The previously cancelled Nimona animated movie has been revived by Annapurna and will be released on Netflix!
Yeah, it's nice to see. Disney pretty clearly had some kind of motive for cancelling it, considering it was 75% complete, but I don't think we ever got a truthful explanation.
The previously cancelled Nimona animated movie has been revived by Annapurna and will be released on Netflix!
Because of The Batman, I have decided to play Batman Arkham Knight for the first time in 5 years. This game is much better than I remember. The graphics hold up so well, the combat is so satisfying and gliding through Gotham City is just breathtaking. However, I remember why I haven't played in so long. The open world side missions are soo repetitive, hand-to-hand boss fights are completely lacking and I was not a fan of the Arkham Knight character.
Is there anyone here who didn't predict that Arkham Knight was Red Hood? Coming from someone who didn't know anything about him before, I knew it was him once I saw the flashbacks of Joker torturing him to death. Terrible twist.
I shouldn't mention how much time it took me to collect all the riddles (AGAIN). This wasn't fun at all. It was torture. The Riddler boss fight wasn't even worth it from a gameplay perspective. There was no good boss fight in this game IMO. Don't even get me started on Deathstroke. Conquering the bases, towers and landmines ALL FOR A TANK FIGHT??? Let alone going down in one physical attack? I still haven't played Arkham Origins yet but I heard Deathstroke was done better there. Awkward how WB Montreal respected Deathstroke's character better than the original company to invented the franchise.
Last but not least, the Batmobile is something I enjoyed very much at the beginning but after using it for a while, I got bored of it so quickly. When I think of Batman, I don't imagine him battle a lot of tanks with his car. Rocksteady took it too far with the fan's biggest demand of the Batmobile.
Overall, despite those nitpicks, I still had fun playing this game. I will never have to do the Riddles ever again because the trophy for it is enough for me.
A few former Blue Sky employees confirmed a while back, and then again after Disney's recent controversy with a certain bill that they had cancelled the movie because-
It featured a same sex kiss between two male protagonists with half of the story focusing on the romance between these characters. Blue Sky removed the kiss with hopes that they could convince the mouse to include it in its final release but then the movie was cancelled and the studio shut down.
Yeah, it's nice to see. Disney pretty clearly had some kind of motive for cancelling it, considering it was 75% complete, but I don't think we ever got a truthful explanation.
Ok, here we go, lots of fun things happening in late April that I'm jazzed about. Pretty cool it's all happening so soon.
* A new seaso… moren of Pacific Rim: The Black (Netflix anime-inspired series) comes on April 19th.
* Russian Doll Season 2 on April 20th.
* I finally finish my 4 years at my college & the Theatre Program around then.
* Barry Season 3 starts April 24th. (I've really gotta find a recap for that!)
* and the Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe finally releases on the 27th
* (also a week or so later, the new Doctor Strange movie comes out!)
I live for my interests now.
I recently finished the DLCs of the Arkham Knight as well. The Red Hood one is easily my favorite because I love the brutal gameplay and wise-cracking Troy Baker lines after he kills Black Mask's goons quietly. This mode alone made me want to watch Batman Under the Red Hood and I am doing it right now.
Catwoman's Revenge was the worst one IMO because of the robots fight on an electric floor alone. Unforgivable.
Ok, here we go, lots of fun things happening in late April that I'm jazzed about. Pretty cool it's all happening so soon.
* A new seaso… moren of Pacific Rim: The Black (Netflix anime-inspired series) comes on April 19th.
* Russian Doll Season 2 on April 20th.
* I finally finish my 4 years at my college & the Theatre Program around then.
* Barry Season 3 starts April 24th. (I've really gotta find a recap for that!)
* and the Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe finally releases on the 27th
* (also a week or so later, the new Doctor Strange movie comes out!)
I live for my interests now.
Thanks! Though it's so close to the end, it's not going so smoothly.
Someone just tested positive for Covid yesterday, delaying our two show openings (today and tomorrow -- delayed till next week.)
This now marks the 3rd and 4th times our 3rd Year shows have been delayed because of a random positive case. I swear, we are so cursed.
I finally finish my 4 years at my college & the Theatre Program around then.
Nice, that’s awesome. I know how important the theatre program is to you, so I’m proud that you’re about to complete it.
