How do you think Kenny's fate will be explored
First of all, I personally think Kenny is dead. As much as I loved his character (even if I didn't always agree with him), I personally think he's gone. If he is dead, telltale will most likely have a walker Kenny somewhere in season two, maybe as part of a herd that left Savannah.
But what if, by some chance, he lived? How do you think telltale would bring him back?
Here is one possibility I thought off. I'm guessing a lot of the game will be determining who you trust. Imagine having a character in your group that has helped you out and seems trustworthy. That character gets attacked by a walker and you pull out a gun, ready to shoot it. Then, Kenny appears from behind a building, and gets tackled by a walker. Then you have to choose between someone you had a connection to in season 1, who we know wouldn't hurt Clementine (unless he's gone completely insane), or a character that has helped us out recently.
I doubt telltale would do that, but it would be interesting to see who players would choose.
After all this debate, I've gotta admit it'll be a hell of a letdown if Kenny just shows up as a walker. However, considering his final scene in S1 was so potent, Kenny would need a VERY well thought-out role in S2 to justify his return.
I can see Kenny possibly being a member of Tavia's community, trying to build a romance with Bonnie in the void left behind by Duck and Katjaa. When the leader of the community is killed, Kenny could attempt to take control, with disastrous results.
Alternatively, Kenny could be the leader of another survivor group, or shacked away in the woods on his own like a hermit. But his experiences from S1 have left him half-crazed (he'll have taken his "keep going no matter what" philosophy to a fanatical extreme), making the player unsure about what he'll do next. This is where a saved import from S1 can really come into play. The level of Kenny's insanity could depend on his relationship with Lee from S1.
With all that said, I'd personally save Kenny's return for a cliffhanger moment at the end of an episode. But that's just me.
Good points. A complex and polarizing character like Kenny definitely deserves a worthwhile comeback. Although I can't help but laugh at how damn anticlimactic it'd be if he just showed up as a walker, especially after all this talk of "exploring his fate" so to speak.
I have this terrible fear that they will have him show up alive to save the day, only to suddenly die moments later.
There are several ongoing threads about Kenny's fate, you didn't think that your opening post would fit to any of those threads? I'm not trying to be an ass, but I think it would be nicer to keep the discussion in one place, it would certainly make it easier to follow.
Here are two recent and active threads:
HA, now that would be one hell of a letdown.
He told you
I believe he will show up at a crucial moment to save everyone, like chuck norris in expendables 2.
As TheDuck says though, i hope they wont kill him off 2 seconds later.
My relationship with Kenny was awfull, but I'm still expecting a return.I guess he can return in the manny ways everyone has presented. My favourite would be him showing up as an hermit somehwere in a cabin, living alone and insane, or him showing up alone or with someone else, to save the day
I think having him show up a a walker would be kind off anti-climax, it would be kind of a huge middle finger from TTG to the players :P
I'm sorry but I don't see why Kenny's death has to be explored, sure he might be alive but theirs nothing suggesting hes alive so hold your jets there Rambo.
People are just commenting that because TT has announced that Kenny's faith will be explored
Oh... Oh deer. I hope they're not bringing him back purely because of fans wanting him back. I don't mind his reappearance but if this was not the original plan I feel the second season to be somewhat cheapened.
Actually I've read in the forum that Kenny's dead was supposed to be less ambiguous, I mean you were supposed to be sure that he was dead, but the writers changed it so it's ambigous like in the game. So I'm guessing that hadn't devided yet what to do with the charatcher, since they are the ones that confess they don't plan everything so they can change the game where the history will make more sense and be more appealing to the players. So I'm really guessing he's alive, because of the changing of the scene thing and because I'm not thinking they would make such a big deal about is faith if he was just going to appear as a walker. But hey it's TT, I never know what they are up too, I never expected (SPOILERS SPOILERS) Lilly to kill Carley or the stranger to be the guy owning the car we took food from.
I for one don't think he's dead. I think we'll meet him in S2 or S3 (if there will be an S3)
If I've found out anything hanging around this forum, it's that there are just as many (if not more) fans who want Kenny to be dead. I still think the idea that Kenny's return would undermine the game's credibility is just silly. It all depends on how TTG brings him back...assuming they do bring him back.
Whatever happens, it's clear that if Kenny were to resurface, it would be an even more polarizing decision among fans than casting Clementine as the PC.
KENNY: Hey y'all, I'm back!
ZOMBIES: Braaaaaains!
KENNY: Aw, fuck!!
