"It's About Time" REVIEW thread



  • edited December 2010
    Longpot wrote: »
    Swearword in first 5 mins was bit unexpected though!

    If you're talking about
    "You're gonna see some serious shit"
    ... he says that in the movie. It'd be weird if they took it out.
  • edited December 2010
    Played the beginning portion of the game. Really awesome so far!
    Can't wait to play it all in a view days. Also Biff's voice actor didn't feel that out of place after all.
    But two things I noticed:

    -With the DeLorean just appearing outside wouldn't George and Biff notice?
    Maybe they should've included a scene of Marty taking a long time reading the notes,
    them leaving and then the DeLorean appearing.
    -And right after that Marty just leaves the DeLorean out in the open when going downtown! If I remember correctly from the movie that was a busy street! WITH BURGER KING right next to it lol...

    Is it customary for TellTale to release patches post-release to clean up some glitches etc?
    Like audio failing, spelling errors? It would be waste to not do anything about it with such a stellar production.
  • edited December 2010
    I have just completed the game and enjoyed it. But there is a problem that you have to know English very well to understand the conversations. Language level is a bit hard for me. Also the scenario is very important, so language is important...
  • edited December 2010
    Just finished it. Was a bit short I guess. Except for that it was great!
    The German Voices were very disapointing so I played the English version instead.
    The German actors sounded unmotivated. And at some point Doc was speaking with Martys voice. Then I knew this was screwed up somehow.
    English voices were all great.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm not sure how far through the episode I am, but I have to say that so far it's been FANTASTIC! I've played about 2-3 hours, and it's just so amazing how true this game is to the movies. There's tons of fan service, and the new tale that TellTale has crafted for the game fits right in line with both the style of the movies as well as the complicated plot structure. All of the voice actors are fantastic, and the game does a really great job of putting you in its environment. I'm only 3 hours into the game and I'm convinced that $25 for this game was an absolute STEAL given the amount of content we're getting. AND I hear we're getting some sort of collector's DVD at the end of all this (which I assume is the entire game on DVD, or it might be bonus content I'm not sure). GREAT JOB TELLTALE!!!
  • edited December 2010
    Damn ... sounds great all. Can't we just BUY Episdoe 1 by itself?

    I don't have enough for the whole game in my Paypal, else I would. Even though I opted in to get the FREE episode, I would GLADLY pay for it by itself.
  • edited December 2010
    Just finished it.

    Overall I really enjoyed it. The use of Christopher Loyd as Doc, and AJ as Marty (who overall did a great job) was really nice. Also, the use of the official theme was a completely vital touch, and really made me feel like I was playing the next movie, I guess? If that makes any sense. Only downside in this regard was the voice of Biff/Kid Tannen. Wasn't really close to the original, but I guess they did what they had to if Tom Wilson wouldn't do the game.

    The puzzles overall I thought were just the right amount of difficulty, minus some confusion that I had with the soup kitchen puzzle (getting the booze out of the bar). Everything else was spot on and had a good balance of difficulty vs intuitiveness. Like others have said, it was a bit short, but was a good experience.

    I'm just wondering now why we have to wait until February for the next chapter.
  • edited December 2010
    This was everything I hoped it would be.

    Okay, so the puzzles may be a bit easy, and there were a few odd or annoying things here or there, but it has exactly the BTTF feel I was hoping for.

    I'll probably play it again tomorrow and share a more detailed review.
  • edited December 2010
    Came across a few game glitches, like every so often the characters mouth would move, but no voice would play. Easily solved by turning subtitles on. The story was brilliant, I really felt sorry for young doc. Also typo in the credits. It says Get Tannen! is coming out February 2010, when it should be 2011 unless this is meant to be some sort of time travel joke.
  • edited December 2010
    The game looks a lot like the real movie. A great sense of details and a lot of work in it: voice graphics, etc. but for the game itself , it's too limear and easy. Looks like the game is from the 80's also. You have to be a BTTF maniac to love the game.
  • edited December 2010
    The game is awesom, i loved the story, loved the puzzles, loved the "Weird science" Poster :D, loved the song of the jukebox.

