This thread reminds me of the time I tried to google 'Clementine Walking Dead' afted finishing the first season and Google tried to autofill '… moreClementine Walking Dead Rule 34' into the search field.
I spent the rest of the day vaguely horrified at being part of the human race.
There's this show named Copper that takes place in the infamous Five Points in New York in the mid-1860s, main characters are Irish-American Cops (hence the name).
If you ever plan to watch it you should not read any further since there are spoilers for the 1st season.
In this show they had a 12 year old girl forced into prostitution, solliciting men in the streets and working in a brothel. A certain member of the high society pays a high prize for her services (which are never shown on screen), and we get to learn that she was forcefully married at age 10 (which was legal at the time) to a man who used her as a sex slave. The main character rescues her from this life and informally adopts her in order to try to give her a better life. However at some point her former husband, passing as her father, manages to kidnap her and take her back in his farm where he locks her into the basement until she consents again to her "conjugal duty". At some point he won't wait anymore, so we see him go slowly down the stairs and approach her, determined to force her. She escapes it by pretending to resign and accept, but that she'd prefer to go in the bedroom. As they climb the stairs again, she seizes a fork and stabs him in the back.
Thank god the series never show sex scenes involving her, for obvious reason of decency and common sense.
But the threat of rape was definitely present in the scene I described.
What did it bring to the show ?
Well, in an era where we have watched through movies and TV shows all sorts of murderers, serial killers, we as spectators are sorta desensitized to the horror of the threat of murder. I can watch Dexter's gruesome tortures without blinking once while my grandparents were certainly horrified by the shower scene in Psychose, or my parents by the beatings and rape scene in A Clockwork Orange.
The threat of children rape in this Copper episode bringed a whole new level of horror that wakes up the terror that we don't experience anymore when we watch a murderer stalking someone in a street.
With all my forces I didn't want to see 12 year old Annie (that was the character's name) get defiled by her 30-40 "husband", or even this situation being suggested. As the putrid pedo slowly went down the stairs for her, I was clawing the arms of my chair, begging for any intervention that could save her.
I was relieved beyond words when she killed him. I shared the character's fear like I rarely do anymore in classic murder scenes.
So I can see where some people are coming from in this thread (even if ironpervhunter seems incredibly clumsy in his approach and is a poor advocate for his point) : if Clementine were to be threatened by such a fate, I would be in the same state of original, fresh terror that was mine as I watched aforementioned episode.
Of course NO ONE wants to see the consequences of a failure at escaping. But as the series Copper proved it to me, there are ways to make the threat of child molestation exist without wallowing in obscenity, on the contrary smartly providing a whole new level of connexion with the character's feelings, fear and desperate need for safety.
It also makes you hate the bad guy with all your guts. Too often we see people finding bad guys "cool" or "badass" even if they're barbaric murderers (thank you Tarantino and Mafia movies for glorifying criminals). In this case you just cannot. You have to hate the bad guy, to want him dead on the spot. You don't care at all about him being possibly abused himself in his youth, you don't give a sh*t about any 'excuses' he might have : he instantly becomes pure evil, something you want to disappear without any second thoughts. Just shows how powerful this situation is and the feelings it triggers.
This thread reminds me of the time I tried to google 'Clementine Walking Dead' afted finishing the first season and Google tried to autofill '… moreClementine Walking Dead Rule 34' into the search field.
I spent the rest of the day vaguely horrified at being part of the human race.
This thread reminds me of the time I tried to google 'Clementine Walking Dead' afted finishing the first season and Google tried to autofill '… moreClementine Walking Dead Rule 34' into the search field.
I spent the rest of the day vaguely horrified at being part of the human race.
This thread reminds me of the time I tried to google 'Clementine Walking Dead' afted finishing the first season and Google tried to autofill '… moreClementine Walking Dead Rule 34' into the search field.
I spent the rest of the day vaguely horrified at being part of the human race.
This thread reminds me of the time I tried to google 'Clementine Walking Dead' afted finishing the first season and Google tried to autofill '… moreClementine Walking Dead Rule 34' into the search field.
I spent the rest of the day vaguely horrified at being part of the human race.