They're working for me, but YouTube likes to experiment with different interface styles in random groups of users. There might be a "See More" link that shows you the date. If it asks you for feedback on the style, use it to scream at them.
She's been sick for 3 days, been testing negative, but suddenly last night covid rears its ugly positive head.
By association I'm now stuck with her here until she recovers and her 5 days quarantine is up (so long as I stay symptom free too). She's on the uptake so hopefully she's healed soon.
Somehow, I tested negative today. So that's good.
My roomie walked home with someone on Saturday who tested positive on Monday (this delayed our opening show dates by a whole week, now we're just getting half of them)
While she has stayed here this whole time, in case it was covid (that was smart - it was)
I've spent time since then in the same rooms as her, maskless even. But I'm not even sick. Not even positive.
Could be a fluke. Or those vaccines really did their job on me. Nice thought to have.
In some pretty strange movie news today... Jason Momoa is being tapped to star in a Minecraft movie.
And as per Geoff Keighley (per @TheA… morenkler) he might be set to play "Gabriel the Warrior"
I... what... they might adapt the Telltale game??
In some pretty strange movie news today... Jason Momoa is being tapped to star in a Minecraft movie.
And as per Geoff Keighley (per @TheA… morenkler) he might be set to play "Gabriel the Warrior"
I... what... they might adapt the Telltale game??
In some pretty strange movie news today... Jason Momoa is being tapped to star in a Minecraft movie.
And as per Geoff Keighley (per @TheA… morenkler) he might be set to play "Gabriel the Warrior"
I... what... they might adapt the Telltale game??
In some pretty strange movie news today... Jason Momoa is being tapped to star in a Minecraft movie.
And as per Geoff Keighley (per @TheA… morenkler) he might be set to play "Gabriel the Warrior"
I... what... they might adapt the Telltale game??
I have to agree with InGen, what timeline are we in right now? This is so baffling to me I'm at a loss for words.
So this will be Minecraft Story Mode: The Game: The Movie? If that's the case, then when will Minecraft Story Mode: The Game: The Movie: The Game come out?
In some pretty strange movie news today... Jason Momoa is being tapped to star in a Minecraft movie.
And as per Geoff Keighley (per @TheA… morenkler) he might be set to play "Gabriel the Warrior"
I... what... they might adapt the Telltale game??
In some pretty strange movie news today... Jason Momoa is being tapped to star in a Minecraft movie.
And as per Geoff Keighley (per @TheA… morenkler) he might be set to play "Gabriel the Warrior"
I... what... they might adapt the Telltale game??
I'm stunned even more by the fact that in the announcing article, they mention it's a "live-action Minecraft movie" from the normal WB studio (not WB Animation -- i.e. 'The LEGO Movie')
Is it gonna be all live-action?
Is it gonna be one of those cookie-cutter "live-action-to-animation-and-back-again" plots?
And Jason Momoa, not "The Rock"?
Definitely a weird movie news day.
Maybe in a year or two we'll see if it works out.
I have to agree with InGen, what timeline are we in right now? This is so baffling to me I'm at a loss for words.
So this will be Minecra… moreft Story Mode: The Game: The Movie? If that's the case, then when will Minecraft Story Mode: The Game: The Movie: The Game come out?
In some pretty strange movie news today... Jason Momoa is being tapped to star in a Minecraft movie.
And as per Geoff Keighley (per @TheA… morenkler) he might be set to play "Gabriel the Warrior"
I... what... they might adapt the Telltale game??
I'm really, really hoping the very limited (and recap-ish) nature of this teaser means that Season 3 might have a sequel or two to some of the original shorts.
You know, a couple of months ago, I was thinking of putting some money into Netflix as an investment. The stock was trending downwards but was still a pretty good investment, probably just market correction due to people not streaming as much due to the pandemic winding down.
Ohhhhhhhhh boy am I happy I didn't. Shares are down a massive 35% today because Netflix reported a loss of subscribers for the first time in years (about 200K, and are expecting to lose millions more in this quarter alone). That's a $50 billion loss in market capitalization, and a 60% drop since the start of this year. Things aren't looking so good at Netflix right now, and I think Netflix's dominance of the streaming market has finally come and gone. Now it needs to find a way to compete with everyone else. Hard to do when other companies are starting their own streaming platforms and scooping up their products from Netflix. Hearing talks of them doing a cheaper subscription that will include ads, much like what Disney+ is looking to do.
