The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • among us horse mode available until April 1st 8pm EST

  • My favorite games of all time and the only games that matter in this world. If you disagree, you're a moron.

    1. The Last of Us Part 2
    2. The Walking Dead A New Frontier
    3. Fallout 76
    4. Battlefield 2042
    5. Aliens Colonial Marines
    6. Rambo The Video Game
    7. Umbrella Corps
    8. Superman 64
    9. Alone in the Dark Illumination
    10. Metal Gear Survive
  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited April 2022

    ...Holy fucking shit, they actually did it

    Skybound Blog: Clementine Comic Update
    In 2018, we surprised our fans and the greater gaming community by announcing that we would finish the final two episodes of Telltale’s The Walking Dead: The Final Season after Telltale shut its doors.
    After releasing the final episodes, we then released The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series and announced a continuation of Clementine’s story with a new Graphic Novel series.
    The love and appreciation our fans have for Clementine has been at the forefront of our minds, and we want to make sure we are doing right by our fans who have followed Clementine through the years.
    After some internal discussions and some reviews of fan feedback online, Skybound and Tillie Walden are officially announcing that Clementine: Book One takes place in an alternate continuity that is no longer directly canon to Telltale’s The Walking Dead series. Player choice and tailored story telling are essential to Telltale’s The Walking Dead, and we now see that fans prefer to have their player choices honored in future storylines with Clementine.
    This all-new original graphic novel, available everywhere books are sold June 2022, marks the official launch of Skybound Comet, a new original graphic novel imprint aimed at Young Adult (Ages 12+) and Middle Grade (Ages 8-12) audiences.
    Clementine Book One (Diamond Code MAY218587, ISBN: 978-1-5343-2128-1) will be available at comic book shops and digital platforms including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play on Wednesday, > June 22 and everywhere books are sold on June 28.
    For more info and updates on Skybound Comet, visit

  • edited April 2022

    Good riddance

    Edit: And I fell for it

    ...Holy fucking shit, they actually did it Skybound Blog: Clementine Comic Update

  • Look at the flowers... or maybe not since you're blind...

    Either way...

    ...Holy fucking shit, they actually did it Skybound Blog: Clementine Comic Update

  • Blind you- you son of a bitch!

    ...Holy fucking shit, they actually did it Skybound Blog: Clementine Comic Update

  • Adult Swim edited in a bunch of Pibby and Friends during their broadcast for the past day

  • I felt my heart jump when I read that, but when I clicked that link, I then felt my heart break

    ...Holy fucking shit, they actually did it Skybound Blog: Clementine Comic Update

  • Words cannot even begin to describe how much I hate you Blind. My hatred for you, at this very moment, has no end. There are 3 things you do not mess with when it comes to me: Metallica, Tali'Zorah vas Normandy, and Clementine. You just messed with one of those pillars, and for that, your punishment will be equal parts surprising and painful.

    ...Holy fucking shit, they actually did it Skybound Blog: Clementine Comic Update

  • I love you Blind.

    ...Holy fucking shit, they actually did it Skybound Blog: Clementine Comic Update

  • Top-tier

    ...Holy fucking shit, they actually did it Skybound Blog: Clementine Comic Update

  • Nickelodeon uploaded a mock anime styled opening for The Legend of Korra. It's pretty neat.

  • ecks dee

  • Also, there was a live performance of We Don't Talk About Bruno, but the main cast were backup singers supporting Megan Thee Stallion


    So the Oscars happened, didn't watch because I was not arsed, but I had my eye on if Dos Oruguitas from Encanto would win Best Original Song

  • edited April 2022


  • Hot damn, this band won a Grammy award for their cover of Meta Knight's Revenge from the game Kirby Superstar.

    I believe this makes it the second time, a Grammy has been awarded for something video game related, the first being Baba Yetu from Civilization IV.

  • Fun Fact: I remember when Guru created the original thread some 12 years ago.

  • So after I sold my PS5, all I have to do is sell my Xbox One X.

  • Icedhope posted: »

    Fun Fact: I remember when Guru created the original thread some 12 years ago.

  • This looks really cute lol

  • There's a lot of nostalgia in the comments there, so I looked up why.

    This is actually based on a very popular (32M views!) series of short films from 11 years ago!
    And it's dang cute!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    This looks really cute lol

  • Oh wow, this is really early in Jenny Slater's career too. That's pretty cool that she came back to do the voice for the movie.

    AChicken posted: »

    There's a lot of nostalgia in the comments there, so I looked up why. This is actually based on a very popular (32M views!) series of short films from 11 years ago! And it's dang cute!

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Very excited, Uchikoshi games are always so good.

  • Haven't really been around much this week. Was taking a lot of time doing some research and making some changes/reevaluating some positions in regards to my personal finances. I believe I've said it before, but it's never too early to take action in regards to your long term financial health. And no, I'm not talking about this stupid Robinhood/Wall Street Bets bullshit, the stock market is not a fucking casino and should not be treated as such. I mean actually putting money away for the long term and growing your wealth.