Everybody who's downvoting here is a hypocrite. We kill several people, we smash a kids head, we sacrifice a girl just so we have more time to loot the pharmacy, people got eaten alive and yet you keep calling it a good game. In America people get a heart attack as soon as a nipple is shown, on the other hand kids are getting guns and rifles as a gift for their 4th birthday. And when it comes to a serious issue such as sexual abuse you say it is all wrong to talk about it but you don't have any idea that you make it all worse this way. Society NEEDS to deal with this issue, there would be a lot less traumatized rape victims if the society would be openminded enough to listen to them and it should stop to disavow everything regarding this topic. This really makes me sick, you shaking your heads, closing your eyes and pretending the world to be perfect. I really liked how many films and games dealt with this issue, I finally felt heard and understood rather than outlawed. Your overeager political correctness really is responsible for the lack of understanding.
Seriously, guys: STOP downvoting everyone who says this COULD happen!
I am a rape victim myself, I got molested as a Kid, Even though I had… more a very protective and peaceful childhood. Nevertheless, this shit happens and it is likely to happen in the World of TWD. I DON'T want it to happen as I know How cruel and traumatic it is. But since it's TWD and the world falls apart, let's Face it: it could happen to her. I think IF this really becomes a Part of the 2nd Season there should be nothing more like an attempt, never should someone succeed to really hurt her, somebody helps Clem before anything Happens to her. As somebody already stated: it's the wrong Way to narrowmindedly ignore this topic. As a victim I can say: we have to Talk about it to raise awareness. As already mentioned there are several movies and games which dealed with this issue very well. I prefer the 2nd season to be rape-attempt-free but if TT decides to make such a scene I am … [view original content]
I honestly doubt something like this will happen. It's too disturbing and I'm pretty sure some people would even Sue Telltale for displaying inappropriate scenes to the public and promoting pedophilia.
So in your opinion "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" 'promoted' and 'idealized' sexual abuse? Quite a onesided point ob view, isn't it? Broaching the issue of it doesn't mean to glorify it but to denounce it.
I honestly doubt something like this will happen. It's too disturbing and I'm pretty sure some people would even Sue Telltale for displaying inappropriate scenes to the public and promoting pedophilia.
If making a scene like Virgil_Craine described is promoting pedophilia, the walking dead game is promoting murder... Games only represent realitty are not promoting anything... Violent videogames don't make people more agressive, each person has a level of agressiveness and the games won't make a non-violtn person become violent... The only thing video games do is to make already violent person release their anger... adn about kids, the stupid games have age restritions just because off how impressionabel they are, it'sn not the videogame company's fault that parents are lazy and can't say no to therir kids... My college does a lot of studies in this area that's how i got the data...
I honestly doubt something like this will happen. It's too disturbing and I'm pretty sure some people would even Sue Telltale for displaying inappropriate scenes to the public and promoting pedophilia.
I agree rape...even pedophilia....can theoretically be handled in a tasteful manner that furthers the story. It's just extremely difficult to pull off, primarily because rape, and above all raping children, is such an easy way for a lazy and unimaginative writer to provoke a strong audience reaction. In such a case, it has nothing to do with raising awareness and everything to do with being cheap and exploitive for the sake of a quick shock.
If they can handle it in such a way that it doesn't feel crass, then I suppose I can accept Clem being threatened with rape. But if it ever comes to 'Hit the Q button a bunch to not get raped!', they've pretty much failed hard on that point.
Seriously, guys: STOP downvoting everyone who says this COULD happen!
