you don't know that, we may only get to choose how she takes lee's advice not whether she takes it or not, eg. in season 1 when we find out Ben stole the supplies we can't choose for Lee to forgive him and be nice, we can only choose how Lee expresses his anger, so when it comes to things influenced by the first season it could be similar to that
I just don't like the idea that Clementine's character development has been rendered meaningless because now all the major choices will be dec… moreided by the player.
I was under the impression that one of the driving themes of the game was her growing into somebody who could be independent of Lee [and the player, by extension].
Making her the player character undoes all that growth and ultimately makes the emotional climax of Lee giving her his final advice meaningless. Clementine won't adhere to Lee's advice, the player will [if they choose to].
I can think of ways to reconcile player choice with what she learned under Lee, or at least as much 'player choice' as Telltale Games ever really gives you.
Example: Clementine is presented with a situation where she has to mercy kill another survivor who has been bitten. If her experience under your tutelage involved a lot of violence (she ended up shooting a walker in Crawford, she saw you smash in Larry's head, she saw you murder the St. John brothers, she ended up shooting the stranger, you asked her to shoot you and so on and so on), she does so without even blinking when you pick that option.
But if Lee unrelentingly chooses not to kill and asks her to leave him rather than get used to killing, then when you select that option Clem can't bring herself to go through with it and instead walks away with tears in her eyes.
Obviously that DOES rob the player of some choice, since Clem is not doing what 'commanded' her to do. But that would actually feel like a very appropriate theft of choice, I think.
If that is the case then why are we even playing as her?
Either she isn't under player control then our choices no longer matter in-game OR she is under our control and one of the central themes of season 1 is completely undermined.
I'm probably just one of the few girls on this forum but #GirlPower FTW
So glad TTG has the balls to make a female character, who also happens to be a kid playable. The truth is, 99% of the people wanted this to happen, and they listened to us! I'm so grateful and stuff.
Eh.. didnt that ruin the whole point of season 1? We were teaching clem how to survive, hinting that we were supposed to find clem later on, and the choices we made would surface when clem was around. Now whats the point? we can just choose to do all the lessons Lee taught us or choose nto too, taking clem out of character.
I like how people are being downvoted for disliking this idea.
I'm still getting the game and will still enjoy it. I just dont see the whole point of teaching Clem ANYTHING in season 1 if that's going to be erased with player control in season 1.
Listen Clem fanatics. we all love clem, but you have to stop downvoting people just because they anit praising the idea 100% like you.
Leave the downvoting for haters and trolls. Kay?
I'm not contesting the girl part, I don't care if I play with a girl or a guy, I'm going to make him/her a badass killer anyway :P I just think it would've been more interesting starting with a new charatcher, but this is a good idea too, we will have a diferente dynamics with the others charatchers that we had we Lee, nobody will se Clem as a leader or someone that matters, I guess I'll have to show them :P
I'm probably just one of the few girls on this forum but #GirlPower FTW
So glad TTG has the balls to make a female character, who also happ… moreens to be a kid playable. The truth is, 99% of the people wanted this to happen, and they listened to us! I'm so grateful and stuff.
TellTale Games said a few months ago that they were exploring some leads for season 2. They probably didn't know that we would play as Clementine in season 2, that's all.
Seriously guys, yeah that's a shame that things "we" taught her in season 1 are actually not gonna be used for season 2. So what? TWD wasn't about teaching a little girl how to survive, it was about protecting her. Playing Clementine is actually the most logical solution.
She goes from being protected to being a survivor at the very end of season 1. That was the point of the entire sequence, let her know that she can be on her own.
You really wanted to play another care taker for Clementine in season 2? Nobody could have replaced Lee in her and our eyes. And the whole game is about Clementine, so we couldn't just play a totally different group and sometimes meet Clementine, and just watch her from far surviving. That wouldn't make any point, since the player is already linked to her.
Stop being so bitchy, yeah it's a shame, but it's probably for the best.
