt were just unaware of… [view original content]
That's just terrible, and gamers who do this should be aware that charges could be brought against them. Really.
As an aside, anyone who… more makes video or animations that have significant flashing content should add a warning about it. You'll see that on movie descriptions sometimes. If it was everywhere, people would see it for the safety warning that it is and not as a criticism.
According to the author, there actually is a small warning for flashing and strobing lights but it's somewhere in the EULA, which let's be honest no one reads. She seems to now be in contact with CD Projekt to have a better warning for the game prepared and maybe make the game more accessible.
That's just terrible, and gamers who do this should be aware that charges could be brought against them. Really.
As an aside, anyone who… more makes video or animations that have significant flashing content should add a warning about it. You'll see that on movie descriptions sometimes. If it was everywhere, people would see it for the safety warning that it is and not as a criticism.
I gotta say, I can't get into open world games anymore because I lost interest in exploring a big map, doing tons of side missions and getting invested in a story that takes more. Cyberpunk 2077 does look great and I hope it lives up to its hype but I'm afraid that if I'll buy it, I would just never finish or touch it again because of open world stuff. That is exactly how it happened when I bought Witcher 3. The story seems very interesting and I do wanna learn more about it but the gameplay just didn't do it for me.
Last summer, I replayed Red Dead Redemption 2 and I still enjoy the story and its character but I didn't bother to finish the whole thing again.
To sort of add onto the overall intolerance of some people in the gaming community over fair criticisms and differing opinions, we've now got people blaming the alt right and 4chan for Ghosts of Tsushima beating TLOU II in the People's vote for GOTY.
For those going after the Game Informer author for justifiably criticizing it for not having proper warnings, fucking stop it. Cyberpunk looks awesome, but it's not going to be a perfect game, and that's a legitimate thing to complain about. A 91 is still good, and even the writer liked the game outside of that and gave it a 9, so quit it, there's no need to threaten or bully someone over this.
For those bitching and moaning about GoT beating TLOU II, no, people didn't vote for GoT because of bigotry or hatred. GoT was a fantastic game and the overwhelming majority who voted for it over TLOU II was because of that. And to label the millions who voted for it as alt-righters and 4chan trolls is pathetic and seeds more division and tribalism, from both sides. People didn't think TLOU II deserved it, that doesn't make them bigots you morons, especially since many of them enjoyed and loved the first game as well.
I don't doubt that I'm sure some people voted for Tsushima just so that TLOU2 could lose.
But I also don't doubt that some other people voted for TLOU just so they could get that victory.
(Based on the how strangely the Metacritic page began to fill up so soon after the release of the game, some people just have too much time on their hands and enough passion to feed it.
It's a shame, really, that the controversy and disparity of opinions on this one game is enough to start such a divide in some fans, causing what I'd like to call 'The Sisyphus Effect'. Two opposing points that get nowhere in the long run: One side fighting to make the game look like the rise of Satan, while the other makes it look like the second coming of Christ. (Weird analogy, I know... But you get my point.)
Kinda weirdly ironic that this is yet another 2020 vote that has drawn controversy over its legitimacy. The real one I won't mention, for obvious reasons... But seriously, they are both legitimate.
[For starters, nothing raises any suspicion about the final stats to me. After Day 1, there was a 3% difference between the two, with 14% and 11% between GoT and TLOU2, respectively. By Day 2, TLOU2 racked up to 43% of the votes with GoT in 2nd place with 31%. Now, in the end, GoT got a nice bolster of votes, with it winning at 47% of the votes and TLOU2 at 33%.]
Its been jumping around all week, so if given another day I'd bet TLOU2 could have brought in some more to come out on top, too.
To sort of add onto the overall intolerance of some people in the gaming community over fair criticisms and differing opinions, we've now go… moret people blaming the alt right and 4chan for Ghosts of Tsushima beating TLOU II in the People's vote for GOTY.
For those going after the Game Informer author for justifiably criticizing it for not having proper warnings, fucking stop it. Cyberpunk looks awesome, but it's not going to be a perfect game, and that's a legitimate thing to complain about. A 91 is still good, and even the writer liked the game outside of that and gave it a 9, so quit it, there's no need to threaten or bully someone over this.
