I'm not crazy about playing as Clem in Season 2. I'd hoped it was going to be someone new, or even one of the 400 Days crew. Still, I'll give … moreit the benefit of the doubt because Season 1 was so good. Plus, I still have to find out what happened to Christa, Omid, Kenny, and the 400 Days guys who went with Tavia.
initally clem was an older 'brat' girl with her brother, i kinda forget the exact deets on him but he wasn't the same as lee he was kinda wreckless, loyal but over protective, testing/focus groups / game dev meetings hashed it out and it wouldn't work with what the story was doing.
then they made lee and someone mentioned adding the girl back in, as an incentive for lee to go through all this crap as a way of redeeming him for his checkered past and give us players someone to watch over / support, to show the affects of this Z A on a child.
Didn't people say that they were taking a big risk adding Clem to S1? Well, the role Clem had in the story itself anyway. I feel it was mainly because most kid characters in video games are annoying as hell.
Yeah. I talked a bout this a long time back when people were questioning Season 2's player character. I made the argument that it had to be someone new, since characters we knew were influenced by our decisions, and that Clementine is still just a child, who still needs help deciding between right and wrong. Even if we make the decisions, I feel like some might be just too extreme for a 9-11 year old girl to comprehend and therefore, less realistic.
Yeah, Kaserkin. I'm going to have to side with you on this. While I love Clem, it would be a little confusing and awkward, considering how lim… moreited her dialogue options would be, as well as the inevitable GAME OVER. YOU ARE DEAD. scenes that will come up. If I cringed during Clem's non-canon death in episode 3, I wouldn't be a fan of the Game Over screens in season two. Lee's were amusing, though.
However, I'm going to give the season the benefit of the doubt and play through the first episode to see how it'll be.
"We can confirm today that The Walking Dead: Season Two – A Telltale Games Series continues Clementine’s story. Not only that, you'll actually PLAY as Clem, struggling to outwit both the dead and the living in situations that will test your morals and shape the flow of the story through your decisions and actions. Assuming the role of an orphaned young girl left to her own devices in the undead apocalypse, this is a season that will challenge your expectations of how to find safety and survive in a world where no one can be trusted."
Children and adults can never have the same equal relationship with each other as people their own age or standing, which I explained earlier somewhere - adults are the ones taking decisions, having responsibilty for children and so on. That in turn means an adult is always in charge, and that means he is in power, and has control. And those are all reasons I highly doubt we will see good and realistic relationships form or that season 2 won't be a long railroad.
And regarding Clem's knowledge, well, can she make shelters? Can she clean wounds? I seriously doubt it - partly because we haven't seen her going through that kind of training, but also because few adults know how. We might know small tidbits, but most are pretty clueless, which is a reason why adults get lost and die in the wilds every damn year. Why would a child manage any better?
you talk of a relationship mismatch... but we saw in season 1 an adult and a child bonding.. so your theory is complete rubbish..
proof: 1 … morelee and clem
2 kenny and clem
3.lee and duck
4.christa/omid and clem
5. nate and russel
6. shell and he sister.
As for knowledge clem doesn't know, what is really relevant in this world ? how to shoot, how to kill walkers, how to clean wounds, how to survive on limited supplies ? how to make shelters ? how to defend her self ? how to make a fire ?
everything else is camp fire talk...oh and don't spoil other games please...
Did I miss something in the reveal trailer? How can we be so sure Clementine is our protagonist? Where/what do everybody get this from?
… more Uh...
"We can confirm today that The Walking Dead: Season Two – A Telltale Games Series continues Clementine’s story. Not only that, you'll actually PLAY as Clem, struggling to outwit both the dead and the living in situations that will test your morals and shape the flow of the story through your decisions and actions. Assuming the role of an orphaned young girl left to her own devices in the undead apocalypse, this is a season that will challenge your expectations of how to find safety and survive in a world where no one can be trusted."
Got to say I'm not at all happy about her being playable. She is the result of my choices and should remain pure in that sense, not contaminated and compromised by me controlling her.
I'm quite convinced the only way this season is going to work now is by asking you the question "Who do I trust" because being a child, she's obviously going to be reliant on other people. That could be a very interesting game dynamic, making the players helpless and reliant on support, manipulation etc.