It's the kind of character we barely see represented in video games, and if they do it well, it can be extremly interesting.
and we have another clementine lover . it has it logic but playing 5 episodes with her all the time is going to be.. boring..
im only giving my opinion though, i prefer they would go another way . hoping for playing with her until she finds a group and then play with another character . sorry not being a clementine lover
TellTale Games said a few months ago that they were exploring some leads for season 2. They probably didn't know that we would play as Clement… moreine in season 2, that's all.
Seriously guys, yeah that's a shame that things "we" taught her in season 1 are actually not gonna be used for season 2. So what? TWD wasn't about teaching a little girl how to survive, it was about protecting her. Playing Clementine is actually the most logical solution.
She goes from being protected to being a survivor at the very end of season 1. That was the point of the entire sequence, let her know that she can be on her own.
You really wanted to play another care taker for Clementine in season 2? Nobody could have replaced Lee in her and our eyes. And the whole game is about Clementine, so we couldn't just play a totally different group and sometimes meet Clementine, and just watch her from far surviving. That wouldn't make any point, since the player is already … [view original content]
Personally? I never thought clem would be a protag and no. I didnt think we'd be a caretaker. I just assumed we'd play as a survivor who lets her join the group and she becomes a main part of the group by proving herself.. or.. one of my crazy ideas is she becomes a leader. Its a zombo apcoplypse anything can happen.
and face it. There was one choice in every episode that taught clem something. Believe me. It was about taking care of her and preparing her for season 2.
Not preparing her for season 2 just for it too be erased.
TellTale Games said a few months ago that they were exploring some leads for season 2. They probably didn't know that we would play as Clement… moreine in season 2, that's all.
Seriously guys, yeah that's a shame that things "we" taught her in season 1 are actually not gonna be used for season 2. So what? TWD wasn't about teaching a little girl how to survive, it was about protecting her. Playing Clementine is actually the most logical solution.
She goes from being protected to being a survivor at the very end of season 1. That was the point of the entire sequence, let her know that she can be on her own.
You really wanted to play another care taker for Clementine in season 2? Nobody could have replaced Lee in her and our eyes. And the whole game is about Clementine, so we couldn't just play a totally different group and sometimes meet Clementine, and just watch her from far surviving. That wouldn't make any point, since the player is already … [view original content]
I'm not in the Clementine's lover side, I'm just trying to show that the fact you're gonna play with her results from a big reflexion from TTG. They are the creators, and if they think it's the way the story needs to be told, then it is. Maybe it's gonna be bad, maybe it's gonna be good. I'm just on the "Why is it such a drama-side" dude. Don't be sorry, but I just think that protecting her as an other character for a second season would have most likely been "boring".
And don't tell me players wouldn't have protected her. After season 1, everybody is linked to her character.
and we have another clementine lover . it has it logic but playing 5 episodes with her all the time is going to be.. boring..
im only givin… moreg my opinion though, i prefer they would go another way . hoping for playing with her until she finds a group and then play with another character . sorry not being a clementine lover
I don't get the argument "is this confirmed? why would telltale make us "teach" her things in season 1 if they where just going to make us play as her?
You played Lee a certain way, and teach Clem what was right and wrong. Now you can continue playing as you played Lee cause Clem learned from him how to handle life.
We all had a different approach on TWD Season 1, so this debate shouldn't not even being one.
But I'm just saying that Season 1 was more about Lee-Clementine's relationship. Honestly, the "survivor" training was about 1 sequence in the train. Maybe the ending too, but I think the ending was about Clementine letting Lee go and becoming herself a real survivor, which makes sense in season 2.
Once again, I'm not saying "You're wrong, I'm right", I'm just asking people that are making a drama with this "I taught her everything" to be able to accept that it might also be for the great of the game.
I also think it's a shame that those choices don't have any consequence as far as we know about the game. But still, she cuts her hair, she's staying far from the cities. No matter how you play, the plot still makes sense.
