I thought they were still in the time-stream... place, so these could be the "real" versions (or echos of them or whatever). I mean, if the Hurt doctor is interacting with the Eleventh from across time in any manner, there's no reason why the interaction with the Tenth (and Rose) wouldn't be of the same nature. If they can make Tennant and Piper up to pass for their 2006 selves, there'd be no reason why they couldn't just meet them between episodes of that season. They are time travelers, after all.
That said, I wouldn't be surprised if they do pull Rose and the Meta-doctor out of the alternate universe for this. I'll be a bit disappointed if they do. I'd rather they keep that alternate universe closed off for a while longer... just because that'd be a great plot point to save for a much later iteration of the show, say a decade from now, when they can do some crazy Wrath-of-Khan stuff with the Meta-doctor played by a visibly older Tennant.
I think it will be proper ten and rose. Afterall, wasn't tens Tardis in the comicon trailer? I remember reading it was.
It's also a given that there will be two tenth doctors and two eleventh doctors. Given that there are Zygons in it. And I remember seeing a photo of eleven in his old suit, which I reckon is a duplicate doctor.
I'm honestly shocked they didn't just "borrow" the title of a classic series story, given that they've been "borrowing" from the classic series through most of the back half of season 7.
I'm honestly shocked they didn't just "borrow" the title of a classic series story, given that they've been "borrowing" from the classic series through most of the back half of season 7.
It appears to have come out who's playing the first three Doctors in Big Finish's anniversary story -
There's also news about a dull-sounding computer game out there, too
Fair's fair, "they" never actually said there was going to be a trailer. But, yes, the bumpers
were pretty underwhelming. But we did also get the HIGNFY trailer!
Also, Jenny Colgan had an article in the Guardian recently
I am still sending several begging letters a month to my delightful and long-suffering editor at BBC books, pitching a book set against the background of Martha and Mickey's inevitable and messy divorce.
No significant Dr Who news today either, tho it may be of interest to Coolsome to hear Hugh Fraser will be in the forthcoming Blake's 7 audios as the space president from Big Finish and that's tangentially related
So, the found episodes rumor was, in fact, not a hoax. Well, this one wasn't a hoax, anyway. I'm pretty sure the "100+ episodes found in Sierra Leone, including episodes that were never broadcast nor sold in Africa" rumor was a hoax.
Finally, major news -
(Hmmm.… more.. apparently, succesfully posting in another thread opens this one up to working! That's going to prove really annoying....)
Well, with less than 3 weeks to go until the 50th anniversary special, time to place your bets on who John Hurt is supposed to be playing. Is he the real Ninth Doctor, thus pushing the New Who Doctors back one and screwing up the 11 symbolism that Moffat has been beating you over the head with for 3 seasons? Is he the being that existed between 8 and 9, and did something so horrific that 9, 10 and 11 don't consider him to be the Doctor, thus keeping the 11 symbolism safe? Is he a really old Eighth Doctor? How about a really old Second Doctor? Have I just missed the announcement of who he is and thus look like a complete fool?
"Is he the being that existed between 8 and 9, and did something so horrific that 9, 10 and 11 don't consider him to be the Doctor, thus keeping the 11 symbolism safe?"
That is the current "official" explanation, though there might be more to it
Well, with less than 3 weeks to go until the 50th anniversary special, time to place your bets on who John Hurt is supposed to be playing. Is … morehe the real Ninth Doctor, thus pushing the New Who Doctors back one and screwing up the 11 symbolism that Moffat has been beating you over the head with for 3 seasons? Is he the being that existed between 8 and 9, and did something so horrific that 9, 10 and 11 don't consider him to be the Doctor, thus keeping the 11 symbolism safe? Is he a really old Eighth Doctor? How about a really old Second Doctor? Have I just missed the announcement of who he is and thus look like a complete fool?
The John Hurt Doctor existing between 8 and 9 and doing something so horrific that the incarnations after him don't consider him "The Doctor" seems the most likely option.