I am a rape victim myself, I got molested as a Kid, Even though I had… more a very protective and peaceful childhood. Nevertheless, this shit happens and it is likely to happen in the World of TWD. I DON'T want it to happen as I know How cruel and traumatic it is. But since it's TWD and the world falls apart, let's Face it: it could happen to her. I think IF this really becomes a Part of the 2nd Season there should be nothing more like an attempt, never should someone succeed to really hurt her, somebody helps Clem before anything Happens to her. As somebody already stated: it's the wrong Way to narrowmindedly ignore this topic. As a victim I can say: we have to Talk about it to raise awareness. As already mentioned there are several movies and games which dealed with this issue very well. I prefer the 2nd season to be rape-attempt-free but if TT decides to make such a scene I am … [view original content]
Regarding your last sentence: I totally agree. I think the best way to make this issue support the storyline would be Clem being in company with a on the first sight nice acting person, not getting the ambigious hints, and then somebody interferes (earlier or later depending on your choices, it could be a Molly-like person) who knows very well what kind of guy your dealing with. He helps you out by taking you away of the bad person and then enlightens you about the dangers of trusting the wrong people and how you can detect those vibes. Not only Clem can learn a lot of this situation but also the player infront of the screen. The truth is even a lot of adults cannot detect the signs, that's why I think such a situation CAN raise awareness. I had a feeling the St. Johns must be cannibals. When you read through the community you realized many guys here didn't know what was going on until it was to late - this was actually good writing by TT. You can transfer the same on this issue in a tasteful way. Some might be shocked ("This person was a sick bastard and I didn't discover it?!") and others might say "I knew it". THIS raises awareness AND can make a good story as long as it's well written. I also think exaggerating with awful scenes would be out of place.
As I mentioned before: I'd prefer there was no rape scene whatsoever in season 2 but people downvoting me for saying that media such as games and movies CAN educate you about the risks is all wrong - being blinkered doesn't help you on.
I agree rape...even pedophilia....can theoretically be handled in a tasteful manner that furthers the story. It's just extremely difficult to … morepull off, primarily because rape, and above all raping children, is such an easy way for a lazy and unimaginative writer to provoke a strong audience reaction. In such a case, it has nothing to do with raising awareness and everything to do with being cheap and exploitive for the sake of a quick shock.
If they can handle it in such a way that it doesn't feel crass, then I suppose I can accept Clem being threatened with rape. But if it ever comes to 'Hit the Q button a bunch to not get raped!', they've pretty much failed hard on that point.
I don't know... QtE action since like this can work with any other ADULT character, but child... No, just because player can failing QtE, and if even player will see only :" You are dead" screen, we all understand what happened.... ewwww goosebumps I don't want to think about this anymore.
I honestly doubt something like this will happen. It's too disturbing and I'm pretty sure some people would even Sue Telltale for displaying inappropriate scenes to the public and promoting pedophilia.
I'm not really gonna touch this thread too much because aside from the rather unpleasant implications people keep bringing up, I'm actually starting to feel sorry for any Telltale staff who come across this thread simply because they might end up panicking about depicting other potentially unpleasant situations across Season 2 (Including death scenes and so on) and end up changing how they depict the game out of fear that they'll alienate the fans.
Least to say, I am completely confident in that Telltale will not depict any such actions happening to Clem, regardless of whether or not they may be implied as having been threatened or so on, and the idea of a 'assault if you fail the QTE' is kinda ridiculous, to say the least. The only other situation in the entirety of TWD that I can compare to this would be with Rick, Abraham and Carl's encounter with the bandits in comics but even then, nothing actually happens as the bandits are ultimately killed off in the end, in an appropriately brutal manner to boot. So yeah, you folks need to have more faith in Telltale. It's not like they've done anything to particularly upset us so far (R.I.P Urban Motherfucker).
No, no, no, and no.
I know like in video games such as The Last Of Us, rape/touching up a girl (David with Ellie) was used... "well", but Ellie is 14. She could handle herself in a situation like that, as we see, she hacks him to bits with a giant knife.
But Clementine is only nine in Season 2, we have to remember that. She only turned nine at the end of Season 1, and only a few months have gone by since in Season 2, so she can only be about nine and a half. You wanna see a nine and a half year old get touched up in a video game for "drama"? There's a difference between drama and "DOI LET'S PUT MOLESTATION IN OUR GAME, HEHE!". The Last Of Us showed it not in a "good" way, as rape/touching up children, is well, durr, never good. But they put the right emotion into it because of what was going on AT THE TIME. I don't want Clem being sexually abused because someone in a forums thought it would do good in the game. If TTG do go along with that idea, fine. But they better do it RIGHT,
Are you meaning that Telltale could depict a molestation/rape on clem as a good thing ?
Like for them such an act is normal and well seen ?
Are you saying that telltale staff is a bunch of pedophils ?
I hope no... But understand that if it happens, that if they chose to make a scene like this, it will never showed as something positive...
No, I don't mean that. In fact, I'm saying the opposite, except if they DO try and make that a scene, if it's just THERE, and doesn't have any emotion do it, I'll lost a bit of faith in TTG.