Personally? I never thought clem would be a protag and no. I didnt think we'd be a caretaker. I just assumed we'd play as a survivor who lets … moreher join the group and she becomes a main part of the group by proving herself.. or.. one of my crazy ideas is she becomes a leader. Its a zombo apcoplypse anything can happen.
and face it. There was one choice in every episode that taught clem something. Believe me. It was about taking care of her and preparing her for season 2.
Not preparing her for season 2 just for it too be erased.
She doesn't has to be in every season you know the game is still TWD not Clementine's survivor stories. (and for the record i wanted her back in season 2 just not as the main character).
Eitherway i have faith that telltale will make the best out of this, i guess im just not used to kid protagonists wich seem to be becoming more popular among developers nowdays.
I'm not in the Clementine's lover side, I'm just trying to show that the fact you're gonna play with her results from a big reflexion from TTG… more. They are the creators, and if they think it's the way the story needs to be told, then it is. Maybe it's gonna be bad, maybe it's gonna be good. I'm just on the "Why is it such a drama-side" dude. Don't be sorry, but I just think that protecting her as an other character for a second season would have most likely been "boring".
And don't tell me players wouldn't have protected her. After season 1, everybody is linked to her character.
I am curious as to what some people who expected Clem to be an NPC were expecting Clem to do from what Lee taught her. Clem the pacifist vs. Clem the ice-cold killer, depending on how Lee behaved, with correspondingly wild changes in plotline? Clem goes to the country if you tell her to do so, but doesn't do so if you don't tell her, again wildly changing the plotline? Clem gets in contact with Omid and Christa if you tell her to do so and doesn't if you don't?
I love TWD...but the 'your choices change the story' thing has always been exaggerated. Very likely, whether playable or not, Clem was going to end up doing roughly the same things except with changed dialogue and reactions. Very likely that's exactly what's still going to happen.
Except TWD, as a comics or as a TV show, has always been about the same protagonists. (Rick and his Son for the comics for exemple.).
That's the most important if you have faith in them then Well, it's not necessarily a bad thing when it's done the right way. Personnaly, except from Limbo, I have never played a mature game with a kid as a protagonist that convinced me. (Not going on the B:TS debate here. I'm done ith that )
She doesn't has to be in every season you know the game is still TWD not Clementine's survivor stories. (and for the record i wanted her back … morein season 2 just not as the main character).
Eitherway i have faith that telltale will make the best out of this, i guess im just not used to kid protagonists wich seem to be becoming more popular among developers nowdays.
Ohhhhhh shit, I completely forgot about Omid and Christa :O Really hope Clem finds them eventually.
And I hope we'll see what happened with Clem looking at the two strangers on the hill. I hope that wasn't a cliffhanger just for the sake of being a cliffhanger and making us hyped for season two.
I am curious as to what some people who expected Clem to be an NPC were expecting Clem to do from what Lee taught her. Clem the pacifist vs. C… morelem the ice-cold killer, depending on how Lee behaved, with correspondingly wild changes in plotline? Clem goes to the country if you tell her to do so, but doesn't do so if you don't tell her, again wildly changing the plotline? Clem gets in contact with Omid and Christa if you tell her to do so and doesn't if you don't?
I love TWD...but the 'your choices change the story' thing has always been exaggerated. Very likely, whether playable or not, Clem was going to end up doing roughly the same things except with changed dialogue and reactions. Very likely that's exactly what's still going to happen.
She was another group member and it worked. Why not one more season?
Problem is - Clementine is a kid, 9-10 years old. Lee was a group leader. Can a kid be a group leader? Protect people, kill zombies if necessary? Everyone would treat her as a child! TTG wants to sell us a copy of Two Souls or Rockstar's Bully.
If we didn't play as Clem, then what would Clem's role be? Just another group member? No, that'd render her as just that - just another group … moremember.
Would she be a child for us to protect? No, that was the entire point of season one.
I can't see any effective way she'd be in season two without her being the protagonist.
The Walking Dead is Clementine's story, it is perfectly fitting for us to take her role after playing as her guardian.
I don't get the argument "is this confirmed? why would telltale make us "teach" her things in season 1 if they where just going to make us pla… morey as her?