Although, I think it would be more interesting if he was actually the 12th incarnation, and 11 recognizes him because he already met him when he was the 10th Doctor (and, if the setting is The Last Great Time War, presumably the 8th as well). If 12 did go back to the Last Great Time War at a time when he was in his 8th incarnation, and effectively put an end to the Time Lords and Daleks by sealing them in a time lock (as was shown in The End of Time), I could see how 11 would refuse to acknowledge 12 as "The Doctor" (since he left his own timeline just to effectively eliminate two entire species). And, if he did meet his 8th self when he was in his 12th incarnation, it would explain why 9 was so depressed when he met Rose since he had just recently witnessed a future version of himself eliminating his own race.
It would be even more interesting if 12 was regenerated as Peter Capaldi's 13th doctor at the end of The Last Great Time War, and 11 was regenerated into John Hurt's 12th Doctor at the end of the 2013 Christmas special (and the 12th doctor headed straight through the time lock, presumably because he saw an opening caused by whatever events transpired in that special). If 13 was regenerated right after the events of The Last Great Time War, it could lead to an even darker and depressed doctor than 9 (since it wasn't a future Doctor who had eliminated two entire species, but one just a mere regeneration prior to his own). I could definitely see that Doctor eventually becoming the Valeyard.
"Is he the being that existed between 8 and 9, and did something so horrific that 9, 10 and 11 don't consider him to be the Doctor, thus keeping the 11 symbolism safe?"
That is the current "official" explanation, though there might be more to it
Oh man, that would be pretty awesome. I mean, it would add a lot to the line "I saw it happen... I MADE it happen!"
If it was RTD doing the show running, I'd say this would be a likely outcome. Since it's Moffat, nobody will ever die ever and there will be sunshine and roses all the way.
Oh crap, I'm supposed to be in exile. Back off into the ether I go!
Well tonight I'm finally going to watch the (probably hated but whatever) 1996 movie. Yeah, I've got Spearhead from Space on the DVR that I should watch, but the movie is probably more relevant to the 50th anniversary.
I quite liked the 1996 movie. The elements that people didn't like didn't bother me too much. I actually liked the Master's snake form. It would make sense that the Master would obtain some sort of way of cheating death when he knew he was going to be tried on Skaro (which no doubt he would know would be a show trial with no real justice, since the Daleks don't care about other races, except to exterminate them).
As for the doctor's claims about his mother's side of the family, the Doctor obviously lied (as evidenced by the 10th Doctor's duplicate). There's explanations for both in books and comics, but honestly, both really don't have to be explained. The Doctor and The Master are best when there's mysteries about them. It's fantasy, after all. Anything's possible.
ok im a bit lost. when is this? im thinking its before he trapped his race and the daleks in that thing.( can't remember the name at the moment...) so if im right he turned to the 9th doctor?
It takes place during The Last Great Time War, which the 9th Doctor said in Dalek he both saw and made it end, and the 10th Doctor revealed in The End of Time that he ended the war during a previous regeneration by sealing the Daleks and the Time Lords in a time lock, sealing them in time, removing them from any future part of the Universe.
The 8th Doctor just regenerated into that version of himself, a regeneration between the 8th Doctor and the 9th Doctor. He's the one that the 11th Doctor said in The Name of The Doctor that he wasn't worthy of the name "The Doctor" because he effectively commited genocide against two entire races.
ok im a bit lost. when is this? im thinking its before he trapped his race and the daleks in that thing.( can't remember the name at the moment...) so if im right he turned to the 9th doctor?
Genesis of the Daleks is REALLY considered a classic (first appearance of Davros, woo!), so that's almost essential viewing if you're into DW. Resurrection and Remembrance... they're not so great, but I'd hardly consider them awful, so... yeah. And as for the TV Movie... well, McGann was brilliant, but then again it has Eric Roberts, so double-edged sword.
And I'll be watching the special at home, so no 3D for me (we don't have 3D TVs). I will grab some popcorn though!
I thought they were still in the time-stream... place, so these could be the "real" versions (or echos of them or whatever). I mean, if the Hurt doctor is interacting with the Eleventh from across time in any manner, there's no reason why the interaction with the Tenth (and Rose) wouldn't be of the same nature. If they can make Tennant and Piper up to pass for their 2006 selves, there'd be no reason why they couldn't just meet them between episodes of that season. They are time travelers, after all.