For those bitching and moaning about GoT beating TLOU II, no, people didn't vote for GoT because of bigotry or ha… [view original content]
To sort of add onto the overall intolerance of some people in the gaming community over fair criticisms and differing opinions, we've now go… moret people blaming the alt right and 4chan for Ghosts of Tsushima beating TLOU II in the People's vote for GOTY.
For those going after the Game Informer author for justifiably criticizing it for not having proper warnings, fucking stop it. Cyberpunk looks awesome, but it's not going to be a perfect game, and that's a legitimate thing to complain about. A 91 is still good, and even the writer liked the game outside of that and gave it a 9, so quit it, there's no need to threaten or bully someone over this.
For those bitching and moaning about GoT beating TLOU II, no, people didn't vote for GoT because of bigotry or ha… [view original content]
I'm sure some did, but I at least recognize it as a small, more than likely inconsequential minority. What I hate is people generalizing a small, minuscule percentage of people as either the norm or the majority. There were some internet trolls bashing TLOU II for having LGBTQ+ themes and characters, that must mean EVERYONE hates it for those reasons, and anyone who tries to argue for different reasons is just closeted. An IGN writer literally went after people criticizing the game and called them virgins who will always be virgins. Hell, you had Neil Druckmann himself telling people to vote for TLOU II to silence the haters, saying that for "every vote you cast for The Last of Us Part II, a hater loses their caps lock." So now any negative review or praise towards GoT, whether that be on Metacritic or just a random YouTube comment, can just be shrugged off as being moronic and from the mind of a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot.
And the opposite is equally true, going after people who liked it and generalizing them as Naughty Dog fanboys and cucks is a gross thing to say, even though there were probably some people who heaped praise on it for the sole purpose of having progressive messaging and themes in it, but that number is negligible. And even if it wasn't, guess what, you're probably equally balanced out by the same number who hate it for the reason stressed above, so those votes more than likely cancel each other out. But guess what this leads to...tribalism and going after one of these two extremes, there can't be any middle. You either have to like, or hate, all aspects of the game. But the fact that Neil plays into this as well, that anyone who questions his ability or game is just a hater, is playing into this division and feeding it, and that's not just wrong, but it shows how high he considers himself and how much of a stuck up elitist he is.
Same can be said for the Game Informer situation I bet. A small minority of people are bullying her. The fact that even one person is doing it is wrong and should not be tolerated, but I'm sure the amount of people is also incredibly small and not a large representation of the gaming community or Cyberpunk fans in general. These people are trolls and they should be either ignored, or just not lumped in with other people who either hate or like something that others don't. It's not fair and its how we get these problems in the first place.
Never heard of this term before, might have to do some more digging into it. But based on what you're saying, yes, that is pretty much what is happening here and what I just described. That happened with TLOU II, it looks like it's happening with Cyberpunk.
All of this could have been avoided if you all voted for DOOM: Eternal like I did, then we don't have this controversy and we'd just rip and tear, until it is done.
I don't doubt that I'm sure some people voted for Tsushima just so that TLOU2 could lose.
But I also don't doubt that some other people vot… moreed for TLOU just so they could get that victory.
(Based on the how strangely the Metacritic page began to fill up so soon after the release of the game, some people just have too much time on their hands and enough passion to feed it.
It's a shame, really, that the controversy and disparity of opinions on this one game is enough to start such a divide in some fans, causing what I'd like to call 'The Sisyphus Effect'. Two opposing points that get nowhere in the long run: One side fighting to make the game look like the rise of Satan, while the other makes it look like the second coming of Christ. (Weird analogy, I know... But you get my point.)
Kinda weirdly ironic that this is yet another 2020 vote that has drawn controversy over its legitimacy. The real one I won't mention, for obvious reasons... … [view original content]
To sort of add onto the overall intolerance of some people in the gaming community over fair criticisms and differing opinions, we've now go… moret people blaming the alt right and 4chan for Ghosts of Tsushima beating TLOU II in the People's vote for GOTY.
For those going after the Game Informer author for justifiably criticizing it for not having proper warnings, fucking stop it. Cyberpunk looks awesome, but it's not going to be a perfect game, and that's a legitimate thing to complain about. A 91 is still good, and even the writer liked the game outside of that and gave it a 9, so quit it, there's no need to threaten or bully someone over this.