Are you meaning that Telltale could depict a molestation/rape on clem as a good thing ?
Like for them such an act is normal and well seen ?
… more Are you saying that telltale staff is a bunch of pedophils ?
I hope no... But understand that if it happens, that if they chose to make a scene like this, it will never showed as something positive...
Regarding your last sentence: I totally agree. I think the best way to make this issue support the storyline would be Clem being in company wi… moreth a on the first sight nice acting person, not getting the ambigious hints, and then somebody interferes (earlier or later depending on your choices, it could be a Molly-like person) who knows very well what kind of guy your dealing with. He helps you out by taking you away of the bad person and then enlightens you about the dangers of trusting the wrong people and how you can detect those vibes. Not only Clem can learn a lot of this situation but also the player infront of the screen. The truth is even a lot of adults cannot detect the signs, that's why I think such a situation CAN raise awareness. I had a feeling the St. Johns must be cannibals. When you read through the community you realized many guys here didn't know what was going on until it was to late - this was actually good writing by TT. You ca… [view original content]
No, I don't mean that. In fact, I'm saying the opposite, except if they DO try and make that a scene, if it's just THERE, and doesn't have any emotion do it, I'll lost a bit of faith in TTG.
Telltale would never do something so awful in a story. And if they did, most people would not touch the game again. I wouldn't want to see anything like that happen to any character in TWD game, let alone the one I care about the most. It makes me feel sick just thinking about it.
Yeah, that's fine. Like I say, I've not got a problem with people discussing this in a mature manner.
I just don't want anyone discussing it in an IMMATURE manner.
yeah I can tell by the amount of hate I have gotten but it was just a suggestion but a lot of people took it to heart and I bet the clemmy foot kissers are lighting the torches but thank goodness you replied with a mature standard
Telltale would never do something so awful in a story. And if they did, most people would not touch the game again. I wouldn't want to see any… morething like that happen to any character in TWD game, let alone the one I care about the most. It makes me feel sick just thinking about it.
Its kind of an interesting thought. Molestation of children is terribly bad (all molestation is, but children takes it up to eleven) but it does happen every day around th world - and no matter how much you might love a child, and no matter how street smart the child is, its more likely it ends up bloodied and very, very hurt.
Now. We will apparently play as Clem. Having this kind of action taken towards the protagonist Clem (and the player) will not play out well - we are all used to getting beaten and killed in computer games, but raped? When we die in a game, we know we can just reload the latest save and try again, but to actually have ourselves (which a protagonist often become) being raped and surviving that would not go down well, since it would form our entire gaming experience - "yeah, it was good, but what really stuck was this SOB who raped me. I was playing as a little girl, and couldn't do jack about it".
This is again, which I've talked about before, control. If we get KIA in Call of Duty or something, its because we weren't good enough. A rape or actually anything that seriously affects us as players or game characters go down, it is because control has been taken away from us.
Its kind of an interesting thought. Molestation of children is terribly bad (all molestation is, but children takes it up to eleven) but it do… morees happen every day around th world - and no matter how much you might love a child, and no matter how street smart the child is, its more likely it ends up bloodied and very, very hurt.
Now. We will apparently play as Clem. Having this kind of action taken towards the protagonist Clem (and the player) will not play out well - we are all used to getting beaten and killed in computer games, but raped? When we die in a game, we know we can just reload the latest save and try again, but to actually have ourselves (which a protagonist often become) being raped and surviving that would not go down well, since it would form our entire gaming experience - "yeah, it was good, but what really stuck was this SOB who raped me. I was playing as a little girl, and couldn't do jack about it".
This is again, which I… [view original content]
Well i am in favor of such a scene, but it doesn't mean that i am myself a rapist or a pedobear...
I am aware of the fact that not everyone is sharing my feeling, but I am certain that it will be a great lesson for clem.
