Update in the works!
You may wish to know...
We’re working on an update for Poker Night to (among other things) clarify how hands with side pots are being resolved. Currently, when multiple players go all-in with different chip totals, the winner of the largest pot (whether the Main Pot or the Side Pot) is being announced as winner of the hand (even when a smaller Main Pot is lost to the best hand). The pots are being divided correctly, but the messaging is causing some confusion. We’re working on making it more clear.
We’re working on an update for Poker Night to (among other things) clarify how hands with side pots are being resolved. Currently, when multiple players go all-in with different chip totals, the winner of the largest pot (whether the Main Pot or the Side Pot) is being announced as winner of the hand (even when a smaller Main Pot is lost to the best hand). The pots are being divided correctly, but the messaging is causing some confusion. We’re working on making it more clear.
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Yes I dont care much on the whole pot issue but would love a fix to the lag.
well what about ant-aliasing or whatever, how do you do that.
The raise/re-raising rules? It's been a long time since I played on an actual table, but I remember re-raises working quite differently.
Also noticed that my graphics card fan speeds up like hell when playing this, the only other games that it goes like that for is Modern Warfare 2 and a few other graphic hungry and texture heavy games.
You might be thinking of how raises work in limit hold'em, whereas Poker Night is no-limit, wherein you can raise without limit high or low, as long as you raise (I think) at least 2x the big blind.
That is very much done on purpose. The text says 'bleeped' as opposed to being asterisks.
Because my command of English is flightier than a drunken bumblebee. THAT'S why.
Anyway, yeah... what he said, Jake.
Hell no they're not being divided correctly. As I posted in another thread earlier today(well yesterday tbh) I lost all my chips(45k) in a 3-way all-in. That's just not possible. The maximum possible should have been 2+3k but the game bugged somehow and I lost it all. I'm 100% sure. No doubt in my mind. If you have some sort of game logs I can dig it up for you.
That had to be a really weird bug. In my game, every time there are multiple all ins, whoever bet the most gets his leftover chips back before the cards are dealt.
EDIT: At least I think I remember that happening in a 3 way all in, I'm 100% sure that does happen when there only two people, but now I'm not so sure if I'm getting myself mixed up.
* The side-pot-winner one
* Sometimes, after Strong Bad wins a hand, the shovel stays floating in middle-air between him and The Heavy.
Ive only had 2 as well
The extreame lag(if you check my steam account you can see Ive been playing for 6 hours, that was ONE tournamnent)
and Max having a chip stuck to his thumb(if he has a thumb)
I also had some another bug, though I'm not really sure what caused it. So after I've lost I watched continuation to see a winner, and after he was announced I've closed the game. The next day when I launched the game and chose to start a new one it asked, if I want to continue old tournament or to start a new one (even though I've never seen this menu options before nor can I now). I've chosen to continue, but it continued the game right from the point when I've lost, like I didn't watch it to the end. So to start a new game I've picked New Game again, it asked again if I want to start a new tournament, so this time I chose Yes. And after that all my stats were nullified, my unlocks locked again. WTF?
P.S. Also, your forums (or registration form?) can't handle the unicode correctly =(
Really? Did Season 3 play smoothly? I thought the requirements are the same.
well for me season 3 runs perfectly smooth, but this game runs as if I am playing on my netbook.(which is BAD)
Of course the number of people who can't play the game at all is more critical, but the announcer "bug" is pretty bad.
I still think they should work on compatibility issues, since the ones who CAN play the game also suffers from framerate and cursor speed. Seriously, I think "LOL, I won the thing, I also got the money, but the game says I didn't, what a story" problem is nothing compared to that. It's rather a gaming disaster, although a narrow one in radius.