For those bitching and moaning about GoT beating TLOU II, no, people didn't vote for GoT because of bigotry or ha… [view original content]
Based on AChicken's comment, looks like it was a close, and often times, a back and forth contest between TLOU II and Ghost. It is a nice win for Sucker Punch, so congrats to them, even if it's not official. Let's face it, TLOU II is winning the overall award with the critics vote, the fan vote only counts for 10%. Despite the polarized reaction to the game, the outcry that's going to happen if it doesn't win GOTY would be massive. So even though I think games like GoT and DOOM Eternal are better, TLOU II wins in a landslide. I'm no betting man, but I would put money on it winning.
Honestly this years nominees are pretty stacked with TLoU2, Tsushima, Doom and Hades. I'd personally find it hard to be mad no matter which of them won.
Except maybe Animal Crossing, but I would be mostly confused rather than mad, and I know nothing about the FF7 Remake to be able to comment on that.
Based on AChicken's comment, looks like it was a close, and often times, a back and forth contest between TLOU II and Ghost. It is a nice wi… moren for Sucker Punch, so congrats to them, even if it's not official. Let's face it, TLOU II is winning the overall award with the critics vote, the fan vote only counts for 10%. Despite the polarized reaction to the game, the outcry that's going to happen if it doesn't win GOTY would be massive. So even though I think games like GoT and DOOM Eternal are better, TLOU II wins in a landslide. I'm no betting man, but I would put money on it winning.
Definitely fake. It's literally just Bigby's Season 1 model but with a reskinned brown shirt.
I have to commend the man for his entertaining approach to social media, continues to have fun and make a laugh of the backlash he received, and the offense it has caused to those who read it and made colossal assumptions in the replies.
I'm sure plenty here will take issue with it but the way I see it is, if you have a problem, it's your problem, not Neil's, the success of the game and the voting shows there's a strong crowd that enjoyed the game.
Just want to make it clear, I've heard the team was crunching quite a lot during the game's development, I'm not defending or ignoring that, if Neil's responsible for that then I take issue with that and lose quite a bit of respect for his management style, my post was more so applauding how he can go onto his social media, knowing there's a mob waiting and just have a laugh and not let that crowd get to him but have his comment to get to them
I'm actually a bit intrigued by this. I mean let's be real its probs fake (but honestly at this point I think I'm just so burned out from the Telltale leaks watch this actually be real and no one believes it lol)
But the reason I am actually kinda curious about it is the lighting. In my experience making the SFM gameplay concepts, I could never get the lighting and shading to look anything like the actual game's. But this post def got lighting correct. Also the Wolf models have issues with their heavy blackout lines where they don't look like how they should compared to the source material (and it is a lot more complicated than just editing the texture.) Now for better 3D engines it probably can be done, but I am fairly certain a lot of the Wolf models you can transfer into them suffer similar issues to the SFM models (like the black outlines not working correctly.)
If it faked, it is most likely a screengrab from a scene that happens in game and then edited. So I guess if someone wanted to go and scrub through Season 1 and see if they find the scene where this happens it can be confirmed fake. Or just wait like 3 more days lol
(also also, the original reveal did use the season 1 models even though 90% of the trailer was new assets, so there is that I guess?)
Season 2 official:
Season 1:
SFM trying to replicate lighting:
Yes I just made a long ass post about a 100% fake leak. Damnit, gamers.
I'm saying it's fake since the shadows look like they're added over the image rather than actually being in the game. The shadow of the blinds sit flatly over Bigby and don't wrap around the model like dynamic shadows should. They also remain the same size despite the distance between Bigby and the wall.
I put up a thread for another Steam key giveaway if anyone is interested in some free games.
I don't mean the literal blind shadows, but how the light and color of the light reflects off Bigby's skin.
(That is a good point about the blind shadows though. Although Wolf's lighting is stylistically very flat thus depth becomes harder to percept and have a crappy photo lol. So leakers 101)
Some people and politicians have tried, but not only would it cause problems in regards to the federal district courts located in these states, but you'd be dealing with a huge Constitutional issue as well. Some solutions have been proposed to my understanding, but have not gotten very far. Thankfully no actual crimes have been committed in this zone, outside of a poaching incident where the perpetrator was able to walk, but fixing it is easier said than done.