    I can't wait for the next episode !
  • edited December 2010
    Just finished the first episode. Love the story so far and I can't wait for the next episode!!
    I feel terrible for Emmett though; why'd Marty have to screw up and tell him (sort of) the truth? I mean, yeah, he felt guilty knowing Emmett won't hear from the real patent office, but older Doc had already implied that.
  • edited December 2010
    Loved it! Just played it all the way through, so many cool moments already! Gaaaahhh! Got to wait till february till the next installment! LOL.

    *very minor spoiler*
    There were two small instances were the dialogue was missing or glitched in a scene with Tannen.

    But overall it looks to be a very faithfull and VERY interesting addition to the bttf series.

    "Hang in there Doc!" - Marty McFly
  • edited December 2010
    Finnished with episode 1 :( and sadly must wait for another month. Good game. Sleeptime
  • edited December 2010
    - Pretty short

    - Some things feel a little forced (One of the worst being Einstein and his GPS smelling)

    - I'm sorry but I hate when there's A LOT of places ! And you can visit only two in the whole episode >< It's so frustrating ... It's like the cabin on the screaming Narwhal in ToMI... (and actually it's also like the first episode of ToMI ...)

    - My main problem is that, as expected, it's totally written as "a movie", and there's not much going on in the episodes ... It's written as a whole, not as episodes... so it gives the impression that there is something "lacking". (so far at least)

    - It's way too short and easy.

    - The interactions with the other characters (except for Doc) were way too limited.

    - I'm kinda not liking how 1986 was completely meaningless and how we only saw, surprisingly since their clone models show up in 31, George and Biff ... (and Edna, who will obviously play a big part...)

    Actually I don't like the fact that everything from 1931 is gonna screw up, and that each episode tries to fix it. It feels redundant.

    - Aj sounds nothing like Mj Fox when he's not yelling. It's just not the same voice. Mj's voice is less high and much softer. Though he's very talented, and I guess it's somewhat close, he's doing a great job and I'm not sure they could have done it better so I'm fine with it.

    - The dupplicate Delorean... Ahem. Weak.

    - We don't get to see much Hill valey, it's pretty limited... (especially for an adventure game)
    The fun everybody ever imagined about "seeing Hill Valley in different time eras" definitely isn't there. But I guess we have to wait a little for that.

    - Marty's mouth, for god's sake. Don't have him keep his mouth open in almost every scene, he looks stupid and it's ugly. Also, he looks rather depressed when walking ^^ .

    Anyway it felt great, and I'm sure other episodes will get better and better ! I liked the "action" part at the end, though we should have had more, like the chasing with Kid.

    Looking forward for the others !
  • edited December 2010
    and it was AWESOME!! i seriously enjoyed it!, all the little things, all the details of previous movies, everything great.

    My tip is than you talk about everything with everyone, some explanations about common questions like say... where did this delorean came from? and what happened to doc's family? wont be explained if you don't ask about it.

    Overall it was great, i loved it. I friggin love than you could choose your fake name! xD i choosen Michael Corleone from the godfather, just hillarious!, can't wait for the next episodes, the climax at the end got me totally pumped out, gave that same feeling the first movie did. Awesome move on the preview of the next episode too! CANT FRIGGIN WAIT >.<
  • edited December 2010
    ....I just played a game with damn near zero actual gameplay time. The closest thing to an actual puzzle was midway through(the alcohol puzzle). Everything else more or less played itself, and I was often left wondering "Why did I even have to take control of Marty for that one?" This is something of a new low for Telltale from a puzzle design standpoint. I truly, honestly feel actively insulted by this game, I feel like it is looking down on me and treating me like a 10 year-old child. Its assuming I'm stupid and talking to me as though it's worried that if I have to put more than two thoughts together at the same time, I might get a headache.

    Maybe they should open a CGI movie studio instead.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm right up to where you meet Doc in 1931.

    As a preface to my eventual later thoughts, PC gaming in general can do DIAF. I'm a console gamer through and through. But I gotta admit, once I got past the massive headache that was installation, the game is TOTALLY worth it so far.
  • edited December 2010
    That aint a bad idea. But hey, it was released fast ... guess they didn't have much (haha) "time".
  • edited December 2010
    Just finished the game, and smiled through nearly all of it with the numerous references to the movies. Whilst I do agree it is very easy (too easy for hardened adventurers), I do think it was open to a wider audience and therefore couldn't have been too difficult to start with. I hope they ramp up the difficulty later on and this was just an adventure game 101 for non-Telltale folk. I'm very glad I turned off the hints straight away! :)

    - It was a little short. Hoping for more content in future episodes.
    Strayth wrote: »
    - Aj sounds nothing like Mj Fox when he's not yelling. It's just not the same voice. Mj's voice is less high and much softer. Though he's very talented, and I guess it's somewhat close, he's doing a great job and I'm not sure they could have done it better so I'm fine with it.