Great lesson, but not a great experience, actually I think the same about this Zapocalypse.
i think this a very dark idea that should not be thought upon anymore...
sexual assault/ rape is a very disturbing topic for anyone nevermind when it's a child/ minor
i'm unsure about any of you guy's bu there have been some really bad moment's in games as it is...
to name but one of them is homefront the beginning section when a toddler sees his parent killed and run's up to their bodies crying hysterically i was not given the option to skip this... and i will NEVER forget it!!! the developers thought this would be a good idea to spark emotion in the player to fight the enemy for crimes against humanity... i did not feel this i felt violated that i had to view that.
it's not sexual assault but that is not the point i am getting to here, to place the viewer/ player into that position would be unfair i do not think this game would benefit from this idea, and i for one would revoke my pre-purchase if this was ever confirmed!!!!
that is disturbing HAHA
There's this show named Copper that takes place in the infamous Five Points in New York in the mid-1860s, main characters are Irish-American Cops (hence the name).
If you ever plan to watch it you should not read any further since there are spoilers for the 1st season.
In this show they had a 12 year old girl forced into prostitution, solliciting men in the streets and working in a brothel. A certain member of the high society pays a high prize for her services (which are never shown on screen), and we get to learn that she was forcefully married at age 10 (which was legal at the time) to a man who used her as a sex slave. The main character rescues her from this life and informally adopts her in order to try to give her a better life. However at some point her former husband, passing as her father, manages to kidnap her and take her back in his farm where he locks her into the basement until she consents again to her "conjugal duty". At some point he won't wait anymore, so we see him go slowly down the stairs and approach her, determined to force her. She escapes it by pretending to resign and accept, but that she'd prefer to go in the bedroom. As they climb the stairs again, she seizes a fork and stabs him in the back.
Thank god the series never show sex scenes involving her, for obvious reason of decency and common sense.
But the threat of rape was definitely present in the scene I described.
What did it bring to the show ?
Well, in an era where we have watched through movies and TV shows all sorts of murderers, serial killers, we as spectators are sorta desensitized to the horror of the threat of murder. I can watch Dexter's gruesome tortures without blinking once while my grandparents were certainly horrified by the shower scene in Psychose, or my parents by the beatings and rape scene in A Clockwork Orange.
The threat of children rape in this Copper episode bringed a whole new level of horror that wakes up the terror that we don't experience anymore when we watch a murderer stalking someone in a street.
With all my forces I didn't want to see 12 year old Annie (that was the character's name) get defiled by her 30-40 "husband", or even this situation being suggested. As the putrid pedo slowly went down the stairs for her, I was clawing the arms of my chair, begging for any intervention that could save her.
I was relieved beyond words when she killed him. I shared the character's fear like I rarely do anymore in classic murder scenes.
So I can see where some people are coming from in this thread (even if ironpervhunter seems incredibly clumsy in his approach and is a poor advocate for his point) : if Clementine were to be threatened by such a fate, I would be in the same state of original, fresh terror that was mine as I watched aforementioned episode.
Of course NO ONE wants to see the consequences of a failure at escaping. But as the series Copper proved it to me, there are ways to make the threat of child molestation exist without wallowing in obscenity, on the contrary smartly providing a whole new level of connexion with the character's feelings, fear and desperate need for safety.
It also makes you hate the bad guy with all your guts. Too often we see people finding bad guys "cool" or "badass" even if they're barbaric murderers (thank you Tarantino and Mafia movies for glorifying criminals). In this case you just cannot. You have to hate the bad guy, to want him dead on the spot. You don't care at all about him being possibly abused himself in his youth, you don't give a sh*t about any 'excuses' he might have : he instantly becomes pure evil, something you want to disappear without any second thoughts. Just shows how powerful this situation is and the feelings it triggers.
Ok I didn't knew what rule 34 was just until know... and now I'm regreting even knowing it
Same here .-.
Some fans have been busy.
Rule 34 or "Internet not only murders your childhood, it throws it in the river with lead weights tied to its feet"
This, this is why we can't have nice things.
Everybody who's downvoting here is a hypocrite. We kill several people, we smash a kids head, we sacrifice a girl just so we have more time to loot the pharmacy, people got eaten alive and yet you keep calling it a good game. In America people get a heart attack as soon as a nipple is shown, on the other hand kids are getting guns and rifles as a gift for their 4th birthday. And when it comes to a serious issue such as sexual abuse you say it is all wrong to talk about it but you don't have any idea that you make it all worse this way. Society NEEDS to deal with this issue, there would be a lot less traumatized rape victims if the society would be openminded enough to listen to them and it should stop to disavow everything regarding this topic. This really makes me sick, you shaking your heads, closing your eyes and pretending the world to be perfect. I really liked how many films and games dealt with this issue, I finally felt heard and understood rather than outlawed. Your overeager political correctness really is responsible for the lack of understanding.
