Bufkin Hiding Something? Briklebit?

edited November 2013 in The Wolf Among Us

When you look into the book of symbols in Crane's office when trying to identify the symbol on Faith's ring there is a page with the image of a donkey, and a coat made of donkey skin, as well as a picture of a girl (presumably Faith) wearing said donkey skin coat. The thing that seems off to me is that when you ask Bufkin to translate it for you he says that it's the magic words Briklebit and it makes animals shit gold, then there is an obvious moment of tension where Bigby looks at Bufkin. IT WAS OBVIOUSLY A PAGE ABOUT FAITH! there was no images of shitting gold and the area of the click-able circle was around the image of the donkey hide. Every other thing you can click on to be translated in that book Bufkin describes what you click on, like the symbol on toads china, the symbol form the ring, the symbol on the Woodsman's axe, and the other one (which I currently can't remember) but Bufkin clearly doesn't tell you about whats on that page! I think there is something fishy going on here and telltale even gave us a moment of doubt/tension between them when Bufkin gives that answer. Did anyone else notice this or have any theories about it? It may be nothing but I doubt telltale would needlessly put in moments like this in a game where you play a detective. Bufkin may not be trustworthy!


  • Faith skinned her father's favorite donkey. It was her father's favorite because it could shit gold, hence the magic word. That wasn't tension/doubt, that was a "WTF? Really?!" moment.

  • edited November 2013

    The donkey that 'produces' gold is an integrant part of Donkeyskin's tale, no wonder it's in the book, and I believe Bufkin translated honestly.

    But "Bricklebrit" actually comes from another tale than Donkeyskin : the donkey from Donkeyskin didn't need a word to deliver gold. He just did it every morning.

    They took this idea from another fairy tale, "Table-Be-Set, Gold-Donkey, and Cudgel-out-of-the-Sack", a Grimm tale in which a tailor's son is given a magical donkey who will "spew forth gold coins from back and front" if set on a cloth and his master says "Bricklebrit".

  • edited November 2013

    We don't know how old the donkey was. Bigby probably saw Faith wearing the skin of her father's donkey who his father gave to Faith's father after saying the magic word. The word only had to be said once. Explains why Bigby doesn't remember Faith (because of the hate he has for his father and cursed himself to forget anything associated with his father), and explains bricklebit and Faith. Why else would the mirror say "unfortunately for you these lips are sealed". The key is what magic conceals Faith's whereabouts.

    The donkey that 'produces' gold is an integrant part of Donkeyskin's tale, no wonder it's in the book, and I believe Bufkin translated honestl

  • It was pretty much obvious that Bigby had a WTF moment when Buffkin said animals shit gold, I WTFed too :D

  • But remember that in the Fables universe, similar characters tend to turn out to have actually always been the same person. So you have Bigby, who is the wolf from Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs and The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Frau Totenkinder (hasn't shown up in the game yet), who is every evil witch ever, and Snow White and Rose Red as sisters, even though the Snow White from the Seven Dwarves was a different character from the one who was Rose Red's sister.

    So I'd say it's very likley that both donkeys are the same donkey in the Fables universe.

    The donkey that 'produces' gold is an integrant part of Donkeyskin's tale, no wonder it's in the book, and I believe Bufkin translated honestl

  • Yeah that's the vibe I got from it too. He just kind of gave him that "Are you serious" look.

    Also a little off subject, I can't help but feel Briklebrit might make a good username or gamertag.

    Web Head posted: »

    It was pretty much obvious that Bigby had a WTF moment when Buffkin said animals shit gold, I WTFed too

  • hum hum hum...

    I'm german and I never have heard a german word like Bricklebit I know it from the fairy tale which is already named eralier, but never have heard it anywhere else. So I doubt Bufkin is liing on the heritage of the word.

    On the other side, The comic series fables is known for mixing different fairy tale characters into one. In the Fables Universe there is only one jack and he is also from jack and the giants as also jack Frost. Snow white is the same person in Snowwhite and the 7 dwarves as also from Snowwhite and Rosered.

    So... Faith could be the same fairy tale character from booth Takles about Donkeys.

    The Phrase from the Mirror "these lips are sealed" was also word by word said from Faith in chapter one. It's not only some phrase... it's much more important.

  • A magic word that makes animals shit gold? I guess there's a sign of awkwardness because Bufkin is an animal and Bigby is essentially an animal as well.

    It's gonna be a tough time on the toilet for both of them.

  • edited November 2013

    I'd thought "these lips are sealed" was a catchphrase used by the pimp to magically disguise Faith's activities from voyeurs.

  • The pimp's first idea for the catchphrase was "this mouth is full"

    tbm1986 posted: »

    I'd thought "these lips are sealed" was a catchphrase used by the pimp to magically disguise Faith's activities from voyeurs.

  • Ah, I see. I didn't know that the donkey shitting gold was part of the same myth. In that case never mind, it most definitively was a WTF moment like I thought it was before I got suspicious.

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