[SPOILER] Is **** still alive?
SPOILER ALERT! so we all know (for those ho finnished season 1) is Kenny still alive? I mean if you choose back in episode 4 to not save Ben. Kenny decied then to go down that hole thing.. to pick up the walkie talkie everyone stll dont know if that decision saves him cuz i think he ran away from that bulding... so if you choose to save Ben when that balcony broked and falled to his death Kenny tried to save him but he ended up in a zombie group that i think he died ... so is he alive and back in season 2 or not?
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I think he's a live. The guy on the season 2 screenshots looks like a bearded Kenny.
Hope so
It is possible for him to survive both outcomes. In the Ben ending there are plenty of windows he can get in easily. In the other one he has plenty of room to run away and go for the door out of there. He is not dead until they confirm it. I think he should live, though.
Daily "Is Kenny Alive?" thread is now a thing.
It's now been worst then ever since the release of episode 5.
I bet on that too, but what will be his role if he met Clem? I mean, she was taught by lee (at least my good guy Lee) not to behave like Lenny did
Thank you all for answering
i hope he is alive he is such a badass xD
He *should *me dead.
And, noting how it said he was lost *to *the herd, it makes sense for him to be.
As much as I want him to live, I want him dead now. This is the nth time for that thread.
We don't know yet
Change the title. It's a spoiler.
I am 99.999% sure that he is still alive. In the TV series and Season 1 of the game every time a character dies you see him/her die or the corpse of the dead body. With Kenny you did not see him die, you did not see him dead, and you did not hear him make any noise. I am positive that we will see him again is season 2. I wonder if he will be different though. It would be interesting if he was more violent and self reliant (cause he needed to survive by himself), which causes him to not trust any one. Just a thought.
Maybe Clementine are rembering or dreaming him in the screenshots or it´s alive if you choose to don´t save Ben in the season 1 and later gonna die i think. Or only is a strategy from Telltale(because the man in the screenshot is another guy with the same hair of Kenny) to make polemic and the gamers pay more attention in him. Sorry my bad english, i am from Argentina and i don´t have a good english language
another Kenny thread? Really..?
Then you people wonder why Kenny fans are disliked around here..
The guy interviewing Clem is obviously not Kenny because Clem doesn't seem to be pleased to see him. It's either Nate or a new guy(Steve?). Maybe Clem met Nate early in episode 1 and something bad happens that makes her not like him and later in the episode that scene happends or later in the season.