How do you feel about future Seasons?
I did a quick look around and did not see this.
I was thinking about this last night. Looking through the forum and the posts it's clear TWD game that TTG has created is developing a cult like following just as Rockstars GTA or EA Sports Madden.
Would you like to see TTG create a series of TWD season's? If yes do you think it is possible to sustain the same writing quality of past seasons?
How would you feel if TTG stopped making TWD games.
I was sitting back thinking that all good things come to a end but then I realized that sometimes they don't. Just look at Rockstar releasing GTA V clearly they are not going to stop there. Then I thought TTG could create a series of TWD games like GTA. Then I realized I would feel awful if TTG stopped creating new seasons of TWD. It would make me livid just like if Rockstar was not working on a GTA VI. I find myself looking as forward to S2 of TWD game as much as season 4 of the television show.
I wanted to see what others thought.
I would be okay with Telltale ending TWD after Season 2 (I would have actually been okay with them ending it after Season 1). I do have some concern that the writing might get a little stale if every season revolves around trying to protect Clementine from the horrors of the zombie apocalypse. They should end it before it gets tired and old.
What would be cool, though, is if instead of retiring the universe altogether, they just end Clementine's story (story, NOT life) and start anew with a brand new cast of characters, telling their story from the beginning of the apocalypse. There's still quite a bit that can be done in the Walking Dead universe and showing how different survivors experienced the apocalypse would stop things from getting old.
Of course, making new episodes of the Walking Dead and not having Clementine in them might not go over so well with the "No Clemmy = no buy" crowd...
As I see it, the TWD universe is very fitting for a very long run of games/shows/comics. After all, any story taking place during a zombie apocalypse doesn't need to take place in Georgia for example - you have an entire world to run from zombies in. Also, it seems that judging from the DLC that the world is starting to recover after 400 days (a little too long if I may say so, but that's another discussion), and that recovering could take a few seasons as well. Either way, I'd say the possibilities for games taking place here are endless. Compare for example with the TV show MASH, which took place during the Korean War, which lasted between 1951-1953 - but the show ran for ten seasons. See the problem there? In Kirkman's zombieverse however, we are not bound by time or geography, so a lot more could be squeezed out of it.
That is of course as long as there are competent, willing and motivated writers on the team who are able to create interesting stories and characters - more than one long-running TV show have suffered from fatigue or a decline in quality after a few seasons - MASH of course, but also The X-files and I'm sorry to say The Walking Dead are among these.
However, being a long-runner is not really a problem - The Simpsons are on their 25th(!) season, and can still make people laugh, simply because the writers on the team are very competent. Likewise, Rockstar have struck gold with their GTA series, partly because their stories have been good enough to captivate the players, even in single-player mode. So it is very doable.
I liked season 1 of the TV-series and thought that the Walking Dead season 3 was an improvement compared to season 2 (which had too much Lori, Shane, Rick love triangle stuff and too few walkers), but I don't know if season 4 will suffer from fatigue or not. I think it's too soon to say if it's declining like The X-Files did in it's final seasons.
In any case, while I expect Season 2 of the game to be great, I hope that they don't make Season 3 right after it. Pause after the second season gives time for writers to invent new creative storylines and helps to ensure that players don't get bored to the series. What I mean is that if you publish the same game over and over again with only slight cosmetic changes, at some point people will lose interest.
While I hope that we shall see Season 3 at some point in the future, I really want to see Season 4 of Sam & Max or Season 2 of Monkey Island (if they still have rights to make Monkey Island games) after Season 2 of The Walking Dead.
Telltale doesn't have the rights to make more Monkey Island games, unfortunately. The good news is that they do have the rights to make more Sam & Max games, as evidenced by Sam & Max's inclusion in Poker Night 2, which was released earlier this year.
I can't really see them ending the game after two seasons, with 400 days DLC we have new characters and a new story to tell, so it makes sense for S2 to only focus on the new characters and well knowing telltale there will be cliffhangers just like in S1. so another season to put an end to all unanswered questions in S1&2 would be obvious, I really don't know how many seasons they can get out of this without it becoming...monotonous.
I don't think TWD fans are anything like GTA fans we have more common sense than they do.
Nah, two seasons is more than enough for me. To be honest, I didn't even WANT a season two. Season one was a perfect story in of itself.
I would be alright with both ways. A third plus more seasons would be okay, a stop after season two would be ok.
I never really was in to GTA but I did buy GTA V to see what all the fuss was about. It is a really fun game.
If they can keep writing great content I would be psyched to get additional TWD seasons. Hopefully as long as people are excited for more TTG will keep making them.