You played Lee a certain way, and teach Clem what was right and wrong. Now you can continue playing as you played Lee cause Clem learned from him how to handle life.
That's not my only complain about it though. Being the protag would totally change her personality and "incharacterness" and regardless we did teach her atleast 1 thing in each episode. Trying to recall them specifically since it's been a while since playing the game (not touched it since 400 days and even then, didnt play the main series cause i wanted to wait for season 2 so i didnt ruin anything)
Episode 1 - We taught her to trust us. and most important to form a group to stay safe. This would also teach her to be more smart about this later in the future, to stop the inn incident happening again. We also ethier taught her to trust and help strangers and move in the day, or move at night.
Episode 2 - We taught her that, when food is low who is more important to ration it too. Leading to who to build friendships with within a group.
Episode 3 - We mostly taught her teamwork and trust in a tight situation and that in the end, the only people you can trust are the ones close too you. Also too never give up hope.
Episode 4 - We mostly taught her, in one of the harshest choices in game, to deal with realities of situations and that she has to mature fast.
Episode 5 - We taught her her last lessons before we died. each one came up with "she will remember that" so.. what was the point in that in the end?
We all had a different approach on TWD Season 1, so this debate shouldn't not even being one.
But I'm just saying that Season 1 was more abou… moret Lee-Clementine's relationship. Honestly, the "survivor" training was about 1 sequence in the train. Maybe the ending too, but I think the ending was about Clementine letting Lee go and becoming herself a real survivor, which makes sense in season 2.
Once again, I'm not saying "You're wrong, I'm right", I'm just asking people that are making a drama with this "I taught her everything" to be able to accept that it might also be for the great of the game.
I also think it's a shame that those choices don't have any consequence as far as we know about the game. But still, she cuts her hair, she's staying far from the cities. No matter how you play, the plot still makes sense.
She was another group member and it worked. Why not one more season?
Problem is - Clementine is a kid, 9-10 years old. Lee was a group leade… morer. Can a kid be a group leader? Protect people, kill zombies if necessary? Everyone would treat her as a child! TTG wants to sell us a copy of Two Souls or Rockstar's Bully.
She was another group member and it worked. Why not one more season?
Problem is - Clementine is a kid, 9-10 years old. Lee was a group leade… morer. Can a kid be a group leader? Protect people, kill zombies if necessary? Everyone would treat her as a child! TTG wants to sell us a copy of Two Souls or Rockstar's Bully.
Getting the story to its end?
Seriously, this is the point. We taught her how to survive,since Lee or us, gamers, already know that. So yeah, now she knows as much as us about how to survive in a zombie world. Playing her is not that of an incoherence.
Once again, TTG didn't even know if there was gonna be a season 2 till the games start selling. They started to think about it after season 1 was over. They must have thought about everything, putting other characters, playing as Christa or Omid... They came to the conclusion that THEIR script should be having Clementine as a main character. I think they know more than us what to do with their own stories. Why just not trust them or at least wait&see?
That's not my only complain about it though. Being the protag would totally change her personality and "incharacterness" and regardless we did… more teach her atleast 1 thing in each episode. Trying to recall them specifically since it's been a while since playing the game (not touched it since 400 days and even then, didnt play the main series cause i wanted to wait for season 2 so i didnt ruin anything)
Episode 1 - We taught her to trust us. and most important to form a group to stay safe. This would also teach her to be more smart about this later in the future, to stop the inn incident happening again. We also ethier taught her to trust and help strangers and move in the day, or move at night.
Episode 2 - We taught her that, when food is low who is more important to ration it too. Leading to who to build friendships with within a group.
Episode 3 - We mostly taught her teamwork and trust in a tight situation and that in the end, the only … [view original content]
I think for a game series that earned it's popularity based on how important player choice was, player choice should not be robbed.
This is why it was absolutely the wrong decision to cast Clementine as the player character. It either nullifies the importance of our decisions in season 1, or it nullifies the importance of our decisions in this season.