I honestly doubt something like this will happen. It's too disturbing and I'm pretty sure some people would even Sue Telltale for displaying inappropriate scenes to the public and promoting pedophilia.
So in your opinion "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" 'promoted' and 'idealized' sexual abuse? Quite a onesided point ob view, isn't it? Broaching the issue of it doesn't mean to glorify it but to denounce it.
Oh god no...... No Clem! God no!
If making a scene like Virgil_Craine described is promoting pedophilia, the walking dead game is promoting murder... Games only represent realitty are not promoting anything... Violent videogames don't make people more agressive, each person has a level of agressiveness and the games won't make a non-violtn person become violent... The only thing video games do is to make already violent person release their anger... adn about kids, the stupid games have age restritions just because off how impressionabel they are, it'sn not the videogame company's fault that parents are lazy and can't say no to therir kids... My college does a lot of studies in this area that's how i got the data...
Am not a big fan of rape in movies and video games but it does work sometimes.
I agree rape...even pedophilia....can theoretically be handled in a tasteful manner that furthers the story. It's just extremely difficult to pull off, primarily because rape, and above all raping children, is such an easy way for a lazy and unimaginative writer to provoke a strong audience reaction. In such a case, it has nothing to do with raising awareness and everything to do with being cheap and exploitive for the sake of a quick shock.
If they can handle it in such a way that it doesn't feel crass, then I suppose I can accept Clem being threatened with rape. But if it ever comes to 'Hit the Q button a bunch to not get raped!', they've pretty much failed hard on that point.
Regarding your last sentence: I totally agree. I think the best way to make this issue support the storyline would be Clem being in company with a on the first sight nice acting person, not getting the ambigious hints, and then somebody interferes (earlier or later depending on your choices, it could be a Molly-like person) who knows very well what kind of guy your dealing with. He helps you out by taking you away of the bad person and then enlightens you about the dangers of trusting the wrong people and how you can detect those vibes. Not only Clem can learn a lot of this situation but also the player infront of the screen. The truth is even a lot of adults cannot detect the signs, that's why I think such a situation CAN raise awareness. I had a feeling the St. Johns must be cannibals. When you read through the community you realized many guys here didn't know what was going on until it was to late - this was actually good writing by TT. You can transfer the same on this issue in a tasteful way. Some might be shocked ("This person was a sick bastard and I didn't discover it?!") and others might say "I knew it". THIS raises awareness AND can make a good story as long as it's well written. I also think exaggerating with awful scenes would be out of place.
As I mentioned before: I'd prefer there was no rape scene whatsoever in season 2 but people downvoting me for saying that media such as games and movies CAN educate you about the risks is all wrong - being blinkered doesn't help you on.
I don't know... QtE action since like this can work with any other ADULT character, but child... No, just because player can failing QtE, and if even player will see only :" You are dead" screen, we all understand what happened.... ewwww goosebumps I don't want to think about this anymore.
i could happen, i would like if telltale did it
I'm not really gonna touch this thread too much because aside from the rather unpleasant implications people keep bringing up, I'm actually starting to feel sorry for any Telltale staff who come across this thread simply because they might end up panicking about depicting other potentially unpleasant situations across Season 2 (Including death scenes and so on) and end up changing how they depict the game out of fear that they'll alienate the fans.
Least to say, I am completely confident in that Telltale will not depict any such actions happening to Clem, regardless of whether or not they may be implied as having been threatened or so on, and the idea of a 'assault if you fail the QTE' is kinda ridiculous, to say the least. The only other situation in the entirety of TWD that I can compare to this would be with Rick, Abraham and Carl's encounter with the bandits in comics but even then, nothing actually happens as the bandits are ultimately killed off in the end, in an appropriately brutal manner to boot. So yeah, you folks need to have more faith in Telltale. It's not like they've done anything to particularly upset us so far (R.I.P Urban Motherfucker).
I love that the TC has a Woodsman avatar while discussing sexual assault.
No, no, no, and no.