    - I would have to say it's the complete opposite for me. AJ's voice is absolutely perfect in the softly spoken bits, but sometimes when he shouts I think he sounds less like Marty. At points in the game I forgot completely that it wasn't MJF.

    - There were a number of sound bugs. Lots of cutoff sounds at the end of scenes, or sounds that repeated themselves at the beginning of scenes. At one point I think Tannen says something when by the pavilion but no sound comes out.

    - The movement system is a step backwards for me. I hate the way when the scenes changed, the keys reversed. I was actually a fan of the TOMI control system, and I hope they bring that back. It will be interesting to see what happens on the PS3 port (which I will buy as well).

    - The right click to run did not work for me. Anyone get this working?

    - I also had 1st hand experience of the bug with not being able to activate the game, and the fact that you had to run it as an administrator in Windows 7, but that was an easy fix.

    - The Delorean explanation I thought was a little weak too. I'd like to hear TTG/Bob's thoughts on that one!

    My favorite bit was seeing Strickland in a dress!! :D

    All in all I'm very happy with the game. I think it really sets it up for a blinding season, and I'm only disappointed I have to wait until Feb for the next installment.
  • edited December 2010
    I finished it a bit ago, and the only thing I really had trouble with was the alcohol puzzle. That had stumped for a while, and I'm not even exactly sure how I triggered the way to show the solution.

    I just walked aimlessly back and forth, until something happened and I figured it out. xD

    Either way, this was great. I have no complaints right now, but I'm running low on steam from being awake so long.

    Overall, I loved it. I can't wait for February.
  • edited December 2010
    awesome episode. man just when things really start picking up they drop the "To Be Continued" on us. That was one hell of a cliffhanger. Can't wait for february.
  • edited December 2010
    I haven't finished episode 1 yet but I'm thrilled to talk about what I think so far. First off, the positives. It's a very nice story which has managed to include a lot of main characters already. The voice acting is wonderful. The sound-alike for Marty is spot on! It's also great hearing Christopher Lloyd return to his role as Doc. The environments have been lovingly created with a lot of attention to detail. It was exciting seeing a new 'old' Hill Valley to fill the space between 1885 and 1955. It all seems quite logical, right down to the soup kitchen sitting in place of the diner. The hint system is a nice touch and helps avoid frustration on my part. I agree with the inclusion of the swearing and was very glad it was not altered. Seeing the video Marty shot at the Twin Pines Mall was a very nice touch and a great intro. I love all the little touches and nods to the original films right down to some of the character movements.

    So far one of my only complaints is the walking control. I can't seem to get my controller working with the game and there seems to be a mouse lag for me. I end up using the arrow keys a lot but it's awkward to go back to the mouse between walking and doing things. I look forward to the PS3 version because I really like what Telltale did with the controls on the Monkey Island games to fit a PS3 controller. I wish episode 1 had a controller feature to use something besides the mouse and keyboard. That's really my only concern. Maybe someone has found a way around it by now. I'm currently running it on a Mac Mini with the latest everything so it's strange to have such a laggy mouse cursor.

    Anyhow, I'm having a blast. Until now my favorite BTTF game was the pinball machine! I suffered through the NES titles, the Genesis port of Part III and even the import for the SNES. This blows them all away. After 25 years we finally have a BTTF game that does the franchise justice. Thanks, TT!
  • edited December 2010
    When I didnt know what time period the game was going to. I wanted and mentioned here on the forums 1930s cause I felt it had the most history to explore. But the way doing it with the name... from Godfather... priceless.. Then the mention of Dr.McCoy is \o/ But Im ENJOYING the most how Telltale team managed to bring back a NEW adventure of Doc and Marty and keep a similar feel. Instead of Young McFly.. Young Brown.. similar friendship. Awesome!

    Now granted.. the 1st time Travel scene was abit meh.. needed more to it somehow.