That said, I wouldn't be surprised if they do pull Rose and the Meta-doctor out of the alternate universe for this. I'll be a bit disappointed if they do. I'd rather they keep that alternate universe closed off for a while longer... just because that'd be a great plot point to save for a much later iteration of the show, say a decade from now, when they can do some crazy Wrath-of-Khan stuff with the Meta-doctor played by a visibly older Tennant.
So this forum posts twice when you post a spoiler? WITHOUT THE SPOILER Tag? Wow. Lets make this post different then! Erm...
Ten seems to have become Justin Beiber.
Oh and the spoiler below is pretty common knowledge. I think the beeb even announced the villains.
I think it will be proper ten and rose. Afterall, wasn't tens Tardis in the comicon trailer? I remember reading it was.
It's also a given that there will be two tenth doctors and two eleventh doctors. Given that there are Zygons in it. And I remember seeing a photo of eleven in his old suit, which I reckon is a duplicate doctor.
it's looking more likey that the Zygons will be shown briefly and the main story will revolve around 'The Last Great Time War'.
Well, if you - like me - thought "An Unearthly Child" was a dull choice for a single repeat story, good news - it could be going for a burton
Incidentally, David Quantick's "Bluffer's Guide" is usually quite amusing
(Must be about the twentieth attempt at posting, dagnabbit)
I'm honestly shocked they didn't just "borrow" the title of a classic series story, given that they've been "borrowing" from the classic series through most of the back half of season 7.
I think they did borrow the name. "The Day of the Daleks" was a Pertwee story.
For those of you who can watch "Watch"...
(and if you head any rumours about Tom Baker filming for "Doctor Who" today... apparently it wasn't for "Doctor Who", and it wasn't Tom Baker either)
This needs to be posted. Now with Animation!

It appears to have come out who's playing the first three Doctors in Big Finish's anniversary story -
There's also news about a dull-sounding computer game out there, too
That'd be a POTENTIAL dull-looking iOS/Tablet game.
Unless we're talking about different things, of course.
Hold the phone, it's Frobisher the shapshifting Penguin/Government minister!

Also, the trailer that was apparently going to air tonight is actually just the unveiling of the official 50th anniversary hashtag.
Fair's fair, "they" never actually said there was going to be a trailer. But, yes, the bumpers
were pretty underwhelming. But we did also get the HIGNFY trailer!
Also, Jenny Colgan had an article in the Guardian recently
(Woo-hoo. It's taken me... what, a week? But I've finally got this post through!)
No notable Dr Who news today
No significant Dr Who news today either, tho it may be of interest to Coolsome to hear Hugh Fraser will be in the forthcoming Blake's 7 audios as the space president from Big Finish and that's tangentially related
So, the found episodes rumor was, in fact, not a hoax. Well, this one wasn't a hoax, anyway. I'm pretty sure the "100+ episodes found in Sierra Leone, including episodes that were never broadcast nor sold in Africa" rumor was a hoax.
Still no news whatsoever disregard everything else said
Good news - Fuel Bills Will Kill!
Finally, major news -
(Hmmm... apparently, succesfully posting in another thread opens this one up to working! That's going to prove really annoying....)
Great article on the significance of these Dr Who recoveries
Basically, in short, buy it and buy some for your friends because every little bit helps.
So it does pay to visit Telltale on occasion! I take it you guys have seen the awesome new Teaser trailer?
Here it is, if you missed it:
I suppose I can watch it for the 6th time, if you insist!
Well, with less than 3 weeks to go until the 50th anniversary special, time to place your bets on who John Hurt is supposed to be playing. Is he the real Ninth Doctor, thus pushing the New Who Doctors back one and screwing up the 11 symbolism that Moffat has been beating you over the head with for 3 seasons? Is he the being that existed between 8 and 9, and did something so horrific that 9, 10 and 11 don't consider him to be the Doctor, thus keeping the 11 symbolism safe? Is he a really old Eighth Doctor? How about a really old Second Doctor? Have I just missed the announcement of who he is and thus look like a complete fool?
"Is he the being that existed between 8 and 9, and did something so horrific that 9, 10 and 11 don't consider him to be the Doctor, thus keeping the 11 symbolism safe?"
That is the current "official" explanation, though there might be more to it
The John Hurt Doctor existing between 8 and 9 and doing something so horrific that the incarnations after him don't consider him "The Doctor" seems the most likely option.