I know like in video games such as The Last Of Us, rape/touching up a girl (David with Ellie) was used... "well", but Ellie is 14. She could handle herself in a situation like that, as we see, she hacks him to bits with a giant knife.
But Clementine is only nine in Season 2, we have to remember that. She only turned nine at the end of Season 1, and only a few months have gone by since in Season 2, so she can only be about nine and a half. You wanna see a nine and a half year old get touched up in a video game for "drama"? There's a difference between drama and "DOI LET'S PUT MOLESTATION IN OUR GAME, HEHE!". The Last Of Us showed it not in a "good" way, as rape/touching up children, is well, durr, never good. But they put the right emotion into it because of what was going on AT THE TIME. I don't want Clem being sexually abused because someone in a forums thought it would do good in the game. If TTG do go along with that idea, fine. But they better do it RIGHT,
Are you meaning that Telltale could depict a molestation/rape on clem as a good thing ?
Like for them such an act is normal and well seen ?
Are you saying that telltale staff is a bunch of pedophils ?
I hope no... But understand that if it happens, that if they chose to make a scene like this, it will never showed as something positive...
No, I don't mean that. In fact, I'm saying the opposite, except if they DO try and make that a scene, if it's just THERE, and doesn't have any emotion do it, I'll lost a bit of faith in TTG.
There you go, I eat thumbs down for breakfast
well, i go so much faith in TTG that I can"t imagine that ...
Telltale would never do something so awful in a story. And if they did, most people would not touch the game again. I wouldn't want to see anything like that happen to any character in TWD game, let alone the one I care about the most. It makes me feel sick just thinking about it.
yeah I can tell by the amount of hate I have gotten but it was just a suggestion but a lot of people took it to heart and I bet the clemmy foot kissers are lighting the torches but thank goodness you replied with a mature standard
Its kind of an interesting thought. Molestation of children is terribly bad (all molestation is, but children takes it up to eleven) but it does happen every day around th world - and no matter how much you might love a child, and no matter how street smart the child is, its more likely it ends up bloodied and very, very hurt.
Now. We will apparently play as Clem. Having this kind of action taken towards the protagonist Clem (and the player) will not play out well - we are all used to getting beaten and killed in computer games, but raped? When we die in a game, we know we can just reload the latest save and try again, but to actually have ourselves (which a protagonist often become) being raped and surviving that would not go down well, since it would form our entire gaming experience - "yeah, it was good, but what really stuck was this SOB who raped me. I was playing as a little girl, and couldn't do jack about it".
This is again, which I've talked about before, control. If we get KIA in Call of Duty or something, its because we weren't good enough. A rape or actually anything that seriously affects us as players or game characters go down, it is because control has been taken away from us.
And I really hate that.
yeah I see what you mean when you put it like that
it would make sense for trying to rape clementine was a story, if the writing was good
I think you need to rephrase
How ?
(for those who don't know, it is a joke from the video "poop game")
Wasn't talking about the quote from the vid
But "I am in favor of a pedo/rape scene in this game" sounds ambiguous
I know you're quoting the video but still.. -_-
Sexual assualt by Clem?
Well i am in favor of such a scene, but it doesn't mean that i am myself a rapist or a pedobear...
I am aware of the fact that not everyone is sharing my feeling, but I am certain that it will be a great lesson for clem.
Great lesson, but not a great experience, actually I think the same about this Zapocalypse.
That will be really refreshing !! =D
i think this a very dark idea that should not be thought upon anymore...
sexual assault/ rape is a very disturbing topic for anyone nevermind when it's a child/ minor
i'm unsure about any of you guy's bu there have been some really bad moment's in games as it is...
to name but one of them is homefront the beginning section when a toddler sees his parent killed and run's up to their bodies crying hysterically i was not given the option to skip this... and i will NEVER forget it!!! the developers thought this would be a good idea to spark emotion in the player to fight the enemy for crimes against humanity... i did not feel this i felt violated that i had to view that.
it's not sexual assault but that is not the point i am getting to here, to place the viewer/ player into that position would be unfair i do not think this game would benefit from this idea, and i for one would revoke my pre-purchase if this was ever confirmed!!!!
Clem has already killed a man in my game, so if anyone tries something like that it will be the last thing they do.