I can think of ways to reconcile player choice with what she learned under Lee, or at least as much 'player choice' as Telltale Games ever rea… morelly gives you.
Example: Clementine is presented with a situation where she has to mercy kill another survivor who has been bitten. If her experience under your tutelage involved a lot of violence (she ended up shooting a walker in Crawford, she saw you smash in Larry's head, she saw you murder the St. John brothers, she ended up shooting the stranger, you asked her to shoot you and so on and so on), she does so without even blinking when you pick that option.
But if Lee unrelentingly chooses not to kill and asks her to leave him rather than get used to killing, then when you select that option Clem can't bring herself to go through with it and instead walks away with tears in her eyes.
Obviously that DOES rob the player of some choice, since Clem is not doing what 'commanded' her to do. But that would actually feel like a very appropriate theft of choice, I think.
i think this will be a unique storytelling point of view. we can imagine being the parent trying to protect you kid in a world filled with the undead. but imagine BEING the kid with no one to help them. that's a hard life and one most would not like too look at. (that amazing ability of denial. -_- ) this would give a writer a chance to show people this kind of lifestyle for that kid. the hardships the mistrust never knowing who you should go with in a child s perspective in a world where you don't even know if you will live through the day or be able to eat or drink. think about it. how would you far in that world at that age? all alone. no where to call home. i for one cant wait to see how they wrote this season's story.
"NPC were expecting Clem to do from what Lee taught her, with correspondingly wild changes in plotline?"
I think you just answered your own question, and in all honesty i wasn't expecting a "wild change" but at least slightly different dialogues, long/short hairt and small details like those.
We'll have to wait and see how telltale handles the choices from the first season and 400 days affect season 2.
I am curious as to what some people who expected Clem to be an NPC were expecting Clem to do from what Lee taught her. Clem the pacifist vs. C… morelem the ice-cold killer, depending on how Lee behaved, with correspondingly wild changes in plotline? Clem goes to the country if you tell her to do so, but doesn't do so if you don't tell her, again wildly changing the plotline? Clem gets in contact with Omid and Christa if you tell her to do so and doesn't if you don't?
I love TWD...but the 'your choices change the story' thing has always been exaggerated. Very likely, whether playable or not, Clem was going to end up doing roughly the same things except with changed dialogue and reactions. Very likely that's exactly what's still going to happen.
"She'll die a little girl if you treat her like one. You gotta consider her a living person. That's it. You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart. You're alive."
I'm not reviewing anything, I'm just saying that the point of B:TS wasn't to play a child, but to play a girl from her childhood till she becomes an adult.
Protagonist is a girl that becomes an adult for 90% of the game.
You'll be playing as a preadolescent girl for 100% of the game in TWD:S2, your comparizon was just unfair. You brought those two exemples, I didn't
I think that this is very unique thing to do. Now we're playing both as a kid and as a female character, which is, well, unique.
In most recent games we've been protecting such characters, now we have a chance to be one and protect ourselves.
You can't satisfy everyone. If we were playing as a new guy or girl, people would moan that this is stupid and we have no connections to these new characters, and that it's gonna suck. If we were playing as character from 400 days, people would moan that it's stupid, and that it's the wrong character and should've been the other one because blah blah blah, and that we only knew them for 20 minutes or so, and so on, and it's gonna suck.
Here we have Clementine, we like Clementine as a character, we've been through a lot with her, we share her memories, so...
I say let's try it out. I have all faith in TellTale, they are able to do great things: look at recent Wolf Among Us.
ahh ok just read it thanks
you don't know that, we may only get to choose how she takes lee's advice not whether she takes it or not, eg. in season 1 when we find out Ben stole the supplies we can't choose for Lee to forgive him and be nice, we can only choose how Lee expresses his anger, so when it comes to things influenced by the first season it could be similar to that
I can think of ways to reconcile player choice with what she learned under Lee, or at least as much 'player choice' as Telltale Games ever really gives you.