And that's okay, we can go when you're feeling better, I'm in no rush.
Not to jump in too far into politics, but The Constitution itself has been changed over 25 times since it was first written up, it could be altered, sure it could be messy, but I think minimalising/eliminating any way of using this loophole to commit a crime inside that radius should be too priority. No crimes may have been committed, but in the case of a crime occurring, it enables the ability to legally prosecute the criminal.
I thank you for waiting, but I suspect this sickness is one of those that come about just when you make plans, so I think it's better if we skip the Idaho trip, I'll just go touring through Google Earth instead
Yes it's changed, but not only is that incredibly hard (it requires 2/3rds approval of both the House and the Senate, and then 3/4ths of the states), but you're talking about changing one of the original and one of the most important amendments to the Bill of Rights. And not just possibly changing it, but even removing or exempting the fundamental right of trial of ones own peers for a very small area, a move that would have giant ramifications for criminal cases across the entire country. The far better solution would just be to revise the district courts in this scenario, not crack down on people's rights. You're heading into very troubling waters if you're looking to change the Constitution like this. The problem is not the Amendment, it's not even the Constitution, it's just how the courts were proportioned. Even the guy who originally discovered the loophole argued that Wyoming (who's district court oversees all of Yellowstone) should allow the District Court of Idaho to oversee this small area, thus nullifying the loophole. Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi has also tried to convince Congress to allow Idaho to oversee this section instead of the District Court of Wyoming, but to no avail.
Just remembered that the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Game Re-release is supposed to come out sometime soon. "Holiday 2020".
It could be that the release date is announced (or better yet, set for) this Thursday's Game Awards. That's the biggest place so far that Ubisoft can announce this game's return and get the most eyes-to-sales, and I'm getting hyped just thinking about it. fingers crossed
Reviews for Cyberpunk are out. Not particularly surprised that it's good, but what I am surprised about is that the game is apparently incredibly buggy to the point of gamebreaking, even with the day zero patch that some, but apparently not all (?), of reviewers received.
Yeah no surprise there,this happened to TW3 at launch too hopefully they'll do what they can to fix the worst bugs,the first patch will probably be a big one (around 40gb or something probably),wouldn't blame anyone for waiting a bit longer to play the game to get the best experience,but i still think it should be fine.
Yeah supposedly the day one patch is like 45GB so I assume that'll iron things out.
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game will release on January 14th, 2021
Ubisoft Article:
hey guys i don't really do self promotion too much but i just released a video i've been working on for about 6ish months now about the resident evil 3make. put a lot of love into it as well as wrestling with a broken editing software on a half baked computer so any support and/or constructive criticism you can offer is super appreciated
hope you guys enjoy it and come away from it with a new perspective or at least a bit more informed or entertained than you were before. thank you.
edit: how do i make this show up as a video link lmaooo
Maybe put the www before youtube? It should embed, but thats the only thing that looks like it's missing right now.
ayy that did it, thanks chicken
My parents have a timeshare and have a week for it that will expire in March that they aren't planning on using, so they are going to give it to me. Got a couple of places in mind, either looking at Orlando or Las Vegas sometime between late February to mid March. Can't make up my mind as to which one, all I know is that a week vacation after this holiday season is going to be desperately needed.
Ah so Idaho is no longer on the cards then?
I think that sickness I was going to have may not arrive at all, so good news for me!
Forgot to respond to your comment from yesterday, I didn't mean remove or disregard the rights that you listed, I was just saying alter that legislation or specific part of the Constitution or whatever to the point that it directly deals with the matter without compromising the benefits it currently provides under that section. Think of it like writing a sentence, but scribbling out and replacing a couple of words, while retaining the core of the comment, it's still there, but new and improved and doesn't harm the overall sentence
And fair enough with the district being the ones to handle it, I'm not educated on the why, but that should be sorted to ensure the people in that region remain safe and not have any criminals walk free because of a loophole, that in my uneducated opinion can be easily amended if Congress made note of the loophole, thought of the potential risk and sorted it there and then. By no means am I a legal expert, I just think things like this shouldn't require jumping through hoops just for a chance to change something like that loophole, it's needlessly complicated
I'm flip flopping between topics, but I wanted to end my comment wishing you a good holiday, whereever you decide to go
Oh it’s still an option, only a 10 hour drive from Vegas. My offer still stands for that. And thank you. Wherever it is, golf will be played, relaxation will be had, and alcohol will be drunk.