    Somehow, at the end of this weekend, I got a lot done.

    • Sold all 60 of my shares in Disney due to market conditions and evaluations, as well as some personal reasons.
    • Used that money, as well as $1k of my own, to purchase my own personal shares in Amazon (on top of what I own through my employment with them) and some utility companies (honestly, these are pretty safe since they're practically government enabled monopolies).
    • Thanks to the Fed raising interest rates, allocated another $3k into a 10 month CD at a 1.1% APR.
    • Subscribed to a few podcasts that focus on the market and personal financing tips.
    • Bought a year long subscription to the Wall Street Journal.

    Pretty productive week for me, got to say.

  • Remedy announced that they'll be remaking Max Payne 1 and 2 in an agreement with Rockstar. I've only ever played the third game which I love since the other two games straight up don't run on my laptop for whatever reason, so it'll be nice to actually get to experience them in a more up to date fashion.

  • That's really nice. I tried to play the first game but I got burned out very quickly and didn't finish it. I really wanna play Max Payne 3 as well but I am not sure how it runs on PC. I hope Rockstar also lets them do a remastered collection.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Remedy announced that they'll be remaking Max Payne 1 and 2 in an agreement with Rockstar. I've only ever played the third game which I love

  • It runs well on PC at least for me anyway, but there's this one really weird bug that causes the game to just randomly pause for no reason, which can be frustrating. I've checked and I'm not the only one who's gotten it and it can't be fixed as far as I'm aware.

    AronDracula posted: »

    That's really nice. I tried to play the first game but I got burned out very quickly and didn't finish it. I really wanna play Max Payne 3 as well but I am not sure how it runs on PC. I hope Rockstar also lets them do a remastered collection.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I loved the first two games and completed them many times so it will be great to experience them again on modern hardware.

    I just hope they keep the old style comic book style slides rather than completely modernise it to the Max Payne 3 style.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Remedy announced that they'll be remaking Max Payne 1 and 2 in an agreement with Rockstar. I've only ever played the third game which I love

  • I've checked and I'm not the only one who's gotten it and it can't be fixed as far as I'm aware.

    Typical Rockstar

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It runs well on PC at least for me anyway, but there's this one really weird bug that causes the game to just randomly pause for no reason,

  • Soooo, the car accident that I witnessed last month, I got a call from the police yesterday and they told me to come and tell them my vision of the incident. Today, I told them everything I knew, the cop was nice enough to offer me a ride home and I asked him what happened to the victim that got run over. The victim was an old man in his 50's or 60's. And this poor man...he didn't make it sadly.

  • Did the police ask you anything? Also sad to hear the guy didn't make it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Soooo, the car accident that I witnessed last month, I got a call from the police yesterday and they told me to come and tell them my vision

  • Nothing specifically. Just a few personal stuff.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Did the police ask you anything? Also sad to hear the guy didn't make it.

  • Very hyped for this
    This season looks a lot more trippy than the first one! Time travelling trains!

  • So, I found out I might be need surgery on my shoulder soon.

    Waiting on getting an MRI scheduled for it, but initial speculation is what's called a PASTA Lesion in my rotator cuff. If it ends up being that, expected recovery is about 6 months to a year (rotator cuff surgeries are no joke, even best case scenarios are 4-5 months). Just hoping and praying it's not that severe, but I've already had this lingering issue for a few months now and it just hasn't gotten any better.

  • I think today is is the day where my relationship with my step-father has ended. I talked with my sister recently and she told me that our step-dad started arguing with her as well about his stupid divorce. She was the last one who wanted to give him another chance but couldn't do it because he refuses to listen to any one of us and yelled at us.

    I understand that my mother cheated on him and broke his heart, but what do her decisions have anything to do with us? I mean, yeah I lied to him about what she was doing in free time but my sister had ZERO connections with this garbage situation. Either way, why bother blaming the children? It's such a useless and dumb decision that does nothing but make things worse. We aren't meant to be the judge of relationships, right? We tried our best to remain his friends but he refused to keep his cool.

    I didn't want to believe my mom for what he was doing to her but the more he kept screaming and lying to us, the more it proved her point. Oh well, we tried, I wanted to thank him for all the things he has done for us in those 12 years but we are better off moving on with our lives. If he thinks this is the way to do it, then that's what he deserves.

  • Maybe someday he'll realize what he's doing. For now, you've done what you can.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I think today is is the day where my relationship with my step-father has ended. I talked with my sister recently and she told me that our s

  • edited April 2022

    @MetallicaRules and @AronDracula, I wish the best for both of you.

    Scary thought to have a bit of a health scare like that, (and considering its the US I hope it's not too expensive).

    And Aron, I agree with WarpSpeed, you did the right thing. No reason to get dragged into someone else's drama, especially if they're trying to lie to you to keep you on their side.

  • The previously cancelled Nimona animated movie has been revived by Annapurna and will be released on Netflix!

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