What are you talking about? I supose that it's just a rumors, nothing more. Don't tell me that I'm wrong, because.. Shiiiiiiiit it's terrible idea to make Clementine a new PC, this makes no sense! This ruined all our actions on Season 1. I brought up this little girl, so as wanted, and now I am deprived of the possibility to see the consequences of my actions? I mean, if Clementine new PC,she will lose her personality because we will be making decisions for her.
What are you talking about? I supose that it's just a rumors, nothing more. Don't tell me that I'm wrong, because.. Shiiiiiiiit it's terrible … moreidea to make Clementine a new PC, this makes no sense! This ruined all our actions on Season 1. I brought up this little girl, so as wanted, and now I am deprived of the possibility to see the consequences of my actions? I mean, if Clementine new PC,she will lose her personality because we will be making decisions for her.
There's two ways this could go about. The good way and the bad way.
The Good Way: Telltale could find a smart and clever way to work with C… morelementine's young mind in a way that works great.
The Bad Way: Clementine gets the same options as Lee, including leader-like options, and swearing. Lots and lots of swearing.
Children and adults can never have the same equal relationship with each other as people their own age or standing, which I explained earlier … moresomewhere - adults are the ones taking decisions, having responsibilty for children and so on. That in turn means an adult is always in charge, and that means he is in power, and has control. And those are all reasons I highly doubt we will see good and realistic relationships form or that season 2 won't be a long railroad.
And regarding Clem's knowledge, well, can she make shelters? Can she clean wounds? I seriously doubt it - partly because we haven't seen her going through that kind of training, but also because few adults know how. We might know small tidbits, but most are pretty clueless, which is a reason why adults get lost and die in the wilds every damn year. Why would a child manage any better?
I'll tell you what how about your bring Bigby in to TWD to protect Clem and you can have some 8 year old detective TWAU.
How about you… more stop playing the game if you don't like it? I'm sure Clementine haters (all 2 of them) not buying the game won't hurt the sales at all.
instead of giving us another 'lee/molly' or any other zombie killing badass mofo like every other zombie game out there.
ttg have taken a small risk at putting off people like these off the game so we will help her survive and grow and become that badass. (eventually/hopefully if she isn't bumped off) so then it'll again hopefully appease some of these silly people.
There's two ways this could go about. The good way and the bad way.
The Good Way: Telltale could find a smart and clever way to work with C… morelementine's young mind in a way that works great.
The Bad Way: Clementine gets the same options as Lee, including leader-like options, and swearing. Lots and lots of swearing.
That's the kind of person she would need to be in order to survive (although in her case I would guess there would be considerably less swearing than normal). The other survivors in an apocalypse setting are the true danger simply because they're unpredictable. With zombies you know what they want: to take a bite out of you. People are a bit different simply because it's difficult to know what their intentions are.
not being crazy is a good thing

initally clem was an older 'brat' girl with her brother, i kinda forget the exact deets on him but he wasn't the same as lee he was kinda wreckless, loyal but over protective, testing/focus groups / game dev meetings hashed it out and it wouldn't work with what the story was doing.
then they made lee and someone mentioned adding the girl back in, as an incentive for lee to go through all this crap as a way of redeeming him for his checkered past and give us players someone to watch over / support, to show the affects of this Z A on a child.
(slight paraphrasing)
Yeah. I talked a bout this a long time back when people were questioning Season 2's player character. I made the argument that it had to be someone new, since characters we knew were influenced by our decisions, and that Clementine is still just a child, who still needs help deciding between right and wrong. Even if we make the decisions, I feel like some might be just too extreme for a 9-11 year old girl to comprehend and therefore, less realistic.
I'm happy with Clem being the protagonist.
I just really hope Kenny's alive. I really, really do.
Did I miss something in the reveal trailer? How can we be so sure Clementine is our protagonist? Where/what do everybody get this from?
"We can confirm today that The Walking Dead: Season Two – A Telltale Games Series continues Clementine’s story. Not only that, you'll actually PLAY as Clem, struggling to outwit both the dead and the living in situations that will test your morals and shape the flow of the story through your decisions and actions. Assuming the role of an orphaned young girl left to her own devices in the undead apocalypse, this is a season that will challenge your expectations of how to find safety and survive in a world where no one can be trusted."