    Also something else that bugged me.. Before Marty goes to the 1930s... Marty has NEVER been one for "Dressing the time period" He normally wore something.. and Doc had to help him get in the right time period somehow. Maybe this could be addressed somehow in the next eppies. Unless Marty finally understands. Heh.

    Also Thanks that Clara and the Kids are mentioned, funny to see them talk about which school to goto. Also talking about 2011!

    Anyways so far Im hyped and dont wanna goto sleep yet! Damn game.

    Keep up with the good new references from items we know about! That and pop culture references!
  • edited December 2010
    I have to agree with a lot of people here - this game nails the spirit of "Back of the Future." Not so much for the movie references, but just the humor and ideas that work their way into the plot.

    As for movie references, I pretty much expected the first episode to be jam-packed with fan-service, and from the looks of the episode 2 preview, it'll extend into there as well. Although fan-service in Telltale Games tend to end after an episode or two, so I'm really looking forward to Episode 3. For what fan-service there was, it was handled very well and with unexpected twists, such as:
    -Recreating the parking lot scene from the viewpoint of Marty (and even being able to change his dialogue)
    -Seeing Biff turn the mind-reading helmet into a beer hat
    -Getting Biff to play your guitar and get blasted by the amplifier
    -Being able to choose your celebrity name! (I love this one!)

    My only gripes are few. The game is incredibly short and easy, and I solved a lot of puzzles just by exploring instead of planning out my solution (sort of like with "They Stole Max's Brain.") And then there's the light concern of how much time the series will spend in 1931 when I was hoping for a new time period each episode - but hey - maybe Telltale has a plan. We'll see.

    Anyhow, I still had a great time playing the game. It took me about 3 hours to finish and there were a few laugh-out loud moments. It does feel like we're taking off into a new Back to the Future adventure and I can't wait to see how it turns out.
  • edited December 2010
    To be honest I had my doubts about the whole 1930s and kid Tannen thing but they NAILED IT! Perfect way to continue the story without going too overboard. I was so happy I could talk to Doc about the events after the movie too! Like :spoil-o:what Clara and Doc did after the movie, visiting Marty and Jennifer in the future.:spoil-o: It always saddened me at the end of the film trilogy thinking Doc Brown would never see Marty again. I'm speechless. Thank you so much Telltale and all the supporting cast and writers!

    Also, I hope my spoiler tag worked for you guys don't get any unwanted information yet!
  • edited December 2010
    Here is my honest, open, true review.

    It's too. Damn. Easy. This is the easiest adventure game I have ever played. I'm not joking or ribbing. I'm serious. I enjoyed it a lot for what it was, but it wasn't an adventure game.
  • edited December 2010
    Please use spoiler tags in the future... or was it the past?
  • edited December 2010
    Here is my honest, open, true review.

    It's too. Damn. Easy. This is the easiest adventure game I have ever played. I'm not joking or ribbing. I'm serious. I enjoyed it a lot for what it was, but it wasn't an adventure game.
    I think you're being way too soft on it, but that's just me.
  • edited December 2010
    Overall: Too short and too easy, as always, but this time it was very very short and very very easy. Especially with that new hint system. But a great experience, nonetheless.

    The introduction was spectacular. I had fun the entire episode, as well. A good cliffhanger with an interesting preview of the next episode.
  • edited December 2010
    I totally, completely love this game! Telltale Games team Thank you for finally making the perfect Back To The Future game..the best money I ever spent, I'm so glad I have this for PC instead of Xbox360, I like being able to point and click rather then use a Controller. and the opening of the game, when Einstein didn't come back with the car, that totally got me! my heart skipped a beat.. lol this game has emotion and everything that was missing from the old past bttf games..you did it Telltale! you broke the barrier! i couldn't be anymore satisfied. i'm so sorry for all my past complaints about the game not being on XBLA and the changes, i'm so sorry and thank you again Bob Gale, Christopher Lloyd, AJ and the entire TT Team,..Thank you.
  • edited December 2010
    Its a little too easy and shorter than I expected I mean I beat it in a night, a new Sam and Max usally takes me half a day and puzzle agent took me 3 days to beat so thats a little dissapointing. But it beats running in a street collecting clocks.
    I'd Give It 8/10
  • edited December 2010
    I think it was great, but holy crap, it was short, I think this game was probably one of the shortest games that I have ever played.
  • edited December 2010
    I agree with the OP.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm ignoring the new hint system all together and taking my time with this as it does sound like it's quite short.

