Weee! Clementine is our protagonist!
I was hoping it would be true, and it is indeed. Any potential replacement for Lee would have felt pretty weak.
The whole point of the end of Season 1 was precisely leading to this: Clem is strong and Clem is smart. She can take care of herself.
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Look at the steam photos?..could that be Kenny?
I would be very surprised if it were the case, but it's hard to tell from that angle.
In any case, damn but Clementine looks older. And like she's been out in the sun a lot. I would guess the last fews month have been pretty damn hard.
My greatest fear as become true. Why did you do this to me Telletale? Why? I loved Clem, but I don't think I'll enjoy playing as a pre-teenaged girl, no matter how cool and sweet she was/sill is.
Called it. I'm a bit worried though how some things will play out since she's the protagonist.
or it can be nate from 400 days
That's the point why I don't like the idea of playing as Clem. "She can "take caring of herself" but now she's even more dependent on the player than in the first season. We build her personality (sort of) with our decisions and what we said to her. And now we can make her do what ever we want, without regard of what we taught her in the first season? I was looking forward towards seeing how Clementine's character turned out after all that happened, and now it's the player's character - so mine and not Clementine's
My initial response is worrying how this will work out. We'll see...
I am so happy, this looks like something totally new, which is good! I love you, Telltale!!
For some of us, this is the best news imaginable. I
I'm super excited! Seeing the screenshot of Clem looking at the picture of Lee broke my heart.
The entire point of the first season was Lee protecting Clementine and eventually teaching her how to survive. Those lessons will now bear fruit in how we play Season 2.
Having anyone else as the protagonist, especially some random new guy, would make just about zero sense. And frankly, after all she's seen and done, I'm not sure Clem really counts as a pre-teenaged girl in terms of maturity. She's had to grow up pretty damn fast.
Hmm. Not the decision i would have made. Would much rather have seen Clem as a supporting character to give your last words as Lee some meaning, so i'm a little underwhelmed.
Still, i'll give it a chance.
I must admit that I'm a bit worried about their protagonist choice, just because now I feel like everything Lee taught her won't really add up to anything, if we can just control her and make her say what we want...Oh well, I'm sure it'll be great either way.
How many games have a pre-teen girl as the protagonist?!
This is great!
Is... is she bleeding?
I don't know. Maybe we could have played as one of the 400 Days protagonists? But I think season 1 would have had a bigger impact if we saw how Clem evolved with Lee's teachings as a NPC, not someone we can control.
I highly doubt it'll be Kenny. To me it seemed pretty clear what Kenny's fate was, but then again Telltale could surprise us. I think it's more likely to be Nate from 400 Days, but even more likely it'll be a stranger, with how standoffish Clem looks.
Remember all that time you spent preparing Clementine to be independent and building her character?
Well none of that actually mattered!
it's crazy (in a good way) that we will be Clementine, we will be in way more danger than Lee ever was just because Lee was a big strong man and Clementine is a pre-teen girl
Hey man I left that crazy chick Lily behind. She better not run into Clementine because I Havent forgotten what she did to Carly. And Ive been feeling really vengeful lately...
I came here to post this. Poor Clem looks hurt.. and she has a hammer. 0_0
Right? People didn't want to play as Molly because it would be too easy to kill walkers. As CLEM? Oh god.
This reminds me of something... Or someone...
Exactly... My problem with palying with her is that all the stuff we though her will not matter because you can change all that if you want... I mean I guess in real life we choose whart we do and what we want to be dispite what we learn..But I wasn'yt expecting this... But i think it's not going to be that bad
Interesting how there's a bit of division of opinion on this move. I can see the point of those who would have liked to see how Clementine behaved outside of player control, but I don't think just being under player control means Telltale won't have many, many opportunities to show how Lee's behavior in the first season changed her. If anything, the unrelenting focus on her as our protagonist will make it even more possible to demonstrate the effects of Lee's decisions. I suspect her dialogue and interactions with other characters are likely to change quite a bit depending on what Lee did. Or at least I can hope.
I will say that it will feel extremely weird if you can play Clem as a straight up scumbag, like you could Lee if you were so inclined. She was basically the moral heart of the first season. It's been mentioned by a lot of people that they shied away from doing horrible things precisely because she was there. Though I suppose seeing your parents as zombies and possibly shooting your sole remaining guardian in the head, followed by months of surviving a zombie apocalypse (possibly) on your own, could harden even the most gentle at heart....
I swear to god is Season 2 ends the same way Season 1 does...
Her dialogue and interactions won't change based on what Lee did unless the player chooses to allow that, in which case the emotional investment is entirely artificial. She isn't making X decision because she remembers Lee's advice, she's making X decision because that's what the player wants.
I felt like the major theme of Season 1 was preparing Clementine to be independent of Lee [and by extension, the player] yet playing as her in Season 2 completely nullifies that theme AND the emotional climax of Season 1. I feel like this is a big "f you" to anyone who was emotionally invested in her character growth because that apparently no longer matters since all her actions are now 100% determined by us anyway.
Her dialogue and interactions won't change based on what Lee did unless the player chooses to allow that, in which case the emotional investment is entirely artificial. She isn't making X decision because she remembers Lee's advice, she's making X decision because that's what the player wants.
I felt like the major theme of Season 1 was preparing Clementine to be independent of Lee [and by extension, the player] yet playing as her in Season 2 completely nullifies that theme AND the emotional climax of Season 1. I feel like this is a big "f you" to anyone who was emotionally invested in her character growth because that apparently no longer matters since all her actions are now 100% determined by us anyway.
EDIT: Somehow posted twice?
sorry quick question where does it say we will play as Clem? all I see are trailers of her and some screenshots with her in it.Do we really get to play as her? maybe TTG are being are just being suggestive?
I have a feeling she'll only be the episode 1 Protagonist.
how do you know that? she may have different dialogue choices to choose from based on season 1, or say different things with the same choices based on season 1
crosses fingers Please never run into Nate, please never run into Nate, oh god, they're going to make her run into Nate, aren't they?
Read through the description on the YouTube video. It says it directly there. Or read the description on Steam.
If that is the case then why are we even playing as her?
Either she isn't under player control then our choices no longer matter in-game OR she is under our control and one of the central themes of season 1 is completely undermined.
I love it.
Playing as Clem is going to be amazing. I don't see why a good handful of people are upset over it.
Personally I like the idea of playing as Clem
crosses fingers Please please PLEASE never run into the Governor
Could be worse. She could run into Danny.
Wait a second.
Please don't run into Nate!
Of course they will, Nate is the best character from 400 days anyway...
I already pre-order it, let's hope the game will be released within the next few weeks.
i don't know if that is the case, but if it was it would mean that we would control her and the choices in season 1 mattered, because even though we control clementine we cant do anything we want, we just choose from choices presented
I just don't like the idea that Clementine's character development has been rendered meaningless because now all the major choices will be decided by the player.
I was under the impression that one of the driving themes of the game was her growing into somebody who could be independent of Lee [and the player, by extension].
Making her the player character undoes all that growth and ultimately makes the emotional climax of Lee giving her his final advice meaningless. Clementine won't adhere to Lee's advice, the player will [if they choose to].