Example: Clementine is presented with a situation where she has to mercy kill another survivor who has been bitten. If her experience under your tutelage involved a lot of violence (she ended up shooting a walker in Crawford, she saw you smash in Larry's head, she saw you murder the St. John brothers, she ended up shooting the stranger, you asked her to shoot you and so on and so on), she does so without even blinking when you pick that option.
But if Lee unrelentingly chooses not to kill and asks her to leave him rather than get used to killing, then when you select that option Clem can't bring herself to go through with it and instead walks away with tears in her eyes.
Obviously that DOES rob the player of some choice, since Clem is not doing what 'commanded' her to do. But that would actually feel like a very appropriate theft of choice, I think.
Annoyed with this idea.. I wanted to either make my own character or play as Molly. Not sure if I'll like playing as a little girl.
Can't say I'm happy. I didn't want Clem to be protagonist. TTG wants to follow sony and create another Ellen Page type hero.
I'm probably just one of the few girls on this forum but #GirlPower FTW
So glad TTG has the balls to make a female character, who also happens to be a kid playable. The truth is, 99% of the people wanted this to happen, and they listened to us! I'm so grateful and stuff.
Eh.. didnt that ruin the whole point of season 1? We were teaching clem how to survive, hinting that we were supposed to find clem later on, and the choices we made would surface when clem was around. Now whats the point? we can just choose to do all the lessons Lee taught us or choose nto too, taking clem out of character.
is this confirmed? why would telltale make us "teach" her things in season 1 if they where just going to make us play as her?
Hopefully she doesn't turn out like Carl.
pretty disappointed with this.. sure i knew clementine would come back for second season.. but playing with her as main character.. bah...
Please let her run into Nate :P I loved Nate, he's awesome, he has the psycho eyes.
But I guess if she runs into him she'll have to kill hhim or somehting but whatever...
I like how people are being downvoted for disliking this idea.
I'm still getting the game and will still enjoy it. I just dont see the whole point of teaching Clem ANYTHING in season 1 if that's going to be erased with player control in season 1.
Listen Clem fanatics. we all love clem, but you have to stop downvoting people just because they anit praising the idea 100% like you.
Leave the downvoting for haters and trolls. Kay?
I'm not contesting the girl part, I don't care if I play with a girl or a guy, I'm going to make him/her a badass killer anyway :P I just think it would've been more interesting starting with a new charatcher, but this is a good idea too, we will have a diferente dynamics with the others charatchers that we had we Lee, nobody will se Clem as a leader or someone that matters, I guess I'll have to show them :P
If you play with her you can choose how she turns out
TellTale Games said a few months ago that they were exploring some leads for season 2. They probably didn't know that we would play as Clementine in season 2, that's all.
Seriously guys, yeah that's a shame that things "we" taught her in season 1 are actually not gonna be used for season 2. So what? TWD wasn't about teaching a little girl how to survive, it was about protecting her. Playing Clementine is actually the most logical solution.
She goes from being protected to being a survivor at the very end of season 1. That was the point of the entire sequence, let her know that she can be on her own.
You really wanted to play another care taker for Clementine in season 2? Nobody could have replaced Lee in her and our eyes. And the whole game is about Clementine, so we couldn't just play a totally different group and sometimes meet Clementine, and just watch her from far surviving. That wouldn't make any point, since the player is already linked to her.
Stop being so bitchy, yeah it's a shame, but it's probably for the best.
It's the kind of character we barely see represented in video games, and if they do it well, it can be extremly interesting.
and we have another clementine lover . it has it logic but playing 5 episodes with her all the time is going to be.. boring..
im only giving my opinion though, i prefer they would go another way . hoping for playing with her until she finds a group and then play with another character . sorry not being a clementine lover
Personally? I never thought clem would be a protag and no. I didnt think we'd be a caretaker. I just assumed we'd play as a survivor who lets her join the group and she becomes a main part of the group by proving herself.. or.. one of my crazy ideas is she becomes a leader. Its a zombo apcoplypse anything can happen.
and face it. There was one choice in every episode that taught clem something. Believe me. It was about taking care of her and preparing her for season 2.