    I'm still very pleased with the outcome so far. I did catch the dialog about how the "new" DeLorean came into existence. Granted, it's a bit of a stretch, but I'm still happy that they at least acknowledged it and thought of SOMETHING and didn't just ignore it all together.

    I love how faithful the game is to the spirit of BttF. My one criticism would be that it plays it a little "safe", reusing a lot of the same plot beats as the movie. That's not really a bad thing considering the movies actually made a habit of doing the same thing in each film. I also understand why they did that, particularly for the first episode, but I do hope that they 'color outside the lines' a bit in the following episodes.
  • edited December 2010
    Overall: Too short and too easy, as always, but this time it was very very short and very very easy. Especially with that new hint system. But a great experience, nonetheless.

    The introduction was spectacular. I had fun the entire episode, as well. A good cliffhanger with an interesting preview of the next episode.
    This is pretty much my exact review, too. Short, yes, easy, yes, but hey, it was a decent (OK, better than decent :)), well-made "Back to the Future" game, and I loved it on that point alone. Can't wait for the next episode.

    My only question is, where did Marty get the 1931 clothes? :confused:
  • edited December 2010
    :spoil-o:what Clara and Doc did after the movie, visiting Marty and Jennifer in the future.:spoil-o:

    Not only the future, he even says 2011. Wouldn't it be fantastic to end this series with a glimpse of a grown up Marty McFly voiced by Michael J. Fox? I really hope that's where they're heading with this.
  • edited December 2010
    Its a little too easy and shorter than I expected I mean I beat it in a night, a new Sam and Max usally takes me half a day and puzzle agent took me 3 days to beat so thats a little dissapointing. But it beats running in a street collecting clocks.
    I'd Give It 8/10

    I was hoping for some references to the crappy NES game. Maybe some guys carrying a glass pane in the background. Or a bee hive in the courthouse yard tree that whenever you get it Marty swats at some bees.
  • edited December 2010
    I loved damn near every bit of it, so let me try not to repeat everyone else too much.

    - The pretty new launcher! If this means that we can DL the new eps/patches from here instead of coming to the website, then it's totally awesome.

    - Kudos for making
    Present Biff
    interesting and still antagonistic without contradicting the submissiveness he shows towards
    . I take back my qualms about Kid Beyond, he owned his roles.

    - Doc Brown's characterization was quite well-done (nice snark on his part as well!), when you could've just taken the easy way out and hearkened back to the scene-chewing in Part II and the Ride. Both Emmett's had amazing VAs (and
    young Emmett
    sounds way more like Mr. Lloyd than I thought!).

    - I enjoyed how I could trigger the initial convo w/
    young Emmett
    at any point while he walked his path...and the characters and camera kept moving! Hard to describe this quality--dynamics, I suppose? Keep up the dynamics.

    - I thought the puzzles were solid enough without being Strong Bad easy. Felt good when I solved the head-scratchers (for me, anyways) and got rewarded by another awesome cutscene.

    - I kinda dig
    young Edna
    . Legitmately caring, strong sense of justice, but a real prude. A good balance, I think. Please don't make her an overt bitch down the line!

    - VERY pretty thanks to the art style--even on the lowest of settings.

    - The re-downloading bug. You've still got over a month to patch it, but it's still a bummer, guys.

    Kid Tannen's
    audio cuts out when repeating the
    gazebo/chase/Einstein scene
    . I think it may have cut out
    first sentences when
    Marty first enters the lab
    as well.

    Old Edna's
    VA could get just a bit too hokey at times, making her stand out in a not-so-good way from the rest of the amazing voice work.
  • edited December 2010
    First thing is I must be the only Windows 7 User not having any problems. I've started the game up three times since installing and haven't had an issue yet but of course knock on wood.

    I really enjoyed the story and the whole ending sequence is one of my favorite of all times. It sorta reminded me of BTTF 2. The only complaint I can make was one section where a certain scene needed to be activated wasn't clear on where you needed to be to make it work right. That was a little frustrating but I"ll forgive that because otherwise the game was great.

    Anybody that is a fan of the movies should see this. My Dad loves these films but he isn't a gamer so I'm going to have to force him to sit down and watch me play through the episode because I know he will like it.
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