-Acts like a douchebag
-Only cares about profit
-Fires you
-Learns to better himself
-"Obviously, money isn't everything."
-Lifts you up
I feel like you can only get this interpretation of Rhys if you chose the most douchebag options in the first game, which says more about the people in charge of the story than it does about Rhys.
-Acts like a douchebag
-Only cares about profit
-Fires you
-Learns to better himself
-"Obviously, money isn't everything."
-Lifts you up
So Rhys dies in the bad ending, despite not even being on Promethea during the blast. He dies in a joke scene. Look at Killer6 stream. His episode playthrough is not over so could be reversed but who knows. This is ridiculous. I'm done with Borderlands.
Edit: if you make good choices he comes back to life off screen
This is what happens when you have people more interested in promoting an agenda rather than honoring the character as they were written. Easier to make him another greedy, power hungry CEO that promotes guns and war to shoehorn in an anti-capitalist message (“a byproduct of a capitalist system that thrives on violence”), rather than stick to the man who rebuilt Atlas to genuinely try and help people in need and become the opposite of Handsome Jack. Fuck that nuance I guess, let’s just make him like every other company leader in this universe, and have him fire one of the main characters to show just how much he loves money and hates people.
-Acts like a douchebag
-Only cares about profit
-Fires you
-Learns to better himself
-"Obviously, money isn't everything."
-Lifts you up
Rhys doesnt actually die, they just show him "die" with everyone else who "dies" before Anu brings them back. It just doesn't specifically show Rhys be brought back, but no he is not actually dead.
I think my biggest questions really is why the fuck Fran or Octavio die off screen. It is actually so comical that it happens and is serious. Last scene is "Good job. We saved the world guys!" one year later"YOOO FRAN FUCKIN DIED YO!!!!"
It honestly does the worst kind of "choice changes the ending" where it just takes random things you did and have 0 rhyme or reason, and then all of sudden this is your ending. Character dies off screen, the end, bye.
So Rhys dies in the bad ending, despite not even being on Promethea during the blast. He dies in a joke scene. Look at Killer6 stream. His e… morepisode playthrough is not over so could be reversed but who knows. This is ridiculous. I'm done with Borderlands.
Edit: if you make good choices he comes back to life off screen
Borderlands only exists because of capitalism. 2k only exists because of capitalism. Randy Pitchford only became rich and was able to make this IP because of capitalism. This game only exists because of capitalism. The devices that play this game only exist because of capitalism. The electricity grids that power these devices are only functional because of capitalism.
Tldr: Copypasta because the message behind this game sucks
This is what happens when you have people more interested in promoting an agenda rather than honoring the character as they were written. Ea… moresier to make him another greedy, power hungry CEO that promotes guns and war to shoehorn in an anti-capitalist message (“a byproduct of a capitalist system that thrives on violence”), rather than stick to the man who rebuilt Atlas to genuinely try and help people in need and become the opposite of Handsome Jack. Fuck that nuance I guess, let’s just make him like every other company leader in this universe, and have him fire one of the main characters to show just how much he loves money and hates people.
They seriously hired someone with a Ph.D. in "Narrative System Design" (joke degree lol) and all they could come up with was a game that plays out the exact same way except for the final scene where deaths happen off-screen.
I haven't seen enough outcomes yet but it's looking like new tales has less meaningful choices than any of the old telltale games.
Rhys doesnt actually die, they just show him "die" with everyone else who "dies" before Anu brings them back. It just doesn't specifically s… morehow Rhys be brought back, but no he is not actually dead.
I think my biggest questions really is why the fuck Fran or Octavio die off screen. It is actually so comical that it happens and is serious. Last scene is "Good job. We saved the world guys!" one year later "YOOO FRAN FUCKIN DIED YO!!!!"
It honestly does the worst kind of "choice changes the ending" where it just takes random things you did and have 0 rhyme or reason, and then all of sudden this is your ending. Character dies off screen, the end, bye.
