Troubles downloading Walking Dead episode 4

I love the walking dead games, i truly do, but there is one problem i always seem to have... The downloading. It happened with episode 2 the first time and it took days to download. A message saying "Connection lost while downloading data. Please ensure you have a working internet connection and re-attempt download." and whats worse is it doesn't go anywhere! It starts at 0.00% (Which is probably not supposed to happen...) and then flashes to 10% for a millisecond then the message pops up. I don't know what i did to make Episode 2 work but i think it had something to do with me re-downloading the entire game. But i really don't want to do that now, with all the progress I've made. I really just want to play the game and i would expect more from a website that specializes has downloadable games. i really hope this problem gets fixed because the sooner i can play the game the better. Thanks.


  • edited October 2012
    Im having same problem! I Preordered and have downloaded the other three episodes with no issues like this. I hope they fix it, ive emailed support. It seems to be issue for alot of others as well
  • edited October 2012
    I'm having the exact same issue!!
  • edited October 2012
    I am having the same issue on PC version.
  • edited October 2012
    Same here. I'm having that issue on my PC version.
    Is there anyway we can fix it or do we just have to wait for support?
  • edited October 2012
    I am getting the same message when I try to download episode 4 for the PC. WTH is going on??? It's been 2 days now and am getting the same message! over and over!
  • edited October 2012
    I received an e-mail from Telltale saying, "We are aware that a small number of players are experiencing this issue," and my response to that is: I don't care if I'm the ONLY one (which I'm clearly not), it needs to be resolved since the problem clearly isn't on my end (I've also downloaded the first 3 episodes without a problem). The e-mail also said, "Please ensure you have a strong internet connection and are logged into your Telltale account before attempting the download again. Also, you can try connecting to another network," and I am logged in, clearly my internet is fine (I'm posting this), and I have no other network other than my home internet connection (is that what that means?).
  • edited October 2012
    I figured it was because of the massive amount of players trying to download it on the day of release so I usually wait a couple of days before I try as well, but its still not working for me either...
  • edited October 2012
    It's happening to me too on PC version. This is happening to a lot of people, so Telltale is wrong.
  • edited October 2012
  • edited October 2012
    Wait a sec... Weren't there three pages in this thread? What happened? I replied twice.
    Was it another thread??

    I'm still having the issue. My Internet is fine.

    Ah, I see now. They moved the other thread into the "Tech Issues" area. Seems sort of like a bad idea considering it's a major issue that a lot of people are having. Doesn't hurt to keep the biggest thread alive in here for people to easily find.

    I never thought I'd be one of these people but... What the heck is going on? No word form anybody? Frustrating.
  • edited October 2012
    I am having this issue as well. You'd think if they didn't want to lose money, they'd fix all this before releasing it. I was really excited about playing the new episode, and now I can't. I've no issues until this. Really disappointed.
  • edited October 2012
    I have the same problem, my internet connection is fine, and the download still gives me the same message at around 30% "download Connection lost while downloading data. Please ensure you have a working internet connection and re-attempt download."
    I too have never had any problems downloading the first 3 chapters. Please fix this Telltale, because we are clearly many frustratet fans at the moment.

    Later...well now suddently it gives me the aforementioned message instantly when It reaches 10% download. Please help!

    Kind regards
  • edited October 2012
    The fact that we are forced into using this downloader, and are forced to log into the game everytime we want to play it (meaning I can't play this shit on the train) means that they should work doubletime to make it at least acceptable to use. They haven't.
  • edited October 2012
    Add me to the long list of paying customers that cannot download Episode 4 due to the connection issue.

    Telltale Games: Please acknowledge the problem, post something somewhere to assure us that it is being addressed, or better yet, fix the problem. My confidence in your company has declined substantially! I have been a gamer for a long, long time and never seen a company treat such a major issue with such silence.

    Very disappointing!
  • edited October 2012
    I contacted the support and got a quick reply saying they are aware of and working on the issue:
    I do apologize for this problem. We are aware that a small number of players are experiencing this issue, and we are currently investigating a solution. Please ensure you have a strong internet connection and are logged into your Telltale account before attempting the download again. Also, you can try connecting to another network.
  • edited October 2012
    Throwing my name in the screwed up download issue. I'm a patient man but I think TT needs a console and computer team if they are going to keep doing these releases. this has been the worst time I've had with them. Problem is it's a daggone great game, so I can't be hugely mad peeved and hoping they figure everything out for Season 2.
  • edited October 2012
  • edited October 2012
    I just want to be able to play episode 4 like everyone else....this is extremely frustrating to me.
  • edited October 2012
    Hey I keep trying to download episode 4 and it says to check my internet connection and that the connection was lost. My internet is just fine. What's going on? I WANT TO PLAY THIS EPISODE!!

    Please get back to me soon I really want to play.
  • edited October 2012
    What goin' on? %<
    I cant download on PC...goddangit!!!
    It been 2 days already!!! This is a highly perplexing matter sir, it's not excellent news.
  • edited October 2012
    Same for me. No problem with episodes 1 2 and 3 and then... Connection lost on epsiode 4 before it even tries to download anything...

