Other At the Inventory Episode ideas
Hey, have you guys noticed the title of this forum is "At The Inventory" and "Poker Night at The Inventory" is a subsection?
I think At the Inventory will be the season name if it goes to a series e.g episodes end with it, like "Darts at The Inventory" or "Dance Contest at The Inventory" or even "Trouble at The Inventory" (for a traditional Telltale point and click episode).
What would you like to see happen At the Inventory?
(P.S. Brilliant idea to do this game Telltale!! Although i admit i was a little disappointed it was just poker, but A) i kinda guessed from the sillhouettes and
i learned how to play from Telltale Texas Hold'em anyway, so i'm good to go
I think At the Inventory will be the season name if it goes to a series e.g episodes end with it, like "Darts at The Inventory" or "Dance Contest at The Inventory" or even "Trouble at The Inventory" (for a traditional Telltale point and click episode).
What would you like to see happen At the Inventory?
(P.S. Brilliant idea to do this game Telltale!! Although i admit i was a little disappointed it was just poker, but A) i kinda guessed from the sillhouettes and

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But any ideas for other episodes?
"Murder at the Inventory"(adventure)
"Race to the Inventory"(racing)
"Other Games at the Inventory"(other, non-Poker games)
Tales of the Inventory (RPG)
The secret of the Inventory (Metroidvannia)
"Robbery at The Inventory" (stealth)
"Rocking at The Inventory" (Music based)
"Apocolypse at The Inventory"? (Survival Horror?)
or how about
"Singles Night at The Inventory" (dating sim XD)
Sounds like a mini-game type dealie!
"Party at the Inventory" (MarioParty-esque)
AHAHHAHAHAHAAAA *Wipes away tears*
That made me laugh so hard!
CSI: The Inventory
For now I guess it's better to [ask mods to] merge this thread with this one (the one that we guess what the inventory IS), so each of us guess what inventory is first then we write about what could happen in next episodes.
PS: keep in mind that all episodes of "at the inventory" is not gonna feature same characters for Ep 1, They might change ...
No, wait, that would suck.
No, wait, that blows.
Inventorymon. You catch videogame characters and make them fight each other and...
Aargh! What is wrong with my imagination today?
Ideas for recipies
Cottage cheese and The Cheat fur
Diaper Pie
Cream gravy
Passion Fruit smothee a la Fruit F***er
Some gunk in a dish
Imaginary internet Cookie for whoever gets all the refrences
Heavy: "You trolls are BABIES! All will fear my GIANT NEW PLUS TWO SWORD!"
SB: "I'm a minmaxer, my max is that I have infinite muscles, and my min is that I can't shake off all the hot ladies that chase me all the time forever."
Max: "I cast magic missile into the darkness!! It was looking at me funny!"
Tycho: "I'm gonna enjoy killing all of you."
Items come scrolling down the screen and you have to click the correct "combine" item from you inventory
Yeah, I'd love some sort of cartoon or machinima series.
I'm guessing its just one game and its poker.
Puzzle agent was just one episode and i believe someone said it is going to be a season eventually so that is void.
The 4 bucks is probably this game and if there be more episodes you will buy them at whatever prices they are.
This way they could make several "Poker Night" games, each with new characters and a new location.
This forum subsection is called "At the Inventory", indicating the series name (if there is a series).
Well right, right. Maybe both. Maybe not.
Reggae Night at the Inventory
Yeaaah, maybe not.
Strong Bad: Boxing gloves?
Heavy: Check.
Strong Bad: Toys of Power?
Max: Check!
Strong Bad: PAX T-shirts?
Tycho: Check.
Strong Bad: Welp, we're done. See you guys tommorow!
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Why did you buy this game?
I LOVE this idea. I know you probably meant it as a joke, but this would be SO COOL.
Woo such lovely ladies as Sybil Pandemik! The Announcer! Chell! and straight from episode three, Alyx Vance!
This. A thousand times this.
Dont forget Morgan LaFlay and Elaine Marly. And Zoey from L4D (hubba hubba
Um, elaine is taken by Guybrush. Sorry to disappoint you.
And cue the Max/Morgan shippers!
(Mind you, what's Doc Brown been up to in the last few years? I mean, he's got to have a place to build his inventions, right? D'you think..... nah, can't be.....)
definitely, music night at the inventory
Strong Bad: Okay so there's only 2 rooms, so who here wets the bed or does other weird crap in there sleep.
Heavy: I grind my teeth in sleep.
Max: I get night terrors that end in sleep shooting.
Tycho: (Glassey eyed) I sodomise people.
Strong Bad: Ooookkaaayyyy... I'm ago sleep on the couch.