Although, I think it would be more interesting if he was actually the 12th incarnation, and 11 recognizes him because he already met him when he was the 10th Doctor (and, if the setting is The Last Great Time War, presumably the 8th as well). If 12 did go back to the Last Great Time War at a time when he was in his 8th incarnation, and effectively put an end to the Time Lords and Daleks by sealing them in a time lock (as was shown in The End of Time), I could see how 11 would refuse to acknowledge 12 as "The Doctor" (since he left his own timeline just to effectively eliminate two entire species). And, if he did meet his 8th self when he was in his 12th incarnation, it would explain why 9 was so depressed when he met Rose since he had just recently witnessed a future version of himself eliminating his own race.
It would be even more interesting if 12 was regenerated as Peter Capaldi's 13th doctor at the end of The Last Great Time War, and 11 was regenerated into John Hurt's 12th Doctor at the end of the 2013 Christmas special (and the 12th doctor headed straight through the time lock, presumably because he saw an opening caused by whatever events transpired in that special). If 13 was regenerated right after the events of The Last Great Time War, it could lead to an even darker and depressed doctor than 9 (since it wasn't a future Doctor who had eliminated two entire species, but one just a mere regeneration prior to his own). I could definitely see that Doctor eventually becoming the Valeyard.
Oh man, that would be pretty awesome. I mean, it would add a lot to the line "I saw it happen... I MADE it happen!"
If it was RTD doing the show running, I'd say this would be a likely outcome. Since it's Moffat, nobody will ever die ever and there will be sunshine and roses all the way.
Oh crap, I'm supposed to be in exile. Back off into the ether I go!
Well tonight I'm finally going to watch the (probably hated but whatever) 1996 movie. Yeah, I've got Spearhead from Space on the DVR that I should watch, but the movie is probably more relevant to the 50th anniversary.
I quite liked the 1996 movie. The elements that people didn't like didn't bother me too much. I actually liked the Master's snake form. It would make sense that the Master would obtain some sort of way of cheating death when he knew he was going to be tried on Skaro (which no doubt he would know would be a show trial with no real justice, since the Daleks don't care about other races, except to exterminate them).
As for the doctor's claims about his mother's side of the family, the Doctor obviously lied (as evidenced by the 10th Doctor's duplicate). There's explanations for both in books and comics, but honestly, both really don't have to be explained. The Doctor and The Master are best when there's mysteries about them. It's fantasy, after all. Anything's possible.
Forget trying to figure out who John Hurt is playing, who is Billie Piper playing?
Let's just leave this here.
ok im a bit lost. when is this? im thinking its before he trapped his race and the daleks in that thing.( can't remember the name at the moment...) so if im right he turned to the 9th doctor?
It takes place during The Last Great Time War, which the 9th Doctor said in Dalek he both saw and made it end, and the 10th Doctor revealed in The End of Time that he ended the war during a previous regeneration by sealing the Daleks and the Time Lords in a time lock, sealing them in time, removing them from any future part of the Universe.
The 8th Doctor just regenerated into that version of himself, a regeneration between the 8th Doctor and the 9th Doctor. He's the one that the 11th Doctor said in The Name of The Doctor that he wasn't worthy of the name "The Doctor" because he effectively commited genocide against two entire races.
o ok thanks that clears it up.
Here's a video I did explaining other stuff from the minisode.
I'm watching the special in 3D (assuming I'm not too late to buy tickets to the theater it's playing at closest to me).
Oh, and thanks for pointing out the classic references. I guess I have some more episodes to track down.
You're welcome.
Genesis of the Daleks is REALLY considered a classic (first appearance of Davros, woo!), so that's almost essential viewing if you're into DW. Resurrection and Remembrance... they're not so great, but I'd hardly consider them awful, so... yeah. And as for the TV Movie... well, McGann was brilliant, but then again it has Eric Roberts, so double-edged sword.
And I'll be watching the special at home, so no 3D for me (we don't have 3D TVs). I will grab some popcorn though!
If you've got half an hour to kill and can't find the actual episodes, SF Debris has a review of Genesis of the Daleks you can watch.
Or you could, I dunno, go here for the whole thing.