    And YES my internet connection is working fine ! (for everything else)
  • edited October 2012
    I'm on the PC version - running Windows 7 64-bit. Have downloaded and played the first three episodes just fine. Episode four does not even try to download and comes up with the error message that has been repeated in this thread. Seems there is a definite problem with their delivery system in game or on their end.:confused::confused::confused::mad::mad::mad:
  • edited October 2012
    Just found this :

    It worked for me so give it a try !

    (I downloaded the files, did not use python script)
  • edited October 2012
    Still can't Download the episode because it says I have no internet connection. But I clearly am on the internet as I am making this post...

    I dont understand why TWD hates me so much...

  • edited October 2012
    I cannot download episode 4 ! What is going on !!!! WANNA PLAY !
  • edited October 2012
    Blanol wrote: »
    Just found this :

    It worked for me so give it a try !

    (I downloaded the files, did not use python script)

    I thought it worked (said installed), but went to Play, and the button said "Get" and wouldn't connect. Crappy.

    I was surprised to see in my PC Game that it was telling me to go to the Playstation Store to download it. Telltale needs to fix this ASAP for everyone.
  • edited October 2012
    CJDJ wrote: »
    I thought it worked (said installed), but went to Play, and the button said "Get" and wouldn't connect. Crappy.

    I was surprised to see in my PC Game that it was telling me to go to the Playstation Store to download it. Telltale needs to fix this ASAP for everyone.

    I just deleted the file in the Temp dir, downloaded the files in data\WalkingDead104
    and the ran the game. The "get" button when clicked changed to "installed" and I was able to play episode 4 (with my savegames)

    Just read carefully the install instructions
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited October 2012
    Here's a simple workaround for the instant "connection lost" issue.
  • edited October 2012
    This sucks, I have had issues before with downloading previous eps but they would throw the error at 60% or so and a retry would end with a successful download, however this eps 4 cannot get anything 0%
  • edited October 2012
    It's not only PC, I'm on a Mac and can't download episode 4 either.
    For all you people who are new to this problem: Welcome! Come join the frustration team.
    I myself have only last week been able to download episode 3, after a month of trying. But, here comes the good part... The download works, but now my saves aren't recognized anymore, so I have to start all over if I want to play episode 3. Well, I like the game, so if I can find the time somewhere in the next couple of months, that's not a big deal. Shitty thing is, I can't download episode 4, so I'm back at the beginning of my problems again.
  • edited October 2012
    As it seems there are many of us with this issue. I've supported Telltale since Bone games. I'm afraid will not do so anymore
  • edited October 2012
    What bullshi.....t. Telltale fix your Crap....
  • MattPMattP ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff
    edited October 2012
    We have isolated the issue that was preventing people from downloading Episode 4. Please shut down and re-launch the game application. A new patch will automatically download and then you should be able to download all episodes through the in-game menu. I do apologize for the delay in sorting this out.
  • edited December 2012
    Yep, this is a "funny" issue. After downloading episode 3 which was bloody hard to get, I started downloading episode 4 and to my surprise it did at 99% already!!. Needless to say, It did not finish downloading. To me telltale's download system is still in diapers when compared to Steam which is more efficient, but I hope this problem will be solved by the time I have finished playing episode 3...I mean, tonight.
  • edited December 2012
    I am having this same issue... on the iPad, of all things!

    I downloaded all 5 episodes fine, and played episodes 1-4. When I started episode 5, I noticed that a whole bunch of my earlier choices were incorrect (I ended episode four with Ben, Kenny, Christa and Omid. I began episode five with only Christa and Omid).

    I was told by someone from Telltale that I should go back to episode four, "rewind" and replay the ending and make sure to let the final credits roll completely. I went back to episode four, but there was no "rewind" option. There was only "get." I pressed "get" and then it told me it was trying to download the game. Which is strange, because I already installed it and played it. It stayed stuck at 0.00% for a few minutes, and then gave me the "Connection lost" error that others have reported.

    Episode 5 works fine, and I suppose I could just play that one, but I would like to play the game with the choices I made intact.

  • edited December 2012
    Nevermind - got it sorted! I just did a "hard reset" of the iPad, and when I started the application again the episode loaded up fine! I was able to "rewind" episode 4 and made sure to wait for the credits to finish before starting episode 5. Kenny and Ben were dutifully there, just like they should have been!

    And while this isn't the proper place to post this - WOW, what an ending. Thanks TellTale, for an amazing series.
  • edited March 2013
    Right now I am pissed off....they took my money no problem when trying to download episode 4. Yet it will not download, the download has stalled. But my money vanished very quick!!!!!! What the heck. Fix it or refund my I tunes credit.
  • edited May 2013
    So anyway Im trying to download the chapters for the WD game Ive got it on the IPhone but its taking so bloody long what the heck it going on here ?

    Why dont they have the full version up on ITunes ? This is very painful.

    anyone know why ect ? :mad::mad::mad::mad:
  • edited May 2013
    Same here... I thought after all this time the issue would be solved.
    I can not dowload episode 4... I've been trying for 4 days now :(

    Is TellTale ever going to fix that ???
  • Okay so I've been trying to download episode 4 , and it keeps giving me no internet connection , why is that?! Is there anyway I can fix this or download the episode ???????!!

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