Guys this is crucial look at this
at point 0:38 you see a entity but it is not facing you. in the trailer EVERYONES clothes are new and changed.Except if that person had a hat like clem OR KENNY it appears that this fighure has the same hat as kenny and the back of his head looks simmalar and also if you look at 0:59 it looks like ben who may have died. (this is a theory) maybe kenny took ben of the stick and used the bullet to get them out and the went wandering. these maybe the two figures you see after the credits in episode 5 (AGAIN THEORY) perhaps ben died and kenny ran from him to meet up with clem after all they could see each other. they later meet up with omid and christia who found a group.
Kenny lives. 100%
I doubt it is Ben, he either fell from the tower in Crawford or he got impaled by a piece of the balcony. Since in both cases he most likely was trapped there it's almost impossible he made it to the woods as a walker. Also in the second scenario he was shouting all the time until Kenny fired a bullet what makes me believe Kenny killed Ben out of mercy.
but you say Kenny was lost in the herd of zombies in Savannah there were 2 ways of getting out of that alleyway the way where the zombies blocked it off and the way Kenny backed up so you never know he might be alive and I'm not jumping to the gun here but in one screen shot there is this guy that is talking to two people and that person looks the same as Kenny same hair,same hat I'm not saying it is him but there is a possibility it is and if he is alive it will be a good addition back into season two and as for Ben when he was in Savannah and he fell you would of hear Ben screaming as he was getting bitten but you didn't hear anything from him maybe Kenny alerted the zombies as a distraction then got Ben out of that alleyway and tried to help him or found someone that could help Ben so indeed its a mystery but that's what I think.
Had to edit this comment because for some reason it double posted.
I think it'd be nice to see Kenny alive and well. But at the same time, I'd feel sorry for the dude still going on without his family. But in another instance, I'd like to think he decided to live on in memory of Katjaa and Duck.
To The OP:
It would make much more sense to bring Kenny back for Season 2. It would just feel like all the decisions we made in Season 1 were for nothing otherwise. I hope he comes back because I played through 2 games of Season 1. The first always siding with Kenny and the 2nd treating him like crap! I want to see the choices carry over and anytime Lee is brought up in a conversation (coz you know Clem will mention him several times im sure) then It would be cool to see Kenny say good things or bad things about Lee. See what I'm saying? Either way I am really looking forward to it's release!
Ben was shot out of mercy by Kenny so that he couldn't be eaten to death. That's why you heard no screaming
He'll be alive and save the day upon showing up, but the unthinkable has happened: During his escape from Savannah, Kenny lost his mustache. Without his pride and joy, both Kenny AND the player are depressed and wonder if it's even worth it for Kenny to go on or not. Simultaneously, Telltale has brought him back, and yet killed his character. He's not really Kenny without his facial hair.
It's the surprise twist of Episode 1. The biggest choice of the Episode is convincing Kenny if he should keep living or not because he's lost the only thing he had left that truly mattered.
Kenny only had one bullet left in that alleyway
i don't think kenny used the bullet to get both him and ben out of that alleyway. when ben was impaled he was shouting for kenny not to let the zombies get to him. while he was in the middle of that, you hear a gun shot and ben's yelling suddenly stops while in the middle of his pleading ("AHHHFUCK! KENNY PLEEE--" gun shot) although we didn't actually see his death, it's heavily implied that kenny used his last bullet on ben.
no he used it on the zombies then I think he said aww shit its out then starts backing up from the zombies
after lee gets out of the alleyway, kenny starts punching the zombies saying "BACK YOU SONS OF BITCHES!", that's the only thing he says. he uses his only bullet after he starts backing up.
but he might of gotten away lets just hope
If Lee didn't shoot all of his bullets in the attic, he gave the rest of them to Kenny in the alley.
If they're like the writers at AMC, they'll leave us with a cliffhanger at the end of an episode.
I know everyone's all pumped to have Kenny return, but to me it would be preposterous. My reason is Kenny's last scene in season one in the scenario when he stays in the alleyway with Ben. To me, that was a fitting "end" to his character. Some have remarked that there was no need for him to stay behind like that, facing sure-death to the walkers when he could've easily just used the one bullet on Ben and quickly got out of there with Lee. But for me it made sense.
It seemed to me that when Lee questioned Kenny ("Why, Kenny, Why?"), Kenny's dialogue indicated that he simply didn't have anything left to live for. (And frankly, I was kind of thinking the same thing ever since his family died.) So it was his way of having a "noble suicide." (I think in one of Lee's dialogue choices Ken even mentions something about seeing Katja again.) And that was fine with me. It makes good story sense. And it's also the only plausible reason Ken would've stayed behind when he could've easily made it out of there with Lee after offing Ben.
However, if Kenny magically returns for season 2, what are we supposed to think happened? He decided to kill himself via zombie by Ben's side, but then at the last minute he was like, "Nah, screw that. What was I thinking?" And then completely weaponless and cornered on both sides of the alley he fought off an entire army of the dead with just his bare hands and never got bit? Not only would that be unbelievable, but it would completely undermine Kenny's whole poignant exit from season one.