So this may change as the day goes on, but this may actually end up doing worse than gotg
So 2 things to keep in mind. Play numbers are not the best comparison and PC now has users on EGS. However, vast majority of the time a game releases on EGS and Steam, Steam will take vast majority so I dont see how EGS could have about 400 or more users playing now than Steam. Even if EGS was the same amount, it still is just below what GOTG was so I'd say it would be doing on par, which also isn't good. (Also in general player numbers are never the best way to truly count sales, best we can do is compare.)
That said, even if this game sells super poorly, I don't even know if it matters. It is over priced as hell and although we have no idea how much it actually cost them to make, it feels very cheaply made.
-Acts like a douchebag
-Only cares about profit
-Fires you
-Learns to better himself
-"Obviously, money isn't everything."
-Lifts you up
I think my biggest questions really is why the fuck Fran or Octavio die off screen. It is actually so comical that it happens and is serious. Last scene is "Good job. We saved the world guys!" one year later "YOOO FRAN FUCKIN DIED YO!!!!"
WHAT? That's how they handled character deaths? That seems like a very important part of a story that you'd think they want people to see.
Rhys doesnt actually die, they just show him "die" with everyone else who "dies" before Anu brings them back. It just doesn't specifically s… morehow Rhys be brought back, but no he is not actually dead.
I think my biggest questions really is why the fuck Fran or Octavio die off screen. It is actually so comical that it happens and is serious. Last scene is "Good job. We saved the world guys!" one year later "YOOO FRAN FUCKIN DIED YO!!!!"
It honestly does the worst kind of "choice changes the ending" where it just takes random things you did and have 0 rhyme or reason, and then all of sudden this is your ending. Character dies off screen, the end, bye.
Lou-13 also dies pretty unceremoniously and from what I can tell he dies the same way in any playthrough. He goes OMG NO OCTAVIO and then has his head cut off, because he has to give the incredibly undeserved and 20 second long "You guys.... are my... FAMILY!!!!" speech shit before a grenade blows him up. Staple-Face very, and I mean very stupidly after not appearing since episode 1, nearly 8 fucking hours later just "TAADAAAAA!!!" appears disguised as a Teidore solider to help you escape and then also dies 2 minutes later. Every other side character with 3 minutes of screen time from episode 1 also simply never, ever appears again except for 10 seconds with no dialogue during episode 4's intro. (Side note: Tediore has taken over and is capturing people, yet everyone is then, uncaptured for some reason. Fucking Rhys has his company taken over at the start and Tediore was going to kill him by the sounds of it, but next time we catch up with Rhys, its like it never happened, they just moved on?)
Octavio and Fran's death is chosen by passed events even though what those choices are have nothing to do what happens in the moment for why they would die. I think it is suppose to be implied they died when the space ship crashed even though that is not at all what the scene would even make you think is what was suppose to happen. It is only there to hit the "SAD EMOTIONAL ENDING!!!" even though even after spending hours with these characters, you don't care, and further more, it's off fucking screen. Also in one ending, it seems implied Anu and Fran are together now? I tried going back so it is very possible I missed something (but to be honest, I feel like I didn't) but that felt incredibly random considering this game did not have a romance plot.
This entire game is a check box board of story beats with 0 clue how to reach them, but thinking as long they are checked it totally works. There is 0 coherency.
I think my biggest questions really is why the fuck Fran or Octavio die off screen. It is actually so comical that it happens and is serious… more. Last scene is "Good job. We saved the world guys!" one year later "YOOO FRAN FUCKIN DIED YO!!!!"
WHAT? That's how they handled character deaths? That seems like a very important part of a story that you'd think they want people to see.