I can't view it cause it's blocked in my country.
For context, she suffers from epilepsy and while playing Cyberpunk for the review on Game Informer (they gave the game a 9 by the by), one of the games mechanics called the Braindance, gave her a grand mal seizure, which can be life threatening. The Braindance sequences mimics the flashing pattern of a real life device used by neurologists to induce epilepsy in people for diagnostic purposes. She also experienced multiple moments in which she felt additional seizures would be triggered but thankfully only experienced the one.
She then wrote a PSA for Game Informer warning those with epilepsy on ways they can get around these scenes, such as looking away from the screen, turning down the brightness or playing around with the colourblind settings as there isn't an option in the game to disable these sequences. The game currently doesn't offer a seizure warning for these sequences and it's more than likely that CD Projekt were just unaware of these sequences being a possible issue for whatever reason.
Of course due to certain gamers being as tribalistic as they are, they determined she was being mean to CD Projekt and decided to spam her with with the above stated content.
Thank you gamers, very cool.
Yea I've been informed it's blocked in a few countries. I'm working on throwing together a mirror version on another site so everyone across the pond can watch it as well. Sorry about that! Went a lil too in on the music choices
I think gamers should be rounded up and water boarded with baja blast until they give up their tribalistic, bigoted ways and start being tolerant of other people and cultures
Mah man.
That's just terrible, and gamers who do this should be aware that charges could be brought against them. Really.
As an aside, anyone who makes video or animations that have significant flashing content should add a warning about it. You'll see that on movie descriptions sometimes. If it was everywhere, people would see it for the safety warning that it is and not as a criticism.
For some reason people get stupidly mad at the mere mention of trigger warnings and the like.
According to the author, there actually is a small warning for flashing and strobing lights but it's somewhere in the EULA, which let's be honest no one reads. She seems to now be in contact with CD Projekt to have a better warning for the game prepared and maybe make the game more accessible.
Gamers when the reviewer Metacritic score for a game they have not played is only 91/100
I need a minute gamers... This is a tragedy like no other.
I gotta say, I can't get into open world games anymore because I lost interest in exploring a big map, doing tons of side missions and getting invested in a story that takes more. Cyberpunk 2077 does look great and I hope it lives up to its hype but I'm afraid that if I'll buy it, I would just never finish or touch it again because of open world stuff. That is exactly how it happened when I bought Witcher 3. The story seems very interesting and I do wanna learn more about it but the gameplay just didn't do it for me.
Last summer, I replayed Red Dead Redemption 2 and I still enjoy the story and its character but I didn't bother to finish the whole thing again.
Gamers at yelling at Gamespot like
Man saw this as a joke but I wish it was real. Every day I miss him.
To sort of add onto the overall intolerance of some people in the gaming community over fair criticisms and differing opinions, we've now got people blaming the alt right and 4chan for Ghosts of Tsushima beating TLOU II in the People's vote for GOTY.
For those going after the Game Informer author for justifiably criticizing it for not having proper warnings, fucking stop it. Cyberpunk looks awesome, but it's not going to be a perfect game, and that's a legitimate thing to complain about. A 91 is still good, and even the writer liked the game outside of that and gave it a 9, so quit it, there's no need to threaten or bully someone over this.
For those bitching and moaning about GoT beating TLOU II, no, people didn't vote for GoT because of bigotry or hatred. GoT was a fantastic game and the overwhelming majority who voted for it over TLOU II was because of that. And to label the millions who voted for it as alt-righters and 4chan trolls is pathetic and seeds more division and tribalism, from both sides. People didn't think TLOU II deserved it, that doesn't make them bigots you morons, especially since many of them enjoyed and loved the first game as well.
I don't doubt that I'm sure some people voted for Tsushima just so that TLOU2 could lose.
But I also don't doubt that some other people voted for TLOU just so they could get that victory.