The option you're thinking of is when Lee says that Katjaa wouldn't want this. His response: "Yeah she would. I either save the kid or I get to see her. Either way. Now get back up there."
As I said in the OP, I think he's dead. But, there are ways he could have escaped.
Before I go into escape routs, I need to go into Kenny's head for a minute. After Katjaa committed suicide and Duck was on the ground next to the tree, he had a gun in his hand for quite a while. Can you imagine how tempting it would have been for him to follow in Katjaa's footsteps? For whatever reason, he chooses not to commit suicide.
Then after making a speech about sticking it out and helping the folks you care about, he seems to commit suicide. But in both the Ben and Christa scenarios, he has some goal in mind. If his certain death would have fulfilled that role, he would have given his life. When he succeeds in lifting Christa or realizes all he can do for Ben is shoot him, he doesn't just throw himself to the walkers. We see him go off camera. We never hear him scream in agony. My theory is that while he may be okay with giving up his life for a purpose, he won't have his death be unnecisary.
Could he have fought through all the walkers? No. But he could have found an open window in the ally or another room in the building. That might be how he escaped.
For the record, I still think he's dead.
I'm really tired with all these demands for "realism" in a series that features flesh-eating ghouls. It comes off as a bit comical, to be honest.
As for Kenny's return wrecking his couldn't be more wrong. Kenny's scene in the alley with Ben just doesn't make sense under close scrutiny, even if he had a slimmer chance of survival than in Christa's scenario. He talks about "not quitting just because it's tough" one scene earlier, than abruptly succumbs to the urge to die? And die stupidly, I should add? Out of all the possible ways to get yourself killed, being eaten alive is too boneheaded even for Kenny.
The scene with Christa in the building is even more suspect. When someone dies from zombie attack, YOU HEAR IT. Not even the grunts and moans of a walker mob could drown out the sound of a man dying under circumstances like that.
LMFAO! True!
I personally think he's alive. I think him killing himself(not physically, but putting himself in that situation) would cheapen the whole "Suicide IS Wrong" Scene Kenny just did a minute before! He just said Suicide was wrong, so when he went into the alleyway, he must have had a plan in my opinion, but I just don't see it. There's no sewer system. There's a bin, but the walkers will see him jump in, and the window's are boarded up. So...what's his escape plan?
Maybe there was a window we didn't see that's not boarded up.
Maybe he powers through, but this is very unlikely considering Kenny is a poor hand to hand fighter, has no ammo, and only has a pistol in his gun.
One thing I would like to say is, what if there was a weapon in the bin? Maybe a hammer(Tyreese?) or axe? That would be cool if he got that, maybe fought his way through/broke a window with the weapon and got out? But surely that's impossible considering how close the walkers were getting? He had no time left? I think he had a plan, but I'm dumbfounded as to what his plan was. There literally WAS NO ESCAPE, apart from possibly a window that's not boarded up(that we don't see)
Now the Christa Situation
This is a little different, this was not planned. Kenny obviously wanted to stay in the alley for some reason, as he could have just climbed the ladder with Lee, but decided not to. The Christa one was about Kenny realizing Christa is pregnant, and sacrificing himself for her and her unborn baby. Anyway's he could have escaped? Lots. We never got the best look in that dark room, but let's look at the possibilities.
My prediction in this situation in that Molly saves Kenny.
Anyway, I think a great way to make your choices FULLY matter in Season 2 would be if Kenny maybe died in the Alley Way, but came back in the Christa Situation.
Also, Kenny is the only one who was THERE with Lee, went through it all, I mean Clem wasn't in Episode 5 till Lee was on his own in the Marsh House.
My prediction is that Kenny is alive in the Christa Situation, by all the possibilities I stated earlier. I want Kenny to be alive in the Ben situation, but my question is how can him escape that? Unless he powered through with a weapon found in the bin(my prediction) I see no way as the windows were boarded.
Re: the Ben situation... after the whole thing you take a quick look at the alley below and can't see Kenny- alive or dead. Of course, it's possible that his corpse is hidden beneath all the walkers, but unless they all trampled on him or Lee is looking down from an extremely unfortunate angle, he must have found a way to escape.
If you were referring to me, I wasn't demanding realism, so much as consistency. As I said before, the way he seemed to die along with Ben in season 1 only made sense if he was electing to commit suicide. At the time I assumed that's what it was, and it was sort of moving. But again, that scene now seems pretty silly if he's alive in season 2. I guess he changed his mind real quick if that's the case, and in retrospect, that alleyway scene seems even sillier.