Children and adults can never have the same equal relationship with each other as people their own age or standing, which I explained earlier somewhere - adults are the ones taking decisions, having responsibilty for children and so on. That in turn means an adult is always in charge, and that means he is in power, and has control. And those are all reasons I highly doubt we will see good and realistic relationships form or that season 2 won't be a long railroad.
And regarding Clem's knowledge, well, can she make shelters? Can she clean wounds? I seriously doubt it - partly because we haven't seen her going through that kind of training, but also because few adults know how. We might know small tidbits, but most are pretty clueless, which is a reason why adults get lost and die in the wilds every damn year. Why would a child manage any better?
She did kill him in mine, but FreddeN93 is right, it's only if you fail to strangle him yourself.
honestly. I wasn't exactly happy when I heard that news.
Clem had already been established, But I guess it would be intresting.
Yeah, maybe playing Clementine won't be so bad. We'll just have to wait and see how this goes out.
So this guy's, puzzlebox, blog is an officiall blgo from telltalegames? In that case, I understand.
I always knew Clem would be our protagonist.
I KNEW IT! I really did
I said so a while ago.
Yes, yes it is.
It'll be interesting to see how her character develops throughout the game and how much the player decisions influence that development.
Got to say I'm not at all happy about her being playable. She is the result of my choices and should remain pure in that sense, not contaminated and compromised by me controlling her.
I'm quite convinced the only way this season is going to work now is by asking you the question "Who do I trust" because being a child, she's obviously going to be reliant on other people. That could be a very interesting game dynamic, making the players helpless and reliant on support, manipulation etc.
What are you talking about? I supose that it's just a rumors, nothing more. Don't tell me that I'm wrong, because.. Shiiiiiiiit it's terrible idea to make Clementine a new PC, this makes no sense! This ruined all our actions on Season 1. I brought up this little girl, so as wanted, and now I am deprived of the possibility to see the consequences of my actions? I mean, if Clementine new PC,she will lose her personality because we will be making decisions for her.
Maybe you should, a little think about, before drawing conclusions about my point of view?
P.S. I never joking about Clementine. Never!
I hope he dead. he can't go on without his wife and son. i hope Clem can go because Lee training will help.
Looks like Clementine will turning to Ellie.
There's two ways this could go about. The good way and the bad way.
The Good Way: Telltale could find a smart and clever way to work with Clementine's young mind in a way that works great.
The Bad Way: Clementine gets the same options as Lee, including leader-like options, and swearing. Lots and lots of swearing.
Or the Mix way: Intelligence + Exellent weapon skills + Distrust to most people+ Unbending will+ Swearing (depends of you actions in S1)
clem stands up for her self if the adults 'leave her behind'
clem asks to be allowed to vote.
clem also chews lee out if he says no, when she is quite willing to help.
clem has more balls than some adults in season 1.
so for me you can talk semantics all you want about age.. but maturity and brains ? Means more...
as for building shelters? common sense ?? which alot of people lack these days, clem showed some of it again in season 1.
go somewhere dry and something to keep warm and possible camoflauge.
Are you fucking kidding me? If person tells that he don't want to see Clem as a new PC it's not means that he hates her!
i think thats the whole point..
instead of giving us another 'lee/molly' or any other zombie killing badass mofo like every other zombie game out there.
ttg have taken a small risk at putting off people like these off the game so we will help her survive and grow and become that badass. (eventually/hopefully if she isn't bumped off) so then it'll again hopefully appease some of these silly people.
It would take some doing to get her to swear nearly as much. I mean, there is an Ellie swearing montage on youtube. That in of itself says something.
How is Clem being like Lee bad?
If you want Clem to stay the way she was in season 1, then you should try role playing her just like that.
Not necessarily Lee, but in the sense that she loses her child side and just becomes like every other person alive. Swearing, untrusting, and bitter.
That's the kind of person she would need to be in order to survive (although in her case I would guess there would be considerably less swearing than normal). The other survivors in an apocalypse setting are the true danger simply because they're unpredictable. With zombies you know what they want: to take a bite out of you. People are a bit different simply because it's difficult to know what their intentions are.