Finished episode 1, right now I'd just call it "fine", with some caveats (Rhys being out of character being the big one), there's been a few jokes where I've smiled on the inside to myself, but mostly it's either fine jokes or eyerolling ones. I think my issue on the humor is the same as that 18 minute gameplay, they just don't commit to the jokes enough, frequently retreating for a safer joke and then doing that a few times. Predictably, LOU13 is the best character who tends to get the funnier lines (although they also gave him the biggest stinker to compensate). Other than him, though, the game doesn't really do a good enough job in getting you invested into the characters, despite the decent setups for where these characters are at. I'll have to see if it can setup character relationships better, but I doubt it. It really does go to show how good of a job Telltale did at getting you immediately invested in Rhys and Fiona and the relationships to the rest of the cast within their introductions
I just read the Game Informer review. My guy says the story is " gets distracted, is loose, random, has unimportant subplots, and was confused" and then slaps a 7/10 in the narrative based video game.
Episode 1 is easily the best episode because it actually has something of a plot. Episode 2 is really short and is basically just part 2 of episode 1. 3 - 5 is where I think the plot stops existing in favor of absolute randomness being what drives things forward.
But I will always look forward to Dojo's updates on this game.
Finished episode 1, right now I'd just call it "fine", with some caveats (Rhys being out of character being the big one), there's been a few… more jokes where I've smiled on the inside to myself, but mostly it's either fine jokes or eyerolling ones. I think my issue on the humor is the same as that 18 minute gameplay, they just don't commit to the jokes enough, frequently retreating for a safer joke and then doing that a few times. Predictably, LOU13 is the best character who tends to get the funnier lines (although they also gave him the biggest stinker to compensate). Other than him, though, the game doesn't really do a good enough job in getting you invested into the characters, despite the decent setups for where these characters are at. I'll have to see if it can setup character relationships better, but I doubt it. It really does go to show how good of a job Telltale did at getting you immediately invested in Rhys and Fiona and the relationships to the rest of the cast within their introductions
Finished episode 1, right now I'd just call it "fine", with some caveats (Rhys being out of character being the big one), there's been a few… more jokes where I've smiled on the inside to myself, but mostly it's either fine jokes or eyerolling ones. I think my issue on the humor is the same as that 18 minute gameplay, they just don't commit to the jokes enough, frequently retreating for a safer joke and then doing that a few times. Predictably, LOU13 is the best character who tends to get the funnier lines (although they also gave him the biggest stinker to compensate). Other than him, though, the game doesn't really do a good enough job in getting you invested into the characters, despite the decent setups for where these characters are at. I'll have to see if it can setup character relationships better, but I doubt it. It really does go to show how good of a job Telltale did at getting you immediately invested in Rhys and Fiona and the relationships to the rest of the cast within their introductions
Finished episode 2, continuing to be fine, as expected its role was to establish the lead dynamics and get the McGuffin to kick to plot into gear. Character dynamics are okay, but as expected, not really a huge investment into them, jokes between them range from the eyerolling to the inward smile once again. The design of The Devourer was pretty cool, at least.
I am under the impression that there are no choices that change story until final scene. All the choices center around the relationships the characters have with eachother or they only change 20 seconds of dialogue. Just watch on youtube.
Played and finished the game, felt I had to play it given how much the first one has meant to me. If I'm gonna give it any credit it's that the gameplay trailer unfortunately was accurate. Bad writing, bad direction and a step backwards in gameplay. I still felt it was something I wanted to get through, if not for anything else so at least for a cathartic feeling of playing another TFTB game, which I never thought would be made. I'm not sure if I regret it or not but I can at least say it's not worth the money they're asking for it.
It's astounding how unlikable and unfunny almost everyone and everything is. The pauses between characters talking seen in the trailers seems to some times be left there for you to collect yourself from laughing so much, and sometimes due to technical problems, both ruining any chance of comedic timing. Not that it would've helped much given the lines the voice actors were given. Scene transitions and auto-saving seemed to be difficult for the game as well, given the audio being cut for a split second at many of those instances. I did play on last gen hardware (PS4) but for a game like this it should not be a problem. A few jokes not landing here and there isn't necessarily the worst thing, the reason I love the first game isn't primarily for it's comedy but for it's characters. But in New Tales I don't care about a single one of them, they are uninteresting at best and obnoxious and borderline unbearable at worst.