Part of me wants to think that the 35% drop today was an overreaction, but not enough of me to want to invest in Netflix now.
(Disclaimer: I do not hold any positions on Netflix, and this should not be considered financial advice.)
You know, a couple of months ago, I was thinking of putting some money into Netflix as an investment. The stock was trending downwards but w… moreas still a pretty good investment, probably just market correction due to people not streaming as much due to the pandemic winding down.
Ohhhhhhhhh boy am I happy I didn't. Shares are down a massive 35% today because Netflix reported a loss of subscribers for the first time in years (about 200K, and are expecting to lose millions more in this quarter alone). That's a $50 billion loss in market capitalization, and a 60% drop since the start of this year. Things aren't looking so good at Netflix right now, and I think Netflix's dominance of the streaming market has finally come and gone. Now it needs to find a way to compete with everyone else. Hard to do when other companies are starting their own streaming platforms and scooping up their products from Netflix. Hearing talks of them doing a cheaper subscription that will include ads, much like what Disney+ is looking to do.
It definitely is a bit much, and I’m sure the stock will turn around a bit in the coming days (the Wall Street Journal was reporting that, along with people selling, institutions like Fidelity were seeing as many buys in Netflix), but it is still an indicator that things need to be shaken up at Netflix in order to maintain dominance. While they still control the market, their control is waning, and this is a bad sign if they’re looking to hold onto it. Plus with their crackdowns on password sharing and raising their subscription prices, along with external macroeconomic factors like inflation, expect to see more people leaving. A podcast I was listening to earlier today summed it up well: back when they formed, the company was the disruptor, now, they’re being disrupted.
What I would expect to see from the company soon or at some point:
Cheaper subscription service that allows ads in their programming (which would be a slap in the face to what the company was founded on). This way, they entice more people to subscribe and earn ad revenue.
Continued crackdowns on password sharing that they will hope encourages more people to get their own subscriptions. They believe the loss from this will be offset by the gains, and they may be right.
More promoting of original content, but at the same time, Netflix being more selective with what they produce as each failure will hurt the company more. So if you thought Netflix was bad with cancelling shows before, you might be in for a rude awakening.
Sports deals. Think about it, we’ve already seen some leagues and teams have partnership deals with streaming services. The NHL has games exclusively on ESPN+, the Yankees will have several games exclusive to Amazon Prime. Netflix may start considering getting in on that action.
Netflix Live TV. Similar to Hulu and YouTube, I think Netflix might consider a live TV service with DVR recording. People want convenience, but also, Netflix needs to learn that their competition is not just from other streaming services, but anything that takes away people’s time. Adding sports and live TV into a subscription package, you kill two birds with one stone, and create a convenience factor that people are looking for. They let other services beat them to the punch on this one, so now they would have to play catch up.
Weekly episode releases instead of releasing everything at once. This will be controversial, but probably a necessary move. A lot of people probably only subscribe to Netflix when a new season of a show they like comes out, cancel it after binging it, and rinse and repeat. Other streaming services maintain weekly releases, and while that doesn’t eliminate binging, due to media outlets and social media, people are more inclined to watch something along with everyone else, rather than wait for the season to finish and binge it all. People subscribe longer, earn a bit more from monthly subscriptions, profit.
Here’s the thing, a lot of these suggestions will help in bringing in revenue, but just makes Netflix another streaming service, rather than THE streaming service. Netflix needs to do more to make itself standout from the rest, or do better in promoting stuff directly appealing to the individual subscriber.
Part of me wants to think that the 35% drop today was an overreaction, but not enough of me to want to invest in Netflix now.
(Disclaimer: I do not hold any positions on Netflix, and this should not be considered financial advice.)
Really fucked up they just torched their animation for reasons just as dumb as that.
(good move to give it more time in the oven, but AAAAHHHHH it's th… moree one film I was extremely excited for this year)
From less than a year away, to over a full year, starting now. least the wait for Part II might still be short?