(Based on the how strangely the Metacritic page began to fill up so soon after the release of the game, some people just have too much time on their hands and enough passion to feed it.
It's a shame, really, that the controversy and disparity of opinions on this one game is enough to start such a divide in some fans, causing what I'd like to call 'The Sisyphus Effect'. Two opposing points that get nowhere in the long run: One side fighting to make the game look like the rise of Satan, while the other makes it look like the second coming of Christ. (Weird analogy, I know... But you get my point.)
Kinda weirdly ironic that this is yet another 2020 vote that has drawn controversy over its legitimacy. The real one I won't mention, for obvious reasons... But seriously, they are both legitimate.
[For starters, nothing raises any suspicion about the final stats to me. After Day 1, there was a 3% difference between the two, with 14% and 11% between GoT and TLOU2, respectively. By Day 2, TLOU2 racked up to 43% of the votes with GoT in 2nd place with 31%. Now, in the end, GoT got a nice bolster of votes, with it winning at 47% of the votes and TLOU2 at 33%.]
Its been jumping around all week, so if given another day I'd bet TLOU2 could have brought in some more to come out on top, too.
Eyyy congratulations to Sucker Punch for the win! Last I checked the poll the numbers were super close so good on them for taking it home!
I'm sure some did, but I at least recognize it as a small, more than likely inconsequential minority. What I hate is people generalizing a small, minuscule percentage of people as either the norm or the majority. There were some internet trolls bashing TLOU II for having LGBTQ+ themes and characters, that must mean EVERYONE hates it for those reasons, and anyone who tries to argue for different reasons is just closeted. An IGN writer literally went after people criticizing the game and called them virgins who will always be virgins. Hell, you had Neil Druckmann himself telling people to vote for TLOU II to silence the haters, saying that for "every vote you cast for The Last of Us Part II, a hater loses their caps lock." So now any negative review or praise towards GoT, whether that be on Metacritic or just a random YouTube comment, can just be shrugged off as being moronic and from the mind of a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot.
And the opposite is equally true, going after people who liked it and generalizing them as Naughty Dog fanboys and cucks is a gross thing to say, even though there were probably some people who heaped praise on it for the sole purpose of having progressive messaging and themes in it, but that number is negligible. And even if it wasn't, guess what, you're probably equally balanced out by the same number who hate it for the reason stressed above, so those votes more than likely cancel each other out. But guess what this leads to...tribalism and going after one of these two extremes, there can't be any middle. You either have to like, or hate, all aspects of the game. But the fact that Neil plays into this as well, that anyone who questions his ability or game is just a hater, is playing into this division and feeding it, and that's not just wrong, but it shows how high he considers himself and how much of a stuck up elitist he is.
Same can be said for the Game Informer situation I bet. A small minority of people are bullying her. The fact that even one person is doing it is wrong and should not be tolerated, but I'm sure the amount of people is also incredibly small and not a large representation of the gaming community or Cyberpunk fans in general. These people are trolls and they should be either ignored, or just not lumped in with other people who either hate or like something that others don't. It's not fair and its how we get these problems in the first place.
Never heard of this term before, might have to do some more digging into it. But based on what you're saying, yes, that is pretty much what is happening here and what I just described. That happened with TLOU II, it looks like it's happening with Cyberpunk.
All of this could have been avoided if you all voted for DOOM: Eternal like I did, then we don't have this controversy and we'd just rip and tear, until it is done.
Yep. This whole damn thing is basically Sony Playstation: Civil War.
Based on AChicken's comment, looks like it was a close, and often times, a back and forth contest between TLOU II and Ghost. It is a nice win for Sucker Punch, so congrats to them, even if it's not official. Let's face it, TLOU II is winning the overall award with the critics vote, the fan vote only counts for 10%. Despite the polarized reaction to the game, the outcry that's going to happen if it doesn't win GOTY would be massive. So even though I think games like GoT and DOOM Eternal are better, TLOU II wins in a landslide. I'm no betting man, but I would put money on it winning.
Honestly this years nominees are pretty stacked with TLoU2, Tsushima, Doom and Hades. I'd personally find it hard to be mad no matter which of them won.
Except maybe Animal Crossing, but I would be mostly confused rather than mad, and I know nothing about the FF7 Remake to be able to comment on that.