And the less said about the one dimensional portrayal of Rhys the better. I am not looking forward to whatever they have in store next for this series.
Played and finished the game, felt I had to play it given how much the first one has meant to me. If I'm gonna give it any credit it's that … morethe gameplay trailer unfortunately was accurate. Bad writing, bad direction and a step backwards in gameplay. I still felt it was something I wanted to get through, if not for anything else so at least for a cathartic feeling of playing another TFTB game, which I never thought would be made. I'm not sure if I regret it or not but I can at least say it's not worth the money they're asking for it.
It's astounding how unlikable and unfunny almost everyone and everything is. The pauses between characters talking seen in the trailers seems to some times be left there for you to collect yourself from laughing so much, and sometimes due to technical problems, both ruining any chance of comedic timing. Not that it would've helped much given the lines the voice actors were given. Scene transitions and auto-savin… [view original content]
It’s just hard to understand the business pitch for New Tales. I guess maybe the success of Detroit, Until Dawn and Life is Strange was what drove the decision to make this game, but even then it’s easy to see the difference between those original IPs that started out with this kind of gameplay, to this game that branches out from the main gameplay as far as possible. It couldn’t really capitalize on the original Tales either because it barely connects to it outside of a stinger and one of the protagonists from it being an out-of-character douche.
I’m usually the first to hold up passion over profit, but when you focus on profit and end up with something like this, it’s kinda hard not to ask if they know what they’re doing.
New Tales ruined Rhys beyond repair and I will never be happy again...Games okay. I beat it over the last couple days and despite not vibing with the first few episodes. Episode 3 was fun and I genuinely enjoyed the finale cause in one or two scenes they let the characters feel sad without them throwing stupid quips left and right. It was nice. Game is inoffensive in terms of the new cast. It's extremely gearbox and it gets to be way too much at times but I dunno I had a good time by the end. I wish they would stop touching the original tales characters tho. God you already ruined Rhys! Leave Queen alone!!!
Can confirm this isn't the case. For some reason one of the characters died for me in both final decision branches. Your choices throughout the game do determine aspects but its so damn confusing that I quite don't understand why they died.
I am under the impression that there are no choices that change story until final scene. All the choices center around the relationships the characters have with eachother or they only change 20 seconds of dialogue. Just watch on youtube.
As someone who did enjoy the game. This is an aspect that seriously bothered me. The skateboard rating system makes no sense! I don't understand how the percentages add up to the choices I made and its one of the more annoying aspects of the game.
Rhys doesnt actually die, they just show him "die" with everyone else who "dies" before Anu brings them back. It just doesn't specifically s… morehow Rhys be brought back, but no he is not actually dead.
I think my biggest questions really is why the fuck Fran or Octavio die off screen. It is actually so comical that it happens and is serious. Last scene is "Good job. We saved the world guys!" one year later "YOOO FRAN FUCKIN DIED YO!!!!"
It honestly does the worst kind of "choice changes the ending" where it just takes random things you did and have 0 rhyme or reason, and then all of sudden this is your ending. Character dies off screen, the end, bye.
In general it is something I am not a fan of of choice based games doing things like this and I feel it happens a lot, but I do think New Tales is the worst offender because not only is the ending changed seemingly randomly, it also skips over the execution.
Also what choices did you think mattered? After seeing a few comparisons of choice now I feel like the only choice that actually felt like it changed the direction of the scene was to fuse with the gem thing or not. Telltale had a ton of Choice A for Scene A or Choice B for Scene B, and then went right back on track. New Tales felt like every choice was "20 seconds A or 20 seconds B" and then got on the regular track. Just wondering if there was any choices you made that you felt did something.
As someone who did enjoy the game. This is an aspect that seriously bothered me. The skateboard rating system makes no sense! I don't understand how the percentages add up to the choices I made and its one of the more annoying aspects of the game.
