Your Clementine: How will you play?
As you all know, we will be playing as Clementine during season two.
Because of this I have decided to make thread dedicated to how You will play Clementine. Will you play as her like you played as Lee, or will you simply do anything to survive? Will you live up to Lee's end-speech, or will you do the complete opposite?
For example; During Lee's end-speech I kept telling Clementine how strong she was, and that she was able to defend herself when she has to. I also reminded her of the fact that she's smarter than any walker out there. I am going to reflect this into her personality by not shying away from danger, and by making her contribute to conversations just like Lee would.
Please comment the way you are going to play in the comments below, Thanks!
I think there's already a discusison open about this subject, I don't know if this one isn't going closed. About what you said I'm going to play my Clem as I did with Lee, i will kill everyone that's in my way, and survive, protecting lem and her group. I might even be mroe dark with Clem, since with Lee I did some stuff in a softer mode so Clem wouldn't get traumatized. But with Clem I don't have that concern and I will have to show everyone taht Celm is the boss and not just another kid... To show you what I am saying with Lee I killed Andrew and not Danny, and the thiefs from the florest and the stranger ( I don't remember anyone else, but I basically killed everyone outisde the group tha was against Lee besides Danny, maybe I was in a good mood), with Clem I will problably kill everyone.
Yeah, i know there's a similar thread on these forums, but i thought it would be nice to start my own, as the other one is kinda dead. I'd understand if mine would get closed though.
Also, seeing little Clementine turn into Killer-Clementine is hard to imagine, but it sounds very interesting! ; )
So you didn't kill because clem was there but now you will kill with her umm ok. I killed with lee and trained her and now i will kill with clem
DLGR13 is a hypocrite i guess. ; )
Just because kids dont see their parents do something doesn't mean they won't do it. Like many other people, my parents didn't cuss in front of me as a kid, but I started to regardless.
The difference between lee killing in front off her and Clem acutally killing is that I never thought I was going to play with Clem, so I was trying to not make her a traumatized kid, because she could react different awys from seeing Lee kill someone, she could act like that is normal and loose her connection with people and become kind of a psycopath or she could keep thinking that killing others was wrong and become loose faith in Lee becoming depressed and never trusting Lee again... Playing with her I control what she thinks and becomes so I can do whatever I want with her and control how she feels about that and make her a survavilist and not a psycopath, that's the differen,ce I'm not being an Hypocrite... You should really think about things and the reasons why people say what they say before you start insulting others...
Sorry, to insult you but I didn't really know what else to say, so I guess I should have just kept quiet.