Not preparing her for season 2 just for it too be erased.
If we didn't play as Clem, then what would Clem's role be? Just another group member? No, that'd render her as just that - just another group member.
Would she be a child for us to protect? No, that was the entire point of season one.
I can't see any effective way she'd be in season two without her being the protagonist.
The Walking Dead is Clementine's story, it is perfectly fitting for us to take her role after playing as her guardian.
how do we know yet? Maybe some choices/options are only available if you did or said certain things as lee or something
I'm not in the Clementine's lover side, I'm just trying to show that the fact you're gonna play with her results from a big reflexion from TTG. They are the creators, and if they think it's the way the story needs to be told, then it is. Maybe it's gonna be bad, maybe it's gonna be good. I'm just on the "Why is it such a drama-side" dude. Don't be sorry, but I just think that protecting her as an other character for a second season would have most likely been "boring".
And don't tell me players wouldn't have protected her. After season 1, everybody is linked to her character.
I don't get the argument "is this confirmed? why would telltale make us "teach" her things in season 1 if they where just going to make us play as her?
You played Lee a certain way, and teach Clem what was right and wrong. Now you can continue playing as you played Lee cause Clem learned from him how to handle life.
We all had a different approach on TWD Season 1, so this debate shouldn't not even being one.
But I'm just saying that Season 1 was more about Lee-Clementine's relationship. Honestly, the "survivor" training was about 1 sequence in the train. Maybe the ending too, but I think the ending was about Clementine letting Lee go and becoming herself a real survivor, which makes sense in season 2.
Once again, I'm not saying "You're wrong, I'm right", I'm just asking people that are making a drama with this "I taught her everything" to be able to accept that it might also be for the great of the game.
I also think it's a shame that those choices don't have any consequence as far as we know about the game. But still, she cuts her hair, she's staying far from the cities. No matter how you play, the plot still makes sense.
She doesn't has to be in every season you know the game is still TWD not Clementine's survivor stories. (and for the record i wanted her back in season 2 just not as the main character).
Eitherway i have faith that telltale will make the best out of this, i guess im just not used to kid protagonists wich seem to be becoming more popular among developers nowdays.
I am curious as to what some people who expected Clem to be an NPC were expecting Clem to do from what Lee taught her. Clem the pacifist vs. Clem the ice-cold killer, depending on how Lee behaved, with correspondingly wild changes in plotline? Clem goes to the country if you tell her to do so, but doesn't do so if you don't tell her, again wildly changing the plotline? Clem gets in contact with Omid and Christa if you tell her to do so and doesn't if you don't?
I love TWD...but the 'your choices change the story' thing has always been exaggerated. Very likely, whether playable or not, Clem was going to end up doing roughly the same things except with changed dialogue and reactions. Very likely that's exactly what's still going to happen.
Except TWD, as a comics or as a TV show, has always been about the same protagonists. (Rick and his Son for the comics for exemple.).
That's the most important if you have faith in them then
Well, it's not necessarily a bad thing when it's done the right way. Personnaly, except from Limbo, I have never played a mature game with a kid as a protagonist that convinced me. (Not going on the B:TS debate here. I'm done ith that
Ohhhhhh shit, I completely forgot about Omid and Christa :O Really hope Clem finds them eventually.
And I hope we'll see what happened with Clem looking at the two strangers on the hill. I hope that wasn't a cliffhanger just for the sake of being a cliffhanger and making us hyped for season two.
She was another group member and it worked. Why not one more season?
Problem is - Clementine is a kid, 9-10 years old. Lee was a group leader. Can a kid be a group leader? Protect people, kill zombies if necessary? Everyone would treat her as a child! TTG wants to sell us a copy of Two Souls or Rockstar's Bully.
If you don't get it, why do you reply to it.