Yeah, it's nice to see. Disney pretty clearly had some kind of motive for cancelling it, considering it was 75% complete, but I don't think we ever got a truthful explanation.
Because of The Batman, I have decided to play Batman Arkham Knight for the first time in 5 years. This game is much better than I remember. The graphics hold up so well, the combat is so satisfying and gliding through Gotham City is just breathtaking. However, I remember why I haven't played in so long. The open world side missions are soo repetitive, hand-to-hand boss fights are completely lacking and I was not a fan of the Arkham Knight character.
Is there anyone here who didn't predict that Arkham Knight was Red Hood? Coming from someone who didn't know anything about him before, I knew it was him once I saw the flashbacks of Joker torturing him to death. Terrible twist.
I shouldn't mention how much time it took me to collect all the riddles (AGAIN). This wasn't fun at all. It was torture. The Riddler boss fight wasn't even worth it from a gameplay perspective. There was no good boss fight in this game IMO. Don't even get me started on Deathstroke. Conquering the bases, towers and landmines ALL FOR A TANK FIGHT??? Let alone going down in one physical attack? I still haven't played Arkham Origins yet but I heard Deathstroke was done better there. Awkward how WB Montreal respected Deathstroke's character better than the original company to invented the franchise.
Last but not least, the Batmobile is something I enjoyed very much at the beginning but after using it for a while, I got bored of it so quickly. When I think of Batman, I don't imagine him battle a lot of tanks with his car. Rocksteady took it too far with the fan's biggest demand of the Batmobile.
Overall, despite those nitpicks, I still had fun playing this game. I will never have to do the Riddles ever again because the trophy for it is enough for me.
A few former Blue Sky employees confirmed a while back, and then again after Disney's recent controversy with a certain bill that they had cancelled the movie because-
It featured a same sex kiss between two male protagonists with half of the story focusing on the romance between these characters. Blue Sky removed the kiss with hopes that they could convince the mouse to include it in its final release but then the movie was cancelled and the studio shut down.
Ok, here we go, lots of fun things happening in late April that I'm jazzed about. Pretty cool it's all happening so soon.
I live for my interests now.
Go play it
congrats on finishing uni bro that’s a big achievement
I recently finished the DLCs of the Arkham Knight as well. The Red Hood one is easily my favorite because I love the brutal gameplay and wise-cracking Troy Baker lines after he kills Black Mask's goons quietly. This mode alone made me want to watch Batman Under the Red Hood and I am doing it right now.
Catwoman's Revenge was the worst one IMO because of the robots fight on an electric floor alone. Unforgivable.
Nice, that’s awesome. I know how important the theatre program is to you, so I’m proud that you’re about to complete it.
Thanks! Though it's so close to the end, it's not going so smoothly.
Someone just tested positive for Covid yesterday, delaying our two show openings (today and tomorrow -- delayed till next week.)
This now marks the 3rd and 4th times our 3rd Year shows have been delayed because of a random positive case. I swear, we are so cursed.
The final animated shot that some Blue Sky Studios team members did as a farewell to the studio before it was shut down.
Boy finally got his nut
Oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please...
Did something just happen to youtube video upload date? They all seem to be disabled no matter what video I watch.
They're working for me, but YouTube likes to experiment with different interface styles in random groups of users. There might be a "See More" link that shows you the date. If it asks you for feedback on the style, use it to scream at them.
We are cursed. CURSED I TELL YOU.
My roommate has covid.
She's been sick for 3 days, been testing negative, but suddenly last night covid rears its ugly positive head.
By association I'm now stuck with her here until she recovers and her 5 days quarantine is up (so long as I stay symptom free too). She's on the uptake so hopefully she's healed soon.
Somehow, I tested negative today. So that's good.
My roomie walked home with someone on Saturday who tested positive on Monday (this delayed our opening show dates by a whole week, now we're just getting half of them)
While she has stayed here this whole time, in case it was covid (that was smart - it was)
I've spent time since then in the same rooms as her, maskless even. But I'm not even sick. Not even positive.
Could be a fluke. Or those vaccines really did their job on me. Nice thought to have.

I thought the animation was quite sweet. Those movies are nothing without Scrat.
Yeah regardless of the overall quality of the films past the first movie, the best parts were usually just Scrat and his acorn.