Not any big ones tbh. I just enjoyed the ride for what it was I guess. Obviously stuff is affected but the ways they're are so arbitrary I couldn't even tell you.
In general it is something I am not a fan of of choice based games doing things like this and I feel it happens a lot, but I do think New Ta… moreles is the worst offender because not only is the ending changed seemingly randomly, it also skips over the execution.
Also what choices did you think mattered? After seeing a few comparisons of choice now I feel like the only choice that actually felt like it changed the direction of the scene was to fuse with the gem thing or not. Telltale had a ton of Choice A for Scene A or Choice B for Scene B, and then went right back on track. New Tales felt like every choice was "20 seconds A or 20 seconds B" and then got on the regular track. Just wondering if there was any choices you made that you felt did something.
Can confirm this isn't the case. For some reason one of the characters died for me in both final decision branches. Your choices throughout the game do determine aspects but its so damn confusing that I quite don't understand why they died.

-Acts like a douchebag
-Only cares about profit
-Fires you

-Learns to better himself
-"Obviously, money isn't everything."
-Lifts you up
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself written as a villain.
I feel like you can only get this interpretation of Rhys if you chose the most douchebag options in the first game, which says more about the people in charge of the story than it does about Rhys.
Now after ruining Rhys and Vaughn, Gearbox is off to ruin Fiona next...
It's only a matter of time until Sasha, Loader Bot, and Gortys are next...
This is the worst timeline of all time.
This is the greatest murder case of all time
So Rhys dies in the bad ending, despite not even being on Promethea during the blast. He dies in a joke scene. Look at Killer6 stream. His episode playthrough is not over so could be reversed but who knows. This is ridiculous. I'm done with Borderlands.
Edit: if you make good choices he comes back to life off screen
This is what happens when you have people more interested in promoting an agenda rather than honoring the character as they were written. Easier to make him another greedy, power hungry CEO that promotes guns and war to shoehorn in an anti-capitalist message (“a byproduct of a capitalist system that thrives on violence”), rather than stick to the man who rebuilt Atlas to genuinely try and help people in need and become the opposite of Handsome Jack. Fuck that nuance I guess, let’s just make him like every other company leader in this universe, and have him fire one of the main characters to show just how much he loves money and hates people.
Rhys doesnt actually die, they just show him "die" with everyone else who "dies" before Anu brings them back. It just doesn't specifically show Rhys be brought back, but no he is not actually dead.
I think my biggest questions really is why the fuck Fran or Octavio die off screen. It is actually so comical that it happens and is serious. Last scene is "Good job. We saved the world guys!" one year later "YOOO FRAN FUCKIN DIED YO!!!!"
It honestly does the worst kind of "choice changes the ending" where it just takes random things you did and have 0 rhyme or reason, and then all of sudden this is your ending. Character dies off screen, the end, bye.
Borderlands only exists because of capitalism. 2k only exists because of capitalism. Randy Pitchford only became rich and was able to make this IP because of capitalism. This game only exists because of capitalism. The devices that play this game only exist because of capitalism. The electricity grids that power these devices are only functional because of capitalism.
Tldr: Copypasta because the message behind this game sucks
They seriously hired someone with a Ph.D. in "Narrative System Design" (joke degree lol) and all they could come up with was a game that plays out the exact same way except for the final scene where deaths happen off-screen.
I haven't seen enough outcomes yet but it's looking like new tales has less meaningful choices than any of the old telltale games.
So this may change as the day goes on, but this may actually end up doing worse than gotg
So 2 things to keep in mind. Play numbers are not the best comparison and PC now has users on EGS. However, vast majority of the time a game releases on EGS and Steam, Steam will take vast majority so I dont see how EGS could have about 400 or more users playing now than Steam. Even if EGS was the same amount, it still is just below what GOTG was so I'd say it would be doing on par, which also isn't good. (Also in general player numbers are never the best way to truly count sales, best we can do is compare.)
That said, even if this game sells super poorly, I don't even know if it matters. It is over priced as hell and although we have no idea how much it actually cost them to make, it feels very cheaply made.