That's not my only complain about it though. Being the protag would totally change her personality and "incharacterness" and regardless we did teach her atleast 1 thing in each episode. Trying to recall them specifically since it's been a while since playing the game (not touched it since 400 days and even then, didnt play the main series cause i wanted to wait for season 2 so i didnt ruin anything)
Episode 1 - We taught her to trust us. and most important to form a group to stay safe. This would also teach her to be more smart about this later in the future, to stop the inn incident happening again. We also ethier taught her to trust and help strangers and move in the day, or move at night.
Episode 2 - We taught her that, when food is low who is more important to ration it too. Leading to who to build friendships with within a group.
Episode 3 - We mostly taught her teamwork and trust in a tight situation and that in the end, the only people you can trust are the ones close too you. Also too never give up hope.
Episode 4 - We mostly taught her, in one of the harshest choices in game, to deal with realities of situations and that she has to mature fast.
Episode 5 - We taught her her last lessons before we died. each one came up with "she will remember that" so.. what was the point in that in the end?
Comparing Bully to TWD , seriously?
B:TS was not about a child, a part from some sequences...
Wh. what.
Who said Clem is going to be a leader? Who said the protagonist of a game needs to be a ruler?
Getting the story to its end?
Seriously, this is the point. We taught her how to survive,since Lee or us, gamers, already know that. So yeah, now she knows as much as us about how to survive in a zombie world. Playing her is not that of an incoherence.
Once again, TTG didn't even know if there was gonna be a season 2 till the games start selling. They started to think about it after season 1 was over. They must have thought about everything, putting other characters, playing as Christa or Omid... They came to the conclusion that THEIR script should be having Clementine as a main character. I think they know more than us what to do with their own stories. Why just not trust them or at least wait&see?
I think for a game series that earned it's popularity based on how important player choice was, player choice should not be robbed.
This is why it was absolutely the wrong decision to cast Clementine as the player character. It either nullifies the importance of our decisions in season 1, or it nullifies the importance of our decisions in this season.
Don't review playstation's game here. It's not the point. Point is - protagonist is a kid.
i think this will be a unique storytelling point of view. we can imagine being the parent trying to protect you kid in a world filled with the undead. but imagine BEING the kid with no one to help them. that's a hard life and one most would not like too look at. (that amazing ability of denial. -_- ) this would give a writer a chance to show people this kind of lifestyle for that kid. the hardships the mistrust never knowing who you should go with in a child s perspective in a world where you don't even know if you will live through the day or be able to eat or drink. think about it. how would you far in that world at that age? all alone. no where to call home. i for one cant wait to see how they wrote this season's story.
Well if she is not a group leader then what is her role? Group member who obeys elders? Exciting. Lone wolf?
"NPC were expecting Clem to do from what Lee taught her, with correspondingly wild changes in plotline?"
I think you just answered your own question, and in all honesty i wasn't expecting a "wild change" but at least slightly different dialogues, long/short hairt and small details like those.
We'll have to wait and see how telltale handles the choices from the first season and 400 days affect season 2.
"She'll die a little girl if you treat her like one. You gotta consider her a living person. That's it. You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart. You're alive."
I'm not reviewing anything, I'm just saying that the point of B:TS wasn't to play a child, but to play a girl from her childhood till she becomes an adult.
Protagonist is a girl that becomes an adult for 90% of the game.
You'll be playing as a preadolescent girl for 100% of the game in TWD:S2, your comparizon was just unfair. You brought those two exemples, I didn't
I think that this is very unique thing to do. Now we're playing both as a kid and as a female character, which is, well, unique.
In most recent games we've been protecting such characters, now we have a chance to be one and protect ourselves.
You can't satisfy everyone. If we were playing as a new guy or girl, people would moan that this is stupid and we have no connections to these new characters, and that it's gonna suck. If we were playing as character from 400 days, people would moan that it's stupid, and that it's the wrong character and should've been the other one because blah blah blah, and that we only knew them for 20 minutes or so, and so on, and it's gonna suck.
Here we have Clementine, we like Clementine as a character, we've been through a lot with her, we share her memories, so...
I say let's try it out. I have all faith in TellTale, they are able to do great things: look at recent Wolf Among Us.