Just an idea
Wouldn't it be awsome if Heavy could wear any hat you've got in team fortress 2 in poker night? Or if Strong Bad could wear and of the unlockables from SBCG4AP?
Bonus: An option to make Tycho bald
Bonus: An option to make Tycho bald

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But what happens if Strong Bad is wearing Dangeresque Too's shades (those were a wardrobe item in SBCG4AP, right?) when he loses them?
I'm not sure of the extent of the contract Valve made with those people whose community-made hats they put in the game proper but I have a feeling including those hats to be seen in a game like this might have required reaching everyone and coming to an agreement, or some such.
I still think it'd be funny if the Heavy did occasionally try to make a house of cards on his head after winning a game since those TF2 guys will put pretty much anything on their heads, but, I doubt the joke will go that far (especially when we are within hours of the game's release).
I'd probibly go bonkers from the revelation that I'm a psycic.
From what I understand (I might not have the full picture), Valve's deal with the people who design community items is as follows:
1. They receive a special version of that item which sparkles and has "I made this!" in the description. (All Telltale employees get this version of the Sam and Max items, by the way.)
2. They receive a portion of the profits when their item is bought in the Mann Co. Store.