. . .
I'm beginning to think that they only watched this scene of Jack taking over Rhys body, not knowing he was possessed, as their basis for him.
Gearbox when asked to revisit the original Tales script to gain inspiration for their rendition.
WHAT? That's how they handled character deaths? That seems like a very important part of a story that you'd think they want people to see.
Lou-13 also dies pretty unceremoniously and from what I can tell he dies the same way in any playthrough. He goes OMG NO OCTAVIO and then has his head cut off, because he has to give the incredibly undeserved and 20 second long "You guys.... are my... FAMILY!!!!" speech shit before a grenade blows him up. Staple-Face very, and I mean very stupidly after not appearing since episode 1, nearly 8 fucking hours later just "TAADAAAAA!!!" appears disguised as a Teidore solider to help you escape and then also dies 2 minutes later. Every other side character with 3 minutes of screen time from episode 1 also simply never, ever appears again except for 10 seconds with no dialogue during episode 4's intro. (Side note: Tediore has taken over and is capturing people, yet everyone is then, uncaptured for some reason. Fucking Rhys has his company taken over at the start and Tediore was going to kill him by the sounds of it, but next time we catch up with Rhys, its like it never happened, they just moved on?)
Octavio and Fran's death is chosen by passed events even though what those choices are have nothing to do what happens in the moment for why they would die. I think it is suppose to be implied they died when the space ship crashed even though that is not at all what the scene would even make you think is what was suppose to happen. It is only there to hit the "SAD EMOTIONAL ENDING!!!" even though even after spending hours with these characters, you don't care, and further more, it's off fucking screen. Also in one ending, it seems implied Anu and Fran are together now? I tried going back so it is very possible I missed something (but to be honest, I feel like I didn't) but that felt incredibly random considering this game did not have a romance plot.
This entire game is a check box board of story beats with 0 clue how to reach them, but thinking as long they are checked it totally works. There is 0 coherency.
Finished episode 1, right now I'd just call it "fine", with some caveats (Rhys being out of character being the big one), there's been a few jokes where I've smiled on the inside to myself, but mostly it's either fine jokes or eyerolling ones. I think my issue on the humor is the same as that 18 minute gameplay, they just don't commit to the jokes enough, frequently retreating for a safer joke and then doing that a few times. Predictably, LOU13 is the best character who tends to get the funnier lines (although they also gave him the biggest stinker to compensate). Other than him, though, the game doesn't really do a good enough job in getting you invested into the characters, despite the decent setups for where these characters are at. I'll have to see if it can setup character relationships better, but I doubt it. It really does go to show how good of a job Telltale did at getting you immediately invested in Rhys and Fiona and the relationships to the rest of the cast within their introductions
I just read the Game Informer review. My guy says the story is " gets distracted, is loose, random, has unimportant subplots, and was confused" and then slaps a 7/10 in the narrative based video game.
Episode 1 is easily the best episode because it actually has something of a plot. Episode 2 is really short and is basically just part 2 of episode 1. 3 - 5 is where I think the plot stops existing in favor of absolute randomness being what drives things forward.
But I will always look forward to Dojo's updates on this game.
I gets worse and worse. Episode 5 jumps the shark so badly. It’s something so silly even for Borderlands standards
Can't wait for this game to go on sale in a week so I can get blitzed and see how bad it is. It'll be Life is Strange all over again.
Ah, one of those.

Finished episode 2, continuing to be fine, as expected its role was to establish the lead dynamics and get the McGuffin to kick to plot into gear. Character dynamics are okay, but as expected, not really a huge investment into them, jokes between them range from the eyerolling to the inward smile once again. The design of The Devourer was pretty cool, at least.
I am under the impression that there are no choices that change story until final scene. All the choices center around the relationships the characters have with eachother or they only change 20 seconds of dialogue. Just watch on youtube.