I can see them doing more than two seasons for sure this is their money making baby. I think after Season 2 they should start fresh with a new group. The end of Season 2 should be the remaining (if there is any) survivors to find a safe haven. We all know that the comics still haven't ended so that is the best thing we could give them. I honestly don't think or hope Clementine makes it alive out of Season 2 it would be shocking to maybe see her die about halfway through and be very sad to a lot of players but if she sticks around too TOO long might get old and there is no way to really give her "closure" of any kind thatm ight end up being the best option. I feel like the ones we'll least expect make it actually make it this time around too.
the graphics are great, and i have to admit I'm a Bully fan, Rockstar has some really good story lines but how many times can you steal a car? L.A.Noire was really good. I don't understand why they focus just on one game? It's time for them to come up with something new.
@MissDRJ I figured I would be board with it as well but I have found GTA V just as fun as Tomb Raider and The Last of Us. It's amazing how Rockstar has reinvented the game. I thought that GTA IV was pretty stale and the series was going down hill.
I just hope TTG can produce multiple seasons of TWD and keep the game play fresh and the story creative.
I would be upset if TTG ended TWD after season 2.
I doubt those people make up anything like a large number of players, and most of them will come around, kicking and screaming, when Telltale releases a Clementine-free game.
The developers could keep this going indefinitely. However, they're eventually going to have to extricate themselves from the niche they've developed themselves into, and are going to have to change or at least expand what kind of game they offer. Reactive stories aren't going to be something people are interested in forever. The market changes.
I think it would behoove them to start making TWD more proactive, and by that I mean giving players more choice and more ability to affect what happens in the game. But that's for another thread.
Yea I understand what your saying. Hopefully the game can evolve with the gaming trends to keep it exciting and fresh.
I just love TWD, it's probably one of my favorite games of all time. I want more of it - I'm very eager for news about Season 2. But I don't want it becoming another annualized game, or Telltale's cash cow. Annualized releases are bad for every game series, mainly because games get fatigued of playing the same game over and over, and one year isn't enough time to make any significant improvements.
But if Telltale can keep the same quality as Season 1, I honestly don't see why they shouldn't continue the story.
If they do, I'm going to start referring to TTG as 'Valve'.
No. I loved the first season of TWD so much that I didn't want a Season 2. I didn't want anything to spoil, enhance, continue or in any way change the way that game left me feeling. I didn't want the cliffhangers wrapped up. I liked them vague. I didn't want to find out Clem's eventual fate. I liked knowing that, for that moment at least, she was still alive. I didn't want a new character. I liked Lee being my entrance and exit from the Walking Dead world. I still don't want any of those things.
But I'll still play Season 2 because it's Telltale and it's TWD and I'm sure it will be good. And at the end of it, I probably won't want Season 3 for all the same reasons. So...yeah, they can stop any time, as far as I'm concerned.
I'm definitely the more greedy type. As grateful I am to TTG for making this phenomenal game that will indefinitely be embedded in my mind, I would just feel left wanting for more if we never saw another season, and this would be regardless of whether they made 400 days or not. I may feel different after season 2 depending on how they end it, but as it stands I need at least one more season of rotting adversaries and gut wrenching choices.
I'm hoping to see more Walking Dead games like this, but I think it might be better to make them standalone games, as opposed to an ongoing thing or even another two-season release. As it is, the fact that there was going to be another season seems to have hurt the first. The game had to stay linear, and it kind of cheapened our choices. It's only going to get worse if they keep stretching it on. As much as I like continuing stories, for the sake of the choices actually making a real difference, a series of standalone games might be better.
I agree. I think they would have better luck moving forward circling back and making a origin story from the outbreak every 2 or 3 seasons.
If they play their cards right they could reincorporate cameo appearances of TWD S1 characters if TTG went back to a origin story and you played as a different group that crossed paths with lee and company.
That would get old very soon. Episode 1 had crossing of paths between Rick's party (Glenn and Hershel) and Lee's party. And then 400 Days had references to Lee's party. Season 2 will most likely include characters from both Season 1 and 400 Days. Personally I can't imagine that there are more than certain amount of believeable ways how new parties cross paths either with comic book characters or earlier game characters. If there are too many references and crossings of paths we might ask why comics and earlier seasons haven't mentioned these encounters and where in their time line these encounters happens.
i say keep the new seasons coming! as long as TT can keep the stories fresh anyways
idc if they end this story in season 2 , but i dont think they should stop making games about TWD universe..
i hope if they reboot the serie , we get the chance to play with tv characters ( not saying following the tv story ).