This is the best horror short film I have seen in a while.

He did it, the absolute mad lad fucking did it. Mr. Torgue finally got his dream…TO BLOW UP THE FUCKING OCEAN!
Took almost 10 years to do it, but it finally happened. Haven’t laughed this hard at Borderlands since the finger gun fight in episode 4.
In some pretty strange movie news today... Jason Momoa is being tapped to star in a Minecraft movie.
And as per Geoff Keighley (per @TheAnkler) he might be set to play "Gabriel the Warrior"
I... what... they might adapt the Telltale game??
What timeline is this? I don't, I don't understand.
So, would you rather fight a hundred chicken-sized zombies, or ten zombie-sized chickens?
This is gonna be the movie to revolutionize the future of cinema.
Edit (😳 I meant to hit Save Draft to come up with something to say later. I guess it posted and I didn't see)
Does this count as a victory for the “Asking for mcsm season 3” crowd?
I have to agree with InGen, what timeline are we in right now? This is so baffling to me I'm at a loss for words.
So this will be Minecraft Story Mode: The Game: The Movie? If that's the case, then when will Minecraft Story Mode: The Game: The Movie: The Game come out?
I can't believe the Minecraft Season 3 thread willed this into existence. This is the greatest timeline.
I'm stunned even more by the fact that in the announcing article, they mention it's a "live-action Minecraft movie" from the normal WB studio (not WB Animation -- i.e. 'The LEGO Movie')
Is it gonna be all live-action?
Is it gonna be one of those cookie-cutter "live-action-to-animation-and-back-again" plots?
And Jason Momoa, not "The Rock"?
Definitely a weird movie news day.
Maybe in a year or two we'll see if it works out.
Excuse me? What is going on?
...Huh, they moved the release date up from September to July? Never seen that before.

I'm really, really hoping the very limited (and recap-ish) nature of this teaser means that Season 3 might have a sequel or two to some of the original shorts.
You know, a couple of months ago, I was thinking of putting some money into Netflix as an investment. The stock was trending downwards but was still a pretty good investment, probably just market correction due to people not streaming as much due to the pandemic winding down.
Ohhhhhhhhh boy am I happy I didn't. Shares are down a massive 35% today because Netflix reported a loss of subscribers for the first time in years (about 200K, and are expecting to lose millions more in this quarter alone). That's a $50 billion loss in market capitalization, and a 60% drop since the start of this year. Things aren't looking so good at Netflix right now, and I think Netflix's dominance of the streaming market has finally come and gone. Now it needs to find a way to compete with everyone else. Hard to do when other companies are starting their own streaming platforms and scooping up their products from Netflix. Hearing talks of them doing a cheaper subscription that will include ads, much like what Disney+ is looking to do.
Part of me wants to think that the 35% drop today was an overreaction, but not enough of me to want to invest in Netflix now.
(Disclaimer: I do not hold any positions on Netflix, and this should not be considered financial advice.)
It definitely is a bit much, and I’m sure the stock will turn around a bit in the coming days (the Wall Street Journal was reporting that, along with people selling, institutions like Fidelity were seeing as many buys in Netflix), but it is still an indicator that things need to be shaken up at Netflix in order to maintain dominance. While they still control the market, their control is waning, and this is a bad sign if they’re looking to hold onto it. Plus with their crackdowns on password sharing and raising their subscription prices, along with external macroeconomic factors like inflation, expect to see more people leaving. A podcast I was listening to earlier today summed it up well: back when they formed, the company was the disruptor, now, they’re being disrupted.
What I would expect to see from the company soon or at some point:
Here’s the thing, a lot of these suggestions will help in bringing in revenue, but just makes Netflix another streaming service, rather than THE streaming service. Netflix needs to do more to make itself standout from the rest, or do better in promoting stuff directly appealing to the individual subscriber.
I am become the Joker
Really fucked up they just torched their animation for reasons just as dumb as that.
(good move to give it more time in the oven, but AAAAHHHHH it's the one film I was extremely excited for this year)
From less than a year away, to over a full year, starting now. least the wait for Part II might still be short?
And only just a couple years ago Netflix was talking about how they would be going all in on animation.
Was really looking forward to it.