Played and finished the game, felt I had to play it given how much the first one has meant to me. If I'm gonna give it any credit it's that the gameplay trailer unfortunately was accurate. Bad writing, bad direction and a step backwards in gameplay. I still felt it was something I wanted to get through, if not for anything else so at least for a cathartic feeling of playing another TFTB game, which I never thought would be made. I'm not sure if I regret it or not but I can at least say it's not worth the money they're asking for it.
It's astounding how unlikable and unfunny almost everyone and everything is. The pauses between characters talking seen in the trailers seems to some times be left there for you to collect yourself from laughing so much, and sometimes due to technical problems, both ruining any chance of comedic timing. Not that it would've helped much given the lines the voice actors were given. Scene transitions and auto-saving seemed to be difficult for the game as well, given the audio being cut for a split second at many of those instances. I did play on last gen hardware (PS4) but for a game like this it should not be a problem. A few jokes not landing here and there isn't necessarily the worst thing, the reason I love the first game isn't primarily for it's comedy but for it's characters. But in New Tales I don't care about a single one of them, they are uninteresting at best and obnoxious and borderline unbearable at worst.
And the less said about the one dimensional portrayal of Rhys the better. I am not looking forward to whatever they have in store next for this series.
Good to see you after so much time, I wish the occasion was a bit less bitter sweet
One of the endings musters the words NFTs. Borderlands lore is so cool.
Also New Tales was 91st on best sellers for its launch day on Steam. It was 154 today.
Likewise, hopefully we will have a good experience with Wolf 2 at least.
We probably will, the trailer from February alone makes it pretty clear they're being faithful to the original game.
The boys getting ready to come back to the forums full time when TWAU2 comes out.
lmao at how this thread is now renamed to "Nuclear Fallout"
It is a very low blow, but the title is way too funny
That is pretty funny actually
It’s just hard to understand the business pitch for New Tales. I guess maybe the success of Detroit, Until Dawn and Life is Strange was what drove the decision to make this game, but even then it’s easy to see the difference between those original IPs that started out with this kind of gameplay, to this game that branches out from the main gameplay as far as possible. It couldn’t really capitalize on the original Tales either because it barely connects to it outside of a stinger and one of the protagonists from it being an out-of-character douche.
I’m usually the first to hold up passion over profit, but when you focus on profit and end up with something like this, it’s kinda hard not to ask if they know what they’re doing.
New Tales ruined Rhys beyond repair and I will never be happy again...Games okay. I beat it over the last couple days and despite not vibing with the first few episodes. Episode 3 was fun and I genuinely enjoyed the finale cause in one or two scenes they let the characters feel sad without them throwing stupid quips left and right. It was nice. Game is inoffensive in terms of the new cast. It's extremely gearbox and it gets to be way too much at times but I dunno I had a good time by the end. I wish they would stop touching the original tales characters tho. God you already ruined Rhys! Leave Queen alone!!!
Can confirm this isn't the case. For some reason one of the characters died for me in both final decision branches. Your choices throughout the game do determine aspects but its so damn confusing that I quite don't understand why they died.
As someone who did enjoy the game. This is an aspect that seriously bothered me. The skateboard rating system makes no sense! I don't understand how the percentages add up to the choices I made and its one of the more annoying aspects of the game.
In general it is something I am not a fan of of choice based games doing things like this and I feel it happens a lot, but I do think New Tales is the worst offender because not only is the ending changed seemingly randomly, it also skips over the execution.
Also what choices did you think mattered? After seeing a few comparisons of choice now I feel like the only choice that actually felt like it changed the direction of the scene was to fuse with the gem thing or not. Telltale had a ton of Choice A for Scene A or Choice B for Scene B, and then went right back on track. New Tales felt like every choice was "20 seconds A or 20 seconds B" and then got on the regular track. Just wondering if there was any choices you made that you felt did something.
Not any big ones tbh. I just enjoyed the ride for what it was I guess. Obviously stuff is affected but the ways they're are so arbitrary I couldn't even tell you.
That’s what I meant. Nothing changes until the final scene aside from dialogue